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Thursday, July 15, 2021

9 Michoacán Municipalities Suffer CJNG Violence in One Day

"HEARST" and "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Michoacán experienced a day full of violence on July 14 2021. Alleged members of the Cartel Jalisco New Generation shot up and burned buildings, created road blockades, and ended the day with another confrontation with their rival Carteles Unidos.

El Kiro & Buenavista Municipality

Ángel Gutiérrez Aguilar, alias "El Kiro", was allegedly kidnapped on Sunday, July 11, 2021. El Kiro is believed to belong to the Carteles Unidos (CU). He is reportedly a close confidant of Juan Farias Alvarez, alias "El Abuelo", the leader of the Tepalcatepec Cartel is part of the CU.

According to La Opinion, El Kiro is considered to be one of the three founders of the self-defense movement in the Michoacán, along with his friend Juan Farias Alvarez, alias "El Abuelo" and Hipolito Mora Chavez from La Ruana.

Reports indicate that El Kiro was traveling with his family from Tepalcatepec to the municipality of Apatzingán, where he was going to go for a medical consultation, when he was abducted. Right before his alleged kidnapping, he reportedly called a relative on the phone and warned that his car was being followed in Buenavista. He then disappeared.

Ángel Gutiérrez Aguilar, alias "El Kiro".

In response to El Kiro's disappearance, leaders of the Carteles Unidos threatened to take over Buenavista in order to free him. They also blamed the disappearance on Santiago Quintero Magallón, alias "El Maguey", the alleged head of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) group that is operating in Buenavista. 

On July 14 2021, a Carteles Unidos member detailed in an interview with Azucena Uresti for Grupo Fórmula that El Kiro was successfully rescued alive. The member said the rescue occurred in the early hours of the morning. He added "Yes, it was purely by chance, because he began to scream, he had been there for two days and a child said he heard screams and that is how they found his companions there."

The doctor who is treating El Kiro said in an interview for Grupo Fórmula that the vigilante leader is dehydrated but stable. And he added that, although he has some bruises, he has no signs of torture or of having been beaten excessively during his abduction.

"He is in delicate health, as he suffers from hypertensive problems, he has had previous heart surgery, but he is stable, I have him a little sedated because he arrived shocked with everything that happened, two days without eating, without drinking water, with dehydration, decompensated, I had to sedate him," he said.

Video Source: @fernand17704066 on Twitter

In addition to the El Kiro news, a video emerged online that social media users allege depicts the Carteles Unidos leader César Sepúlveda Arellano alias "El Boto" speaking to his hitmen in Buenavista municipality. No news outlet has confirmed if the man speaking is El Boto. 

In the video the man says: 
So, now we’ve got them. Now we’ve got their vehicles seized. Yeah, we’ve got their vehicles seized. We secured El Chuchins car, he’s that one individual who was stationed at La Ruana. Among the vehicles we seized there’s also a Lincoln. Take a look at this. 

Tangamandapio Municipality

Sometime between 6-7:00 AM on July 14 2021, heavily armed men riding aboard a convoy of vehicles rode into the main square of the town of Tarecuato, in the municipality of Tangamandapio. The men exited their vehicles and began shooting towards the Tenancy Headquarters building. Volleys and volleys of rounds made impact with the façade of the headquarters building. 

Vehicles parked near the headquarters were also targeted by the gunmen and destroyed by their gunfire. In particular, a community police patrol vehicle was damaged beyond repair by their attack. Residents report that two local businesses, one a wine shop and another a coffee shop were also attacked by the armed men, who threw Molotov cocktails at the buildings until they had successfully been burned down. 

Residents who had awoken to the sound of the gunfire, sheltering inside their homes, listened until the gunfire stopped and waited until they heard the sound of the men leaving by vehicle. Once the coast was clear, residents emerged and tried to put out the buildings on fire. 

Found in the burned out ashes of the coffee shop, the remains of a person who died in the fire was found. The Michoacán Police later confirmed to the media that the person found in the coffee shop was the only deceased or injured person they found related to this event. 

Damage to the Tenancy Headquarters can be seen in recent photos. 

The attacks in Tarecuato were reported to authorities. Michoacán Police and Army (SEDENA) soldiers were dispatched to search throughout Tangamandapio for the perpetrators.

A law enforcement search patrol was able to locate an abandoned vehicle that was believed to have been used in the Tarecuato attack. A red SUV was located in Las Encinillas. Inside the vehicle, police officials report that they seized 11 mags, 128 bullets, 50 tire puncture devices, and 7 homemade explosive devices. The Michoacán Police put out an official statement on their twitter detailing that a patrol located a second abandoned vehicle which had 2 mags, 113 bullets. 

