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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Mexico City: 2 Americans Wanted for Homicide Apprehended

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Two US citizens with arrest warrants in their country were arrested in possession of drugs in the San Felipe de Jesús neighborhood, in the Gustavo A. Madero district.

Agents from the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) were carrying out patrols when they noticed the pair of individuals, who were exchanging packages for cash, with other people.

Suspecting that it was drug dealing, the policemen approached and the alleged drug dealers began to run. After a short chase they were arrested.

"In compliance with the police action protocols, a preventive review was carried out, after which 10 transparent plastic bags containing a green herb similar to marijuana and cash were secured," the SSC detailed.

"The men identified themselves as US citizens and when they cross-checked the information, the SSC police officers learned that they both have arrest warrants for the crime of homicide in the state of California."

El Grafico


  1. Excellent �� catch probably working with cjng, boy many are finally getting killed, arrested, extridited to USA, they got no balls no more, lol and thier boss hides out in a cave so primitive.

    1. They hide in caves while others get caught just to snitch on their compadres right?

    2. Hehehehe you sound so sure about that

    3. Shut yo bitch ass up you obviously don’t know shit about who they work for

    4. Lol Mencho in caves, reminds me when I would watch Fred Flintstone cartoons, that was a while back.

    5. Americans in Mexico city? They were either deported or on the run from the couldn't pay me to live there.

    6. @5:48 You probably only know the slums areas and they look like trashy ass cholos lmfao.

    7. 5:48 didn't you read the article? They were wanted for murder in California, so duh!! They were on the run

  2. Imbeciles....
    I would have said "my name is Paco....",
    (short pause)
    "Paco Taco..." and I am anything BUT an
    American Citizen. Born and raised 2 blocks
    from here and I am just selling some green
    to pay for my sisters cancer treatments."
    That is what I would have said.

  3. Live notcied you guys flag certain comments but allow for rude and arrogant comments to be posted. To whomever is in charge of the choosing of "valid" comments is not to far out from the those individuals

    1. Quit complaining if you're comment is good then it makes it in.

    2. 2:11 - ppl come here for the comments too. Let them fight. If you don’t them, don’t read them. Read the stories only.

    3. 2:11 si no te gusta no leas los comentarios! Nomas la nota y ALV! Eres de los que dicen "no me la metan! Pero estas en 4" no mames cabeza!!!!!

    4. Pendejo. Enfócate en algo más que estar echando pendejadas. Lo que fastidia es gente como usted que no sabe ni el pedo que le sale

  4. They don’t look American to me. Glad they won’t be headed back across my border. They are back in their nation where they belong.

    1. well what does an American look like then??

      they will be brought across the border for extradition for homicide.

    2. Bro get it right they are headed back to USA, there are you happy now.

    3. 2:27 i would love to see a picture of you to see if you qualified as an "american"

    4. 2:27 i would love to see a picture of you to see if you qualifie as an "american" when actually mexican are more americans than caucasians! Learn your geography before you speak! This guys are more americans than any other white dude

    5. @2:27 Go back to Europe and away from my land then.

    6. 2:27 remember whites are europeans! Not americans! 😉

    7. Anglos immigrated from Europe. Read up about it in the history books

    8. 10:08 Europeans came to America and natrized and became Americans.

    9. So the brown dudes have to mooch, leach, and victimize the European white dudes in the US and mexico.

    10. I'm sure 2:27 is a CDS fanboy there usually that stupid.

    11. @10:00 pm Europeans were in america 9000 years ago,( florida bog people)
      So its THEIR land too payaso!

  5. You would think after you make it out of the country you would lay low and live the rest of your life away from any trouble but dumb and dumber here decided to keep living that fast life. Wouldn’t doubt it if they get life in prison without parol because of a gang enhancement.

    1. life without parole would be the 2nd best outcome. firing squad would be 1st. dispose of these 2 quickly and proceed to more important business

  6. Мексика - не более чем актив для сверхдержав. В стране одни из самых больших запасов драгоценных металлов, чем в любой другой стране. Кроме того, из-за спровоцированной войны с наркотиками, развязанной в 1980-х годах, Мексику и Латинскую Америку навсегда возглавят ополченцы, которые не позволят этим странам совершить революции. Кроме того, в результате этих конфликтов в Латинской Америке у Соединенных Штатов будет нескончаемый источник дешевой рабочей силы и группы для голосования, которую они смогут использовать на своих выборах. Un Paise de Campesinos

    1. I am sorry, not only do I not read comments with all capitals, but I also don't read Russian, Perhaps Sol understands your language, he is an expert at reading Mantas, welcome to Mexico and stay alive, say hello to Putin for me.

    2. Sorry no Russian in here, mostly Hispanic.

    3. He is asking the campensinos what mountains in the caves is Mencho hiding, wow Russia is aware of the bug reward in getting Mencho.

    4. @3:38 If the corporations of the world were really concerned about their local workforce they wouldn’t be selling themselves out for that cheap labor you speak of. And the manufactured voting group you mentioned at least had enough common sense not to have blindly attacked the capitol.

  7. Que bueno mas de cjng para USA.

  8. Some People don't read the article carefully, they are wanted for HOMICIDE IN THE USA, KARMA IS A BIZNITCH

    1. And some people don't know how to use capitals properly.

    2. Indeed... especially in organized crime. You either get ratted out or killed. Killed by either your people or the No knockers

  9. US "citizens" not Americans.

    1. Really? Mexico, usa and canada make north america, then you have central america and south america
      So yes they are americans north americans if they are from mexico

    2. 3:14

      Us indigenous are the real Americans you white skinned people are Europeans.

    3. @7:05 actually europeans were in north america,and are the originol indiginious people!
      Florida bog people 9000 bc
      Solutrians 18,000 bc
      Adina people 15,000 bc
      Amorites 8000 bc
      Snake people 7000 bc
      And the mayans will tell you about The Tsll White Ones who were there BEFORE them!!
      YOU are the invader!!


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