Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Army Kills 5 CDN Gunmen in Narco-Camp in Miguel Alemán, Tamaulipas

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat (formerly "MX")

Cartel bosses vying for control of Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas (Photo credit: HEARST from Borderland Beat)
A gunfight between cartel members and elements of the Mexican Army left five gunmen dead in a narcocamp in the southeastern part of the municipality of Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas.

The events were recorded on Friday morning when elements of the Mexican Army, who were conducting security tours, spotted a truck going through a dirt road near "El Pedregal" ranch.

When they followed the truck's tracks, they reached an abandoned house that was being used by members of the Northeast Cartel (CDN) as a hideout. The "CDN" legend was painted on the side of the house's wall and on a vehicle's door.

As they approached the place, CDN gunmen attacked them. The Army repelled the aggression and killed five of them. No pictures of the attack were released to the press.

This shootout occurred about a week after the CDN and the rival Gulf Cartel (CDG) clashed in Los Guerra, a village west of Miguel Aleman municipality. 9 suspected members of the CDG were killed and left on the road for public display.

Miguel Aleman Municipality in Tamaulipas borders the US state of Texas and the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. (Photo credit: HEARST from Borderland Beat).

Borderland Beat Analysis: Why Miguel Aleman?
Miguel Aleman is part of La Frontera Chica (also known as La Ribereña), a border stretch along the Texas–Tamaulipas border. In the context of the Mexican Drug War, it is a lucrative drug corridor currently under dispute by CDG and CDN.

The CDN, based in Nuevo Laredo, is trying to expand east into La Frontera Chica, which has historically been controlled by the CDG.

Miguel Aleman is an important plaza to control because it is one of the few municipalities in La Frontera Chica with a legal port of entry to the US. According to the US government, most drugs that cross the border come through existing ports of entry.

CDN traffickers looking to smuggle to the U.S. must use the Rio Grande River, Nuevo Guerrero municipality (west of Miguel Aleman), or go to Miguel Aleman for a port of entry. In addition, Miguel Aleman has a highway in Los Guerra that connects Tamaulipas to the state of Nuevo Leon.

Last week's shootout was a demonstration of the CDN's successful incursions in the area. The discovery of this narco-camp shows that they are planning further takeovers in Miguel Aleman.

The CDG commanders in the area are Cesar Morfin Morfin ("El Primito") and his brother Alvaro ("R-8"). They have the support of another high-ranking CDG member known as "Metro 37" and/or "Comandante Robledo". The CDG in La Frontera Chica has the backing of the Nuevo Leon faction headed by "Comandante Cubano".

Reports say that the CDN commanders in the area are Ricardo Chapa ("El Ricky") and another suspect simply known as "El Amarillo". These individuals report to the CDN boss Juan Gerardo Treviño Chavez ("El Huevo").

Background Sources: FAS; Borderland Beat archives

Photo credit: Thank you to HEARST for the images

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  1. Lol I always just hear about the military killing CDN these days I swear, it seems like it's more them vs army than them vs rival cartels.

    1. Seems like cdn the only real cartel they don’t care what anyone thinks and don’t snitch to the government like other cartels

    2. It's more of the baby killer cartel that are losing lives.

    3. Cdn dont snitch? Miguel treviño was the one that most likely snitch on lazcanos whereabouts and half of the other zetas that outraked him so he cld be boss why you think the talibanes who were zetas turn on the zetas.

  2. Been reading this Miguel Aleman stuff in detail since 2020 here at BB. Since that 9 person killing, and with this, shows that the CDN is finally in Miguel Aleman. Or at least is stationed around it. Before they were random incursions where they were neutralized by Golfos or military. But this shows a different story. Miguel Aleman is about to explode... eventually it will be Camargo, Diaz Ordaz, then Reynosa.

