Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

CU's El Betín Gunned Down in Street by Sicarios in Morelia, Michoacán

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

El Betín was gunned down inside his car in the middle of the street on Sunday. El Betín was the brother of a Carteles Unidos plaza boss named El Seco, who operates in Apatzingán municipality, Michoacán. El Betín also allegedly had financial ties to powerful Carteles Unidos leadership figure Alberto Espinoza Barrón, "La Fresa", who was an infamous, high ranking former leader of La Familia Michoacana. 

The Shooting

On the afternoon of Sunday, June 20 2021, a man known by the alias “El Betín” or “El Cocón” was driving in his purple Chevrolet Camaro on Periférico Paseo de la República street, in an area south of the city of Morelia, Michoacán. 

When El Betín reached the section of the street near the subdivision “Morelia 450” unknown assailants opened fire on him. No details are given about the appearance of the attackers nor if they were inside a vehicle at the time of the shooting. The vehicle and El Betín himself were riddled with bullets in the attack. The assailants then fled in an unknown direction. 

El Betín received serious gunshot injuries from the shooting. Witnesses to the attack called the emergency services line to report the incident. Paramedics were dispatched to the scene. El Betín was given basic first aid on site and rushed in an ambulance to a hospital however Betín succumbed to his injuries and died while he was being treated by doctors at the hospital. 

Who is El Betín? How does he relate to Carteles Unidos? 

Contra Muro reports that El Betín is the brother of Juan Manuel Montero Nambo, alias “El Seco”, who is alleged to be the Carteles Unidos plaza boss in charge of the town of Santiago de Acahuato, in Apatzingán municipality. 

El Betín has also allegedly been financially linked to Alberto Espinoza Barrón, alias “La Fresa” or "The Strawberry". La Fresa is a former lieutenant of the La Familia Michoacana. He is currently believed to be a major leadership figure within Carteles Unidos. 

Back in the 2000s-2010s, La Fresa is believed to have taken over the Morelia plaza after the death of “El Güero”. La Fresa was believed to be a financial advisor and right arm of Dionisio Loya Plancarte, alias "El Tío" and Nazario Moreno González alias "El Chayo", leadership figures within La Familia Michoacana at the time.

La Fresa was arrested in December 2008 and was believed to be succeeded by Rafael Cedeño Hernández alias “El Cede” after Fresa’s arrest. El Cede was later famously arrested in 2009 while attending a baptism party for a baby born to a cartel member. 

With La Fresa having all these historic ties to the criminal underworld of Michoacán, Fresa is a very interesting character for El Betín to allegedly have direct financial ties to. 

Who is his brother, El Seco?

Juan Manuel Montero Nambo, alias “El Seco” is a native of the town of Acahuato, municipality of Apatzingán, Michoacán. He first came to the attention of the public in 2014 when an avocado farmer from Tancítaro came forward to authorities and revealed that two years prior, in November 2012, El Seco had kidnapped him and held him for ransom. 

The avocado farmer was only released by El Seco and his men because the farmer had promised he would sell some property he owned in order to afford the large ransom they were demanding. After his captors released him, the farmer made good on his promise, sold the property and delivered the money to appease El Seco. The farmer did not report the incident to police at the time because he was afraid of reprisals against his family.     

Juan Manuel Montero Nambo, alias “El Seco”.

The farmer had chosen to come forward in 2014 because El Seco was believed to have fled the state and believed to be in hiding so he was unable to hurt the farmer’s family in retribution. 

When the Michoacán State Attorney General’s Office received this report from the avocado farmer, they began investigating the current whereabouts of El Seco.  They were able to locate him in the town of San Pedro Tlaquepaque, in the state of Jalisco. According to Vallarta Uno,  El Seco had been hiding out in Jalisco for the last 8 months because “he was hiding from another subject with whom he had problems in his state [Michoacán]”. El Seco was arrested by authorities and presented before a judge on charges related to the homicide of six people and the kidnapping of seven others. 

In addition to the November 2012 avocado farmer kidnapping, El Seco is believed to be involved in the kidnapping and ransom of two women in Tancítaro, also in November 2012. One of the kidnapped women was released, presumably after payment was received while the other woman was later found dead. 

El Seco after being apprehended by the PGR in 2014.

El Seco is believed to be involved in the August 2013 kidnapping and subsequent murder of five people in Tancítaro. Only 3 remains of the five kidnapped were ever recovered. Those three remains were located in September, a month after they were kidnapped, in the Tepalcatepec river.


El Seco is also suspected in the November 2014 kidnapping of 4 farmers in the city of Apatzingán. Those four farmers are still missing to this day, their whereabouts unknown.

El Seco after being apprehended by the PGR in 2014.


Who was behind the hit on El Betín? 

