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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

What We Know of the Ambush in Aguililla, Michoacán, That Killed 2 Soldiers

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

On May 13, 2021, soldiers were attacked by alleged cartel members in the municipality of Aguililla. Riodoce newspaper points to the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) as the culprit behind the attack whereas other outlets such as Diario de Morelos are careful to point out that the CJNG and La Familia Michoacana are both operating in this area.

According to local media, the Army soldiers were ambushed in the town of Las Higuerillas while they were traveling in a vehicle convoy, carrying out a reconnaissance mission. Las Higuerillas Tarepe is a town roughly ten minutes away from the municipal capital of Aguililla, Aguililla city. Some tweets suggest the attack happened between 1-2pm but this cannot be confirmed.

A source from the XLIII Military Zone said that the soldiers were traveling in at least two vehicles and were ambushed by hitmen  during this reconnaissance operation, shooting them repeatedly with assault rifles. The military repelled the attack but three soldiers were badly injured. Two died of their injuries. There have been no arrests announced so far in connection to this event.

Cambio 22 reports that state police were traveling to reinforce the injured soldiers but cartel hitmen allegedly blocked their route to them at the height of Bonifacio Moreno, Aguaje, and the reinforcements were attacked as well. This allegedly led to further clashes between the cartel members and the military, with the battles lasting into the night. More military personnel and a military helicopter were called in to help. They arrived on scene to support the fallen soldiers. When La Silla Rota reached out to federal forces for a comment on the attack, they did not respond.

During President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s morning press conference, he confirmed the local media’s reports of an attack on Army soldiers in Aguililla, Michoacan. He commented, “Yesterday, unfortunately they ambushed a group of soldiers near Aguililla. They murdered two, I send my condolences and solidarity to their families.”

He continued “The attitude of the Army and Navy is to respect human rights, it is no longer an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, they are no longer the massacres that existed previously,” said the president.

On the same day, the Solidarity Encounter Party (PES) candidate for governor Hipólito Mora Chávez said attacks like Aguililla happen because municipal, state and federal forces have been involved with organized crime in the region, saying “the strengthening of crime and the attacks on the security forces is a product of bad governments, both federal and state, and of the municipal governments, most of them are controlled by organized crime.”

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), left; Hipolito Mora, right
He commented on the frequent ditches built in roads in Aguililla and the constant need for security forces to repair the road, saying “People cannot go out to work, but why do they let armed people pass through? In La Ruana I have seen hitmen’s trucks that say ‘autodefensas‘, why don’t they go for them?”

He emphasized that leaders have to do their duty because “as long as they remain silent and support criminals, this type of aggressions will continue, we must not forget that the military have fathers, sons, brothers, we must not allow them to be stoned or disarmed, but the orders come from above, and they do not even have decent salaries.”

Sources about Attack:
Sources for Reactions


  1. The Mexican Military should be using Bradley fighting vehicles and Abrams tanks against these cartels. Then they wouldnt dare attack them. They could buy a fleet of them with the money Cabeza De Vaca stole alone...

    1. The new military trucks with Banks power are sweet

    2. I don’t understand why they don’t, it would never happen under their current president as he would rather the soldiers ride unicorns and shoot water guns but eventually you may see this in bad states such as Michoacan

    3. 7:32 I regret to inform you but due to unforeseen circumstances occurring in Mexico, The government of Obrador does does want anything to deter the Cartels as they send bribes to the political members. This thing of citizens getting killed and 2 soldiers in this ambush will soon hit the back burner and go away, without ant future planning from the military or government. It's a cycle that is neverending.

  2. Este puto de Hipólito Mora no vale madre, otra lacra que critica lo que su gente y el mismo hacen con chingar a la ciudadanía. Sus sobrinos cocinan metanfetaminas y está familia desde mucho son ZETAS

    1. 7:49 que te valga verga güey,
      Hipolito deserves a chance to show his cards, he is right about the corruption and collusion of municipal, state and federal governments including police and melitary, he has put his ass on the line and even lost his son ln it.
      Compare to what have you done?

