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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Narcomantas from "Gente Nueva de Michoacán" in Pátzcuaro

"HEARST" from Borderland Beat 

Several narcomantas, or messages banners left by cartel members, were left in the town of Pátzcuaro, Michoacán that were signed by Gente Nueva de Michoacán.

On the afternoon of June 15 2021, unknown persons hung several narcomantas at different locations in the town of Pátzcuaro, which is located in central Michoacán, in between the cities of Uruapan and Morelia. Some of the narcomantas were placed in Gertrudis Bocanegra square, which is in the Centro neighborhood of Pátzcuaro.

Merchants who work in Bocanegra square reported the appearance of these narcomantas to the Michoacán Police. The narcomantas appear to be professionally printed on tarps. Shortly thereafter, uniformed officers arrived on scene and removed the banners. The banners were collected as evidence and handed over to the state Attorney General's Office.

In statements, Michoacán Police confirmed that the banners contained a warning against some local transportation figures but they, as can be expected, did not disclose the full message of the banners.

However social media users had already taken photos of the narcomantas, uploaded the photos to social media and begun speculating on the larger cartel affiliation of the group who signed the messages - called "Gente Nueva de Michoacán".

The above narcomanta was placed near the entrance to the Emperador Caltzontzin theater in Gertrudis Bocanegra square. It reads as follows:

Attention Notice 

To all the population of Pátzcuaro and especially to all the Union of Transportation Coalition and Independent Transporters, let us mention some of the leaders: 

Adolfo Perez (Lider Transp)

Jose Martinez P (Taxis Unidos) 

Adolfo Marquez (Combis Azul) 


The issue is not with you, but with those who go overboard and go along with the bunch of scumbags who charge fees and threaten the drivers. The people have had enough of you: Baldemar, Panda, Gargamel, Ezequivel, and all those who cooperate with them.

With you Baldemar. And whoever you work for, we're going to kill you for being an asshole.  


Gente Nueva of Michoacán

Another narcomanta that was placed, contained a very similar message. The message reads as follows: 

Attention Notice

To all the people of the town of Pátzcuaro

We are already here and we are coming for all those rats that charge fees.

For you fucking cab driver Gargamel of Urvan, Ezequiel and his boss Baldemar, you all get the fuck out of here. 


Gente Nueva of Michoacán and Guerrero

Of note: one name is spelled "Ezequivel" on the Emperador Caltzontzin narcomanta and "Ezequiel" on the other narcomanta.
Full photo of Emperador Caltzontzin theater narcomanta.

Approximate location and larger context of the Emperador Caltzontzin theater. 


  1. These are subgroups from CU that know they'll no longer have state support and have decided to try to align themselves with NG. Have to wait and see what does or doesn't happen to them, SARGY spoke about this on Monday or Tuesday

  2. Same old thing with them Sapoacanos School Girls banners and more banners just for them pedorros to kill inocent people like Cartel Unidos

  3. Just a ploy from the Carteles Unidos based in Zamora to take the heat off and confuse people they know their days are numbered. CJNG is extremely close to eliminating the Viagras. Taking over La Ruana and surrounding Tepeke. The Revueltas in Aguillila have either fled or are still hiding they killed their Plaza boss in Aguillila a few days ago trying to leave town on a bike. Days earlier people were complaining that El Tarzan would move right undre their noses. CJNG would roll into town then leave Tarzan would go to the store where CJNG stopped and threaten the people working there. They told CJNG that Tarzan would be riding his bike around town.

    The only Templarios that might be cool with CJNG are the ones that didn't join CJNG and then flip on them after. The ones who are fighting La Fresa in Morelia and the viagras near Ario de Rosales.

    1. 338
      Appreciate your comments bro,keep postin them,always read them..

  4. According to El Fantasma the commander of CJNG this is fake. The people of CU did this to try and fool people. I guess it was a tactic. Not sure how they would benefit exactly but it's fake

  5. Animo Sicarios !!!
    Pura Gente Nueva Special Forces de Michioacan.
    A highly trained commando unit of special forces Tier 1 operators will cleanse Michioacan.

