Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Buenavista, Michoacán: El Maguey Video Message Threat Against United Cartels

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Cinco del Pueblo armed criminal cell, affiliated with the CJNG, has sent out a video message asking for support from the townspeople of La Ruana. This communique was sent out by its leader Santiago Quintero Magallon aka El Maguey.

Maguey is the leader of the Cinco del Pueblo. His criminal cell is sponsored by El Mencho. And he is reporting his men as being operational for war against the Carteles Unidos. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1:…and how I will act towards everyone. Gentlemen of La Ruana we are not alone in this matter. We are not alone and we have the full support of El Señor. Don’t be afraid. Because we are heading out towards you. We’ve going into your territory so that you can support us. 

Everybody already knows how I’ve acted with everyone of you. And why they chose to do these things to me. I only ask of you that once we enter that you guys support us. Not to fight these fools. But with the government that they’re going to use against us in order to remove us. 

That’s exactly what they’re going to try to do. We are moving forward. And I can clarify that we’re not alone in this matter. We have many friends here. Just as well we have many more on the other side waiting. So that we can put an end to these opponents of ours. I ask that everyone have faith in me. 

I know many are supporting me. And have faith that we’re going to enter into La Ruana. We are also going to clean up La Ruana. Everything that is happening at La Ruana isn’t kosher. We all know how they’ve got their foot on your necks there. I ask that you trust in me. And let’s move forward with all our friends here. 

Sicario #2: We’re coming for you Poncho. You bitch, after we finish at La Ruana we’re coming for you next. We are the absolute Cartel Jalisco you dumb ass. 

Sicarios scream a mixture of: We are the absolute Cartel Jalisco. The Viagras can go fuck their mothers. Have courage my fellowmen. 

Sicario #2: Stop fighting with your drones you sons of bitches. Fight instead face to face with us you sons of whores. You spend your time fighting with your fucking aerial machines. Gordo (Fatman) fight us you faggot son of a fucking bitch. 

Do you remember how I challenged you on the 18, do you recall how I took Buenavista from you? I’m still standing here you son of a bitch. By the grace of God I’m still here. We are the absolute 4 letters cartel you son of bitch.

Sicario #1: Everyone who is involved because your being forced to be there. Do yourselves a favor and just get out of the way. You’re all my friends. But whoever is against us will be my enemy. Everyone who is being held by force knows very well that you all can leave.

Afterwards you’ll be allowed to return to town. And there won’t be any problems with you. But for anyone who chooses to stay in this war that’s about to begin. Step aside before this launches. Because this thing that you’ve done to me won’t stay as unfinished business. Everyone already knows me. And they’re aware that I’ll fight when I have to defend myself. I’m now defending myself and moving forward with this. 

Sicario #2: I challenge you Gordo (Fatman). You son of a bitch I challenge you. Take a look at where I’m at bitch.  The hills of Tomatlán are over there. I’ll be here for the next several days you son of a bitch. 

Right here in the hills of Tomatlán you bitch. Let’s find out once and for all how good you really are at what you do. Let’s go at it as quickly as possible. You’re on the other side. And we’re over here bitches. Come through with it you faggot ass sons of bitches. Long live the Cartel Jalisco!

Sicarios scream: Absolute Jalisco!

Valor por Tamaulipas

Unidad de Inteligencia

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  1. Those are maguey's bums lol bunch of indios

    1. Why you gotta be racis fresa? I got love for all my mexicanos

    2. Que tienes en contra de tus abuelos? Ellos serian Raza orgullosa de ser nativos de Mexico. Les dirias "bunch of indios" a tus abuelitos? Tengas respeto porfavor. El Nemesis-

    3. Whats wrong with that and what are you? Bet you wont answer me

    4. Before the arrival of the Spaniards, Sinaloa was inhabited by six major tribes of hunters and gathers: the Cahita, Tahue, Totorame, Pacaxee, Acaxee and Xixime. The Acaxees lived in rancherías (settlements) dispersed throughout the gorges and canyons of the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range.

      I will keep posting this to you Sinaloas each TIME I hear THAT..
      Bunch of IGNORANT pendejos..
      I KNOW where I come from, who I am and what I'm made of.. If you DON'T know that, your a lost soul talking OUT your nargas.. MOST Michoacanos are not ashamed of having INDIGENOUS blood. (Only the tontos)
      Just SAYING..