    1. Yeah it seems like cdn is gaining ground from what I am hearing it was mier first and now mier is 100% cdn Miguel aleman is almost fully under cdn at this point step by step they are moving towards Reynosa

    2. Negative cdn will run back to Mier there biggest nightmare Zetas Vieja Escuela from Sierra Fox is back in Aleman

    3. July 6, 2021 at 6:42 PM no mms los zve tiene numeros pero no son nada ya . Todos los Buenos ya mamaron El shaggy bravo, Toledo , y todos los de mante tbn. Los cdns Les sobran sicarios y mientras esten en mier,nvo cd Guerrero y ora en los guerra eeo quiere decir que las golfos van perdierndo terreno. No SE te olvide que El golfo no sako alos zetas de la riverena fueron los Marino's y pronto Miguel Aleman,comales y Camargo seran de los cdnz .

    4. El CDN nomas a las afueras de alemán va a poder llegar llevan 12 años intentando y no pueden

    5. Cdn mostly enters till los guerra and gets torn up 8 times out of 10. On one side its surprising to see they have a camp in miguel aleman metros cdg territory on the other side theyre in a camp and not in the town so may be its nothing.

    6. If zetas old school were in miguel aleman they wld have to fight cdn from west and los metros cdg from reynosa who wld want aleman back. At the same time if zve is allied with matamoros they cld attack reynosa from both sides. Or zve cld attack cdn to their west. There have been no public announcements or news about zetas old school in miguel aleman and that wld stir up enough shit that it wld be known it wld be a big set back to reynosa cdg so that they wld make their presence known.

  3. Does cdn control most of coahuila?? They got piedras negras and acuña on lock??

    1. They do only state they fully control

    2. Maybe when it was 2010 the state police POLI NEGROS have coahuila on lock they dont let cdn enter there's a couple of lone wolf's but they dont control or ride around like they used to or like they do in NL

    3. Coahuila was cdg until the mid 2010s when their last cdg cell there was all locked up

  4. That's all they killed 5, why not kill the 100. That way there will be less homicides.

  5. The CDN has pushed their boundary from Mier to Halfway between Los Guerra and Miguel Aleman.

    If you open google earth and look for the “Coca Cola” or the “Coppel” you will find the current (July 2021) disputed location.

    In Miguel Aleman the CDN is just referred to as “Los Zetas”, absolutely nobody there calls them CDN. It’s Los
    golfos vs Los zetas.

    1. Yup all the locals call CDN , zetas .
      They they do have cd mier tamp but not Miguel aleman. They usually ambushed cdg in the early hours or midnight

    2. They have Los Guerras, which is a major trafficking point due to the crossing route with Fronton (formerly known as “el hacha”)

      Ask any Border Patrol agent that has worked the Rio Grande Valley if they know “Fronton” and they will call it one of the biggest smuggling points in the nation.

    3. 8:55 I asked a border patrol agent, he said he was to busy, catching crossers, he has been working 12 hour days.

  6. Only good zeta is a dead zeta lol

  7. nice info BB. I don't see this area getting any better... over 10 years of war and this place in Tamaulipas continues to be a mess.

  8. THanks for the Maps
    It sure help to understand the area they fighting over

  9. Good for the Army, no Abrasos, just good fire fight. Congratulations kill another 50,000 cartel guys.

  10. remember when trevino 40 was "caught", no hand cuffs, no scruff of the neck like a dog who just shat the rug, and if the sundae didnt already have a tell tale extradition request from hermano grande esam en estates unidos a.k.a while seldom spoken your real CDN (Cartel Delaware Negocios...( ...seen nor heard here ;)} )

    hey who said general cienopedos would have been a shoe in to have been casted as the general in the movie traffic?

    1. Yes I remember the days I would spend with my Tio Chema, we went to see a movie "Titanic", now that was a Kool movie.

  11. Seems like cdn taking a hold on la frontera chica. Los metros cdg must be weakening on that front.

  12. Well now CDG factions have a truce and in their mantas they talk about protecting their plazeas. We'll see if anything changes. I would think this (if true, and intentions real) will turn the tide and maybe even get atleast Los Guerra back. We will see how this plays out.


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