Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, July 4, 2021

AMLO Declares Improved Security and That No New Cartels Have Formed Since He Joined Office in 2018

"Anonymous" for Borderland Beat

"No one can say I haven't fulfilled my commitment to banish corruption", President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) said.
The federal government has improved Mexico’s security situation, President López Obrador declared Thursday in a speech to mark the third anniversary of his triumph at the 2018 presidential election, even though homicide numbers remain at near record levels.

“There is governability in the country. In public security matters we’ve also made progress, even with the complexity of the problem we inherited,” he said during a 40-minute speech at the National Palace in Mexico City.

“The criminal groups were already formed when we arrived in office in December 2018; I don’t believe that new groups have been created in these 2 1/2 years,” López Obrador said.

The president asserted that homicides have decreased 2% “in the time we’ve been in government” but didn’t specify the period with which he was making the comparison. Homicides in fact reached a record high of more than 34,000 in his first full year in office – 2019 – and only declined 0.4% last year.

They did, however, fall 2.9% in the first five months of 2021 compared to the same period of last year. López Obrador also said that kidnappings, vehicle theft and home burglaries have declined by 41%, 40% and 26%, respectively.

Extortion, femicides and robberies on public transit have increased by 26%, 14% and 9%, respectively, he added. Although he has continued to use the armed forces for public security tasks and created a new security force, the National Guard, the president asserted that his administration’s security strategy is different from those of his predecessors, which relied heavily on the military to suppress organized crime.

The government is combatting criminal organizations such as the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel not by “declaring war on them” but with “other more humane and effective means,” López Obrador said, apparently referring to the government’s social programs that ostensibly address the root causes of violence, namely poverty and lack of opportunity.

“Violence cannot be confronted with violence,” he said before highlighting that the government is “attending to young people” with programs such as Youths Building the Future, an apprenticeship scheme.

The electoral season leading up to municipal, state and federal elections on June 6 was the most violent on record but López Obrador instead highlighted that there were no massacres that sowed fear among citizens before they were due to go to the polls.

“… There were no massacres, violence wasn’t unleashed against innocent citizens to fill them with fear. In Guerrero, for example, no candidate suffered an attack and almost the same thing happened in the majority of states,” he said.

However, a report by risk analysis firm Etellekt, which tracks election campaign violence, shows that politicians and candidates were murdered in more than 20 states in the lead-up to the elections, including Guerrero.

While AMLO, as the president is widely known, appeared to be referring to an absence of politically motivated massacres, there were almost 40 acts of violence in the first six months of this year considered massacres because five or more people were killed, the newspaper Reforma reported.

Speaking before an audience that included members of his cabinet and Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum, the president also said that Mexico is recovering from the dual health and economic crises caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Indeed, the intensity of the pandemic has waned considerably in recent months as Covid-19 vaccines are rolled out across the country and the economy is predicted to grow by almost 6% this year after a slump of 8.5% in 2020.

AMLO, whose party Morena remains the dominant political force in Mexico despite losing its supermajority in the lower house of Congress on June 6, thanked health workers for their tireless work during the pandemic, acknowledging that they risked their lives to save others.

The federal government faced widespread criticism for not implementing a strict lockdown early in the pandemic, not testing extensively and not advocating forcefully for the use of face masks but López Obrador said that his administration had done “everything that is humanly possible to combat this pandemic and save lives,” including adding hospital beds, increasing the health budget, hiring more health workers and obtaining 57.3 million vaccines to date.

No person sick with Covid was left without a hospital bed, a ventilator or medical personnel to look after them, he said. The president also highlighted a range of other government achievements including a 44% increase to the minimum wage; stable fuel prices; progress on major infrastructure projects such as the new Mexico City airport and the Maya Train; and the implementation of social programs, including the tree-planting employment scheme Sembrando Vida (Sowing Life).

In his 2 1/2 years in office, López Obrador has sought to dominate Mexico’s political discourse with his daily morning press conferences but he said today that he doesn’t possess nor aspire to have a “monopoly on the absolute truth.”

“… Our adversaries, I reiterate, will always receive from the government I represent respect and freedom to … the right to speak out without limits, repression or censorship. The times have changed,” he said.

“… Today we celebrate three years since the historic triumph of our movement and I still remember on December 1, 2018, on my way to the Chamber of Deputies to be sworn in as president of the republic, a young man approached us on a bicycle and shouted: ‘Don’t fail us,’” López Obrador said.

“I believe … I haven’t disappointed … that young man, nor those who voted for me three years ago. There are possibly those who imagined that [my government] would be different, those who have reached the conclusion … that they don’t share my ideas and don’t like my style of government, my style of governing. But nobody … can say that I haven’t fulfilled my commitment to banish corruption and use my imagination, experience and position for the benefit of the people and the nation,” he said.

