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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Video of Man Being Kidnapped in Bucerías, Nayarit

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Video of multiple armed men abducting a man at gunpoint and forcing him into a pickup truck in broad daylight in the middle of a street within the popular tourist destination of Bucerías, Nayarit emerged online in the last few hours.

Shortly after noon on June 15 2021, someone sitting at the café of a local bakery was able to capture on their cell phone footage of a kidnapping. The video starts just as the victim was being brought to the getaway vehicle.

The victim is being pulled towards a gray pick up truck while surrounded by men with long barrel firearms. One man pushes him towards the bed of the truck while other armed men pile into the front seats of the truck. The victim, who is wearing a black shirt, gray bag and black baseball cap, has his hands up and steps into the bed of the truck, presumably having been instructed to do so. 

Once the victim is kneeling inside the bed of the truck, one of the armed men climbs into the back with him. He stands above the victim and points a firearm threateningly at him. The victim then crouches lower into the bed of the truck, ducking further out of view, after presumably being told to by the armed man to get down and out of sight. The armed man then reaches over and seems to push the victims hands down, out of view. 

The camera pans over to the left where one of the gunmen can be seen scurrying over possibly to a different, second vehicle while civilians in the bakery parking lot look over at the commotion. The gray pickup truck then begins driving away, the armed man in the bed of the truck still standing.

The whereabouts and the identity of the person being kidnapped is unknown at this time although there are social media rumors that the victim is originally from Guayabitos. Bucerías in Nayarit state is just a short distance north of Puerto Vallarta in Jalisco state, another very popular tourist destination on the coast.

Sources: El Sol de Nayarit, Tribuna del Bahia, Criticadn



    1. Always the coock sucker menchos, you dream with mecho end the jardinero que te pican el fundillo lol 😂 deammm you not have life you always here,tweeter,YouTube cheerleader for the suckers cjng bro get it life stop using a lot fentanilo and ice from this punks te digo que así envenenan a su jente los jalisco con el cristal y el femtanilo.. Paz mi homeless chupa bolas del cjng.

    2. @7:43 They don't call Mencho the cock lover for no reason boa

    3. I am sorry I don't read comments with all capitals.

  2. This trash CJNG is ruining the country even more. CJNG will be the straw that breaks the camels back. they will force the USA to designate them terrorists along with all scum bag cartels. They will be systematically dismantled from within and mencho will be delivered hog tied on a silver platter to the White House.

    1. I really wish this would happen but I dont think it will go through. Its really sad what the citizens of mexico have endured these past few years. When will their government get fed up with all the atrocities happening all over. Idk but sometimes I think we are somewhat responsible for fueling all this violence in mexico. Just take a minute to ponder over it

    2. Aoc Omar and Biden will have him over for dinner. Don’t kid yourself.

    3. If what CJNG did in 2015 by shooting down a helicopter and ambushing the state police Plus with what happened in Culiacan with CDS directly confronting the government and holding the city hostage didn’t cause a terrorist designation along with all the other countless atrocities that has happened in Mexico in the past 10+ years then I doubt it will happen any time soon.

    4. We hope to see that plus MZ on a wheel chair in florence

    5. 6:39 i don't know about portorra US Rep Alejandra Ocasio Cortez, but US Rep Ilhan Omar does not eat pig, they both are loverly extreme left liberals if your ass burns like hot peppers for the Unpresidented Disgrace...

  3. Great. Where is Rafael Caro Quintero?!?

    1. Destripando a "Tu Mamá También"

  4. I know exactly where this is ans I eat here often. I even recognize the store fronts. I know cartels are rampant here but violence has been low. There’s a fancy gringo section and a more “Mexican” section. This is the main road to amd from vallarta towards sayukita and Guadalajara among other places. Lots of Expats living among locals some rich some more modest. Crazy how fast life can change for someone.

    1. Yes I live a block away how rad homie.

    2. 9:17 yes it's tru, the other day i barely made it out of your house on time, lucky me you didn't kill me.

  5. That mf gone....these guys look like they really do work for the company

    1. No, more likely tweekers. real gangsters move in silence

    2. Dumb ass these are tweeker extortionists. Si no vendes los suficients tacos les vale madre a estos Muertos de amber.

    3. 11:32 they look real expert professionals, they are or were cuicos doint their express kidnapping for long term extortions.

