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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Cartel Jalisco Enforcers Are Seeking More Plazas

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A new video from the Mexican underworld has just surfaced online. For this broadcast a Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) enforcer stands among his criminal counterparts under the cover of darkness with the zero fucks given attitude etched across his face. 

Jose Darey Castro of Dareyes De La Sierra is singing a narco ballad in the background. “70 Calaveras” is that very corrido that narrates a story from the drug trade.

The armed sicarios shuffle about while a cameraman records their presence. They’re waiting in the interim before pressing on into the night. A night that involves toeing the line for their drug trafficking organization. Murder and mayhem is what they will utilize in the furtherance of their cartel. 

C贸digo Rojo


  1. Primero que coman bien esos piojosos.

  2. These guys don’t meth around

  3. Sad thing is this man won't live more than 6 months before CDS Soldiers or The Army Kill Them and all they would live behind is pain and suffering for their love ones.

  4. That song is about Tito Beltran. BLO alliance?

    1. These boiis dont know the difference between corridos, they always meth up

    2. Not about Tito but they do a shout out to him the corrido is of el 70, el Osama compadre del Tito another one that gave chapas era cds headaches
      G眉ero Cora

    3. What u talking about he was dead already

    4. @6:36 eh no chapitos where picked up by Veytia ex fiscal of Nayarit he even disappeared a compadre of chapo

      G眉ero Cora

  5. What plazas have CJNG actually won? The only thing those exiles and rejects from Michoacan that make up all the leadership of CJNG is good for is extorting drug traffickers in Jalisco because they are soft. Abuelo being a real Michoacano, told Mencho to fuck off when he wanted to take the routes that Abuelo and the Cuinis built.

    Mencho the people of Michoacan know your real back story you little 5'0" rape victim.

    They know how the Zetas ran you out of Michoacan.

    They know how Arturo Beltran used punk el Cuini right in front of you and you didn't do anything and stayed quite.

    They know how Chango Mendez had you crying and begging for your life.

    They how you and your whole family were terrified of El Chayo and the Templars. The Cuinis had to use a lot of their money to get then president EPN to back the whole Autodefensa movement against the Templrios, the strategy of the Colombian general not CJNG or Mencho they get now credit for that, to go after they Templars.

    Side note. EPN betrayed both the Cuinis, a lot of them got arrested, and Chapo, got extradited, which is why EPN fucked off to Spain.

    Michoacanos know the real you Mencho, and that's why they don't respect you and they never will. You will die exiled from Aguililla.

    CJNG gets nowhere in a state that actually has a backbone. CJNG's big claim to fame is getting taxed at the border by CDG, like they always were, and Juarez. Oh and they have an on going war gas thieves. While getting out of Baja and getting bitch slapped by in Zacatecas and Michoacan.

    Then these CJNG fan boys sit around and gossip like little hoes about the different cells of CDS that fight each other from time to time. Because in their mind they think CDS and CJNG are on an even playing field. Buddy CJNG is no where close to the power and influence that CDS has, they lost a lot of that when the Cuinis went down and even when they were around they still no where close to influence of types like Mayo and Azul. Which is why Arturo used punk those Cuini lames. I mean Cuinis were money makers not fighters so that's understandable, but why was Mencho letting his in-law get slapped and punked right in front of him? Answer, because he is a 5'0" rape victim. I mean Mencho is a nobody that just so happen to marry the right woman. Dude was a cop in Jalisco into his 40s, and when the Cuinis go down he uses the money they left him to play out some war general fantasy by sending drug addict to die all over Mexico so he can look big. Pathetic.

    CJNG now is just some goons that got ran out of Michoacan that for some reason like to call Mencho daddy, weirdos, that like to hype themselves up by dressing drug addicts in Airsoft gear while crying about the government. All CJNGs cling to is that one time that Mencho escaped from being captured and a RPG hit a helicopter.

    At this point they are just social media influencers fighting the online battle with their little troll farms.

    1. back story on Arturo Beltran punking cuini? that man just sounds more and more badass with every story I hear about him.

    2. god damn you didn’t have to do the CJNG cheer squad like that 馃ぃyou know they’re on suicide watch right now after reading that

    3. me record贸 cuando Rafa caro le pagaba unas cagadas al benjam铆n y en la c谩rcel fue a verlo y Rafa le meti贸 unos vergazos por unas cargas que se robaron.
      el chapo en prisi贸n tambi茅n le meti贸 unos vergazos a F茅lix gallardo.
      y del Mencho cuando macho coronel era el encargado al Mencho andaba ah铆 y dicen que vale verga. hay una cosa que el dinero te da poder y agarras valent铆a pero a otros el dinero les da poder y si se acaba le quedan los huevos esos no se compran con ellos naves.