During another search patrol, several armed men riding aboard a pickup truck on the sandbanks near the town of La Cantera were spotted by security personnel. According to police reports, when the armed men saw the personnel looking in their direction, the armed men began to shoot towards them. The SEDENA and Michoacán police officers returned fire and repelled the aggression.

Multiple armed men fled the location by by running into the mountainous terrain. Only two of the armed men were able to be apprehended following the confrontation. The two apprehended men are Steven Francisco Rodríguez Duarte and Daniel Ortiz Salazar. Inside the pickup truck used by the armed men, personnel was able to seize 11 long barrel firearms, 57 mags, close to 1,500 rounds of ammunition and 10 tactical vests.

Left to Right: AR-15/M4 style rifle, AKMS style rifle, AK style rifle, unknown M16 variant style rifle (possible A1), possible HK style rifle, AR-15 style rifle, AK74U style rifle, AR-15/M4 style rifle, AR-15/M4 style rifle, AK style rifle, M16 series style rifle.

Angulo 7 reports the armed men are "presumed members of the CJNG" or Cartel Jalisco New Generation. Of note, the Michoacán Police released photographs of the tactical vests seized following the Tarecuato attack and at least one tactical vest bears the insignia CJNG.


Jacona Municipality

According to CLIC Noticias and El Financiero, some of the same armed men who were involved in the Tarecuato attack also set up burning roadblocks in Jacona with the intent of covering their escape and prevent police from pursuing them. The roadblocks were created on the Jacona-Los Reyes highway and the Jacona-Tangamandapio highway, near Rancho Nueva. Armed men reportedly forcibly commandeered cargo trucks and tractor trailer trucks, parked them crossing the highway lanes and set the vehicles on fire.

Uruapan Municipality

On the morning of July 14 2021, on the Uruapan-Gabriel Zamora highway, near what is known as the municipal garbage dump, police officers were shot at by armed men. The officers returned fire and repelled the aggression. Sin Embargo reports that one of the assailants was wounded in the attack. 

Guardia Nocturna reports that the group behind this attack on police is the CJNG. The Michoacán Police put out an official statement on their twitter saying: 

In coordination with @GN_MEXICO_ and Municipal Police we maintain operational work in Uruapan, derived from an aggression against police personnel, without registering injured agents. In repelling the attack, an alleged assailant was wounded, who was taken to a hospital.

They also state:

The #PolicíaMichoacán, in coordination with the @GN_MEXICO_, and the Municipal Police, implement an operational action on the Uruapan-Lombardía highway near Matanguarán, after an attack against police personnel, without any injuries being reported so far.


Peribán Municipality

A Michoacán police officer was traveling in a state police van on the highway between Peribán and Buenavista Tomatlán when he was ambushed by armed subjects who were inside an avocado orchard. Unofficial versions suggest that the officer was a "self-defense fighter".

According to initial reports from both La Silla Rota and Aristegui Noticias, the attackers belong to the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG).

Purépero, Chilchota, Zamora Municipalities

Video Source:  La Silla Rota

In the municipality of Chilchota, near Carapan, armed men stole and burned a vehicle in order to create a blockade on the highway. Another road blockade was created at the crossroads of the Purépero - Carapan highway, near the substation. Residents report that firefighters worked on extinguishing the flames of a cargo truck in order to be able to move the vehicle and free transit. Two road blockades were reportedly created in Zamora municipality as well but few further details are available.

Tepalcatepec Municipality

Piede Pagina reports that the day of July 14 2021 concluded with another armed confrontation, this one in Tepalcatepec municipality. This confrontation allegedly was between the CJNG and Carteles Unidos, specifically the men from the Blancos de Troya and men from the Tepalcatepec Cartel, led by El Abuelo. However few details are available on this confrontation. Story will be updated as more details emerge.

Captured CJNG Member Video

Warning: Graphic content. 

On July 13, 2021, a day before the events detailed above, a video of an alleged captured CJNG member was uploaded to social media. His alleged captors are Carteles Unidos. Social media users allege this video occurred in Buenavista municipality. 

Male: Things went to shit for this person. Who knows who that guy was.



  1. We're really going to pretend this wasn't C.U who staged the kidnapping? Lol even that insignia is laughable.

    1. I laughed when I saw that vest. I thought a 9yr old high on meth was given a bottle of white out after being awake for 4 days, and told to " write CJNG, to the best of your ability....NOW"
      Sadly, as I write this I felt a tad bit guilty, because it's prob fairly accurate. Ok, perhaps the kid is 14...but what's a couple of years...
      Apologies for my 27th reply of the evening.

