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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Mencho's Godson Granted Amparo by Federal Judge

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

In a battle of court orders by judges, Mencho's godson Adrián Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias, alias "El Ocho" was ordered to be released by a federal judge. Then the Federal Attorney General's Office (FGR) got a different federal judge to order El Ocho be detained for 40 days while they work on a new federal investigation. This allowed them to arrest him as he was leaving prison. Then Ocho's legal team got a third federal judge to grant him a writ of amparo which bars him from being detained.

El Ocho's Legal Battle

Based on an appeal filed by El Ocho’s legal team, a Tamaulipas based Federal Judge granted an injunction which ordered El Ocho be released from Federal Prison #14 in Gómez Palacio, Durango. 

When prosecutors heard about the injunction that would release him, the FGR requested as an urgent matter to be heard by a specialized judge. At the court hearing, the FGR demonstrated that, in addition to the charges El Ocho already faced, they had opened a new investigation on El Ocho based on information they have gathered about his probable participation in federal crimes. Based on the FGR’s evidence at the hearing, the specialized judge granted an arraigo order against El Ocho.

El Ocho being transferred.
An arraigo order is a mechanism in Mexican law that allows for those suspected of organized crime to be held for up to 40 days without charges having been formally brought against them. This time is to allow prosecutors to investigate and prepare their evidence against the accused in more complicated charges related to organized crime. 

June 10 2021 

At around 3:00 pm, Ocho was granted his freedom from federal prison #14. However he was only a free man for a few minutes because as he was leaving the facilities FGR agents rearrested him based on the arraigo order they had been granted. Ocho was then transferred to the facilities of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO) in Mexico City. 

June 12 2021

FGR agents transferred Ocho from FEMDO facilities to the National Arraigo Center in Mexico City, where he joined drug lord Héctor "El Güero" Palma, who is also being held there.

El Ocho being transferred.

June 14 2021

In response to the arraigo order, El Ocho’s legal team filed a petition for a writ of amparo. An amparo is a powerful provision with unique precedents within Mexican law meant to protect a person’s rights and the Mexican constitution itself from violations by the state. In a practical sense, an amparo provides for a constitutional review by a Federal Court at any stage of a case to determine whether a citizen’s rights are being violated by the state.

Judge María Dolores Núñez Solorio granted El Ocho a suspension, which means Ocho must be brought before a corresponding judicial body within 48 hours (or 96 hours in the case of organized crime charges) or he will be released.

The amapro judge asserted that unless Ocho was detained in an urgent case or in flagrante delicto, then prosecutor's cannot restrict his liberty and if they have restricted his liberty than he must be immediately released from custody.
El Ocho in detention.

El Ocho's legal team asserted that he is being held incommunicado by the prosecution. They also argued that he is being mistreated, saying he has suffered physical beatings and psychological torture.
Judge Núñez Solorio ordered a court clerk to visit El Ocho in order to verify their claims. The court clerk reported that El Ocho was not being held incommunicado and had not suffered physical mistreatment.

The judge asked prosecutors to render a report within a term of 15 days regarding Ocho's detention.
Who is El Ocho?
Adrián Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias, alias "El Ocho" was the leader of a Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) cell called Los Guerreros.

The Guerrero family has been operating in the state of Michoacán for more than 30 years. In the early days the Guerrero family was known for cattle rustling. Their criminal endeavors expanded and they are now believed to be involved in extortion, kidnapping, murder, gasoline pipeline theft and drug trafficking. Previously they had to fight off attempted incursions by the Sinaloa Cartel into their territory.

Their leader was Javier Guerrero Martinez, who was a close personal friend of CJNG leader El Mencho. Through their friendship and collaboration, the Guerreros influence is believed to expanded to Ocotlán, Zapotlanejo, La Barca, Poncitlán, Atotonilco, Arandas, San Ignacio, La Capilla, Tepatitlán and Yahualica, in Jalisco state, as well as the municipalities of Tanhuato and Yurécuaro, in Michoacán state by 2015.

The two leaders worked closely together to prevent the Caballeros Templarios cartel from expanding on the borders of Jalisco and Michoacán, especially in the municipalities of Ecuandureo and Tanhuato.  

Tanhuato is actually where Javier Guerrero Martinez met his end, while fighting with Caballeros Templarios. In December 2011, Javier Guerrero died on a dirt road between the town of Tinaja de Vargas (Tanhuato) and the Autopista de Occidente.
Javier Guerrero Covarrubias, alias "El Javi" who is El Ocho's brother.

After his death, Javier Guerrero Martinez's three sons and his brother Heraclio Guerrero Martínez took over leadership of Los Guerreros. Javier's sons are Leonardo Guerrero Covarrubias, Javier Guerrero Covarrubias alias "El Javi" and Adrian Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias "El Ocho". All three sons are godsons of El Mencho.

