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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Hermosillo, Sonora: Mother and Son Located After Virtual Kidnapping

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A mother and her son were found after they became victims of a virtual kidnapping. A sum of 200 thousand pesos was demanded from her family for their release, they are now safe and secure. 

Thanks to the trust placed in the Attorney General's Office (FGJE). And the timely report by Aurora to locate her relatives. Adriela Samaria, 32 years old and her son, 6 years old, were found in a hotel in the city, when they became victims of extortion through a phone call. They avoided paying the sum requested by the criminals.

Adriela Samaria's family received a phone call demanding $200,000 pesos in exchange for releasing them. The extortionists claimed to have her and her son kidnapped, and demanded the money, almost immediately, so as not to take their lives.

The family didn’t obey, before making any transactions, decided to call the authorities. At approximately 11:55 a.m. on June 17 of this year, through the phone line 089 of citizen complaints.

In the complaint they indicated that they were receiving calls from the number 6221467245, through which a subject told them that they had Adriela Samaria and her son kidnapped. They were asking for money for their release.

Immediately elements of the Extortion area of the Specialized Unit in Combating Kidnapping (UECS) of the FGJE Sonora went to the Sahuaro neighborhood, from where the complaint was filed. To receive more information and provide the family support with crisis management.

After the meeting and several cabinet and field investigations, at approximately 2:11 p.m., UECS managed to locate the victims in the room of a hotel located on Blvd. Enrique Mazón López and Cobre Street in Colonia San Luis, on the International Highway that leads to Nogales.

The staff of the FGJE Sonora found the victims, healthy and safe, just when Adriela Samaria had an ongoing call with the extortionist or extortionists. They supported her in handling the situation. Afterwards she and her son were transferred to the offices where she was reunited with her family. The total sum requested by the criminals was avoided. 

It should be noted that the family and the victims were also supported by the FGJE Sonora, on how to avoid falling into this type of illicit activity. Adriela Samaria explained to the authorities in her statement that she received from the extortionists a deposit of 700 pesos, through a convenience store, with the purpose of moving to the municipality of Guaymas, Sonora.

The FGJE Sonora again calls on citizens to avoid answering calls from unknown phone numbers. Should this happen citizens are advised to hang up immediately and file a complaint to the telephone numbers 911, 089, or consult the directory and locate the Early Care Center, Women's Justice Center or the nearest Public Ministry Agency at:

Radar Sonora



  2. Not clear if the mother and child were hiding or the alledged kidnappers had them.

    1. They were kidnapped and being held for ransom.

    2. It's a scam they pull... Same thing happens to a friend and her mom... They called her, told her that her son was kidnapped and to go to a hotel room and not call anyone or answer any calls or her son would be killed...

  3. Ok, thanks, it almost looked like Mom was staging the kidnapping herself.

  4. The kidnappers sent her money to move to Guaymas ?

  5. The advice is to ignore calls from unknown numbers. If your relatives have been kidnapped, then how will you know? Let's say you ignore calls from an unknown number, but you're worried. You call relatives to make sure they're okay. Aside from parents and the wifey or hubby and the kids, who else do you call? Gramps? Your siblings and nieces and nephews? Second cousins once removed? I suppose you could, but for many that would entail hours of phone calls.
    I'm missing something here.

  6. Mr.Brown, this story doesn't add up, no fault of Sol's, but if I understand correctly, mom was being held in a hotel ! Apparently, no kidnappers were there, she was found on the phone talking to the kidnappers, the kidnappers sent her money to move to Guaymas. Looks like an inside Job to me. By the way, grew up listening to your music, you'll always be the godfather of soul sir.

  7. Am I the only one confused?
    It was virtual so that means they weren't physically kidnapped?
    The family didn't pay, but the criminals paid her 700 pesos to move???

  8. Alguien a visto la entrevista de Gusgri? Parece que es lo mismo de lo hablaron

  9. Replies
    1. I love your comment, 👍👍👍👍


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