    2. At least Mora is voicing the problem head on,telling it like it is.Why are estakas allowed to bounce thru communities without hindrance?Everyone knows the collusion,its very rare to even hear someone in the public eye talk about cartel dominance

    3. 9:38 the secret to crime in michuakas is silvano auriolas conejo, he is a PRD puppet of el PRI, before that it was PRI and PAN, and Marcial Maciel, who married Carlos Slim Helu to his wife back in the day,

  3. CJNG think they own Mexico, strategic planning would have caught them in the perimeter. Looks like the cartel did a better job of planning, a gunship with the machine guns would have come in handy.

  4. Is Hipolito Mora Carteles Unidos Friend or Foe? Or CJNG? Because didn't one of them guys from CU kill his son? Or some family members?
    I don't thinks he's clean and my guess is he's CU ally

    1. Hipolito mora is 100% viagra aka carteles unidos , cjng attacked the army because they are helping carteles unidos rhe army captain name is salinas he is 100% on the carteles unidos payroll.

  5. This is what is taking place in Aguillila CJNG is fighting the Revueltas they have them on the ropes. The Revueltas the ones who were making trenches on the roads lost almost everyone they had my guesstimate would be 50 to 100 maybe more. They are not able to did trenches on the roads because CJNG burned the Backhoe loader they were using to dig the trenches. One night while Chirrius Revueltas son and few others were digging a trench CJNG rolled up on them Christian Revuelatas got away leaving 6 other idiots to die. They made them fill up the trench killed them and then set the backhoe loader on fire.

    CJNG is in Dos Aguas, El Charapo, near el Aguaje, Chila, and that whole area. CJNG goes into Aguillila the Revueltas go into hiding the Sedena come to defend the Revueltas CJNG leaves and so on and so on. The Sedena shows up the Revueltas come out from under the beds and go looking for people to kill in the town. Sedena leaves CJNG comes in the Revueltas go back under the bed and the Sedena comes. This time CJNG didn't leave and got into it with the Sedena.

    The people of El Aguaje demanded the Sedena based in Aguillila create a full time base in Aguillila to protect the town from the Viagras. During the same time the opeation against CJNG was going on in Aguillila the Viagras/Tepekes were flying their drones useing them against the people that are picking Lemons in the orchards the Sedena shows up and start trying to shot them down the Tepekes/Viagras detonate them the media blames it on CJNG. The Tepeks/Viagras are still in La Bocanda that is where they launch the drones from.

    The day the GN, Sedena, State Police, SSP killed el venado near Dos Aguas with the helicopter and its guns. The Tepekes/Viagras uploaded a video of them using drones on CJNG armed with explosives you can see the shrapnal spread in one of those videos.

    1. Quit laying you JalIsca spokesman. Jaliscas are just trying to survive in that area. They are trapped where they are and Mencho is too broke to pay off the Military to save his lover M2. M2 and Mencho are gay lovers for those who don’t know, they both got turned out in US prisons. Mencho paid for M2’s release a couple of times already, but he don’t have the money to do that anymore. Why didn’t M2 just leave this lost cause and go retreat to Jalisco, who knows. My feeling is that Mencho actually believes he is a great general and M2 is a great commander, they fell for their own propaganda and lies. At this point I think the Viagras and Abuelo are just fucking with M2, letting him bleed Mencho for money and weapons, damn near all the guns Mencho ships to Michoacan end up in his enemies hands, Mencho probably arms CU the most. Compare the Jaliscas power in Aguililla and surrounding towns from a couple years ago to now, did their position get stronger or weaker? Obviously weaker, but some how Jalisca spokesman want to act like they aren’t getting bitched slapped all over Michoacan. The only thing Jaliscas are good for is making snuff videos for weirdos.

    2. 9:40 secret management is that you? Why dont you sign anymore? I mean we know its you cause you always say the same things, but dont sign anymore?

    3. I'm not 8:58 but all this is what SARGY is reporting and is information he gets from people in that region and all over Michoacán but for some retarded reason a punk like 9:40 thinks he has more thorough and accurate information that somehow gives him a better understanding of the dynamics of the region. You're nervous SM, your attacks betray the fear you have because you know without the government protection Culitos Unidos can't hang, only nuts hang, your Gallinas Depiladas y castradas are straight panochas that are going to get their merecido.


