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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Omar García Harfuch Assures That CJNG Is Not Based in Mexico City

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Omar García Harfuch, Secretary of Public Security of Mexico City, assures that the CJNG is not based in the capital and that they have weakened the Tepito Union.

During the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Executive Directorate of Air Services Condores, belonging to the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) of Mexico City, the head Omar García Harfuch was present.

During the delivery of recognitions the official took advantage of the event to declare some statements about security in the metropolis.

First, he said that the SSC strategy has allegedly weakened several cells of the Tepito Union Cartel.

This in view of some recent arrests of drug dealers made by agents of the security agency.

However, what attracted the most attention was that he again denied the presence of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) in the city.

And he clings to deny a very evident reality not only in the metropolitan area, but also in the suburban area with the State of Mexico.

Previously in Grillonautas we had informed you about the announcement of a purge warned by the CJNG in the municipality of Naucalpan, State of Mexico.

They pointed out that they are after Néstor Arturo López Arellano, known as “El 20”, a drug retailer who operates in the northern area of Mexico City and its border with Mexican territory.

In addition, the signs of organized crime violence in this area continued to rise; which is contradictory to García Harfuch's statements.

Although we already know his speech, on other occasions the secretary has dedicated himself to denying and minimizing the criminal power of the El Mencho cartel, but the reality is that their affairs in the city is increasing.



  1. Este we no llena hahahah
    De rato ni lo duden que le pongan un carro yucateco
    B00mb444 XD

  2. So who attacked him that time?

    1. 9:35 the attack was planned and staged by harfuch himself, and he planned it before he bought his armored SUV with public funds, then he sent his attackers in and his security detail out to carry out the "attack" unmolested, he learned in televisa and with his friend and mentor genarco garcia luna.

  3. Harfuch is like any CDS cheerleader---in denial.

  4. Good job Harfuch. You are doing your part in taking down the Jalisco “medio metro” cartel aka cjng. the leaders are the first of their kind world class midgets with the best guns and trucks to compensate for their height.

    1. Did someone of short stature beat you up or take your women?

      De seguro estas bien alto como los gringos y bien culon y huevon como ellos

    2. With 7 million rounds

    3. You cant talk about midgets without talking about Chapo.

    4. Is it true Sinaloans are 100% indian blood line. Turns out they have no european blood line

    5. De que sirve ser alto y sin HUEVOS 😂🤣🤣

    6. 537 chapo was 5’7. mencho is 5’0 and some of the Valencia are like 4’9. Don’t act like there’s not a difference just because you’re a fan girl.

      Say it with honor! Puro medio metro cartel!

    7. Chapo 5’7 Mayo 5’11 Beltránes, Carrillos, Palma, Arellanos all 6’0+ mínimum ! Rigoberto campos was 6’3 and dating holly wood stars!

    8. 8:21 how does it feel that a 4'9" dude's team is beating the crap out of you 5'7" 250 pounds kings?

    9. Mencho is taller than chapo or about the same height!

      If these men are short what’s it to you? How does that affect your life?

      You sound like you have self esteem issues and using this as a way to deal with you own insecurities

      Why are you concerned with another man’s looks or appearance, etc?
      Are you gay? Not judging but makes me wonder about your obsession

    10. 8:21 basement_management go away

    11. 1005 im just pointing it out. Why do you care if I make fun of some cartel scum bags? The way everyone reacted leads me to believe they’re the ones with self esteem issues. Just keep scrolling

    12. Lol wtf is mencho really 5 feet?? Some sources say he's 5'7 while others say he's 5 feet? Hahaha haha. Funny cuz menchito is 6 feet, he must get it from his mothers side of the family por que el Abigail Valencia aka Cuini is a tall mofo.

    13. Shorter men always win, since the age of the dinosaurs,
      i mean, the tall and big Beltranuses and the arellanuses all went down like dinosaurs,
      A few exceptions is Napolion and Hitler, and stephen miller the presidential ass kisser, they won too many victories before getting smashed down like coockroaches and tecazcuanes.

  5. He probably took the bribe after the attempt. They said the same thing in regards to LFM back when they were expanding into El DF. They don't want to admit to rich Capitalinos shit came to their door step.

