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Friday, July 9, 2021

Aguililla, Michoacán: Citizens Destroy Military Heliport After Political Fallout

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

In Aguililla, Michoacán, tensions continues despite the meeting earlier this week with federal authorities and the agreements reached. On Wednesday there was a confrontation between residents and the military. Yesterday the violence continued.

Male Reporter: Again the inhabitants of Aguililla, Michoacán had a confrontation with elements of the Mexican army that are stationed in that municipality. 

Now with the use of heavy machinery and backhoes they destroyed the 43rd Military Zone heliport. Which is used to provide civil supplies to the elements of the Secretariat of National Defense.

Through a video that was disseminated on social networks, it’s observed how the alleged inhabitants are making use of 2 backhoes.

They destroyed the landing port of the aircraft. According to the inhabitants, the destruction of the military heliport was because the federal forces didn’t comply with the agreement signed a few days ago to guarantee the safety of the municipality.

And free the roadway from Aguililla - Buenavista to Apatzingán. Just on Wednesday night there was a confrontation with sticks, stones, projectiles and Molotov bombs between the residents and the military. Reporting from the state of Michoacán this is Noticieros Televisa.

Noticieros Televisa


  1. It's shows you that even the Military, cares a rats azz about the closeby citizens, provisions for the military can be flown in, but citizens can't go to town to buy food or gas because the roads are blocked by Cartels. No man's land.

  2. Michoacans worst enemy is the michoachango himself... Ya que se chingaron en la base militar creo que le suplicaran al Chapulin Colorado por ayuda. Pinche gente ignorante corriente.

    1. It's easy saying that out the comfort of you moms basement.

    2. Stfu where are you from ? I bet you’re from a state that is being controlled by foreigners. Michoacán is the only state that can’t get controlled because the people fight back.

    3. Como chingas. Esta bien te cai mal la gente de Michoacán. But don’t comment on every story of them like a groupie: y soy de Santiago Papasquiaro Dgo pa que no pienses que estoy defendiendo mi estado. Bájale 3rayitas vatito mamon

    4. @8:21 mira pochito de sangre "europea" si no te cabe en la mazeta idiota que tienes que la gente del pueblo hace estos actos para presionar a los militares a que hagan su trabajo de dar seguridad para que la gente pueda transitar por la carretera hacia Apatzingán a ir a comprar sus necesidades entonces demuestras que nomás escribes a lo pendejito. Entiende animal que tú, tus tlacuaches y de dónde chingados que seas a nosotros los de Michoacán no nos importa. A CSPM con su triángulo cagado, chilorio, aguavergas, nariz tapadas, huaraches con calzetines. Ya porque no te quiso seguir reventando las ligas tu macho ahora sí les tienes coraje a la raza del SUR GILBERTONA?

    5. 1:51 didn’t the zetas used to control michoacan? while mencho ran off to Jalisco the REAL Michoacános stayed back and defended their state

    6. @2:02 Si no eres de Michoacan que te valga madre pinche joto metiche...

      Y a los demas michoachangos les cala por que es sierto. Pinche estado cagado hechado a perder. Tanto por los narcos que por la misma poblacion.

    7. 2:26 Zetas never controled michoacan, golfos Osiel Cardenas to be exact had an alliance with michoacanos who were enemies with the Cartel del Milenio and in exange they could go to michoacan, but the zetas werent really a cartel back then, when Osiel got caught and the Zetas split they tryied to take over michoacan but thats when LFM formed and wooped them, so dont talk shit, its like saying Zetas also controled Durango cause they got in durango, come on bro do your homework

    8. A ti que te importa tu preocúpate por tu gente sin huevos y pone dedos chillonas. Mejor siguele de huevon y hablador por internet que te aseguro que enfrente de gente michoacana no te pones a hablar pendejadas

    9. 6:14 I’m talking shit about mencho not michoacan

    10. @2:18 you don't know what you write since you've took out of context and purposely misrepresent what happened. The problem was between AVC/LV/CDM and CARM/LE

  3. Juan Romero Manjarrez Alonso, el H7 was captured in Chihuahua...

    1. What you want..a metal of Ronald McDonald.?

  4. Yet they won't do the same shit to the marranos de los CU blocking the damn roads. Have the same energy towards the bs cartels wether its cu or cjng

  5. CU getting desperate trying to get Gov backing

  6. Mexico is the new Brazil, where law abiding citizens are getting killed, kidnapped and squeezed for ransom money, all the while Curupt government collects bribes.

