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Thursday, June 17, 2021

German Citizen Goes Missing in Cancún; Five More Women Disappeared Days Earlier

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Regine Beatrix Roessler, 62, a German citizen and resident of Mexico, went missing in Cancún, Quintana Roo, last week and has not been located.

On social media, relatives of the woman indicated that she is a resident of Isla Mujeres. They said that she boarded the ferry to Cancun to retrieve money from a bank and then go shopping. She intended to go to a Costco store near Kabah Park but never made it there.

The last time she was seen, she was wearing a light colored dress, heels, and a black bag. She speaks German, English and some Spanish.

The Quintana Roo Attorney General's Office launched the "ALBA Protocol" to locate her. This measure triggers special attention, reaction and coordination between the three levels of administration (local, state and federal) when a woman goes missing. It was first implemented in Ciudad Juárez and was later adopted across Mexico.

Two days before she was reported missing, five women disappeared in a span of five days. The are María Antonia Perez López, Youssi Emili González, Dorcas Córdova García, Marisol López Arcos, and Julia Altagracia José Vilomar. Three of them are minors.


  1. USA was like Mexico hundreds ago where killings are acceptable. Now the republicans wants to go back to the days where they can kill anyone and anytime they want with KKK and proud boys backing. We are all doomed!!!

    1. You actually believe that bs?

    2. This guy wants attention ^^
      Here's your comment that you so deperately want.

    3. You're sadly and pathetically misinformed.

    4. OMG it's the same guy throwing in US political s&$t again, didn't someone tell him take 2 doors down, and at right is the CNN chatroom. What an ignorant.

    5. Democrats created the KKK dumbass.

      General Bedford Forrest Confederate states of America

      Typical Race baited peasant believing socialists

    6. @4:17. You must attend a shitty public school in Chicago, LA, El Paso, or some other Democrat run shit hole, where you are taught BLM and CRT garbage.

      Reading your post lowers people’s IQ.

    7. Do you actually know what side the Republicans fought on during the Civil War and what they were fighting for? I am guessing probably not, your comment sounds like you do no research yourself and study no history...

    8. Democrats play book "Rules for Radicals" accuse your enemies of what you yourself are guilty of,and if you tell a lie long enough,the sheeple will start to believe it..RINOS are no different..basically 2 sides of the same coin!

    9. Your so full of BS
      go get educated @ 4:17
      kids like you start crap
      and do not know a damn thing about the truth
      Ignorance is what your made of

    10. You can come on here and lie all you want but the statistics don’t prove that. Record deaths in all democrat cities across the US. I’d rather be a proud boy than a pink hair antifa fag like you

    11. Southern conservatives started the KKK when they called themselves Democrats/Dixiecrats at that time in history. Southern Conservatives/white supremacists rebrand more frequently faster than snakes shed skin. John Birch society, the klan, neo nazis/ proud boys, countless Trump supporting militias, the tea party, freedom caucus, Marjorie Taylor Greene's and Paul Gosar's Anglo-Saxon-America-First caucus, MAGA- are all simply different brands for the same white supremacists. It's SOP for white supremacists to muddy the waters as regards documented history of white supremacism and although the original comment could use some finesse, it's fairly on point. The *hair on fire* responses from white supremacist supporters evidence that quite well.

  2. i mean. normally people who were on their way to a bank in mexico and subsequently reported missing. normally this person is as good as dead... i just hope she wasn't tortured or anything.

  3. Cancun is not safe for tourist. They are disparate in kidnapping for ransom. Don't tell me it's Cjng behind it again.

    1. @641

      Cjng is behind all major crime in Mexico😀

      - CDS lover

    2. WHO Rules in Cancun except the cjng. Violence dropped dramatically and now the CJNG is the dominant Power there

  4. Targeting foreigners is bad for business, but 5 mexican girls going missing is normal in EVERY city.

  5. Regardless of the 5 other victims having Latin surnames… do some digging and you will find a trend of older non-Mexican victims (of homicide) in both Cancun AND Acapulco.

    Truly heartbreaking; somebody is making it clear that ex-pats and non-Mexican retirees are no longer welcome into the country..

    1. Maybe the The US should do same as these countries? Then maybe snowflakes would have something to actually complain about

  6. After getting out of a terrifying situation myself years back, I should have been a fem statistic as well...I just hope death is swift for anybody kidnapped in Mexico.
    Remember when the guy who taught people how to evade kidnapping in Mexico was kidnapped, while assisting in freeing somebody else?
    Just so brutal. May death be swift, if release doesn't come about in 24hrs. F me...all these men and women...dumpster fire S show...

  7. People understimate mexico. they see a few things on social media and they begin to feel safe, they see the sandy beaches, the clear water, the people.. but hidden underneath all of that...