The cartel affiliation of the assailants who killed El Betín is currently unknown. There are no confirmed reports on who was behind the attack. 

It should be noted that Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) has previously threatened El Betín’s brother El Seco on social media. The CJNG is widely considered to be Carteles Unidos’s primary rival in the state of Michoacán. According to Letra Roja, in May 2021 the CJNG publicly named and threatened members of the Michoacán Police who they allege are working for El Seco and fellow Carteles Unidos member, El Tukan.

Further viewing for those interested: 

Video of El Seco Before a Judge 

Milenio Video on El Seco

Sources for Homicide on June 20: Mi Morelia Article 1, Article 2, La OpiniónValor Por Tamaulipas, Contra Muro , Victor Americano Noticias  

Sources for CU & LFM Figures Mentioned: Letra Roja, Ignacio Martinez Noticias, Vallarta Uno, Infome Tropoli, El Siglo de Torreon, El Pais

Update 6/22/21 11:30 CST: Fixed misattributed photo of El Chayo used.

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  1. Baby Killer Cartel seems to be rattling many other Cartels at the same time, the other day it was Abuelos now CU Cartel. Big trouble will beset the baby killer cartel. No sympathy will be given when, caught killed, burned.

    1. Cu and abuelo are in cahoots moron

    2. "Baby killer cartel " hmm that could literally any of the many cartels in Mexico bud

    3. Wrong “Fresa” Hearst; the CU “Fresa” is Alejandro “Fresa/Jando” Sepulveda Arellano, brother of “Botos” Sepulveda Arellano and second-in-command of Los Blancos de Troya.

    4. 12:32 hebor she 754 is explaining two different events. Not stating of togetherness, jeesers read more carefully when you start labeling, because now you look like a moron, read before pointing fingers.

    5. U always Hating on CJNG the biggest cartel world 🌎

    6. Just to clarify, Contramuro specifically wrote "Alberto Espinoza Barrón, La Fresa" as a figure within Carteles Unidos and with ties to Betin. They could always be wrong but its what they wrote. :)

    7. Thanks Hearst, last I heard Alberto Espinoza Barron was serving a 20-year sentence at a prison up in Sonora. But a quiet early release is pretty common for some of these capos, so it could very well be that Alberto Espinoza Barron is free and a part of the CU alliance.

    8. @8:03 "Fresa" Barrón is piping down Kike Plancartes widow, idk when he was released but its been some years? "Jando" Sepúlveda is also known as "Fresa" but the other one is of higher rank within CU

    9. 1:33 which one has been killing different age groups and are babaric, you have not been reading much. Baby Killer Cartel aka CJNG.

    10. @2:19 he is definitely piping kike plancartes ex wife. She needed him for protection and he needed her for her/her ex husbands connections. They have cartel assets in Panama under her adult kids names.

    11. Post a picture of plancartes ex wife

    12. @9:43 on Google images there's a picture of her with two younger females, one of them is la "Barbie" Melissa Plancarte and the other might be a younger daughter

  2. RIP secret_management

    1. Ahorita se lo están clavando a puerco ese y el mismo la está pidiendo doblada y sin saliva

  3. I don't really understand why cartels kidnap farmers and poor who can't afford ransom. Instead of committing so many violence and crime to fellow humans why can't they print fake currency notes for luxury life instead of short lived foot soldier life. As per my understanding, cartel bosses are rich, but foot soldiers are poor and earning money by way of robbery and ransoms. In my place low level scums were given a weapon with which they have to survive day to day life on their own and eligible for very low fixed money from their boss.


    1. U would think a different trade of employment besides the uncertainty of death than by natural causes would suffice.
      Too many good people have suffered from these individuals. And it continues to this day.

    2. The draw to be a sicario comes from power, not money.

    3. 12:28 thats very true. Mexico has resources with which they can be fantastic nation, this cartels have messed up the nation.


  4. For sale Purple Chevy Camaro 3,000 pesos, owner who was a murderer, got murdered in his car, needs bloodstain cleaning.

  5. Why would anyone drive a purple Camaro? Especially in Mexico?

  6. Keeping a low profile then,in his purple car ?

  7. Driving a bright blue Mustang he must have believed he was protected (no a fucker like that cannot be dumb). Smells like betrayal!

    1. Say Bro the color of the mustang is not Blue, wake up and re read.

    2. Maybe he's illiterate...and color blind...

    3. @10:38 AM where does one find time to post comments as often as you?

    4. 10:38 they offended you when corrected on the color, common we all know it's purple not Blue, why get into a rage. You remind me of the mother on the fwy, that gave the middle finger to the car, that cut her off, passenger the guy grabs a gun, shoots at her car, bulleye hits the 6 year old kid, in which he dies, all because people can't control there rage, yes the shooter a 24 year old was caught, and for his stupid act faces life in prison.