    4. "secret_management" so much of a punk that he will no longer sign his post, straight bitch made chavala.
      Racer5 IPA

    5. Hahhahahaahaha! Chapo got extradited! Only true part of your post

    6. 11:39 colima, nayarit, jalisco y 90% de guanajuato.
      Pero con pruevas verdaderas no de corridos mangueras, que plaza a ganado cds?

    7. Every time he talks 20 of you fan girls gang up on him because he insults Mencho. It looks like secret management is the only one with any backbone, since it’s the whole CJNG cheer squad against him. Just sayin

    8. Haha this was great commentary

    9. Bro idk shit about the cjng but i Just want to know Who Hurt you?馃槀馃槀

    10. Not in costume not to sure they're tweekers

    11. Good stuff bro

    12. 11:39 LONG rant but said NOTHING..
      Bull Sh!T made up stuff cdsnitches groupie STYLE

    13. "secret_management" aka Paquita la del barrio. C贸mo lloras Cakino Unido

    14. Smacked him up in front of his bro in law. Wow.

    15. Cjng cheerleaders are crying right now

    16. 11:39 brotha you hit right on the heap with this real talk and put nail in the coffin I’ve been saying this since the beginning true story and all this Cjng cheerleaders won’t accept the truth l, their in denial lmao salute fam from chi town

    17. He is like the caps lock kids, but caps lock actually speaks with facts, secret_managmen always makes stuff up
      Im old enough to know who is fake and who is real, secret_management has a grudge against cjng cause cjng kicked his family out of aguililla

    18. 2:59 you have cheerleaders but you also have people who know the truth and alot of what secret_management says is false and untruthful. He spews straight garbage

    19. Dude said it right. No one could have said it better about Mencho and CJNG.

    20. You talk alot for someone that doesn’t know shit take CJNG talking like that you look like an idiot

    21. They took majority control of Jalisco, Colima , Nayarit etc States that were under the rule of CDS for decades

    22. Damn all that time you took to write this and NONE of it was true besides Chapo got extradited 馃槀 you need to lay off the meth there bud. If you think the cuinis are done then you really are speaking out your a$$. That family is one of the biggest families in the game and the wealthiest. None of them have been extradited even though they’ve been incarcerated for years. They have a bigger influence in the game then Chapo who will die on US soil behind bars.

    23. Lmaooooo. Caps lock emoji kid nowhere to be found..the lil hoe got hurt everyone talks shit on him. 馃ぃ

    24. MENCHO got married to Rosa Linda in 1996 that means he was around 30 NOT 40

      CJNG have COLIMA on lock even THOUGH CDS tried MANY times to take that plaza from CJNG but failed. They also took GUANAJUATO and everyone knows it. Cjng also took half of veracruz from zetas.

      Cjng pays no PISO to CDG because of EL primito who clicked up with MENCHO

      CJNG NEVER paid NO piso to CDS or CAF and that's the reason CTNG was created. CTNG are a bunch of CHAPULINES so they been switching sides since then but the fact is CJNG has a HUGE presence and CDS are too busy killing each other for control off that CITY but CAN'T take CJNG out that PLAZA.

      ZACATECAS had no CJNG presence 2 years ago and now they took half if that PLAZA from CDS.. So cds took a loss.

      CDS are taking onother "L" IN Chiapas
      CJNG recently moved there and killed a main plaza boss and NOW took a chunk of that PLAZA from CDS.

      In michoacan CJNG keeps getting stronger every day because more CU keep switching to CJNG. Recently El yogurt who has many SICARIOS around tierra caliente has turned AGAINST VIAGRAS/CU and wants to work with CJNG. It's inevitable, CJNG will get that PLAZA whether you HATERS like it or NOT. Just SAYING

      CDS was strong and the MORE DOMINANT CARTEL wgen chapo was out. Now CDS is headless with no REAL RESPECTED CAPO calling shots and that's the reason for CHAPITOS fighting MAYO and Quinteros.
      Now the most DOMINANT CARTEL is CJNG whether you HATERS like it or NOT. It's not an OPINION it's based in FACTS.
      CJNG keeps expanding while cds keeps losing plazas and POWER. Just SAYING..

    25. @2:21 Jajajajajajaja oi a huevos, 90% de Guanajuato est谩s pero bien pendejito.

    26. @1:34 Denial is real, and Menchito little kiddos are also extradited.

    27. You wrote a lot but said nothing...

    28. 2:21 de que hablas mocoso lambe huevos si El cds tiene decadas operando en Todo mexico o no sabes la definicion de cartel

    29. 6:55 que plaza a ganado cds? Pues dime con nombres no nomas a lo pendejo, "todo mexico" eso que? Cjng lla los corrio de las plazas que mencione asi que no es en todo mexico! Mas bien conecta la lengua con tu cerebro si vas a hablar.
      Y claro que se la definicion de un cartel

    30. Estos pendejos hablan de Jalisco Colima y Nayarit cuando eso era lo que manejaban los Valencias bajo Nacho, CJNG no ha ganado ninguna plaza pendejos, operan donde siempre han operado despu茅s de haber sido corridos de Michoac谩n porque un Valencia andaba de perro con la vieja de Carlos Rosales, y este los hizo correr por su vida.