    4. 9:40 PM What the fug who is this guy. You seem angry like really pissed. CJNG isn't trapped in Aguillila what are you on they control Villa Victoria and are about 10 to 15 km from Aquila. They are able to travel threw Coalcoman into Dos Aguas and into Aguillila. They control El Charapo, Aguaje, El Limoncito, Chila.

      El Abuelo and Los Viagras can't hack it with CJNG that is why they are always crying. Money isn't the only way to get the sedena to do what you want. Carteles Unidos have the governor by the butt. They have family members working in the Sedena.

      CJNG is doing better than they were when El Abuelo flipped in that region. They weren't able to travel freely into Coalcoman now they can come and go as they please. If Aguillila falls El Abuelo is in for a bad bad day my guess is he runs his ass out of Michocan and goes to Tabasco/Veracruz with his brother.

      CJNG has other allies in Michoacan around Huetamo they control 6 or 7 Municipalies the people they have there have been there since 77 the Valencias/Zetas/FM/Templarios/Autodefensas couldn't force them out of their area. Near La Piedad they control 10 or so municipalities they still have Cotija they are in Urupan, Zacapu. You don't know anything. It hurts your little heart to know your Carteles Unidos are going away in the next couple of years. Tena is fighting Los Pulido the internal fighting is starting and CJNG is pushing in at the same time.

    5. Jaliscas are on their way out. The elections are not going to help Jaliscas. That’s all cope from you guys,. And please Jardinero, the guy from Huetamo, used to be with the caballeros before switching to cjng. And what did Jardinero get out of that except for Mencho sending his people to Zacatecas to die, don’t be surprised if he turns on Mencho too. Go set some more fire trucks on fire you Jalisca. Bragging about having La Piedad, what can Jaliscas possibly do their to get money there except for extortion. Besides everyone knows FM keeps Jaliscas in check in southern Michoacan, remember those 12 Jaliscas they left in Huetamo? Keep being the Jalisca spokesman, I hope they pay you for it.

    6. 12:14 AM Sorry little flower if I hurt your petals. You are secret Management I have no doubt about it now. You told me CJNG was done in Aguillila? What happened?

    7. 858
      Thanks bro,anyone with half a brain knows CJNG is fuckin up CU,not that it is good,just true?Keep reporting what you get here on BB bro appreciate it

  6. But the CU are thieves and we all know that in Michoacán they try to charge taxes on items you buy. There is a base in coalcoman and the military don’t do shit we all know who the manosos are and they just let them do what they want. First clean up the government which will never happen then go from there.

    1. 10:29 PM Are you talking about El 15s people in Coalcoman? From my understanding they have an alliance with CJNG El 15s people don't fight the Viagras they are at war with the Tepekes they allow CJNG to move freely into Coalcoman and into Dos Aguas.

    2. EPN's puppet auriolas conejo is about to finish his reign, his allies like the Miagras and all the other degenerates will be like beheaded chickens running after their own tails,
      The protesting teacher auriolas pushed has been disappeared, no reports?

    3. @10:29 No one seems to understand CJNG is NOT the solution to Viagras, they are worse, look the mess Jalisco is rn cus of them.

      Let the army clean those rats and then Viagras will be aligned or pay as well.

    4. @9:07 You must be dense or related to those muertos de hambre de Gallinas Unidas. Let the army first clean out NG, jajajajaja, of course because those punks of CU can't. Hey sm how much do you get paid to post all over social media for the gallinas? Jalisco is hot because La Corona, Los Güeritos, CNP and CDS are heating up the plaza and trying to displace CJNG? Do you think they're just going to give up? No mames.

    5. @10:34 Fucking lame ass, the plazas are hot cus of Mencho, the all-time owners are just destroying his torcido ass. Pendejo just like Gente Nueva never entered Chihuas.

      I'm no fanboy like your looser ass.

