Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Reynosa, Tamaulipas: "Attacks Were to Heat Up the Plaza," Says Alleged Offender

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

According to the Tamaulipas Prosecutor's Office, the violent day last Saturday that left 15 civilians and 4 criminals dead

Alleged criminal confesses participation in massacre of Reynosa, Tamaulipas

In a video that circulates on social networks, one of the alleged criminals who participated in the attacks last Saturday in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, said that they arrived from Río Bravo to heat up the drug corridor and gave the name of who ordered the attack.

According to the Tamaulipas Prosecutor's Office, the violent day last Saturday that left 15 civilians and 4 criminals dead was due to the dispute between two fractions of the "Gulf Cartel" known as Ciclones and Scorpiones, for control of the Pharr International Bridge.

The criminals shot innocent people in the Bienestar, Almaguer, Fidel Velázquez, Lampacitos and Unidad Obrera neighborhoods.

"It was not a confrontation, and they entered to kill people, they didn’t care, whatever people they found they killed," said Norma Patricia, the victim's wife.

Juan Francisco del Cid Ayala, is one of the 15 victims, he was 41 years old and of Guatemalan origin.

Five years ago he was deported from the United States and since then he had settled in Reynosa, in addition to being a mechanic he was dedicated to repairing cell phones.

That Saturday he returned to his house to carry a backpack with telephones, he was preparing to leave his house again.

He was about to go back out of his house, he stopped a taxi and that was when he was intercepted by the armed men, the taxi driver and Juan Francisco were killed.

"He was stepping outside onto the sidewalk of the house, a small truck arrived and an armed man got out and asked him what he had in his backpack? And he opened his backpack and showed it to him… I went out and my husband was lying on the ground in a pool of blood and the taxi driver on that side was already dead too ”, added Norma Patricia.

Juan Francisco's immigration status has delayed the procedures to bury him, 4 days after the attack, his body continues in the morgue

"I have not been able to give him a Christian burial, I am doing paperwork, he was from Guatemala, first they told me that I had to speak with a relative so that he could have the right to stay here, they spoke, there was no response from the Guatemalan consulate here in Monterrey." Norma Patricia concluded.

Norma says that in this sector of the Almaguer neighborhood, it is common for acts of violence to occur, recently her son was also a mortal victim of an act of insecurity.

Video translation is as follows:

Policeman #1: Who do you work for?

Sicario: I work for the mob of El Maestrin.

Policeman #1: El Maestrin? Why did you all kill so many civilians?

Sicario: I was hanging out outside…

Policeman #1: What?

Sicario: I was hanging outside in another truck. 

Policeman #1: I don’t think so. You were actually there. You came out in the videos, you came out in the videos. 

Sicario: Yes. But we were in the trucks. 

Policeman #1: Of the individuals that y’all killed were they working with the locals here?

Sicario: I wouldn’t be able to answer that question for you. 

Policeman #1: You were there at the scene. 

Policeman #2: But why did you guys kill them?

Sicario: It was done to heat up the drug corridor. 

Policeman #2: To heat up the drug corridor?

Policeman #1: And where is El Maestrin?

Sicario: Well, he’s over there, I actually don’t know. 

Policeman #1: What?

Sicario: I would imagine he’s in Rio Bravo. But I honestly don’t know. 

Noticieros Televisa


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  1. It was 23 dead actually

  2. Please get more in depth articles on the victims, they deserve recognition atleast the 14 innocent ones who perished that day.
    Some idiot American pochos think somehow they deserved or asked for this.

    1. How much will you contribute to the GoFundMe page for burial expenses? Mother will they throw the bomb on the cartel. Mother will the Mexican government address the issue of the citizens that got killed?

    2. Nobody thinks that. The “American” who thinks they deserve it pare the ones in Mexico that killed them, and the government that enables them.

    3. 9:36, why don't YOU take the time to get more information on the victims. Anybody can submit articles. There is no pay for your time and effort though.
      Before you criticize an article or perspective remember this is a complete volunteer position to submit information. There is address to send your work to and it should be published quickly if deemed appropriate. I myself would also like more info on the hundreds of thousand victims and circumstances of their life.
      Not to be harsh, but if your not saying thank you, or research/submit info for the community, people like us just need to appreciate what these people do here.

  3. The world wants to know what caps lock nino thinks about all this.

  4. Let's hope the police didn't torture this guy in the hospital

    1. Why not, no human rights for cartel associated people and their families.
      Same for politicians.

    2. WTF 😳. I don’t care if the police torture his ass or not. Let him suffer for his sins.

    3. Police r the other cartel

    4. This is global. Do a search for global drug trafficking, click on images, and if you have never seen these images before you will be surprised. Remember that about a year ago, a guy from Bangladesh was found dismembered in a NY luxury flat. I live a few hours away from Atlanta and drug-related murders are getting worse over there. I used to think it was just a crazy conspiracy theory but now I believe that there is a power behind the power that is in control.