    1. Mexico always been like that

    2. That's been happening in Mexico since the 80s.

    3. More hugs should fix it. Lol

    4. Ah no sir, we dont have donkey tacos in the corner, i mean, we sell tacos de perro but not donkey meat..
      Also our children are not piojosos maybe in Michoacán and sinaloa but we are not brazil, the only favelas we have is the independencia ones in mty city...
      Also we dont have gigolo kids like in brazil do..
      Well maybe in Oaxaca but we are not brazil..
      Thanks now if you excuse me i gotta watch icarly on canal cinco while i smoke a link brand loose cigarrete

      Ah y fuck amlo and his money taking carnales

    5. @2:47 Puro canal cinco alv!!!

    6. 2:47 AMLO's money taking carnales are on their own, free to cooperate with the prosecution and smear AMLO or anybody they want to, and they have badmouthed their president brother, all for nothing...

  7. It's easy for the Army to end roadblocks by the cartels, get the Black Hawks with mini guns, fire at the Cartels problem 👍 solved.

  8. If it was a protest in US, yes higher ups listen. Then take action to clear the issue at hand.
    Now if it's Mexico, and you protest a remedy from government maybe ignored.

    1. Under Democrats we r getting like Mexico. Our crime is higher than ever. Can't blame the democrats criminals vote for them. Lol

    2. In US protest the FBI is secretly recording everyone and everything to be put in a database of trouble makers.

  9. This is not YOUR average michoacan PEOPLE doing this, it's CU/VIAGRAS family and people that get paid to do THIS..
    They DON'T want the GOVERNMENT dismantling that CARTEL so they chase them out with rocks and act like it's the citizens of that town THAT don't want them THERE..
    The cu/VIAGRAS force the residents to help them finantially and if THE family has a male they force him to be a SICARIO if that day has no MONEY.
    I REALLY don't know why those PEOPLE don't mive out of those town and come BACK when the CARTEL fight is OVER.
    VIAGRAS are losing and getting desperate.

    1. Orale cap lock nino

    2. I listened to you clowns last year and you were saying the same thing that CU were desperate and abuelo will be killed any day etc. Just shut up and watch like the spectator you are

    3. I am literally reading this comment emphasizing the words in caps like someone that had turrets disease hahaha. I was focused so much on the emphasis that I didn’t even pay attention to the content. Thanks FOR reading this COMMENT. BOB SAGET! ;)

    4. Lol another new name for caps lock guy, Torrent disease guy for usu g capitals improperly.

    5. Torrent, turrets and Tourette have different meanings, only one is a Syndrome.
      Do not look at the form, look for the content and stop bitching because of anybody's lack of Rhodes Schoolarship and Shakespearian english, take US Senator John Kennedy and see how he uses his language skills to try to deliberately abuse all of the US population intelligence with his BS...
      At least the Unpresidented Disgrace is "like that" and can't help himself

  10. The people who dismantled the helipad and are protesting against the Sedena in Aguillila are what is left once Los Revueltas and their backers ran away or got pushed out. They are demanding the Sedena clear the road blocks secure the road that goes fron Aguillila to Apatzingan. Allow goods to flow on that road. Set up a sedena check point/guard station in pinzandaro near the power sub station so the Viagras can't continue to cut thd power. Its like this if we can't get goods here yoy can't either until you do your job that involves allowing the comminities to prosper.

  11. A mi me vale verga que bueno que ya no vivo allí.

  12. Idiot AMLO (Mexico’s Biden) could care less.

    Thank you nut hugging morena voters (sarcasm).

    1. Queso you stink, every time you come in here, you have to blend in Biden. You have hamburger blend it with Biden, your at church blend in about Biden. Don't be a sore loser he won the election fair and square, sorry the bozo lost the election. Now get over it.

    2. You should go over there as a mediator and try to resolve the issue.

    3. 10:32 HEY!!!
      At least BOZO was a real clown and he did not waste daddy's ill gotten hundreds of millions of dollars worth of corporate queen welfare to make himself look like a stupid clown while pretending to look like a wise ass "billionaire", fake as his news and stories for ignorant babies and their suckers.

    4. Queso tu uvieras sido una de los primeros que uvieran sacado a la vergggg si uviera ganado tu presidente trump, que gacho que te le tengas que empinar tan gacho a ese pendejo, nimodo eso es lo que pasa cuando naces sin raices y te quieres mesclar con gente que nunca te va a aceptar 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Con muchisimo respeto que pendejo estas🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. Biden is senile and his son smokes crack, literally.

  13. Too many HATERS in BB..

    1. Ahhh go to the teen chat room Mijo, no hats there.

    2. This has become the teen chat room 100%. maybe tween with all the 12yr old ignorance

    3. 9:24 & 3:40 empesando por ustedes que unos niños de 12 años los hacen enojar! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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