  8. I been living in Cancun for the past 3 years and have been seeing a huuuuuge spike in crime and corruption , I’ve had a couple incidents where I even had 2 get a way because I was being followed and in 1 case my girlfriend happened the same thing. She went to plaza Américas to retrieve money from coppel when 2 guys started following her all d way 2 the house until she stepped out before arriving in a públic place and asking for help since the 2 guys where off their vehicle and chasing her. Luckily she was safe and did the right thing unfortunately not every one has the same faith. Now and days that’s why alllll tourist go to different places because of the corrupt cops that only steal tourist money 1 way or another and because of all the senseless crimes that the government allow to happen to every one including the tourist. Be safe please and I would reconsider different tourist area. Just my 2 cents 🙏

    1. Which area do you recommend? Or just avoid cancun in general?

    2. @9:08 The CJNG effect. Whole Mexico was calm except usual places like border towns or huge ports. But everything was quiet. Jalisca fangirls who always lived in USA don't get that.

  9. Send in the German Gastapo Intelligence asap. Can't depend on the Mexican government or police to help.

  10. CJNG and their band of low life scum at it again….probably want to recoup some of their losses from all these dumb wars they’re starting all over the country

  11. Mexico is the wild west... No inclusivity, no rules, no political Correctness. Only pure power is respected.

    Savagery from the aztecs, Conquest from the Spanish empire
    A nation built on savagery

    1. You do know that not all Mexicans are Aztecs and that the Spaniards were just as bad as the Aztecs they conquered.

    2. @2:30 you didn't get that from "Savagery from the aztecs, Conquest from the Spanish empire
      A nation built on savagery"???

    3. Not quite 2:30, the Aztecs were pretty savage compared to los espanoles. Look up tzompantlis. Archeologists have discovered skull racks of children that were sacrificed by the Aztecs. Unfortunately they were too savage against other Mexicans so those persecuted tribes helped the Spanish destroy an empire.

    4. The Tarascans kicked the Spaniards and the Aztecs asses 😂 and had them running 🏃‍♀️ for the hills scared.

      The Tarascans were 100x way more ruthless only difference was that they kept to themselves unlike the Aztecs who tried to move in on other tribes territory.

  12. Cancun I never been to , but it's funny how I ran all over the streets of tijuana alone for many years , lived way up in a colonia far away from border , got in trouble and went to jail , got out of jail, smuggled people, walked around late at night in la zona , had 5,000 dollars on me at one time , had fiestas in the most run down cantinas , lived poor at one time , stayed the night with complete strangers , AND I NEVER CAME up missing or got kid napped !!!!! I'm just wondering why and how this happens

    1. That’s because Tijuana is the safest place on earth

    2. La guera paisa es jefa de plaza

    3. Untill you know the real deal , don't joke about it

    4. Idiot,that was the past!

    5. Guera, I believe in God. No se tu, verdad. Cada quien sus creencias. But I believe He took care of you for a reason. You should talk to Him about it someday. Only He has the answers :) God bless you Guerita, stay dangerous girlfriend !

  13. MEXICO is not what it used to be
    Just LIKE U.S. is not what it used to be
    Before, Mexicans would go north get money and go back to Mexico and live a good life.
    Now Mexicans go north and THEY can't make that money the generation before them made and they get STUCK in the ghetto.. 😆

    1. That's not funny 1251. US ghetto still better than some parts of Mexico..some parts.

  14. Wait for the, "its her fault for "flashing money" comments. Criminal society.

  15. Being beautiful or visibly well-off makes you a target everywhere. I taught my daughter Situational Awareness. Her best friend's SEAL Team father helped me to cement the idea. And a can of the mace, just in case.

    Hasta luego,

  16. O yeah. She gone. Gone girl. Someone spotted her taking cash at the bank and followed her then killed her.

  17. Dumb fucks are just killing tourism sooner or later it’s gonna beautiful beaches by themselves smh dumb fucking pendejos sometimes

  18. Si ya saben como esta mexico para que vergas van

  19. 3:05

    right here..

    thank you nestor well said

  20. This has been happening for some time in Cancun. Different cartels have controlled the region from cdg, cdn, los rojos,cjng, and other local gangs. They suppress and threaten the media on publishing cartel violence to avoid having tourists cancel their vacation plans.

  21. something doesnt add up playas, why would you cross the ferry into puerto juarez when you can just take out money at the many atms or even @ chedraui on isla mujeres?


  23. Youtube videos showing mexico to be such a great place to retire. Single women may prefer Thailand, Bali, Vietnam.....instead due to this type of crime.

  24. How dare you use the post of our missing friend to debate. Shame on you. If you aren't posting a solution SHUT THE FU.


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