    2. LOL everything is "fake news" to you cjng groupies. 🙄🙄🙄🤣


    1. It was posted on here a couple of days back

    2. It was posted on here a few days ago, and it May correlate with these recent stash house busts..

  3. I just watched a very relevant report on Aguilla etc Michocan. Not a huge fan of Aljazeera, but look on their channel on YouTube from June 2021. Well worth the 25min. Meet with CJNG as well as CU...dont mince questions either.

    1. Seen it, video says both are deceiving scum bags that are full of shit in a polite british manner

  4. Addendum, 6/21 Aljazeera footage also included a lot of footage from Tepalcatep/Buena Vista? region.

  5. You guys ignore the Carteles Unidos stories like the female soldier with the drone attacks that ended up charred.

    1. Scroll back cholo, Don Sol posted it a few days ago.

      Historian Kathi

    2. Hi. Sol covered that story on Tuesday

  6. Wow they are really terrorizing the population….it’s almost like they are terrorists…

  7. Carteles Unidos train of thought;

    When they win; they're carteles Unidos.

    When they lose; they're helpless autodefensas.

    Ahh que pendejos mi gente Michoacana,
    Que pena ser Michoacano.

    1. Asta su propia gente saben que muchos son unos caga palos pendejos, no todos son asi porque yo eh conocido raza de aya que nada que ver con el estereotipo pero muchos si son

    2. 1:20 Ni michoacano éres asi que cállese alv pinche mexicano traidor.

    3. En las sabias palabras del sargy

    4. Yo soy de Michoacan compitas, y que pena neta.

      Yo se que en Michoacan ahi gente buena, pero me refiero alos lideres de carteles Unidos, siempre con sus putos teatros baratos. Que ridiculos.

    5. That is actually a great point, h

    6. 1:20 - And the "Comment of the Year Award" goes to you. Had a great laugh. Great job.

    7. @520
      Soy de Zamora Michoacan vato pendejo, ni saves que rollo pero ahi andas de lengua larga.

    8. 1:20
      Train of thought.
      Trend of thought?

    9. @615 🤦🏾‍♂️ really?

  8. Tweekers aren't taking this ass whoopin very well

  9. I am tired of hearing this dreaded cartel CJNG killing anyone and everyone, when in the hell will the Military do something about it.

  10. Where's the 1,500 soldiers Almo promised to help parts of Michoacan?
    Cjng aka Baby Killer Cartel, is killing many Innocents. Perhaps the troops got lost, or Almo said let the Cartel kill I don't care.

    1. Word on the street, Almo sent them to the barracks to play cards. He does bot want to get rid of the Cartel that funnels bribes. So Michoacan is seeing a lot of Carnage going on.

    2. I just asked that myself and I essentially got 3 answers 1. The money that was set aside for 1500 soldiers...well, more like 40 (national guard) showed up and the rest of the $money for the remaining 1400 was pocketed 2. AMLO told them to retreat shortly after arrival (I was under the impression it would be a very long term assignment aka effective) or more than likely 3. This is Mexico, what I like to call the Upside Down World and really, who the fuck knows anything anymore. Yours, MS. H

    3. 6:38 There's always a new article on BB, some that the enpt president and Cartels that wish don't get exposed. The killings continue, I am glad me and my family left our Michoacan town a long time ago. We had always dreamed of saving up money to get a 2 story home built, but luckily we bought a house in California, became US citizens.
      Anyway back to Almo, he is showing promises he can't fulfill. Yet there are many that cheerlead in here that he is doing a great job. Which we all know the truth.

    4. 6:38 option 4, declare your comment: "Bien Pendejo"

    5. 7:44 if you can't offer a comment regarding the article, go play golf.

  11. Is The ChickenFinger King aka El Muncho still hot after El Abuello after missing him in Guerrero?

  12. It’s all a plot and I taught borderland beat would do their own research instead of just simple translation from all the fake news

  13. Why was the video with the captured Jalisco member graphic? Couldn’t watch

    1. The captive male appears to be injured or incapacitated is all. Many people may not consider it to be graphic but I figured it was better to be safe and give a warning.

  14. Hey borderland, been a big fan for over 10 years and I want to say I really like when you guys put big maps like this and highlight the areas as it gives you a great perspective of location. I have relatives at exactly where guerrero and michoacan meet and like to see this. Thank you.

    1. Thanks, Hearst! I second this too.

      - El Choclo

    2. Thanks, guys. Love to get feedback like this so I know if making maps is worth the time or not. I'll try to keep doing them whenever I think its helpful for a story.