“[More] achievements are in sight. Despite the pandemic and the suffering it brought, people haven’t lost their faith in a better future.”

Sources: Reforma; MND

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  1. Almo method to reduce Cartel crime and homicides in not working whatsoever, he is praising him self that he is reducing homicides, who the hell is he kidding.
    Give me a break.

  2. AMLO was touted as the new Trump and he's just as delusional.

  3. This guy is as useless as Trump.

    1. No sir, Trump would have kick their ass, believe me I am not a Trump fan, he would have kick their ass.

    2. The ? Is who’s is more useless Trump,Amlo,or Biden????

  4. What a freaking Joke and a liar he is
    This (he) makes me sick ..
    Put him out of his lala land

  5. Amlo is delusional. Tijuana is one of murder capitals of world and 10 of 15 most deadly cities are in Mexico.

  6. A freaking embarrassment to all Mexicans!!! This guys insulting every Mexicans IQ!!!

    1. 8:44 speak for yourself,
      --in my opinion you suck and embarrass humanity

  7. To much patting himself on the back..not enough talk about what still needs to be done to restore prosperity.

  8. He reminds of Trump: lier lier lier.

    1. *liar. Look back at the debates and tell me Biden isn't completely fos.

    2. Hahaha Trump is going to jail and asking his followers for donations to pay off his lawyers and hookers. You big dummy!!!

  9. Mexico can be literally on fire and this guy would be with a big smile calming everyone down

    1. Same saying we all can't forget..
      Oh that covid19 virus won't get Mexico, that comes from US and he had also said, continue eating out, go to concerts, and look because he acted slow thousands have died.

    2. Covid-19 aka Convid is a SCAMDEMIC not Pandemic. Smh

  10. does amlo hand out free shit to mexicans like the US does?

    1. What does th US give free to Mexicans?

      We all pay taxes here to a bunch of thieves

    2. @ 11:48 that was pretty smart ......tHUGS

      Rubio NYC

    3. 11:47 my family got about $$$$
      30000.00 dollars worth of COVID 19 relief money, all while working through all of it as essential workers...we never donated a penny to drumpf.

  11. I had hope for AMLO but hes proven to be a pendejo

    1. His approach worked better then any Other president

    2. His approach suks big time things got worse, he thinks he can just hide the homicides under the carpet and all is fine.

    3. Well, again, once more, AMLO is not the criminals mommy, daddy or their granny to even try to be ubiquitous everywhere preventing people from murdering or from murdering others, that is a function of law enforcement and state and municipal authorities, he can't get the cobwebs out of everybody's half assed brainwashed head either, but as on the US, AMLO's Witch hunts are catching too many witches...

    4. Yeah I had lots of hope on him to be a good leader, but he is a big flop. He seems to just enjoy the president time like a vacation.


  12. you all wanna know whats worse, that 70% of the country believes all he says is true

  13. I think it proves the opposite in fact.
    The cartels already in power have such control that anything is squashed before it develops but that's if his telling the truth.
    Typical Politician that loves sniffing his own shit.

    1. Your a good observer, currently there's an issue avacado farmers and townspeople have armed themselves, from criminals coming to extortion. What does Ministry of Security polical man do, requests for the government to send the Army to take away the weapons from Farmers. Where had this guy been with all crime and homicides occurring in Michoacan?
      But for autodefensas he sure acts fast, what does that tell you, the Cartels control him.

    2. 6:30 he did not pop out in favor of doing something against the cartels that have killed, extorted, kidnapped in Michoacan, but now when it's peasants, townspeople, citizens having guns, oh yes there he wants action from ALMO.

  14. No SURPRISE here, he been fooling the MEXICAN people since he joined office.
    He works for CARTELS
    He's a narco president but approved by the U.S.A. to do his DIRTY work and continue THEIR agendas..
    I CAN'T believe how DUMB people can be and BELIEVE everything this PENDEJO say..

    1. Orale on and off caps lock guy.

    2. HERE HERE YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH finally someone does
      @ 12:02 i concur

  15. This idiot sounds like Joe Biden.

    Clueless and disconnected from reality.

    Thank you AMLO nut huggers (sarcasm).

    1. former ALMO nuthugger😒

    2. Queso you stink you are fully aware that Biden is doing a lot better than Mr. T.
      Your buddy Obrador only collects bribes from Cartels.

    3. But AMLO is the new Trump, sounds just like him.

    4. Lol look at this EPN supporter 🐀 🐀 🐀

    5. And you sound like Sol.

    6. Too many extreme right neo-fascist rats are taking over this joint, it gets harder and harder to debunk soo much BS...
      Luckily loret, Lozano, la gilbertona, EPN, FECAL, PRI, PAN, MC, PRD, Brozo, Mercer, Krause, camin, all the other ass kissing chayotero journalists are running around like headless chickens trying to kiss their own nasty asses.