    5. "Hope they didnt torture him"
      This guy was rollin round shooting innocent people,women,children,old people,give me a break with the worrying about this scrub motherfuckers rights..

  5. I remember when Sinaloa did this in Juarez and then hanged banners across the city and blamed the Juarez cartel for these deaths.
    The people in Juarez aren't that stupid like the people in Sinaloa however which is why Sinaloa couldn't take over the entire city or state of Chihuahua for that matter except for some of the rural areas.

    1. Ignorant! That ass whopping is over that cartel is now extinct. You sound awfully stupid

    2. No I actually do think the people in Juarez are stupid for thinking the Juarez cartel is better. The Juarez cartel used to tax business and used to do kidnapping for ransom and you still kiss their feet. Yeah. They are stupid.

    3. 1041 when you realize the bosses were also people from Sinaloa…

    4. 2:22 that only shows that all sinaloas are scumbags innocent killers

    5. 3:56 the DFS agents that used to murder suspected Communist League 23 de Septiembre and editors of their one side, one page, home mimeographed Newspaper MADERA even if they were one mother armed with a baby in one arm and MADERA on the other hand in Cd Juarez, were in reality a bunch of drug traffickers, not all of them sinaloans, like Rafael Aguilar Guajardo, but amado Carrillo Fuentes was about to join Pablo Acosta in Ojinaga for his finishing school, helped by the FBI and the mexican Federal Judicial Police of Commander Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni, assassinated in tejas for betraying carlos salinas de gortari, boss of the gulf cartel and the zetas and the beltran leyvas and the Nuevo lion Mafia.
      All those biggest of the biggest scumbags were not Sinaloenses, but a few were associates.
      Javier Lozano Alarcon the cynical minister of the FECALATO in charge of buying or murdering members of the military and police IS not Sinaloan....
      La señora de Wallace is not sinaloan either.

  6. Sicario playing dumb...hoping once the camera is off he gets bounced off the hospital walls on his gurney.

  7. Is CDN still trying to take Miguel Aleman or did they give up? I haven't heard any news lately.

  8. Thanx for the update Sol, I have family in Reynosa that I can't get in contact with and it's making me nervous.

    1. Be ready for the unexpected.
      Dr. Sol is ok in my book.

    2. Most people don't wanna even talk about what's actually happening in reynosa. If they answer ur calls dnt ?them. Be glad they answered

    3. I am with u brother, have family in Mexico also, and they can't cross. Thought cartel would end it has been going on for 15 years, will it ever end ?

    4. Que estarán pensando la familia de los scorpiones i ciclones que Dios los bendiga? Que ignorancia!

  9. Stupid motherfuckers all they did was bring heat on themselves and on alfredo cardenas They did the total opposite of what they thought they were doing. In the beginning el contador seem like a smart cartel boss he reunited the cdg factions and zeta factions in tamaulipas except reynosa metros faction and cdn to work together or at least not kill each other. And he is connected he walked out of prison two times legally but now hes looking like just another dumb asshole boss. And he kills his own family over bitches and dumb shit. Hell be back in jail and matamoros will be at war with itself.

    1. Thanks for that history info. I totally forgot about his previous semi reunification efforts. This is why I like the comments as I forget so much.
      What an ass

  10. This POS kills innocent people, and the elderly going about their business?!

    His days are numbered.

    1. @3:53 All of our days are numbered. God has stamped each of us with an expiration date. But I get what you're saying.

    2. JBrown
      Nothing gets past you bro,really deep that

    3. He forgot to stamp me,im 230 lmao

    4. 10:10 my number stamped on me is 05/20/2021 and I am still alive.
      I am not a ghost, people can still see me.

  11. What’s the reasoning behind “heating up a plaza”

    1. To draw the attention of authorities

    2. Good question. If you can create chaos in your competitions territory then law enforcement will be pressured to focus on that territory. The benefit of that is your competition has to deal with law enforcement as they are blamed while the terrirory of the group heating the plaza is left alone due to a lack of law enforcement resources. That's why you see some cartels make videos claiming no responsibility of violence in their plaza.

      Caps lock nino can explain better.

    3. Basically to bring attention to the insecurity and force gov to bring in either military, sedena, fed police etc... whoever is on payroll of cartel doing the heating.

    4. Increased government presence, first the state forces sent by the governor that may have units that will do the dirty work and then a blitzkrieg by the group or groups who want to take control and also those individuals within the plaza who flip on those who have control.

