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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

AMLO Promises to Seize Drug Trafficking Territories Including Aguililla

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The government intends to dispute the territory with the drug traffickers, although it has not been successful in two and a half years of efforts to reduce violence.

The administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) will try to seize drug-dominated territory such as Aguililla, Michoacán, the birthplace of the leader of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, "El Mencho."

During the Second Session of Understanding for the Promotion of the Culture of Peace and the Reconstruction of the Social Fabric, headed by the Secretary of the Interior (Segob), Olga Sánchez Cordero, the AMLO government promised that it will recover the spaces flagrantly taken over by organized crime. The official assured that six of the most violent municipalities are already being served with strategies to rebuild the social fabric. They are Mexicali, Baja California; Tapachula, Chiapas; Ecatepec, State of Mexico; Acapulco, Guerrero; Monterrey, Nuevo Leon; and Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo.

Sánchez Cordero highlighted that in these demarcations there are lessons learned how to incorporate the demands of the population, generate empathy with community organizations, and include those who know first-hand the needs of the colonies, neighborhoods, and towns. Rabindranath Salazar Solorio, Undersecretary for Democratic Development, Social Participation and Religious Affairs, announced that a project to rebuild the social fabric will also be implemented in Aguililla to accompany the actions undertaken by the Secretariat for Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), the agency in charge of establishing the route for the care of this region.

Aguililla has experienced a violent wave in the last two years, corresponding to Lopez Obrador's six-year term, as the CJNG launched a territorial dispute from that point in Michoacán against local factions that were previously its allies. Currently, the municipality has already been dominated by the hosts of Mencho, as it also represents the area where the leader of the best-armed and most dangerous cartel in Mexico, the CJNG, was born.

The residents of Aguililla have been caught up in the drug war, where enemies of the so-called four-letter cartel destroy roads, cut off communications, and affect the electricity grid. All in order to attack the rival area, but the consequences are for the rest of the inhabitants. Hence, the Aguilillenses have demonstrated to the point of despair, even attacking the military base in the municipal seat, as they demand that the soldiers reestablish the conditions of peace and confront the criminals. But the military is ordered not to confront organized crime and remain passive, sheltered.

On July 10, the SSPC and the Ministry of Culture reported on events in Apatzingan to strengthen social cohesion and promote community participation in the territory and thus prevent violence and crime in high-risk areas. This municipality is part of the Michoacan Tierra Caliente that is disputed by the CJNG and local factions grouped in the United Cartels. One day before the cultural event, the Mexican president instructed Rosa Icela Rodríguez, head of the SSPC, to head a special care plan in the cradle of El Mencho. However, the negotiating tables have not made any major progress. The project aims to reinforce wellness programs.

Although there are no more confrontations in Aguililla, prior to the establishment of the CJNG there was a process of forced displacement, collection of fees from the population, and shootings until the wee hours of the morning. In addition, the organization led by Oseguera Cervantes also demonstrated its ability to defy the State on October 14, 2019, when 14 elements of the Michoacán Police were killed. Several patrols were set on fire as if it were a war field. State agents were attacked while conducting a surveillance operation. And more recently, on May 14 of this year, two infantrymen were killed following an ambush against the CJNG.

El Mencho accuses the National Guard and Army of supporting El Abuelo.

In its narrative, the transnational crime organization accuses that federal forces such as the National Guard and the Army support their rivals of the United Cartels, for which this week they threatened to attack these corporations if they continue with the alleged collaboration, favoring the leader of the Tepalcatepec Cartel, Juan José Álvarez Farías, the El Abuelo, Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Aguilar, alias El Kiro and Hipólito Mora.

As part of the agreements of this July 20 in Segob, constant training of public servants will be maintained in matters of the culture of peace and reconstruction of the social fabric throughout the country, the gender, and youth perspective will be ensured, as well as care for indigenous peoples and the relevance of adding new service municipalities and specific projects in areas such as Juan Bautista, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca will be considered.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Office of the President; the SSPC, as well as the secretariats of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), Welfare, Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), Economy, Agriculture and Rural Development, Communications and Transportation (SCT), Public Education (SEP), Health, Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu), Culture, and Tourism.

Also from the National Institutes of Women (Inmujeres), the National Institute of Social Economy (Inaes), the Indigenous Peoples (INPI), and Social Development (indesol), as well as the Mexican Institute of Youth (Imjuve); and the National System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF).

With all this deployment, the Lopezobradorista government intends to dispute the territory with the drug traffickers, although it has not been successful in two and a half years of efforts to reduce violence. Aguililla is now one more test.



  1. He should start with Nuevo Laredo and culiacan

    1. Negative chief.

    2. Nuevo Laredo ain’t that big

    3. Why would he start there? You don't see the citizens throwing rocks or avocados at the national guard. The residents still have electricity, telecommunications, access to roads, supplies and emergency services. The agricultural industry is not being affected and the transportation system is up and running not burnt and abandoned on the side of the road....