  8. Knights cartel got his ass if the aligned with Jalisco and jumped shiped all these other Mfs should be worried not because the the Templars are strong they just have all the info Jalisco wants after they'll kill them off like they do every other dumbass little cell that has made a deal with them

    1. 8:56 AM Everything you just said are assumptions the reality is El Raton, Metro, Chompon, Seco, Tucan, El Metro, El Boto, El Tena, El Abuelo, Poncho La Quiringa, Wicho El De Los Reyes, La Venada, Tetos, Toro, Frutoso Comparan, La Fresa de Morelia all worked at one point for CJNG. The Templarios were the first to flip then El Boto and then El Abuelo. The Templarios, Viagras, Blancos de Troya are the weakest criminal cells in Michaocan. The Chocomiles de Tepeke are the strongest of the group since that is the group Mencho and CJNG financed the best with weapons and drug routes.

      Give me a list of people CJNG has killed because they joined them? Not once has Mencho had people killed because they joined CJNG they were killed once CJNG found out they were working with the Coroneles, Nueva Plaza or El Pilo. Others were killed because CJNG found out they were getting ready to flip on them.

    2. Interesting point

    3. Viagras are still the dominant group in Michoacán. Largest geographic area of control. Abuelo’s group has put up a good fight against CJNG, but they only have two or three municipalities under their control. Hence why Abuelo’s group allied with Viagras.

    4. @1201
      Does anyone control Zamora? Seems like a lot of people get murdered there on the daily.

    5. 6:11 el que controla Zamora le dicen el Kaiser

    6. Are those facts or fantasies? Of all C.U. Los Viagras are the weakest. Abuelos crew is hanging on by the skin of his teeth. All independents that never aligned with C.U. Now are under CJNG or are in negotiations. @4:27

  9. Inside job. A liability to his crime partners.

  10. Did members of the LFM-KT join CJNG or CU?

    1. Se fueron con la mara Salvatrucha.

  11. That car screams, "I'm a narco".

    Swelled head

    1. Actually is screams "I saw this guy murder people in cold Blood".

    2. Right, he should have just put a manga on is saying “shoot me guys”

    3. it's a beautiful car though and i don't even like cars

  12. cU/VIAGRAS are done only a matter of TIME..
    DUMB fU@K$ really thought they could BEAT an international bloodthirsty CARTEL with unlimited supply if SICARIOS and MONEY?
    El ABUELO is somewhere besides his home scared SH!tle$$.. Pendejo shouldn't have helped TAKE mencho coke..
    Now he will pay the price just like MARRO and El CHOLO..
    CJNG already killed a main CAPO from VIAGRAS, now El Gordo knows he's NEXT..
    These TONTOS still think they have a CHANCE

    1. Orale ya vino El caps lock nino!

    2. Purple car reminds me of the pump car 😂.

    3. Secret management typing up the story of his life in 3. 2. 1..

    4. Capa lock is only writing facts, dont get mad guys, the real troll is sicario with his none sence but hey sometimes he is funny

    5. 10:05 thank bro, it's the SAME guys who keep getting insulted by my FACTS
      Pendejos want to WRITE nonsense and hate when I CORRECT their lame A$$ 😆

    6. 1:22 and 7:35 are the same caps lock wierdo lol.

    7. 7:35 no shit! He said it himself

  13. Wow! Damn good research and reporting job, Hearst! I live here in Morelia and I hadn't heard much follow up on the shooting. Had no idea who he was.

    1. Thanks. I'm still curious what Betin did for a living and what those financial ties entailed but I can't seem to find anything. Please let me know if your local media ever reports anything on that.

    2. @7:38 money manager for several associates

  14. Fucking idiot narcos driving flashy cars. A fucking purple camaro might as well drive a camaro with a big ass bulls eye. Its half retarded and half suicidal.


  16. I have a big purple Corvette in my pants.

  17. There is universal agreement that some Mesoamerican people practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism.

    1. 5:58 lol never heard of Mesoamerician, not even if you Google it lol.

    2. Mensos inventing names that makes no since.

    3. 7:35 is not mesoamerician, its "Mesoamerican" and yes if you spell it correct it will come up in your Google!
      Aztecs, mayan civilization, olmec, inca empire, zapotec civolization, toltec, mixtec, chavin culture, maya people, totonac, purepecha, tarascan, epi-olmec culture, preclassic maya, aztec empire, mexica, zapotwc peoples
      Ita all in Google maybe you need a new phone or a new carrier

    4. THE Meso American indigenous people were more civilized than the savages from Spain who killed everyone in their way and took their gold and their history.

  18. Tacky ass car, purchased with the agony of others. What a douche bag, glad he is dead.


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