  15. The facts of what took place in Buenavist Carteles Unidos Hipolito Mora, El Abuelo, Sierra Santanas, Boto held a meeting with a top official from Morena where they came up with the plan to act as Autodefensas and pretend Maguey kiddnapped someone. Maguey released audios on Friday of last week warning of an imminent attack. Carteles Unidos attacked Maguey on Sunday they claimed Maguey took Kiro hostage on Saturday. If Maguey got his hands on him he would have killed him right away no rescue non of that. Around 150 to 400 pickup trucks from Tepaltepec, La Ruana, Camoni, Templarios, Viagras, Blancos de Troya, Spartanos, Los Reyes made an incursion in Buuenavista. The GN, Sedena, State Police and local police provided drone, helicopters, security and some fighting in favor of Carteles Unidos. Maguey with at most 40 to 50 men was overwhelmed from what I have seen maguey lost 4 to 5. Carteles Unidos lost a female GN member that was the drone maker and operator and 3 other gun men when the explosives in the vehicle they were in exploded the explosion even injured Rodolf Sirra Santan from what is said. They lost 5 gunmen days earlier to the river they drowned.

    Carteles Unidos the Viagras have had support of the GN since the middle of last year. They had support of the Sedena before that. They had support of the Semar when el abuelo farias was captured in 2018 before he flipped on CJNG. They had support of the State Police since 2016 or 2017.

    El Abuelo Farias, Hipolito Mora and the other bunch all pretend to be autodefensas when it suits them while at the same time being lacras like CJNG the difference is CJNG admits they are a criminal cell while the others hide behind women, children, elderly people and the press. THe Media portrays them as innocent autodefensas trying to prevent a Cartel from taking their towns when in reality every single mini cartel that makes up Carteles Unidos was at one point part of CJNG. CJNG financed the autodefensa movement agianst the Templarios Mencho was their boss alongside the Cunis.

    1. Thanks for the UPDATE. That's IMPRESSIVE for CU to put together that MANY sicarios/Camiones to ATTACK Maguey. Maguey must be mas CHINGON for CU not to kill him with so MANY sicarios.

      Caps lock niño's Papi

    2. CJNG are pathetic losers that are too poor pay off the government. Abuelo didn't flip on Menchita, he just told him to fuck off when Menchita wanted to take over his operation, and Abueolo robbed that rape victim Mencho for a couple of tons of coke and Mencho is powerless to do anything about it, except for sending drug addicts in Airsoft customs from GDL to die in Tierra Caliente. Abuelo was close and worked with the Cuinis not broke dumb Mencho.

      Why is it that these pathetic CJNG fan girls cry like desperate hoes because Mencho is to broke now to pay off the goverment? El Cuini did that all the time against the Templars and Zetas. But Cuini let his dumb in law have too much power after he went down and Mencho fucked up everything.

      "THe Media portrays them as innocent autodefensas trying to prevent a Cartel from taking their towns when in reality every single mini cartel that makes up Carteles Unidos was at one point part of CJNG"

      No they werent you idiot, all those guys were traffickers from way back. When Abuelo was making tons of money trafficking, Mencho bum ass was just some lame ass cop that just so happen to marry into the Cuinis. Because the Cuinis, along with El Abuelo and other trafficerks in Michoacan, funded some of the Autodefensas against the Templarios, Mencho's dumb goon brain believes they were supposed to fall under his organization. Everyone told Mencho to go fuck himself and all Mencho can do in retaliation is send drug addicts to die in Michoacan with the help of bitter Family members, like Maguey, Poncho's cousin. And how is that you CJNG fan girls brag of about some meth head like Maguey in your side? It's almost as pathetic as bragging about having that Ex FM/Ex Templario fat obese dope Jardinero on your side. All of CJNG is made up is Michoacan rejects, like Mencho that can't even visit Aguililla anymore.

    3. You are so dumb you dont even see the irony in your post. You were cool with Abuelo and them claiming ADs until they flipped on you are whining about it. 🤣

    4. @356 are you Sargy?

    5. 3:56 YOUR well informed my friend..
      I got to give PROOS to El maguey WHO hasn't surrendered or gotten KILLED by so MANY TRYING to kill HIM..

    6. Waiting for secret managements novel excuse

    7. 3:56 just quit whining about CU having support from government, cjng uses the same tactics good example is guanajuato

    8. Perhaps I am wrong, but I think the majority of us on this site essentially realize all sides are total scumbags.
      Some days or some years, some are worse than others...all of them whatever narcobanner or flagname they call themselves at the time. When one group becomes splintered they the sicarios/ worker bees just join a different tribe to save their ass with the only employment they know. There are no good guys in this situation. THe only good ones are held hostage by this bs and fled, or are physically, financially unable to flee to a different level of hell. Scumbaggery abounds.

