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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Nogales, Sonora: Female Apprehended With Several Kilos of Narcotics

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

US federal authorities reported on Friday the seizure of narcotics in two separate cases, one of them involving a woman, who was driving a vehicle loaded with drugs.

In the first bust, the director of Field Operations in the Tucson Sector, Guadalupe H. Ramírez, announced that in the course of two days in a row, at the San Luis, Arizona border, elements of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) secured just over 130 kilograms.

Of these, 106 kilos of methamphetamine were placed inside a vehicle, while another 24 kilos of white powder and fentanyl, in another unit.

The drugs were taken from inside the gas tank, from the rear quarters, from the rear bumper and even from the spare tire compartment of the two cars.

On the second case, John R. Modlin, acting head of the Tucson Sector of the Border Patrol, reported that the agents assigned to the Ajo Station, discovered a shipment of cocaine and methamphetamine, which weighed 12.2 kilos.

This was discovered inside a rented vehicle, which was driven by a woman originally from California and who was intercepted near Gila Bend, Arizona.

Valor Por Tamaulipas


  1. Poor baby, young and pretty, her life is basically screwed now.

    1. Give a girl a break, she was just Stepping Her Game Up, Great Things Take Time, and plastic melons are expensive...

  2. That's odd she was arrested on the US side and face got covered? Name and whole photos are shown in US.

  3. Im looking at her on my 6G capable tactical tablet and she is looking very very yummy

    1. @9:35 yup that's about the only thing you do...just look como un puto sátiro

    2. I saw the thing on my Walmart dollar day tablet but it came with a charger.

  4. Some crazy stuff happened in Juarez last night... A few policemen killed

    Some CJNG with Azteca vieja escuela sicarios captured...

  5. Cleavage did not help, but instead created more scrutiny.

  6. Nope she turn CI quick, no punishment when u finger the one above u

  7. como dice Sol: "lleguenle a lo sabroso" jajaja

    Thanks for your recent articles @Sol. Much appreciated.

    1. Jajaja I would so be there. That’s actually a good looking female though. Let’s hope she turns her life around

  8. Back When I was a major P.O.S., My wife got busted with her five year old son at that same crossing. Since I was with her crossing at the time, all the B.P. and H.S.I. agents thought I forced her and was just evil incarnate. In reality, she volunteered for it. Wanted to act hard or prove something, idk but I begged her to reconsider. I even had another person willing to do it instead. Anyway, it wasn't a ridiculous amount, like some of these seizures, but still had weight to it. But long story short, it's such a common thing at the border, they released her that day. Just gave her a fine. To my amazement. And NO, she didn't snitch, she couldn't even if she wanted too, no real names were involved. So, it all depends on the situation. This women of course has a lot of weight there, but if she has no priors, and it's her first time. I highly doubt her life is over with.

    1. P.O.S. ahh great you were a major

      Princeton of Sarscruz that's great I am proud of you.
      I actually went to CSUDSD majored in business. All the while Dr. Sol majored in Criminology at FS in California.

    2. You still are a POS.

    3. What the hell does P.O.S. stand for I'm not a mind reader.

    4. @5:33 Google that shit pinche BUEYON🤡

    5. 1:52 I gogged it P.O.S.
      Means he went to Piece Of S&$@


    1. 2:24

      Oh she has had surgeries

      just not enough to get Ugly

    2. And you can tell she’s not from Michoacán because she’s pretty 😍

    3. She really does look all the world like a woman who's been getting away with it for a long while. Not just that she's pretty, that she looks like she's from off the Comancheria, an India from either north or south of the border. You wouldn't assume she's Mexican or American.

      And that's total nonsense about women from Sinaloa or Michoacan. You're just stereotyping based on the women who wind up in the newspaper. "Central Mexican girls are... (anything)" "Sinaloa girls are not highly educated or wealthy". Nonsense.

  10. For some strange reason I just got the strong urge to motorboat🥺

  11. May be if she didnt have them ghetto ass jeans.

  12. Did all small bags fit in her a s s? They did a great job stuffing it inside her a s s.


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