  6. Fak, never get lifted.

  7. He’s a big guy as close as he is he should be fast enough to knock the little midget Mexican boy out and take his gun then either run for cover or attack. Very few Mexicans are taller than 5’8 fight back!!!

    1. Yeah and then he would have got shot by the other 10 guys with guns, smart thinking bro!!

  8. Maybe they bought a cooler @ Oxxo while waiting to pick this guy up.

  9. Tweekers from cjng get paid either in meth or guns. They're broke af and have to kidnap innocent people to pay mensos tweeker ass quota

  10. I saw it all and boy I almost had a heart attack.

    1. Why did you not shoot at the suspects. Standing there like a zombie did not help.

  11. Uffff with that real intel

  12. Trust me when I tell you guys that carrying a simple dagger would’ve helped this victim tremendously. So many people underestimate these tools. It’s either that or willfully get yourself victimized.

    1. Wouldnt have done anything, he was surrounded by like 10 guys with guns, sure he could maybe take one out but he would have just got shot after

    2. It’s better to die fighting versus ending up in your opponents demented video.

    3. Dr. Sol it's best to be armed with a Glock 17 lightweight, with 3 17 round clips, I practice at the shooting range once a month.
      If my life was in danger, I would not hesitate to use it, ands it's no wonder innocent people easily get kidnapped because the criminals know they carry no weapons. The hell with Mexico gun laws, they let the criminals carry weapons, but not the citizens that are being slaughtered everyday.

    4. @10:52 Never let an aggressor take you to a secondary location.

    5. Most times criminals would rather take advantage of the easier target as opposed to the one who puts up fight... most cases don’t act like a sucker & you won’t be treated like one... but you are right Sol... better to put up a fight...

      -Holden D. Cash

    6. youre not allowed to carry knives in mexico...the police would make a big deal if you got searched ??

    7. Isnt this guy selling drugs ?::: as hes wearing a big pouch bag...the police are pre-warned to stay away,as the sicario stated in the cancun documentary.

    8. I have been curious if there has ever been any rumor of carrying cyanide capsules to SELF administer in case of capture%kidnapping?
      I have read that many soldiers in Uganda's Lords Resistance (bat shit violent army) carried something around their neck in case of capture due to 100% torture/death rate.
      Obviously what Hitler did as well ,followed by a gun shot.
      Cyanide is a bad way to go...but preferable to being skinned and burned? One would think?

    9. Ms. H has been watching too many Hitler war movies, about cynide capsules. Boy I better go to the local pharmacy and buy 6 for 20 pesos.

    10. You wanna bring a knife to a gun fight.

  13. Careful giving too much intel Mica. Be safe.

  14. Sneaky bastards took the guy without making noise, the victim should have yelled, as for onlookers to see the commotion there by police would be called and caught. Cjng at it again.

    1. 1:31 I wish that were the case. Great, call the cops, I will be free and the good guys will for all.
      I'm not going to be mean about your ignorant comment, but the police are working WITH the cartel or are another cartel themselves depending on the area. I was held at gunpoint by the police (innocent, nieve woman who did NOT know the rules) who was scheduled to be turned over to the 'official' cartel of the area.
      Educate yourself, the police just provide a false sense of security there. Every citizen knows better...stay out of it is the motto and probably your safest bet, sadly.

    2. Ms. Herrera
      I see your view point is informative, but has some ignorance to it, in other words let the kidnapping happen, an those that could have called 911, to mind thier own business, that's lame. Your not aware that when someone calls 911 it gets recorded, and at times 2 agencies respond to the help call to avoid curuption by the municipal police. I can't believe you told 1:31 to do nothing. Give me a break.

    3. 842, you are right. I didn't realize that 2 agencies, may indeed show up. Also, the person who calls is indeed a hero. I spoke from a jaded as well as complicit stand point. Kudos

    4. 8:04 Ms h is ok, I read your view point and 8:42 . I understand you went through a similar thing and glad you're alive. The man been kidnapped should have yelled to attract attention since he was carrying no gun. Your right most of the time dirty police work with Cartels, just like the cartels favor mayor's running for office work with them to.

  15. Mica!!!! When is the forum coming back????

  16. Relax guys I'm sure they are just going to have a few beers with the man and hire a stripper.

  17. It’s a surprise birthday party…


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