In May-August 2015, Leonardo, Javier and their uncle Heraclio were all arrested after a series of highly violent incidents. They are suspected of planning such as the March 2015 ambush that killed 5 federal policemen and 2 civilians in Ocotlán and the Villa Purificación battle that killed 9 security forces personnel.

After the arrest of his two brothers and his uncles, leadership of Los Guerreros fell to Adrian Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias. In April 2019 Adrian was captured and charged with organized crime and kidnapping. He was sent to Federal Prison #14 where he has been ever since until these recent events, occurring June 10 2021. Where Los Guerreros still holds influence and who they are currently being led by is unconfirmed by official sources at this time.


  1. I don't know where Rafael Caro Quintero is...

    1. Probably in Bolivia or Nicaragua somewhere in South America since he had properties all over there including Costa Rica before being captured


    1. Conjunto Norteño Sinaloense= Acordeon, Bajo Sexto y tuba

      Conjunto Norteño Michoacan= guitarra de enano, Violin y Arpa...🤣🤣🤣🤣☠☠☠

    2. Di 'CJNG' o 'cheese crumbs' y las sinalacras salen en chinga como las ratas que son 😂

    3. And ugly sandals

    4. say “midget” or 5’0 and these fanboys come crawling out like the dick suckers they are. they know who I’m talking about.

    5. @6:24
      Who? Cds cheerleaders?


      El señor poderoso is 5'7 according to the DEA profile 😌😌 CDS enanos dont know wth to come up with anymore.

    7. Sigue ladrando perro sarniento que tu lloradera no va parar la putiza que les están dando. You must be talking about ICV with that "5'0", montaperros is all JAGL and KingRat™ is MIZG. Vete a comerte tus ricos tacos de chilorio GILBERTONA @6:24

    8. I’m going to make that my theme music whenever I enter a room. Maybe even a Stetson if I’m really feeling it.

    9. 4 letras cheersquad getting all butthurt 🤣🤣

    10. 7:32 mi cancion empieza:
      "Cierren las puertas,
      porque ya llegó su mero padre!"

    11. Here is a video of a big sinalacra rat roaming the streets of NYC looking for cheese crumbs, his name is Archie. He was just released from jail after snitching on his fellow comrades.

    12. 5:10 are you calling CDrataS RATS? 🐁🐁🐁🐁🤣🤣🤣🤣 couldnt have said it better!!! Muchachas si quieren conquistar a un sinaloa denles de comer quesadillas! Pero que sean de queso no de flor de calabaza! 🤣🤣🤣🐁🐁🐁

    13. Lmao@ 6:52 chapo is 5'6 and considered short for sinaloa standards. Mencho is one inch taller and you speak of him like he's a giant of a man. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Hasta pones la carita tonta de orgulloso 😌. Hahahaha. You're an idiot.

    14. 7:53 the only person getting burt hurt is basement_management

    15. 6:24 that mierda is getting more that just butt hurt

    16. @11:51
      When did I ever mention him being a giant? I just wanted to prove dumbasses like you who keep making up these make believe theories about el señor height that hes actually not what you guys say "5'0"? Pero pues lo pendejo quien se los quita.

      And beside, you CDS cheerleaders are fucken strange its cringe no lie, you bastards are the only ones concerned with another mans "looks , height and skintone"? What's next? Zodiac signs? Blind dates??? 😂😂😂 pinches gilbertonas puñalones.

    17. Porque las golbertonas son tan mitoteras? Diciendo que el señor mencho mise 5'0" cuando en realidad mide 5'8" o 5'7"
      Les sigo diciendo por eso nadie les cree de tantas mitotes que inventan

    18. Ok guys. Now we know what bothers the CJNG cheer squad.

      Their 5’0 midget leader of the medio metro cartel will not be disrespected. Don’t point out how stupid and short he looks with his land scaper looks and oompa oompa physique !

    19. Mucha violencia chilangos y chinolas.

    20. mencho straight up getting clowned on god damn 😂😂😂

    21. 3:18 🤣🤣🤣🤣 esas gilbertonas cada ves que habren la voca se ven peor 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i would be more ashame to be getting my ass kicked by a 5'0" midget than a 5'7" dude but hey keep it up you sound just like the guy who said here in the north we like to rape guys from the south 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no mamen les digo no conectan la lengua con el cerebro🤣🤣🤣🤣

    22. 229 nope cjng cheer leaders were making fun of novenos short &fat ass 🐷rumor has it mencho will now be known as “El oompa loompa de Michoacan”

    23. @8:13 y tenías que defender a tu macho porque no se podían quedar así las ofensas en contra de tu mantecas verdad Gilbertona?