  12. Why is he still alive?

  13. The Sicaro that confessed can kiss his butt goodbye, His days are numbered, the same cartel is going to put a hit on him. Bunch of cowards shooting defenseless citizens. When will the no good for nothing president call a conference regarding the killings?

  14. esta mierda vermin have turned the heat up on all the cartels...also last week ,the dropping off of 4 heads and a chopped up body at voting stations was on the same level of making world news attrocities !

  15. Police did good 👍 interigation techniques, that made this sicario spill the beans. Now the hunted is him.
    Soon his head will be rolling to a town near you.

  16. A pair of mongrel dogs are worth more than every narco POS in Mexico.

    1. 10:46 well, the US offers 20 million dollars for RCQ's ass, and a few millions for La Mencha

  17. Due to everyday unforeseen circumstances, happening in Mexico,it would clearly be wise to let all law abiding citizens have weapons for home protection, self defense. No government or police to bother them. any caliber they choose is fine as long as they know how to use it. Shall a Cartel want to kill families, they will face resistance, forget holding them for the police, shoot them on the spot, as the Curupt judge would free them in a few hours. Sorry but Mexico can't live with old fashioned laws of the 1950s. Enough is I write this, a few murders have occurred. No more waiting, build the resistance.
    El Perin de Tamp

    1. They should donate guns, ammo, vests gotten from dead cartel members, and give to peasants to protect themselves. Your right government of Obrador is helpless.

    2. 8:48 pensions and public works are increasingly expensive and augmented, along with the mexican way of life, people wonder where AMLO gets all that money from...

  18. No queren ni pensar lo pesadio Del Golfo. Es una ranka con immediata grankja.

  19. maybe this is somehow related,

  20. I really thought the front pic of him being decapitated. The white background is mismerizing.

    1. Agreed. Even after it started talking, I still thought it was decapitated, smh.

  21. First ever sicario with a bachelor's degree from an American University.

  22. Wish Biden would let me get the family out of Mexico, we have crossing cards, but he closed the bridge. We are legal.

  23. We hear the high crime in Mexico, I think the same is happening in the U.S, look at Houston

    1. Look at the homicde rates of both countries then say that again. Stupid ass comparison

    2. You know Mexico is 10 times more on Curuption, lawless country. In US not high in homicides like Mexico. Police respond fast in USA.

  24. That's it me is moving to Costa Rica, it has gotten to dangerous to live here in Mexico, gunshots in the night, gunshots in the day, my too Chema is in San Jose, CR. More tranquility says my too and can enjoy the rainforest.

    1. Crime has steadily been rising in Costa Rica with US citizens specifically being targeted.

    2. But but Costa Rica is not as bad as Mexico. Are you sure about it, I haven't heard about it.

    3. Yes, more judges (1 high level as well)are being 'investigated' for bribery and corruption. We know where this is going...Police have been robbing, extorting etc. Costa Rica was recently a last bastian of semi integrity etc but kidnappings at night etc, ransom increasing significant rates (according to friends there).

    4. Haha Costa Rica is about 100 times safer and the GDP is higher

    5. Not for long.

    6. 10:24 yes I know there's a ton of curupt judges in Mexico, are you confusing it with Costa Rica. My Tio Chema says it's safer than Mexico. Are you trying to say Cartels from Mexico are doing crime in Costa Rica????

    7. Costa Rica, where Rafail Caro Quintero got arrested in his residence accompanied by Victoria the niece of former Jalisco governor, after murdering Kiki Camarena, the US narcos running the contras nicaragüenses had ranches owned by dutiful and greedy americans and landing strips there in "Costa Rica" which has no decency to brag about.

  25. The only way out is like dude from Philippines Duarte . On BOTH sides of the border kill em all users makers takers anything to do with drugs weed included just kill em . Theres no other way its Budwieser or nothing putos . Commenting for a beer drinking friend but I agree . Death is the best answer for this ongoing stupid question kill em all . Same goes for cartel cheerleaders on this site . You sound like retarded monkeys .

    1. All fun and games until you or someone you love is falsely accused of drug trafficking! What you’re suggesting is fundamentally against what America stands for. This isn’t a shit hole where you shoot first ask questions later. Everyone has the right to a fair and speedy trial

    2. @7:06 would you shut the fuck up ! This is about solutions if someone gets falsely accused so what ? Its big picture not small time what if bullshit . Go back inside and cry to someone who gives a shit . No Mercy for the culture of narcos and the politicians who allow this shit to continue !

    3. 9:15 rodrigo Duterte is a drug addicted murderer with drug trafficking family members he protects and wants to run the business exclusively.


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