    4. Yes but Culiacán was the target of terrorism when gunmen belonging to cds specifically chapitos fraction took innocent women, kids & family of the captors of ovidio hostage at gun point. Don’t you think that pendejos with GUNS not rocks and avocados threatening to kill women and children are more of threat? Are you ok with sicarios being able to do this at any given moment? I bet if it were your family you wouldn’t. @11:43

    5. 11:43 Because chapitos ordered them not to or else they'll have their heads detached from their bodies.

    6. @10:17 and 11:44. You're referring to something that happened 2 years ago for 1 day. I could understand if it was going on everyday in Culiacan but that's not the case. Michoacan on the other hand. Whole different story.

    7. First of all isnt culiacan a narco heaven for drug dealers? Thats all they do, second of all isnt nuevo laredo were 100's of people have desapered never to be heard from again?
      If AMLO took those two towns from the narcos if you can call cdn narcos that would send a big message to all other DTOs just think about it and let it sink in.
      Plus culiacan would probably be easier to get, first step protect all innocent culichis and second step attack cds they will run for sure if they dont have any law abiding civilians to take hostage, cdn will put up a fight but they will still get slaughter, thats a no brainer 😉

    8. Riiiiiiiight. This was also the first and only time in Mexican history that a terrorist act of this magnitude occurred. This wasn’t a jay walk Captain dipshit. This kind of terrorist act could easily occur again. It should not be possible but the weak people there chose not to do anything or are too scared this is where the Gov needs to step in @3:06

  2. This is a wait and see situation. But why in the hell are they telling the Military not to confront organized crime, that surely does not make since.

    1. 1:04
      BECAUSE he's a narco presidente..
      He's pretty much SAYING, go patrol but DON'T shoot down the bad guys..
      What's the point of even going?
      He's a CLOWN..

    2. It does make sense if you watch AMLOs daily conference. He stated something along the lines of, "el gobierno no caera en provocaciones!" He knows what a lot of the commenters here on BB are stating is true, that the cartels are using gorilla war tactics to fight off the enemy, whether it be blocking roads, ambushing the military or disguising themselves as civilians or using civilians to do the dirty work. The last thing AMLO wants under his legacy is the government to be held responsible for a massacre like that of the 42 students in guerrero, the massacres in Allende, or the student massacres of the 1968 in Mexico city. He would rather the Cartels dish it out between themselves than add more mexican lives, (military and collateral damage) to the death toll. I also believe if the government fights one cartel or the other in Michoacan you will have one group of people supporting one cartel or the other and this might send mexico into a civil war. Lo jusgan de pendejo, pero de pendejo no llego a ser presidente. He's a seasoned politician and an even better diplomat.

  3. Promises and more promises!
    You have 3 more YEARS out of 6 to work on your PROMISES AMLO..
    TIME is ticking...
    MEXICO is more violent NOW that when you first took office.
    AMLO needs to STOP blaming peña nieto and CALDERON and MAN THE FU[K UP#!!##

    1. Orale caps lock nino

    2. He's built more military bases and extradited more criminals to the U.S than any of the last 5 presidents. What are you talking about? It's funny, you're demanding solutions from AMLO but what are you doing to help the situation? If you're so concerned, why don't you go down to mexico and provide some assistance. Man The Fuck up and do something Caps lock kid.

    3. 12:09 and what good has that dine for 🇲🇽 PENDEJO?

    4. @4:00 more good than you've ever done for Mexico that's for sure.

  4. The problem with Mexico is unlike other countries,like for the most part,Venezuela and Bolivia, the military and politicians control the drug trade. In Mexico they can't, as other countries will not like it, they have other industries to protect.
    So the they let the cartels run it with a cut for them, too much money.

    1. Kinda like the US let's the CIA handle the drug dealing

    2. I find it really interesting whats going on in china and the drug trade in general- pretty soon its going to be all synthetic drugs only. Shit its almost that already

  5. More territory for Los chapitos

    1. Negative chief.

    2. 5:11 second that negative

    3. 7:35 i third that negative, chapitos still have ptsd after vallarta, anything that has to do with the south gives them nightmares

  6. Reports out of mexicali say possibly el ruso and el Omega died in a plane crash? Anybody?

  7. They should burn down aguillla it’s a shit hole town anyway no body ever goes to Michoacáno to vacation they go to visit because da got fam dar

    1. Rrebaboso y rrependejo!...smh. no clue what your talking about.

    2. Maybe you should visit an English class for vacation and skip going back to your shit hole que ahí te están haciendo más pendejo @2:53

  8. Abuelo looks like the bitchy snitch neighbor type

    1. 3:03 just like mencho since that's all he does in those silly videos of theira