    7. Sit down commie.

  16. Is he lost it!!!!!!! Look Reynosa, and Highway to N.L.

  17. Who does this MF think he is fooling,? A coward to deal with the criminal cartels.

  18. It doesn't surprise me that every comment on this article is a negative comment towards AMLO despite the fact that the achievements of the current administration are highlighted. If you look at the homicide rates in Mexico year after year they were only increasing up until AMLO came into office. When he came in he managed to stabilize the increase. Now that's just the crime, all of you commenting here managed to ignore all of the federal programs the government has initiated since his presidency. Programs which benefit the mexican public whether it be by job creation, access to better roads or education. These are the areas that were being neglected by the previous administrations. You guys commenting really have no clue. You're focus is on Mexico's insecurity and as a result the rest of Mexico's issues are being missed... that's the difference between y'all, previous administrations and AMLO. His focus is on the issues that will move mexico forward in terms of modernization and prosperity. The root of the crime is ignorance, lack of education and lack of opportunity. These are the issues AMLO is addressing. I understand BB's objective and I appreciate the contributions it has to offer, but, as I've said before, unfortunately most readers get tunnel vision reading about all of the crime and violence. Their only source for Mexico related news is BB and as a result their views and opinions become distorted. The comments in this article are proof.

    1. Lol a believer of Almo!

    2. Insecurities 7:38 your one funny guy...
      36,000 homicides in 2020, yes in Mexico
      Can't wait to see what it will be for 2021.
      I can't stop laughing at your comment, also blaming BB for reporting the truth.

    3. He's not blaming BB for reporting the truth but when most people here see only the news that BB reports, they think Mexico is nothing but violence... I live in juarez and for all the crime here...most people go about their life and rarely encounter crime... Most of the crime is drug related...if you mind your Ps and Qs you'll be OK.

    4. @10:49 thank you. You get it.
      @8:57 I prefer "AMLO fact checker"
      @9:57 you prove my point. You start talking about homicides. 36,000 is a lot but focus on the yearly increase. It was about 10,000 yearly increase before AMLO took office. Had the same trend continued then it would've gone something like, 34k in 2018, 44k in 2019, 54k in 2020 and so on. Instead it's stayed stagnant at around 35k. You may not see that as much but it is definitely a huge accomplishment considering that a lot of the increase in violence were a result of the previous administrations decisions. Things to consider 9:57: Garcia Luna, the death of Nacho Coronel and Arturo Beltran, the capture of Carrillo Fuentes and El Chapo threw mexico into a downward spiral of Violence that AMLO has had to take on. I could continue but unfortunately for you, you have blinders. My only advice for you is to fact check AMLO's achievements.

    5. Shut your pie hole PENDEJO
      Violence and CARTEL presence have increased in every CITY
      Just go to ZACATECAS, michoacan, JALISCO, TIJUANA and they will tell you first hand that your a PENDEJO for believing AMLO's lies

    6. there may be better roads, but what help is that when it is not safe to use them. 6:48

    7. 11:29 you in denial, that puppet president serves the Cartels, not it's citizens.

    8. @1:36 Jalisco, Michoacan and especially Tijuana have had violent crimes looong before AMLO. I'll give you zacatecas but without having to say that in all the places you've mentioned there's one common denominator and that's the Jalisco Cartel. That Cartel seems to generate violence and instability in most places where they have a presence... Now with that being said, do me a favor and respond with facts not insults. Keep it clean.

      @2:47 who told you the new roads aren't safe to use? The help is this, when these federally funded programs are put into action everyone benefits, and unfortunately the narcos as well. Travel time decreases which in turn gets goods and services from one state to the next in let's say half the time or less. As a result prices start to drop because less fuel is required and more goods can be delivered at a faster rate. Now that's just one aspect, also consider the number of jobs created to make the project happen and the positions needed to maintain those roads, schools, oil refineries, fast track trains, airports, military bases, etc. Think about gasoline stations, markets and restaurants that will come about as a result. You're saying the roads are unsafe, and I say they're safer. Would you rather drive through an old, unlit dirt backroad or drive through a newly paved lit highway with toll stations every 10-20 miles?

      @3:41 even if he does serve the cartels his "good deeds" benefit the mexican people. Again, take your eyes off the violence and look at what federal projects he's introduced and how they benefit the mexican people. The good outweighs the bad.