    They were trained by an ex Colonel of the Britsh Special Air Service who was part of TaskForce 146 a joint CIA SAD-Delta Force - DevGru- SAS-MI6 hunter killer Group taking out high value targets in Iraq !

    Gente Nueva of Zacatecas. Coming soon !

    Now is the time to retire and go back to your Jardinero job !!

    1. I hope you never stop commenting on my stories, 006. Your humor is a treasure.

    2. Easily amused ?

    3. 9:43 I see that

  6. That was CJNG thirsty to form an alliance with the Templarios.

    The Templarios told them to go fuck themselves and no Jaliscas are mad and are telling Sargy to spread the disinfo that Menso was the one that refused the alliance.

    For those who don’t know it was the Templars that won the Elections. And they are the strongest group in Michoacán.

    1. 4:33 Wow you are back secret_management! Now you are supporting templarios? After your Revueltas uncles got torn to crap, good to have you back now i know that whatever you say its completly the opposit🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Shut up Secret Managment the Templarios haven't won squat. The Bedolla fella didn't have any support from the Templarios, Viagras or Tepekes. The Carteles Unidos are the ones that handed his uncle and cousin that is a fact. The people supporting Bedolla is Cemei Verdia and whatever backs him. The Templarios are PRI and have always been PRI and PRD.

    3. Cuatro Letras caught El Tarzan chirrios chief of sicarios he was trying to sneak out the Pueblo in a bike had glasses shaved his head he ran into m2 convoy got stretched out on the spot

    4. 7:46 PM

      Nope. Templarios won the elections you delusional CJNG fan boy.

      It was under PRI with the help of EPN, because of the Cuini's money and corruption network, that CJNG grew.

      CJNG was thirsty for an alliance, but if CJNG can't even handle Poncho and Abuelo, two local chieftains that keep defeating Menso's forces, what chance in hell do CJNG have against the Templarios who have way more pull in Michoacan than Abuelo and Poncho. And why would the Templarios need to allie with that pathetic bunch called CJNG?

      The only thing CJNG is good for is dressing up addicts in Airsoft gear.

      Thirsty lames.

      7:33 PM

      My uncles are doing just fine, still collecting money from CJNG so they can use landing strips.

      The same can't be said for Mencho's uncles though, it was more than just one and some cousins or nephews I forget their relation, M2 couldn't protect them. But hey CJNG killed "the head of punteros" that was riding a bike so I guess that's an even trade for Menso's uncles.

      Mencho/Menso hides in a cave while his family dies trying help him. What a pathetic coward that Menso is.

    5. 1:09
      Just because you believe your made up lies does not make them true? I can say mayos dead, do I have proof? No. Would it be believable? Perhaps nobodies herd of him in years he's probably dead. Hes old. Does it make it true? No. Just an assumption of mine. Just like the whole kidnapping bs is just a theory of yours,
      How can you be so stupid? Really?

      Menchos uncle was never kidnapped lmfao sinaloenses are borderline schizophrenic, they're worse than the "Qanonn" nut jobs living in America, where is the proof that any family member was kidnapped? Theres none, knowing how much commotion C.U makes for any little victory, the kidnapping if true wouldve made headlines but there's nothing to back you claims. Hahahahahahaha
      1:09 your Uncles are probably the ones M2 just slaughtered in el Aguaje 2-3 days ago.

      12+ viagras dead
      2+ monstros captured.



    6. 1:09 Secret Management since you are such a loud mouth give us your relatives last name so I can send it direct to them. You get so caught up on someone dying Mencho knows death is part of the game it is difficult to avoid that is how things are. How many relatives and associates of the Revuelatas do you think have gone missing? Two can play that game.

