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Sunday, July 18, 2021

AMLO Calls for Replacing State Prosecutor of Guanajuato

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

State prosecutor Carlos Zamarripa has been in office for about 12 years, during which time the state of Guanajuato has become far more violent. 

Mexico’s President issued a rare public call Friday for the country’s most violent state to replace its Attorney General. The north-central state of Guanajuato saw more than 1,562 homicides in the first five months of 2021, more than any of Mexico’s other 31 states, despite only being the sixth-largest in terms of population.

State prosecutor Carlos Zamarripa has been in office for about 12 years, during which time the state has become far more violent. “If he were the manager of a company, with this kind of performance they would have fired him,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Friday.

López Obrador suggested there was corruption or collusion with some of the drug cartels fighting bloody turf battles in Guanajuato. “When officials do not act with honesty, with rectitude, when there is no division between criminals and the authorities, no progress can be made,” López Obrador said.

Zamarripa’s office was contacted for a response but had no immediate comment. Businessmen and experts in Guanajuato have long questioned why, under Zamarripa's leadership, the home-grown Santa Rosa de Lima cartel achieved so much power that they nearly controlled a federal oil refinery in the state, and brazenly stole fuel in and around the plant.

The problem got so bad that federal troops had to be called in to take over and protect the plant. Guanajuato security analyst David Saucedo said “Carlos Zamarripa for many years protected El Marro,” the leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima gang who was arrested in 2020. But Saucedo said Zamarripa appears to have switched sides, apparently believing the Santa Rosa gang would quickly fall apart as the more powerful Jalisco New Generation Cartel moved into the state.

Instead, the Sinaloa Cartel decided to send sicarios, guns, and money to prop up Santa Rosa and other local gangs, to prevent their rival, CJNG, from taking over. That proxy war has drenched the state in blood.

“Definitely, Zamarripa is part of the problem,” Saucedo said. The State Attorney General is appointed by the Governor, and López Obrador has no direct input or control over the office. But federal cooperation is vitally important for state law enforcement efforts in Mexico.

Source AP


  1. Jajaja so funny, yes fire him pero y tu AMLO pendejo remove your self from office your strategy of letting the cartels run rampant without been checked has made the entire country worse then what it use to be....

    1. Your right, hardly does much to curtail violence, instead he lets grow.

  2. Disculpen la pregunta pero ALGUIEN sabe que le paso al MEXA?

    1. Se lo chingaron por andar ahí de caliente.

  3. ALMO found his balls.

  4. The resignation and termination begins from the top down of all government officials & agencies.
    A new beginning period.
    There are many states in Mexico besides guerrro that have succumb to this epidemic of violence.
    His brother among them.

  5. Cds doesnt support csrl, mayo refuses to fight for oil and chapitos are too busy reinforcing tijuana now that alquiles gave his 2 week notice

    1. @3:24 Usted qué sabe, gente del CDS fue arrestada en Celaya hablando con ejército y gente de Santa Rosa de Lima.

  6. He is right. You should replace them in Most states with such high Levels of violence

  7. He is innocent lol

  8. This is very interesting. I honestly didn't know the extent of help one group gave to another re: CDS sending help to SRDL. Classic ' the enemy of my enemy is my friend' situation
    Question, is CDS doing this in other volatile areas that anyone is aware of or vice versa CJNG to others. Thank you

  9. Since this crook took the post GTO went from most peaceful to most dangerous state.

    1. JJEM had the state but "gifted" it to LFM in the late 2000s.

  10. Unbelievable Obrador has the balls to point out the finger and blame the procecuter on this matter. It goes to everyone in government from..
    1. Municipal Police
    2. Mayor
    3. Governor
    4. Procecuter
    5. Ministry of Security
    6. Vice President
    7. President

    1. Yep Obrador is part of the problem too.

  11. AMLO could make the same analogy about himself

  12. 6:39

    Bulls eye !! You hit the nail right on that COMMENT


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