    5. Only the Teotihuacanos,Aztecs, Mayas, Olmecs, Incas built pyramids and had culture, the rest were hunter living from the hand to mouth, like the Chichimecas who refused to go on with the Aztec until they found the Promised Land, source of some biker legends like the 12 indian tribes, hehehe...
      --those were the jewish tribes of Israel.
      --the Aztec were only 7 tribes

    6. Chapo 701 was 5 feet 2 inches so most likely had indigena sangre. Why Sinaloa hate on everybody so hard?

    7. 602 the aztecs were wiped out along with most of the tribes. these people that survived now speak a European language and worship a European god. There’s nothing left to brag about. Sinaloa was conquered by Nuno Beltrán de Guzman and he spread his seed everywhere. In other words, not all Sinaloans or Mexicans for that matter are of indigenous origins. Many are actually descendants of the conquistadores.

    8. @10:04 you must suck at geography because you still don't know that Israel is in the Middle East, cual pinche Europa plebito hediondo

  2. Pinches michoacanos
    Siempre asiendo un escándalo. Sería mejor que cumplieran y luego abrieran el osico. Pero perro que ladra no muerde. Y esto viene de un Michoacáno!

    1. Tu corre a Michoacán y diles eso pues has de ser muy de huevos tu pinche tecato ni la droga puedes vencer y aquí andas criticando hablando pendejadas

    2. La neta compa no son pendejadas , pinches michoacanos habland como si fueran narcos aunque no lo sean, pinche bola de gente revoltosa

    3. 955 is a troll everyone knows that sinaloas are the most that talk

    4. Los michoacanos son chingones… cuando se trata de chingarse entre ellos

    5. Pinches sinaloenses
      Siempre asiendo un escándalo. Sería mejor que cumplieran y luego abrieran el osico. Pero perro que ladra no muerde. Y esto viene de un Sinaloense !

  3. R.I.P CU/viagras..

  4. That accent sounds funny ASF and it don't scare nobody now i know why they carry the guns cause otherwise nobody would take them seriously lol 😆😅

    1. Young and prime Mike Tyson had a kids voice but he was feared and would beat the dogshit out of his opponents. I assume you're talking about the first fellow who does have a thin voice, probably hasn't had to fight as much but with the BS gallinas unidas did to his family and home he had to join CJNG.
      Maguey has a voice that commands, dudes a straight shooter that isn't bullshitting or half stepping, when he calls to SARGYS live stream he gets props from the audience for not sugarcoating what he's about.

    2. 154 yeah because sargy and his followers are a bunch of CJNG cheer leaders low key

    3. It's too bad those lacras of CU have to harm civilians in order to create revenue to pay their people and those authorities who help them and still cry like gallinas because they get called out on the bullshit they do. Fuck those muertos de hambre and their fans

    4. @1:54 Qué le queda decir a ese Maguey, yo lo escuché una vez con Sargy y el vato decía que aquel que se haga el santo en un video era una pinche niña.

      Pues eso es lo que hace CJNG en 99% de sus videos y mantas.

    5. @10:06 aquí está retando a los Culos Unidos a un topon, ellos están del otro lado del cerro, te aseguro que el maricon del Coruco no hace frente.
      Puro cobarde esos Gallinas Unidas, con la población bien malditos pero con los contras les sale lo GILBERTON

  5. That's clown looks wicked with that big Rifle..

  6. Magueys group was fucken small and botos and ponchos people could never take him out.

    He has in interview with UDIC and talks about alot of interesting stuff happening in Michoacan

    1. 11:11 don't u hear him whining n crying for what they did to him n his crew?they killed a lot of his goons so it sure was bigger than what u see

    2. Maguey group is small and 4 every guy they dropped magueys men dropped 10 times more tepeques, viagras, templarios, blancos de Troya, and los de los reyes 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂

  7. Thanks for the translation Sol. Your work does not go unnoticed. Greetings from AUS.

    1. No problem 👍
      How much are the Dingos running mate? Like a puppy.

  8. In the far back in the middle of the top picture there is blond dude. Anybody know who it is?

    1. Blonds or "güeros" are very common in Mexico, specially on the Pacific states of Mexico. Everyone in that picture is common cannon fodder sadly.

  9. Sol come on now calling El Maguey a sicario. Ese Maguey is the Plaza Boss of Buenavista the original founder of Los 5 del Pueblo alongside El Rambo who is or was incarcerated. He talks about how El Rambo let La Sirena Nicolas Sierra Santanas lover escape from his grasp. A family was coming out of La Ruana and Rambo didn't check the trunk.

