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Friday, May 14, 2021

Triggerman for Presidential Candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio Changes Prisons

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Administrative Body for Prevention and Social Readaptation accepted the urgent request of the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) to transfer Mario Aburto Martínez, alleged murderer of Luis Donaldo Colosio, who was a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic in 1994. 

Aburto was transferred from the Guanajuato Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation to the "El Hongo" Social Rehabilitation Center in Baja California.

“The CNDH welcomes the will of the authorities to comply with this request, which obeys a legal mandate and an imperative of respect for human rights, omitted for several years. 

And is awaiting immediate subsequent actions derived from the granting and acceptance of the the precautionary measures of reference ”, said the association through a press release.

The CNDH requested the change of prison on February 25.

Source: Realidades Periodico


  1. That guy is about as guilty as Oswald was...

    1. Thanks to the Arellano Felix Organization vato is still locked up

  2. CNDH = human rights commmision of Mexico. Oh really wanting the criminal moved to another prison.
    Where is this human hiding when Innocents are being kidnapped and killed??????????

  3. This guy is FROM Zamora michoacan, I wonder if he's a CARTEL sicario..

  4. This mofo should be free, he didn't kill Colosio, he suffers from schizophrenia.

    1. Right on, they used him as a double, he a closed family member of my wife and doesn’t know any better, sadly

    2. 9:55 manlio fabio beltrones, (then governor of Sonora) spent the night with the real suspect arrested for the shooting, but the suspect did not shoot colosio again inside the car moving him away "to heavenly safety" and the real shooter was replaced with Aborto, salinas de gortari had all the other governors locked up in a daisy chain in the National Palace.

    3. Yes but what proof are there that's says he is innocent?

  5. If Donaldo had lived, Fox would never have gotten in, Donaldo Trumpo too.

    1. 4:29 donal was coming in, but the batshit started when Joe McCarthy was persecuting gays and communists in the 50s with donal's boyfriend roy cohn and tricky dicky nixxon whose picture hangs tattooed on roger stone's back...
      More than 70 years of BS!

  6. 6:30 Creepublican BS,
    But Democraps' hope for "bipartisanshit" enabled the whole shebangs.

  7. Why does the article say “alleged” if he was convicted?

    Also. Why hasn’t he been killed in prison?

    1. Cuz everyone knows it was somebody else

    2. He was convicted in a court of law pendejo so it’s not “alleged.”


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