  6. Another PENDEJO in office letting the CARTELS grow WHILE MEXICANS keep getting KILLED and getting extorted..
    There is A REASON 🇺🇸 is destabilizing 🇲🇽
    I can think of at least 3.. Just SAYING...

    1. Orale caps lock nino, delite just already stating a comment.

    2. Para que pone El menso just saying cuando ya esta siendo un commentario!!

    3. 11:43 exactly. don't listen to those haters. Do your thing caps

    4. lower case rules...

    5. Hater's OMG lol 1149 teach your fkn buddy English.

    6. Focus on WHAT I SAY
      NOT how I WRITE it..
      Just SAYING.. PENDEJOs! 😆

  7. according to cjng nut riders they are winning in every city in Mex and the battle of Berlin. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight (Dr. Evil voice)

    2. You made a strong point there . They are in all Mexico so you tell me what's up

    3. ...not to mention the cartels have franchises in every country. Look at UK...they are running amok blow, Netherlands, Canada, Spain, and their power and influence will sadly grow to insane levels in the next century.
      The fire is just beginning to grow.

    4. 8:57 money flows to those countries' banksters.
      BS flows to us and the cartels since the discovery of the Nuevo Mundo, please wake the fack up.

  8. Es mas wey. Lo que dices es que en Jalisco no existe la cuidad de Mexico. Esto ja se sabe. Tu gobierno no existe wey. Facil te llegamos. Un nuevo contrato hace AMLO. Y el nomas. Te conto los Jefes en que se firme con? De variyeda mis Jefes. No como tu emponido ah nada de ser de lo que esta.

    1. @12:17 Qué pedo pinche foquero.

  9. Not that Harfuch is not corrupt, but he did destroy anything serious the Jaliscas had in Mexico City. That's why they tried killing him and why Mencho keeps crying about him. Threw the Jaliscas out of CDMX with his hit squads. Jaliscas only had success against gas thieves and even they are making a comeback against the Jaliscas.

  10. Omar took the money from the jaliscas to make his family and him rich.
    He weakened la union on orders of mencho to strengthen la anti union which is supported by the jaliscas
    And no they don’t tried to kill him last year, just a staged ambush! Compare the details between this ambush and all the other and you will understand.

  11. If they weren’t, they will be.

  12. He is like the guy Duranzo of security for Obrador offering stupid comments.

    1. CJNG fanboys creating fake propaganda, since alot of CJNG members have been killed, detained and sent to USA. Lol

  13. Great. Where is Rafael Caro Quintero?!?

    1. Why are you being redickous, asking the same thing in each article...get a life.

    2. Dork is getting in on each article posting the same thing.

  14. How hard can it be to while out pa union tepito gang

  15. Wasn't this asshole working with nueva plaza?

    1. according to el cholo but you can never believe anything a captive is forced to say

  16. cjng had 25 guys with some .50 cals in ambush and still couldnt kill this guy with 2 bodyguards.🤣🤣🤣 And the groupies will say they can beat MZs flechas. 🙄😂😂😂

  17. Porque se desgarran las vestiduras cuando un Funcionario sale a decir públicamente que tal Organización no existe o no opera en tal Ciudad.

    Recuerdo cuando el sexenio de Fox negaban la existencia de Los Zetas y a inicios del de Calderón también lo negaban, pero ellos (Z) aferrados a que los reconocieran públicamente, igual le paso a los Beltrán, Familia Michoacana/Caballeros Templarios y ahora al CJNG.

    Nada más les recuerdo que sería de las 4 Letras sin los CDG (Diferentes facciones), Zetas descarriados, Templarios torcidos y mas celulas delictivas que se anexaron al quedarse sin Jefe; si batallaron con un huachicolero que estaba solo sin apoyo de otra Organización, la neta creen que en algun momento dominaran México?

    No lo pudo hacer Sinaloa cuando estaban Unidos, no pudo el Golfo cuando tenian a los Zetas, recuerden como termino FM, CTM y CJNG no es muy diferente.

  18. A pinche Harfuch pendejo
    Estas viendo y no vez wey

    1. 1:18 es que no hay pior ciego que el que no quiere ver...
      See the US situation with the Unpresidented Disgrace Herds?


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