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Saturday, June 12, 2021

US Citizen Wounded and 2 Mexican Nationals Shot Dead at Cancun Beach

Yaqui for Borderland Beat 

A shooting at a Cancún beach left two Mexicans dead and a US tourist wounded on Friday. The American tourist was wounded by a stray bullet during a shooting attack on a Mexican beach. 

The unidentified woman was caught in the crossfire of possible gang violence on Friday. She was taken to hospital while two men reportedly died of bullet wounds at the beach.

An American tourist was wounded by a stray bullet while she was caught in the crossfire of suspected cartel violence in Mexico's Caribbean coast resort of Cancun on Friday, the Associated Press reported.

The prosecutor's office in the state of Quintana Roo said a "foreign woman" had been taken to hospital for treatment, while two unidentified men apparently died of bullet wounds at the scene, according to AP.

 The two Mexican men were the apparent targets of the attack.

The incident occurred around 2 pm at Playa Tortugas, an area with a number of hotels that is frequented both by tourists and locals.

According to witnesses, two people fired at two street or playa vendors, both of whom died. A woman from the US was hit in the shoulder by a stray bullet and taken to the hospital. The aggressors fled on personal watercraft.

A US tourist in Cancun was wounded by a stray bullet when gunmen on jet skis reportedly killed 2 men at the beach. Local authorities attending to the aid of the innocent bystander.

“Two males lost their lives due to gunshots. A foreign woman was injured and was taken to the hospital to receive medical attention. Police activated search protocols to find the aggressors, ” wrote the Quintana Roo Attorney General's Office on Twitter.

The unidentified woman was caught in the crossfire of possible gang violence on Friday, she was identified first as a "foreigner" and later confirmed as a US Citizen. 

DeShe was taken to hospital while two men reportedly died of bullet wounds at the beach.

An American tourist was wounded by a stray bullet while she was caught in the crossfire of suspected cartel violence in Mexico's Caribbean coast resort of Cancun on Friday, the Associated Press reported.

The prosecutor's office in the state of Quintana Roo said a "foreign woman" had been taken to hospital for treatment, while two unidentified men apparently died of bullet wounds at the scene, according to AP. The tourist was not named but a local official confirmed she was American.

The state is both a destination for drug sales and a transfer point for drug shipments. Ah Video published by De Peso newspaper:  It shows a woman with bloody shoulders asking for water while being taken to an ambulance.

"Water," she says in the video. “It's hot. It's water. It's water. "

#AlMomento Dos ejecutados y una extranjera herida como daño colateral, es el saldo de un ataque armado en Playa Tortugas de Cancún.

— De Peso (@DePeso_) June 11, 2021

According to the Sun, the attack was unfolded when a jet ski assailant reportedly fired a weapon at a target on the beach called Playa Tortugas. After the attack, the hitman escaped on the water.

Some drug cartels operate with attacks deployed. Cancun is a favorable retail drug market. AP reports that in the first four months of 2021, there were approximately 200 killings in the state associated with cartel violence.

Violence has declined in the state since its peak in 2018 and 2019. There were 209 killings in the first four months of 2021, compared to 266 in the same period of 2020.

Sources: MND / BI  / WNews / De Peso -Twitter 


  1. DA yanki I thought Cancun was safe zone to travel? Please don't take your Burro's there. Let Arnold Swerteneger take care of them he has two minture ponies, which he lets them roamvin the home.

  2. Absolute savages. All of them.

  3. Baby Killer Cartel trying to claim of cleaning the beach too.


    According to CJNG the "liampia" of cds brly started? Lol


    Sinaloenses are scared of this kinda stuff.



  7. Was waiting for BorderlandBeat to post this. I was at Playa Tortugas when this shooting took place yesterday. My friend and I got off the Ultramar ferry exactly at 2pm and were walking to the parking lot to grab a taxi when shots rang out. I grabbed her hand, we ducked and took cover.

    When the shooting stopped a few secs later, about 20ft from me in front of a souvenir shop, lay two guys dead- one was laying next to a plastic chair/table wearing white, the other was wearing blue, slumped over with a bullet in his head.

    My taxi driver saw the shooting and said the shooters ran off towards the beach and hopped on jet skis.

    An African American tourist was also wounded, thank God she survived. Not sure if bullet entered her arm or grazed it.

    There were beach police present during the shooting, but they didn't do anything. Police vehicles showed up about 7-8 mins later and taped off the scene, but tons of ppl were standing right in front of the dead bodies.

    What's sad is that other tour salesmen and workers were very nonchalant about it; I'm sure they're numb to such violence now.

    Also, this was the 3rd shooting at Playa Tortugas in the past 2 months (that's reported).

    I'm on Borderlandbeat religiously since I live in Mexico; so I see all these gruesome pics/vids here, but it's crazy to actually experience such an incident and to see two dead bodies just several feet away.

    Mexico is such a beautiful country with rich culture, sad to see this happen :(

    1. It's very unfortunate you had to witness this. Violence is present every where in the world. Don't believe me, walk down Hollywood Blvd, go to Miami or New York. A few years back 55 innocent people were shot while attending a country music concert in Las Vegas.

    2. How did you know that it was an African-American woman? Did her name,DeShe, give you a clue?

    3. jajaja...the US is like disney world compared to mexico, the Vegas attack was fake !...BB only scratch the surface of the violence ,4 people a day go missing just in Jalisco !

    4. 8:02 PM
      What a rat,you are sitting in the US safe and well ripping the US,what a rat

    5. 9:54 you fucking alternate lifer are one more liar denying las Vegas Massacre where thousands were sprayed with bullets,
      there are videos chingadamadre!
      --Guess you are one more fucker denying the Jan 6 2021 attack on US Capitol happened?
      Go fack yourself queenie of De Nile.

    6. Mexico is NOT safe right now, don't visit.

  8. As a keep telling you,
    Crime capos need to know they are responsible for their henchmen crimes.

    1. Oh be quiet! Mexico is a place to travel. I have never had any issues.

    2. 4:41 BOYCOTT for solidarity with the crime victims, if you keep traveling México you may become the victim some day.

  9. I'm confused, who was shot? He many men were shot? Who was wounded ?

    1. 2 dead mexicans and an american woman shot in the shoulder survived- did you even read the article??

    2. Hahaha! I was thinking the same.

    3. "I'm confused, who was shot?"
      It was you who got shot bro,thats why your confused

  10. Replies
    1. @6:40 You wish! :D your hate shows your envy.


    Somewhat relatable on the cjng. They took a hit all the way up in green bay. Even up there those scum bags try selling their shitty meth to people. Crazy this was not heard of that much

    1. Small numbers besides the meth- didnt know meth was that hot of an item in green bay-

      Their going to bury him under the jail this time

  12. Fighting over the authentic mexican sombrero Made In China street vending plasa is never over

  13. Cancun tells Acapulco. Hold my beer. Watch this! Anyway still safer than Manhattan where this is becoming a daily occurrence and aside from shootings we have face slashers on the subway in nice areas of NY if there’s a such thing. I actually feel safer in Acapulco

    1. 6:01 cant trust those new york afros bro, alot of them are crazy violent attacking small asian ladies even jumping mexicans that live in ny area. In acapulco you are less likely of becoming a target but the possibilities are still there alot lower if you are low key


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