  7. CJNG siempre llorando

    1. CJNG no es Gente Nueva.

    2. Baby Killer Cartel is having many of thier men killed.

  8. "Nos tiramos un pedo!"
    Atte. CJNG

  9. Watch out, Jaliska cheerleaders on suicide watch, their favorite cartels been getting btfo all over michoacan.

  10. I don’t know what world your in Michoacán about to fall to the man of the 🐓 soon enough by months end Michoacán is Gona be the cuatro letras state fam CU lost the elections no more government help it’s a wrap Willis

  11. Regular mexican:enjoying their day.

    Puerkaloas:weeeeet!!!weeet!!!oink!!oink!!!indios!weeeeet!!we enev hate the indio in us!!!oinkk!!

    1. exhibit #9882771 of sinaloans living rent free in michoacacas heads


      Los sinapuerkos

  12. Mencho va hacer mierda a todos los de CU y viagras templarios o le que se llamen que no son NG


    1. CJNG didn't announced this. Read it again, it says Gente Nueva, not Nueva Generación.

      Nueva Generacion = Cartel De Jalisco
      Gente Nueva = Cartel De Sinaloa

      but I doubt these Michoacanos are now claiming Sinaloa.

    2. Sorry cow
      I don't read comments with all capitals.

  14. Dang I went to Patzcuaro on the way to Isla Janitzio. Seemed so peaceful there. The area is gorgeous especially during day of the dead. What a shame

    1. An that is the reason why these cartels are successful in Patzcuaro because people don't want any problems so they just comply. Its not like in Tierra caliente where everyone knows someone involved directly or indirectly to the same buissness.

  15. All these chumps running their mamadora don't even know WTF going on, their assholes pucker like the Gallinas Unidas who know without Silvanos support they're going to get fucked up. Sigan ladrando perros mugrosos y CASPM plebitos

  16. I was just visiting Michoacán This past December, 40 minutes northwest of patzcuaro (ZACAPU) COVID was real people were dying, but still partying when I hooked up a coke sack, it had a CJNG sticker on it.. which leads me to believe that menchos peeeps were running the town, it felt safer than prior years and the town wasn’t all shut down and scared, I was warned to be careful of who I talked to, and for what it’s worth the coke was a 4 on a 1-10 scale, please mencho have your people stop cutting it so much, it’s bad for your look and reputation, other than that thanks for keeping the Pueblo safe.. thanks
    Sincerely ,
    La Rata

    1. 12:29 AM Yeah its been CJNG for 2 to 3 years. Locals who either flipped on the Templarios or those who replaced them. Zacapu is their road into Urupan.

    2. I think this is because people more to the western part of the state are not the same as people who live towards the coast. Zacapu to Uruapan is a very different drive than Apatzingan to Uruapan.

  17. Im gonna go ahead and assume that this is not a message from a cartel. It seems like it's due to a dispute between people on the transportation business, like bus drivers and taxi drivers. Someone wants to scare the shit out of their competitors and made the manta, nobody is named as being affiliated to a cartel and it lacks the normal accusations cartels make like kidnappings and extortion, I think they made up Gente Nueva De Michoacán so it sounds cartel related yet trying to avoid problems by not claiming any of the cartels fighting on the area.

  18. Just a phony group to try to scare someone. A few years ago there was a Manta also in Michoacán signed "Antrax Nueva Generación"

  19. How long has it been since cjng supposedly took over Michoacán 😂

    1. Its been way less than when cds supposebly took TJ and Juarez

    2. Hahaha GOTTEM

  20. Those mantas aint cheap. They're not written in crayon on some low budget paper.It costs to get them made. And it wasn't just 1 or 2 they hung, it was a few of them.I think there's something new lurkin in the air. Maybe they're a new group backed up by gente nueva cds. That's what it feels like to me.

    1. I dont think it matter who they are tho at the end of they day they want to instill fear and profit from it. Patzcuaro has a lot of money that comes in because it is considered a pueblo magico. Aside from tourism and government funds the next best thing is public transport so if you ask me its someone looking to make money from these cartels being at war. I don't discard it may be a group but paisas are not loyal to their crew like gang members might be. Which leads me to believe its someone who knows way more about the ins and out of the operations and also has some particular interest involved in in transport.


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