    9. Obrador is for the Cartels, he cares a rats azz for it's citizens.

    10. 8:11 you have a very good reasoning for the improved transport system nothing against that. My problem is that i would like to drive fm GDL to Laredo but when i read that about 70 people have died or have been disappeared i do not consider that safe

  19. Este estupido espera en verdad que se forme otra celula delictiva en su gestión para decir que si hubo un repunte?

    Por Dios, espero que por lo menos de los 30 millones que votaron por el por lo menos varios millones hayan sufrido o sufran las consecuencias de las decisiones estupidas de este pendejazo

  20. Best Mexican president of all time. Doesn’t matter what the rats who support PRIAN say.

    1. He is the greatest cartel president

    2. 3:55 why would the owner of PEMEX and everything else for the next 4 years Mèxico be a cartel presidente?
      Specially when all the corrupt former government officers he is bringing down and their chayote bought fans are praying for revenge?

    3. sound like one of those Biden supporters.."you're criticizing my fabulous president you must be a Donald trump fan"

  21. Let's see GRUPO flechas just appeared a few months ago in ZACATECAS.. It's a new group of SICARIOS linked to MAYO
    The REASON there is no new cartels is because the bigger CARTELS like cds and especially CJNG took the SMALL cells OUT or made them JOIN their CARTEL.. CJNG took out NUEVA PLAZA in JALISCO and MARRO gas thieves CARTEL now after cartels UNIDOS. Violence and CARTEL presence has increased in Mexico thanks to AMLO and his abrazos no BALASOS approach.. Narco president for sure

    1. Orale caps, caps kid

    2. 1:56 no hay pior ciego que el que no quiere ver, no hay pior sordo que el que no quiere oir
      But you can read this,
      Chingas a tu madre, güey!

    3. Grupo flechas already existed before Cjng started heating things up in Zac

    4. Grupo flechas was always around just that they were in Tepic Nayarit under the orders of Edgar Veytia fiscal Cartel . La plaza la tenía El 18 Martin de la Zapata aka El Asteca in Zacatecas . Real name Juan Martin Rivas Rivera That’s how he is known now . H18 was from the Mazatlecos under Isidro Flórez meza . Also under H2 Then under Veytia then under cJng es un Vilteado a traicionado a todos sus jefes . That’s why Zacatecas is a personal beef this guys have . Him and Jardinero is a very personal beef . Including with his nephew mahony Ricardo Rivas Rivera . Who cjng is willing to pay money for this guy dead or alive . I also believe el comandante mudo in Zacatecas is the same mudo that was under Veytia as his Polizeta . His real name is Luis Antonio Torres Valdivia . Look up this Names it all come from the plaza de Tepic Nayarit . Esta jente se abrió a buscar otros lugares donde poder extorcionar y vender sunpinche cristal . Todos son una mierda . Tepic got to hot after H2 got killed Veytia got arrested and then here we are same motherfuckers different state . We’re my people from Nayarit ? They will tell you how this fuckers had Tepic .

    5. @4:27 according to the Cienfuegos file, H2 wanted to kill Chapo Isidro who if I'm not mistaken was his brother in law. During H2 wedding is when the SEMAR raided Santa Maria del Oro and that chump Remmy Valenzuela got shot.

    6. 3:27 that was a big shoot out . They kept that very quiet because Nayarit’s police was detained and Veytia was one of the invited . I wonder if BB made an article on that shootout . It was in 2013 . People who lived there said there was over 20 dead including women and children.and some fallen marines . At the end the news only reported one dead and one injured . The injured was the singer Remmy Valenzuela .

  22. No new cartels have formed so what there are hundreds already

  23. This guy is a wimp and useless so let's wait who will be the next president in 2024? Maybe they'll be on someone else's payroll stop the blood and everyone should work in their own turf the pie is big enough for everyone as long as there is supply and demand in The US the people are suffering.

  24. No Cartels have formed because the olders ones got stronger...

  25. Pinchi Obrador daily conferences, but no progress von Narco violence.

  26. Amlo is either corrupt or plain retarded. Theres is no way he cld not understand how mexico is falling apart. There is about 3 or 4 criminal groups that are so called "cartels" but there are like 30 or 40 other criminal groups all over mexico so claiming no new cartels have formed simce 2018 is not good news. He's a fucking idiot. He's so fucking dumb he makes a dumbass like trump look competent.

    1. Both he is both. Brother of his also collects bribes.

  27. Fck all them politicians! ⚰️⚰️

  28. This guy is a joke. All politicians are scums

  29. Good news Mr. Amlo, but not true with 100 people murdered daily

  30. Its the year of senile old men.

  31. Things only get worse before they get better. No other president cabinet has prosecuted governors and frozen bank accounts like AMLO has. What do you expect? for him to click his fingers and have it all fixed. For those that complain about his policies, all you have to admit, is that no one can magically fixed mexico's corruption, without all people getting involved, starting with personal responsibility. one step at a time. what are you doing?


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