    El Maguey already told everything about how El Abuelo flipped on CJNG. El Abuelo is related to El Warache the guy who was killed in Monterrey a couple weeks or a month ago part of the Zetas from Veracruz. El Abuelo was buying his time Mencho gave him everything once he felt strong enough he flipped. El Abuelo was in on the cocaine theft and on them flipping. El Abuelo tried to get El Maguey killed but the Marines told him to watch out they want you dead. Poncho La Quiringa is his cousin Maguey was there when Poncho La Quiringa flipped on CJNG he told Maguey to stop fighting the Viagras that they were going to join Carteles Unidos. Maguey told him to fuck off and left the meeting. Went to El Abuelo and told him they were flipping Abuelo then tried to have him killed.

    Maguey has been in Buenavista surrounded by Los Tepekes, El Camoni who killed El Morisqueto. From what Maguey said El Morisqueto and EL Maguey were going to separate themselves from Tepeke because they wouldn't fight or support them in their fight against the Viagras and Los Zetas de los Mora. La Ruana Viagras/Zetas like Hipolito Mora and his Nephew Omar Mora La Nalgona, La Sierna, Los Blancos de Troya Ceasar Sepuelveda Arellano and the Viagras Nicoals Sierra Santana. They have all tried to kill El Maguey but he has sent them back packing with lots of dead. From what he says he hasn't lost more than 10 people since fighting the Viagras and all the others chapulines.

    Maguey is a savage unlike El Abuelo, Poncho, Wicho, Los Viagras, Boto, Los Mora, El Maguey is in the thick of it with the boys.

    Hey kids dissing Maguey go sign up with Carteles Unidos and tell them to send you to Buenavista lets see how things go for you.

    1. Dude don’t play he’s the one who was running around in that famous Black Raptor the one that broke down the one CU said that they took from him..Dudes a savage he started with a small click now it looks like he has the full support of the man of 🐓…El Maguey ya dijo Mi APA solo está usando los dólares que se le están pudriendo para esta guerra los dólares no faltan.The only thing that can help CU is somehow some way they get government backing back cause if not pobresitos

    2. Dude don’t play he’s the one who was running around in that famous Black Raptor the one that broke down the one CU said that they took from him..Dudes a savage he started with a small click now it looks like he has the full support of the man of 🐓…El Maguey ya dijo Mi APA solo está usando los dólares que se le están pudriendo para esta guerra los dólares no faltan.The only thing that can help CU is somehow some way they get government backing back cause if not pobresitos

    3. Jajaja just stop, this picture is sad, kids fighting kids, untrained group with full auto vs other untrained group full auto, these guys have all this money to buy high end weapons but no tactical gear. They kill unarmed people or innocent, look at that picture they look cool but no metal plates in those vest only 2-3 guys wearing a helmet it’s sheep to the slaughter I would reenlist in a heartbeat if the usa enters Mexico to help nothing but misguided youth and punks with guns same people cheering these guys are the same that would wear a vest without metal plates and a little ball cap with a chicken on it

    4. Forget re enlisting how about you free lance ass a mercenary go train the CU down in Michoacán so they can start winning this war Mr.Rambo.

    5. Yeah, magueys like el M2- both in the front lines.

    6. Good post 221, lot of info

    7. Dont forget they're so tweaked on their own product they have no fear and no concept of consequences.

    8. Ok Rambo @8:36 this isn’t The COD game you re enlist into every morning in your moms basement foh

    9. 8:36 AM El Maguey and the fellas that are there have no other option it's either get rid of the Viagras and Carteles Unidos or leave your home and your lands. Let them take your lively hood, extort you family, rape your daughters or kids, allow the Viagras and Carteles Unidos to force recruit your family and send them to Aguillila to die fighting El M2. Let Carteles Unidos steal your goods, let them control your life ect.

    10. Lol Rambo he says look at you cheer it’s Mexicans killing other Mexicans your country is going to hell because of internal fighting and you cheer, no patriotism it’s civil war fighting and guys like you cheer for one side over the other those guys are all punks cowards spilling the blood of their brothers on their own land, go enlist in your country’s marine corps do a service to your country the leaders of any cartel don’t care for you so stop worshiping them grow up and get real role models

    11. You cheerleaders are a fucking joke ! I hope you feel real important in your roke as cartel bitchboy to real motherfuckers you look like a little shit talking bitch . Which ironically is exactly what you are .

