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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tepetongo, Zacatecas: Armed Criminal Cell Opens Fire on Police Headquarters

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Once again, the Municipal Police Department was the target of armed individuals 

Once again, an armed criminal cell from a cartel in the area went out and shot at the Tepetongo police headquarters. So far it is unknown if they kidnapped police members and took hostages as in the past. There were no people or police officers injured.

The incident took place around 3 a.m. on Monday, when once again armed people fired multiple shots at the building, causing damage to the facade.

In the last month, elements of the Preventive Police had already been attacked by criminal groups on two occasions: on April 8 they also shot the police headquarters. Days later, on the 16 of the same month, they tried to ambush the municipal police while they were on a patrol tour; two uniformed men were injured. They are suspected of being acts of intimidation.

Police elements from various corporations quickly arrived at the police headquarters, where they only found material damage and ballistic evidence. The identity and whereabouts of those responsible remain unknown.

Sources: NTR Zacatecas; Zacatecas Zona de Peligro


  1. Imagine going to work and having your office shot up... not all cops are bad. just keep that in mind. thanks for the artilce, Dr. S0l

    1. 8:52 AM You want to be in a gang so bad prepare to face the consequences. Mexico isn't the US where the Police are the hegemonic gang in America. In Mexico the Cartel's are contesting them.

    2. Or maybe these police officers are just on the wrong payroll side of cartel influence?
      Majority of municipal departments are on someone's payroll. These people have infiltrated political influence with muscle.
      IMO all government/municipal officials are on a cartels payroll. To live another day requires that fact.

    3. Subway section blown in Mexico City, 13 dead, non payment of piso.

    4. 10:14 or maybe it was just shitty material used so the pockets of politicians could be lined🤔

    5. 1:33 that's true, the cement was cheap, while they pocket the difference. Forgot what State in Mexico, the hospital pockected the real cancer drug at the children's hospital to sell in the black market, instead in other bottles they filled with a liquid to make it pretend it's the real drug.

  2. got sent to mexico city

  3. Cds attacking authorities out of desperation. We all remember when mayo snitched on jardinero hanging mantas in several places in Zacatecas accusing authorities of collaborating with CJNG......

    1. No body is scared of cds anymore! Specially after cjng kicked them out of all the plazas they are operating at now! Cause remember at one point cjng was working along side cds, but cjng knew cds had no balls! Why work for someone else and be on the front lines when you can take their plazas and run your own show?

    2. this is for both of you pendejos.CJNG did it. their tactic in zacatecas are hit and runs and after a time they fully invade the weakened enemy. the same happened in Michoacan and CDS clearly has the goverments support

    3. @10:51 and @5:03 are highly ignorant.

  4. I fear for my abuela's safety as well as my tío's. Tepetongo is a cool little pueblo, especially during the Fiestas in June. Fuck the cartel


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