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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tequila, Veracruz: Cárteles Unidos Announce Their Purge Against Rivals

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Last Sunday afternoon, some narco messages appeared on the side of the dirt road that goes from the town of Tequila to the municipality of Magdalena.

After a surveillance tour, elements of the Tequila municipal preventive police detected some canvases placed between trees that alluded to the presence of an organized crime group.

The blanket was attributed to the "Carteles Unidos, C.U. Command Group”. Which was withdrawn by elements of the local municipal police. And made available to the authorities of the State Attorney General's Office at their offices in the municipality of Zongolica.

The narco message had the following words:

"Carteles Unidos CU Townspeople of Tequila. We have arrived and so the purge begins. We’re coming after all the taxi drivers, drug dealers, fuel thieves, and extortionists. Their hours are numbered."

"Just as well Depredador and Gazelle will also be kidnapped. Along with every piece of shit. Including all the little shops who sell drugs. They feel so protected, but that no longer will be the case. The citizens have denounced all these scumbags."

Sources: Valor por Tamaulipas


  1. cjng is done 🤣

    1. Maybe on 15 years

    2. CJNG has been in Veracruz since the matazetas days. All of a sudden a auto defensa group who cries for the army is going to kick them out? 🤣

    3. How wonderful....a valiant, heroic, brave (well brave enough to put a sign on a dirt road outside town) is coming to the rescue. Poor, poor CJNG....I bet they left town already out of sheer fear!!

    4. @11:47 Nah, WAY earlier.

    5. CJNG started as a Auto defensa group... Papa pitufo ...the natazeras were BEVER in Veracruz back then . They were deployed in michoacano to fight off all the zetas that were brought in by El tisico. But they don't have full control of Veracruz yet

  2. This is not Tequila, Jalisco though, correct?

    1. Right @9:56...hence the title Jalisco, Veracruz.
      Comandante Perceptivo guey

  3. C,U is coming to town to clean out the criminals that do crime there In order so they can do the same crimes..give me a break.

  4. THE Purge IS coMING🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Just SAYing......

    1. Hey it's the no non since Cap lock guy

    2. Este loco no time nada bueno que set em la casa, pero enfadar BB.
      Portate bien nino

    3. Pincee caps lock guy.

    4. Caps lock guy, I will Purge you azz.

  5. They left that shit literary in the middle of nowhere probably abuelos scared ass

  6. Noobs, you have to leave a body by the message for anyone to take you seriously jajaja

    1. 9:03 dozens of thousands of bodies and body parts and pozoles and carniasadas with and without messages have proven nothing seriously yet, except for the failure they call war ON drugs, people warned against it, but there was a lot of money to be made by the mercenaries in charge, and money got made!!!
      Follow the money,
      somebody needs to get smart.

    2. 9:03 It's better that they left no body, than that of an innoocent.


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