      Mencho y CJNG est谩n valiendo verga, la cruda realidad.

    31. @5:18 CDS still has more valuable plazas and CJNG is smart to use other smaller organizations to their advantage and CDS has never had 1 capo but many capos and they still remain lowkey and move insane weight and if you think CDS is losing power you’re crazy because they have plenty of cells that are unknown and have crazy connections…CJNG has made moves and they are everywhere but don’t control shit like that and CJNG needs to be careful I heard they’re into it with BLO now….Mencho deff can’t afford to take on Isidro because he’ll get wiped out easily that man is something different.

    32. 11:47 cdsnitches wants those PLAZAS bad but CAN'T do what CJNG is doing FACTS
      not fake SINALOA STYLE corridos that say CDS is the most powerful CARTEL in the world 馃槅

    33. Cds groupies got schooled once AGAIN lol

    34. 7:32 CDS still has more valuable plazas and CJNG is getting smoked by CDS in Jalisco and Zac rn plus all the other fronts they’re fighting on is so many and CJNG isn’t even fighting many big organizations minus CDS….that’s to their advantage but CDS took on CAF CDJ/La Linea and Los Zetas meanwhile CJNG couldn’t even handle El Marro

  6. Still trying to figure out why they have a tuba in all the narcocorridors . . . ????

    1. The Germans that landed in Sinaloa.

    2. I like the John Phillip Souza, heavy tuba narcocorridas/ marching band effect. More cowbell, more tuba!

  7. Jhache patch'ehy siempre desconosido Mencho cuaje. El terreno es de sobras. No se queren encontrar con la muerte o el dios, porque de llamado es nomas pensarlo. Ace. la baraja ni los table hand deal passeh pa choko,xhoko, es desmadre.

  8. Cjng TAKING cds plazas


  10. Hahahahaha damn Secret Manager woke up really mad today. You do realize everything you said was what Lara said and yet you claim hes a liar. Solo cuando te combiene bola de lacras tu y tu familia. Hahahaha god damn beo you just went off on a man you know norhing about and sucked a group of other mens dicks that are no longer around. That should say it all. Enjoy your miserable life you Los Angeles Born and Raised Resident.

  11. Puro cri cri puro drogadicto cristalero Fokimon del Cjng poreso nadien los quieren en especial michoacan siempre les van dar es su madre a esos lacras

  12. Where does it say his from cjng???

  13. They won't live long that's for sure!!

  14. CDS getting bullied by MENCHO

    1. Nope not really, Mencho has a large bounty on his head dead or alive, he is and has been hiding in caves in the mountain sides, afraid to come out, imagine living in a cave 24/7.

    2. 7:36 i rather be in a cave than in ADX Florence 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ

    3. That's true Menchos home is a cave, wonder if his new moniker is "Caveman"

    4. @9:27 Maybe Chapo feels safer there tbh. Mencho won't be allowed to be arrested though, you'll see.

    5. 10:23 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ fewls safer? 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ what kind of excuse is that? He is probably going crazy, cant talk to no one and only gets 1 hours of sun light that kinda creeps in from a window, i rather be dead than leaving in those conditions, but hey at least he is "safer" he a dead man walking 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃槀

    6. @2:57 Will last longer than Mencho though (insert retarded emojis here).

    7. @2:57 CJNG about to lose Nayarit.

      You don't understand this game at all it seems. CJNG is on the out I've been saying it for a while.

      And if you pull the "government" card here's two facts for you:

      1.- Cuini snitched.
      2.- Even Sargy understands how CJNG needs government too and they use it on other areas as he mentions here:

      Now go do your homework and brush your teeth before sleep.

    8. @2:57 A ver pinche regio pendejo para que dejes de cagar el palo.

  15. Triste que nunca se den cuenta que jam谩s formar谩n parte de un verdadero ej茅rcito peleando en una guerra que qued贸 grabada en la historia nadie se acordara de ustedes

  16. CJNG el papa de el mundo

  17. Ese corrido es del Osama o el 70 de los Beltran Leyva. Gente del Mochomo. Sigue activo.

  18. Not trolling but Where do they say they are looking for more plazas, I just see a bunch of goons hanging around

  19. CDG will take Durango

    1. CDG can’t take Durango, that’s a big boy plaza. They already sold out TAMPS to the jaliscas

    2. Jajaja that’s a big boy plaza cdg don’t got the muscle anymore but to jack them selves off.

  20. Las perras flacas de las jaliscas puro GTO


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