    6. @8:51 "the all-time owners"? Jajajaja! Buey no sabes lo que hablas, estás retependejo. La ironía que los que no querían pagar plaza ahora quieren que les paguen a ellos. Esos que pelean Jalisco nunca fueron los dueños, el Doctor original tenía la frontera y "EO" tenía el puerto. Piénsalo morro puñetas y así entenderás que las pendejadas que escribes demuestran tu falta de conocimiento. Te bañas jediondo


  7. 9:40 why are you so angry? You must be a CU nut hugger. Anyway, the Aguililla war dynamic is correct, as explained by 8:58. The only thing I wanted to clarify was that there were two separate incidents that occurred on May 13, 2021. The one where CJNG got it on with SEDENA, which was covered by every news outlet in Mexico and the USA, and the one that occurred in El Aguaje, which no one is talking about. Why is that? Well, the drone attack in El Aguaje was carried out by CU, targeting a group of limoneros (lime grove workers). The attack on the limoneros was done to force security forces to show up in the area; thus, causing the CJNG cell in the area to retreat to the mountains, as CU wanted. The Mexican news media, paid for by CU, portrays both incidents as one for the sole purpose of blaming CJNG for both attacks. And SEDENA is more that willing to go along with the CU version of the events. Now for all the CU cheerleaders, please don't come out to defend Los Revueltas and Gallinas Unidas with the argument that the collusion between CU and SEDENA/Policia Michoacá and GN is not true; there are photos of Chirrios Revueltas' wife coming and going to the military base in Aguililla on the daily. Im not implying she's doing any coordination with SEDENA commands, on behalf of her husband…but looks shady as shit!

    1. You stupid Jaliscas don’t get it. Nobody cares that CU is working with the government to go after the Jaliscas, when that video came out of Jaliscas strapping dynamite to a 8 years old child’s neck Jaliscas lost any public sympathy. And then Jaliscas started to play into their bloody thirsty rep by making a bunch of snuff videos. Nobody is going to feels sorry for stupid Jaliscas.

    2. @10:04 that teenager that had his skin cut off, guts stabbed, heart cut off and split wasn't as bad huh? Y los putos que garrotearon a unos campesinos porque no los querían apoyar tampoco cuenta verdad idiota. Si tantos huevos tienen esas gallinas pues que se topen y sea lo que vaya ser, no andes aquí llorando por tu macho buey

    3. 10:04 AM The people who the lacras unidas are extorting, kidnapping, forcing to fight their wars, the people they are raping, the people who's cars and homes they rob and burn, the people who are constantly threatened by them care a whole lot. CJNG is going to finish off your nenas unidas and are gong to kill off your shit family and I am glad.

    4. You stupid Jaliscas, they found plenty of Jaliscas camps were the people there were either kidnapped or tricked into joining with false jobs. Jaliscas are the biggest forced recruiter in Mexico. Keep on ignoring the time that Jaliscas put dynamite on a 8 year old and and laughed at him as he cried. The Jaliscas deserve everything they get. Viagras and government working together against Jaliscas, good. Make more snuff videos, see if they scare anybody anymore you stupid Jaliscas. You stupid Jalisca spokesman keep trying to get sympathy for guys that did this.

    5. Jalisca fangirls are completely retarded I have concluded that as we speak. No one gives a fuck about Gallinas Unidas, but CJNG won't win because they are worse, whoever can't understand that is a retard who doesn't live in Mex, period.

    6. They are both total scum bitches CJNG and CU cheerleaders are clowns both factions deserve to be wiped out quit cheerleading for either one I hope both cartels get the same treatment I cheer when actual sicarios from both cartels get beheaded and it is a glorious day when that happens as long as it is not innocent people then great get the 🍿.....😭 😢 😂 A mi los dos carteles me pelan la verga como lo ven cabrones de mierda....

    7. Any body calling a cartel by a derogatory name is hard to take serious. Besides showing he has a juvenile( or better said, a little kid) state of mind, he's already showing his biasness. How can anyone take that person serious. A biased person with the mentality of a child can't be tooken seriously. Especially when they're mostly just posting put downs and talking smack. Like any child they try to scream for attention any way they can when they're attention starved. People have to grow up. Conduct yourselves as men and women, not clowns.

  8. Chilangos desmadrosos.

  9. Surprisingly nobody mention the shootings that occurred last night in aguililla. The government has complete censorship of anything that can ruin their prestige. I don’t see this war ending anytime soon ..


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