    2. He minds his own business, until baby Killer Cartel aka CJNG, comes harassing him, ya but hugger lol.

    3. 9:19 stealing cocaine from Mencho is not minding your own business

    4. 9:19 if he minded his own bussiness he woild of never have stolen the drugs from Papa Mencho

    5. No abuelo stole his coke member

  9. If MENCHOS accusing the government...that means hes a Rat just like the people he accuses.

    1. A rat cooperates with authorities or points fingers in court like multiple zambadas, damaso, Flores twins etc. There is usually paperwork involved. Mantas or videos inform the general public. If that’s the case, corridos are rat records. To all sinajotos : Look at you now junior, You learn something new everyday. Atta boy

  10. Why does La Mencha always cry when he isn't the one been supported by the army. Tbh they need to take out CJNG from Michoacan, then deal with CU crimes such as extortion thats the only way to stop the violence

    1. 4:12 if they take out CU first they wont have to deal with extorcions you know what i mean, easier and faster way to bring back the peace to michoacan, mencho actually know how to control his dogs, unlike abuelo and them CU

    2. Maybe he learned from chapo? “Boss of all bosses” 🤣🤣🤣 @4:12

    3. Cu have way more presence and they would have to kill half of Michoacan to take our CU

    4. 7:29 yea way more precense but way more culos 🤣😂😂😂 they needed help from sedena state and all the police to take on 20 something guys? Y aun asi ni agarraron al que querian 🤣😂😂😂
      Si el ejercito se hace a un lado cjng barre con los CU que son "Way more" and thats a guarantee

  11. Ruso and one ha dead in plane crash

  12. For those living outside of Mexico, when AMLO claims he will regain territory from cartels, he means he will not fight against them, not send the army nor the federal police, there will NOT be armed confrontations, he just hopes people will stop joining cartels if he tells them he is honest(which he definetly is NOT), his BS "strategy" of HUGS, NOT BULLETS is just a slogan for his followers, but in reality he is just letting the cartels run around free.

    As we say in Mexico, SOLO SE HACE PENDEJO.

  13. I agree with ALMO when he said the most beautiful women in the world are from Colombia. It was a close but the second place with the most beautiful women in the WORLD are from Michoacan 😎

    1. Hasta que habren la boca y dicen, "dosi o treci de los hijos de toda su puta perra bomba madri no sirven ni para hacerse morisquetas bien pero bie picosas vali!"

    2. Maybe just your mom but the rest pura India para rajada with schizophrenia 😆

    3. You must be joking

    4. Jalisco has the best looking girls wether you want to believe or not, but the saying goes (beauty is on the eye of the beholder) or some shit like that

  14. The only reason for such a statement is due to the Pope's awareness of suffering to those residents being affected by the violence. The knowledge of what's going on in this region has been addressed for months by reporters and its residents.
    Interesting how someone of religious status can make the president take action. While All human rights claims & residents complaints have gone unanswered.

    AMLO should be ashamed for this to transpire from the beginning. Note; many states in Mexico are just as bad but without resolution nor voice to address their concerns.

    Saludos BB
    Interesting article

    1. Yes, millions of silent sufferers. Probably a hundred or more people tied up with barbed wire, in a closet, as I type.
      Barbed wire or none, public is held hostage.

  15. Puta MENCHA llorona that's all he does when he's full of frustration,punk ass snitch 😂😆🐀🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔

  16. A definite wait and see situation but I personally loved this ironic quote "The project aims to reinforce wellness programs"...huh?
    Your husband has been murdered for not being able to pay protection fee or getting mouthy when he was drunk, your 15 yr old daughter gang raped, your 13 yr old son got into meth and joined CJNG because you had to kick him out and now, as a single mother you are threatened and extorted, terrorized daily...but AMLO wants to work on "wellness programs" ?! Baffling irony.
    Hugs not bullets🐗 h

  17. "they can't, as other countries will not like it"
    What the fuck are they goin to do Mexico?
    Boycots,embargos,stop monies,products,what?

  18. Almo state he PROMISES, nope that's not right, got to be he read what the speech writer wrote.
    He had also PROMISED in the past reporters will have bodyguards.
    Also PROMISED activist that want to save the environment bodyguards.
    He also PROMISED 1,500 Army troops in Michoacan 3-4 weeks ago then cancelled it.
    He is for the Cartels not against it.
    Let be said that it's just propaganda.
    We all know we have to see it to believe it.
    El Perin de Tamp

  19. I want to be President of Mexico, so I can put on a suit and offer daily conferences, collect bribes, take naps all day.

  20. Amlo I thought there was no Volience in Mexico that what u been saying. I am with u Amlo clean it up

  21. They you noticed there a few in here standing up for Obrador 😂.

  22. OK Mexican gov. What's stopping you? It's supposed to be your country not that of CJNG or CSRL? Riiiight??????


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