    24. Lol. Nothing funnier than angry midgets from Michoacan.

    25. @3:15
      Yeah there is
      Midgets kicking or killing your asses is hahahaha

    26. 315 lmao you think I care about that obese midget? that’s the funniest thing about cjng fans they always reply something irrelevant about Sinaloa or el chapo 😂 l

  3. i just don't get it. why is the FGR always running around trying to keep capos in prison when they get released? why not make sure they DON'T get released in the first place? they are a complete joke...

    1. @4:48 Plata o plomo.

    2. The joke is on you and the rest of us. That is the way they collect bribes

    3. @5:38 said it.

      Military and police (city/state/federal) get paid for “working”.

      The powers that be get paid for the bribes, and the beat goes on.

      Systemic national genocide… with blatant corruption and cohesion amongst armies of criminals who make the Nazis look like boy-scouts..


    This is nice.

  5. Mencho pulling the strings again

  6. Of course the judge got bribed, by I'll gotten money from drug sales, kidnapping for ransom, extortion fees.

    1. Blood money goes to the government so cjng can continue the life of crime.

  7. Se me antoja una caguama bien helada

  8. CJNG ratting out more people just so they get free. Free from the prisons, the beatings and torture. CJNG are soft.

  9. Los famosos Guerrero de Tinajas.. Heraclio( el tío Lako) no duró encerrado ya anda por ahí desde hace varios años… me pregunto si los que se han metido a Atacheo y alrededores son gente directa de los guerrero o los pendejitos que tienen en Ecu, por tiempo se rumoreaba que quería volver el del Hummer blanco, pero con apoyo del CDS.. al parecer no le quisieron ayudar, seguirá escondido en Tijuas, el muerto viviente. Levantaron a su familiar y no movieron ni un dedo, ahí se andaban paseando con los carros que le robaron me pregunto que pensara Tony fierro de lo que a pasado, sus familiares see creían intocables y ahora no pueden pisar el pueblo sin estarse cuidando las espaldas.

    1. Primo uste si sabe de lo que habla. Que les paso a Los Bayos

    2. El famoso Tony que se paseaba por La Rivera y yurecuaro en su Lamborghini. Que tiempos. Hasta El famoso ondeado se escondio un tiempo en yurecuaro. Los chinolas se creeian dueños de esos lados.

    3. Asi es compa el Tony de donde era? Con que cartel andaba?

    4. Tony y su familia radicaban en Ecuandureo, pero originalmente si bien recuerdo eran del pueblo de Patzimaro de Aviña. De cual cartel no lo sé más bien quizás era independiente, como muchos en aquellos años de los 70-80s trabajaban con quien les hiciera dinero o fue socio del Cartel de Guadalajara, se dice que su esposa era prima de caro Quintero. De que fue un grande jugador en esas áreas lo fue, hasta Chalino le hizo su corrido.

    5. Soy de la concia jalisco. Eltoney se miraba segido por ay. Y de arepente se desaparesio

  10. Its pathetic , let me go in their and clean up the city , I'm an ex agent it will not take me long.

    1. Okay Secret Squirrel.

      Keyboard warriors are hilarious.

  11. Its pathetic let me go in their and clean the city , I'm an ex agent wont take me long

    1. @7:08 Ok rambo, this is not a video game, there's no restart and one shot can kill you.

  12. Cartels - 1,043,566 points
    Mexico - 0


  13. Sorry but they don’t control tepatitlan

    1. Understood. I think the source I pulled the list of locations from (El Universal) was saying at the time of El Javi's arrest, Los Guerreros had influence there. But he was arrested in 2015, so I have no doubt its changed since then. I'll change the language around a bit to reflect that. Thanks.

    2. Cjng has tepa onlock.

  14. I heard this guys cells took over Jalos and they making a push for Teocal.

  15. I wonder if they will let novenos fatass out? And his crew of taco killers 😂😂😂 Or is he and his org too broke to pay? 🤔 traguen cock sinamaricas! 🤣🤣🤣

  16. CJNG has great connections in Langley, Virginia.


  17. EU says CJNG is not only the most well armed cartel in mexico but the most dangerous and most powerfull in the WORLD!!!! Lloren gilbertonas Ajuaaaaaaa!!!!!!! QUE VIVA EL SEÑOR MENCHO!!!!!!!!!

    1. That's nothing to be proud of tonto.

    2. Lol Mencho hiding in caves, not so brave.

    3. SINALOA is number one ....Why would you be proud of that you scum

    4. Sinaloa is #1, in snitching.

    5. Look at this cartel supporting piece of trash….if one of your loved ones died using the fake pills they sell to Americans you wouldn’t be such a big fan! you’ve gotta be a major POS to support any cartel but supporting cjng is as low as supporting the zetas

  18. Palabra... don't hate players hate the game

  19. 08 y todo en paz en los altos.


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