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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Cartel War Between Sinaloa Cartel and La Linea Displaces 127 Families in Rural Chihuahua

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Municipalities in Chihuahua, Mexico, where the families were displaced from (image credit: HEARST from Borderland Beat)
The recent clashes between the criminal groups Gente Nueva and Linea, which started on 24 June 2021, forced 127 families to abandon their homes in several municipalities of rural Chihuahua.

State authorities are working with civil groups in the area to help coordinate a safe return of these families, who are now legally in a situation known as internal forced displacement (desplazamiento forzado interno, DFI).

Official figures show that 525 people in the area have requested for assistance; over half of them (55.62 percent) were women. The figures establish that 71 percent of the victims are from Guadalupe and Calvo, that is, 373, followed by Uruachi with 43; Saucillo with 35; Balleza from 29; Madera with 11; Cuauhtémoc with 9.

Three municipalities from the neighboring state of Durango also requested help from Chihuahua state authorities. 3 people were from Pueblo Nuevo, 7 were from Los Lirios, and 11 were from Guanacevi.

Guadalupe y Calvo borders the state of Sinaloa and is believed to be a turf controlled by Gente Nueva, a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. This municipality is part of Mexico's Golden Triangle and has large regions of opium poppy cultivation. In addition to drug production, illegal logging is also a profitable activity disputed by drug cartels in the area.

Officials from the State Investigatory Agency confirmed that the clashes in the area started on 24 June when La Linea, the former paramilitary group of the old Juarez Cartel, made an incursion to Guadualupe y Calvo  in an effort to take control of Gente Nueva's turf. Eyewitnesses say that over 40 people were killed that day.


  1. I don’t think anyone sees it but you will MEXICANS ARE EVERYWHERE AS IN POLITICS DIFFERENT COUNTRIES SPORTS SINGERS THIS AND THAT. MEXICANS HAVE SO MANY WARRIORS REAL ACTUAL BRAVE MEN STRONG AND HARD WORKING WOMEN . WELL THAT WAS the LAST 20 years! They seen us a POWER THREAT we took California and were in most southern states WE THE MEXICAN PEOPLE ARE GOING EXTINCT OF BRAVE MEN AND CARING MOTHERS BECAUSE OF THE INTERNET AND THE WAY PEOPLE GET YOU TO THINK . They have us kill each other for drugs they say but in reality there taking out the REAL MEN AND LEAVING US WITH SHIT HEAD ASS HOLES WITH NO MORALs they want us to stop going to church they want us to stop growing they want us to be controlled they use drug war as a way to break us from with in. I pray for our people but we’re gonna need a world of em

    Most won’t see it until it’s too late others will deny it and some will choose to ignore it god bless this earth good bless the evil mind some posses

    1. Most people just want you to stop writing in the style you have chosen and to briefly sum up your long winded babbling bullshit no one cares about and we would like for you to get out more and maybe finally find that man you've been looking for and take your roll as a forever bottom . Thats all we want .

    2. Long ago I came to surmise that a sustainable balance of the Earth's resources is best suited to trade between north south, agriculture is ripe in opposite seasons, but it's a very small piece of the globalization pie.

    3. Orale halfway caps kid.

    4. Yup, that started years ago with novelas and songs glamourizing that life STYLE..
      MEXICO definitely getting UGLY..
      More and more MURDERED innocent people and more SICARIOS who end up dead..
      More drugs and more users..
      No help from government because they are working with the CARTELS..
      MEXICANS are doomed

  2. I think what happened in Guadalupe y calvo was cds vs cds I think it's dumb for linea too try to go all the way down south there too try to control they will have enemies surrounding them from all directions. If linea did go then I'm sure it was no success

    1. They did go. Probably enboldened by the almost capture of El jaguar

  3. Saucillo has been cds or gente nueva for the longest ever since los Arreola Marquez bros were captured they ran big operations outta Suacillo for CDJ they were known as "Los Pichones"

    1. What family controls delicias and camargo?

    2. Actually the Arreolas were closer to Chapo than they were to Carrillo.. however when they were running things in saucillo both Juarez and Sinaloa worked together as one BIG cartel .. la Federacion

    3. Last i heard there was the Gandaria and the Ponce family running the saucillo conchos region supposedly the Gandaria fam started extorting the Ponce family burning their stores down kidnapping them they ran to the US

  4. Animo Sicarios!
    Gente Nueva Special Forces will protect the people of Chihuahua from the extorcionist ,the rapist and thieves !
    Mis respetos para el Commandante Siete y El Señor 300 arriba la gente del Tigre y el Jaguar .Pura Gente Nueva controlando los terrenos de los jefes de Sinaloa.

    1. Oye sicario 006 te mando saludos El Comandante Pancho

    2. Next time don't miss out words "trained by colonel/general from CIA, Mossad, or even from aliens army".


    3. Y tambien el comandante P2

  5. 006, with his rank of "first payaso", has been ordered by Major General Corey Feldman to one of the zones in the hopes that he gets smoked. They can't stand him anymore.

  6. La linea making moves on Sinaloa. Pay back for 08-11 Juarez

  7. Chivis is posting under "kathi" lol

    1. Boy your in love with kathi.

    2. Chivis in Norway, well deserved vacation.

  8. There was never a pay back only that sassafras grass and poppy seed and crouton under wire river bed delay SAUCILlo cooked the sausage and Fran curly man fried the chicken necks on a warm summer's eve day , there was also hippy chick that moved in mysterious ways and there was boy bundle that kept his secret bundle tight and tucked away . There was mr.vicks vapor rub that walked around with a sock on his neck to avoid the sniffing dogs plus his buddy Gordon that are cheese burgers and smiled all day after smoking a Doobie with sister Mary . Even though the town struggled there was always a sycadelic breeze and smell coming from the indo weed and two faced onry onion under arm Stacey got involved with her hair extensions shuffle inside of a man cave built to grow Tabernacle crushed hypnotizing spiritual incense leaves

  9. Mexico has more freedoms than the U.S. these days. The problem is there’s no security. The government can’t even provide basic services and necessities let alone security. If Mexico was able to provide security for its citizens, the place would flourish

    1. Wow 7:44
      I did not realize USA has no freedom. I better not go there, I am taking your advice, ok Mr.Jose Dodgers you have a great day.

    2. 9:30 Everything in the USA is regulated therefore all freedoms have been stolen in a backhanded way.

    3. 9:30, you don’t understand what I was talking about obviously. There’s is way less restrictions (freedoms) on things in Mexico than the us. I can go on with a list that will fill the page,

  10. Sinaloa been fighting this war for over a decade 🤦 no que son los más grandes capos verdaderos son más gay que la chingada


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