    12. It's funny HOW these CDS GROUPIES love to be cheerleaders but when YOU state the FACTS of what's going ON they turn AROUND and call YOU a cheerleader 😆
      1:41 1:42 Mexico is a 3rd world country BECAUSE of AMERICAN greed and their love for DRUGS. Let's not forget how the US created the first CARTEL in SINALOA and their GOVERNMENT supplies ALL the CARTELS with GUNS.. The DEA and other US AGENCIES work with CDS and CJNG to destabilize 🇲🇽 and FLOOD 🇺🇸 with DRUGS.. There has NEVER been so MUCH homeless drug addicted kids and OVERDOSES in america like these DAYS.With THAT said.. STFU because WAR on DRUGS is as fake as Kim Kardashian's A$$.. JUST saying... 😆

    13. 8:36 imagine Pancho Villa, el Che Guevara, Fidel Castro or Emiliano Zapata hiding from bullets or hanging on their armor vests, panties, helmets, nail polish...
      --they would have never conquered anything.
      --I don't think anybody will accept your re-enlistment.

    14. 8:17 sorry to tell YOU but they ALL got killed except Castro
      Fidel survived because he DIDN'T trust ANYONE.

  10. Law abiding citizens

  11. You don't have to do this Sol. half of what these putos say aint even worth listening to. it's the same shit all the time anyways "somos gente de ___" "vamos por ti ____" etc. hechos > palabras

  12. That moment of silence in the second video towards the end🤣🤣 then they react like o yea we still filming..

  13. CJNG is weak. They don’t even control an area. They fighting for a loss cause. I hear from my townsfolks that there is a new cartel low key operating with initials CDA but it ain’t Abuelos cartel

    1. Your folks don't know what they're talking about.
      Cartel Del Abuelo/CDA has been mentioned to have a presence in the PNW and areas his own people distribute at. I don't believe they're fans of Cascadian Dark Ale aka Black IPA

    2. They control buenavista among other municipalities with an iron grip, what are you talking about?

    3. @4:08
      Fam is from Apatzingan. I visit there every year. I also live in WA state lol. Trust me I would know the difference between CDA and Abuelos group. I do see activity here in the states.

  14. Too MANY CJNG hatred that the GROUPIES attack the MICHOACANOS for it..
    There are CARTELS that operate and there is your regular people that are victims because of that.
    LEARN the DIFERENCE pendejos
    Don't be mad at your average michoacanos BECAUSE your favorite cartel is BEING bullied BY MENCHO!! 😆

    1. Wencho sounds better than Mencho, pinchi viejillo pedorro y gonorriento,

    2. real Michoacános and sinaloans get along well. It’s the pochos who sit here arguing about BS race shit

    3. Hey it's the cap locks kid, go to school.

  15. One thing oh learned through this blog is that Mexicana hate each other more than "Americans" "hate" Mexicans... Part of the reason why Mexico is in the state it's in.. There is no unity, unless Mexico is playing a soccer match...

    1. @8:44 Most of the population in America is non-white these days, most Americans are of Latino descent or mixed on these times. So no, in real life out of your bubble most Americans don't hate Latin Americans at all.

      And let's not forget junkie Americans who love their fix.

      Certain Mexicans do hate other Mexicans like blacks do to each other and such, but Mexicans carry a lot of nationalism in general.

      The cartel situation is a business where both governments are involved and no average Joe can do anything about it.

    2. I never said Americans hate Latin Americans... I said Mexican hate more Mexicans than Americans do and there more hate for gringos than the other way around.. People from the north hate southern Mexicans...look how people hate each other from Michoacan..Sinaloa...everyone hates chilangos... People in Mexico City think everyone in Juarez is a narco...

      By the way...over 70% of Americans are white don't know where you got your numbers from.

    3. Those Mexicans are hard working family 👪 people. They do not leave their kids on the edge of the Rio Bravo. God Bless the Mexicans that come to the U.S.

  16. @10:09 spoken like someone who hasn't been out of the southwest... States like
    Vermont 95.4%
    Maine 94.8%
    West Virginia 93.7%
    New Hampshire 93.4%
    Iowa 90.9%
    North Dakota 90.2%
    Montana 88.3%
    Kentucky 88.1%
    All majority white people...

    Again... Post your source not what you think is true..

  17. A lil kid carrying a rifle bigger than him with a soft ass voice 😂 and another one who only knows to say “SOB” in Spanish 😂 CJNG is a joke


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