    9. 8:21 FACTS just don’t go too hard on these tweekers they might just start crying once they finally get a slap of reality after falling victim to CJNGs international propaganda campaign that gets little edgy teens to become his fan boys

    10. @8:21 Es correcto.

    11. Sanity will not save you from the crazy’s..,

  16. If “El Kiro” was really kidnapped you think he would still be alive? This was a staged kidnapping to gain Government support. Please don’t help PROMOTE Carteles Unidos Propaganda

  17. And CU still didn't get el Maguey lol.. they feeling the pressure now frm all sides .. muy bien

    1. "And CU still didn't get el Maguey lol"

      That's cause he ran away like a coward. Kinda like how that rape victim Mencho ran away from the Zetas when they came to Michoacan. Running away like scared hoes, the true CJNG way of doing things.

    2. That comment made me laugh. You are correct sir. All that and they were still a day late and a dollar short

  18. Shit this is telling us CJNG has precense in a lot more in mich than we thaught and it also tells us El Ejercito, Guardia Nacional and Policia Michoacana is backing CU, those police, GN and Ejercito guys dont even want to show their face🤣🤣🤣 como dijo el padrecito de una entrevista, el govierno esta protegiendo a los que estan aciendole un mal a michoacan, lo que deverian hacer es atacar a todos y cada uno de los carteles por igual sin defender a ninguno, eso si, si los atacaran a todos por igual lla saves quien ganaria

    1. 9:03 repeat that but without crying please

    2. 9:03 i don’t see you bitchin’ like that about all the other states where CJNG has government support. if your heroes are as badass as they claim to be they should have no issue dealing with the zetas, GN, CU etc right?

    3. 5:38 the difference is cjng does not pay the government to fight theyr fight, they pay them to not interfier, now you get what im saying?

    4. @10:40 And they still struggle with local bands, and it's bullshit, they got local government to arrest Marro.

      On the other hand though, when CJNG faces similar forces they die.

    5. 4:50 no mames el marro se entrego del pinche miedo que le tenia al cjng, no viste cuanto enflaco? No viste como salio llorando en un video? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  19. Fact is most CU are home gron and aint going anywhere unless you kill half the population as they would all have family connections. Cjng also has loczls but alot arent from there best way to stop violence is remove CJNG then focus on CU crimes it does to citizens

  20. El Kiro was rescued, based on his yelling from an abandoned house heard by a child. He was taken to medical facility, where he was treated for having not had anything to eat for two days. He had prior health problems with cardiac disease and his current diagnosis is 'delicate, but stable'. In Mexico Daily News today.

    1. He was never kidnapped these stories are all payed by el Abuelo to be published

    2. He was never kidnapped these stories are all payed by el Abuelo to be published

  21. Great article! Thank you BB staff for illuminating what's going on in Mexico. So little is reported on in the State's. Mucho respect! Shout out from Tampa Bay

  22. 3:05 the pressure works best when applied to the right point,
    Ask the Unpresidented Disgrace how it feels to get grabbed by the pussy hairs and get thrown out of the Whites' House...

  23. Michoachangos have a response for everything except for the facts. You point out how shitty their state is by bringing up current events and their response is always name calling. They can't face the facts. You cheerleaders are in denial. Plain as that. Look at the destroyed roads, burnt transportation buses, no electricity, damaged cell phone towers, extortion against the avocado and lemon growers, illegal wood lodging killing the monarch butterflies and sending rare wood species to near extinction, autodefensas support the cartels, the towns people greet the national guard with rocks and green avocados,destroy helicopter pad and a military base and then turn around and accuse the president of not helping. Michoacans worst enemy is the michoachango... The funny thing is they assume everyone who hits them with the truth is a "CDS GROUPIE" it's not just the snitchaloans who don't like Michoachangos. Guanajuato, zacatecas, Tijuana, Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit and the list continues. You monkey's don't realize it but you're just as loud and Obnoxious as the Sinaloa's. Pura gente corriente arguendera 🦧👊🏽💥

    1. 12:58 yea sinalocas and mochoachangos are the same crap turning mexico into a shit show, and im not talking about the true sinaloences and michoacanos who are makin a living the right way, shout out to all my paisas all over mexico who really represent who we really are 👍

    2. 12:58 it's CARTELS fighting CARTELS pendejo!! Get it THOUGH your thick HEAD of yours!!


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