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Monday, July 19, 2021

Cartels Are Employing Outsourcing For Cocaine Traffic

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Any criminal organization [Sinaloa Cartel or CJNG] can contract their drug transfer services

Criminal gangs operate with the facade of fishing cooperatives on the coasts of Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guerrero.

Criminal gangs that operate with the facade of fishing cooperatives on the coasts of Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guerrero are hired by the cartels to receive large shipments of cocaine at sea, from Colombia and Ecuador.

These groups based in marginalized communities of the Mexican Pacific do not "dispute the corridors nor is there any internal war," they use an outsourcing figure, so any criminal organization [Cartel de Sinaloa or CJNG] can hire its services for the transfer of drugs from sea to land, according to a report that the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) delivered to the International Center for Research and Analysis against Maritime Drug Trafficking, based in Colombia.

"Gangs or organizations that have facades of fishing cooperatives within marginalized communities are subcontracted by large cartels to go to sea and receive narcotics. So any Mexican cartel can reach out to the organizations and hire said service."

According to the report, to which El Universal had access, the outsourcing gangs are composed of a boss, a fishing leader or fishing cooperative and groups that are responsible for receiving the drugs at sea, monitoring at sea and coast, supplying fuel to the boat during the trip, receiving the drugs on land and transferring it to a warehouse.

"In some cases, depending on the state of the Republic, a narcotic protection and security group is used that can be composed of hitmen of the criminal group or self-defense groups," such as those found in Guerrero.

Subsequently, the cartels, including Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), use land or air routes to continue the transfer of the drug to the north of the country, with final destination to the United States.


According to the Semar report, Colombian and Ecuadorian organizations deliver the cargo 350 nautical miles outside the Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone, where contracted groups go to pick them up, on board shark boats with two outboard engines or Go Fast type boats, with a navigation time of between eight and 10 days, depending on the naval device used.

During their journey, Mexican organizations simulate activities as fuel suppliers to navigate the aforementioned distances and have a structured spying scheme to locate the surface units of the Ministry of the Navy.

Basic structure of the gangs

This is how drug trafficking is branched out, through a criminal subcontracting scheme:

  • Head of the local organization.
  • Head of the fishing group or fishing cooperative.
  • Drug reception group at sea.
  • Fuel supply group at sea.
  • Surveillance group at sea and on the coast.
  • Narcotic reception group on land.
  • Group of displacement of the narcotic to the warehouse or safe house.

In some cases, depending on the state of the Republic, a narcotic protection and security group is used that can be composed of hitmen of the criminal group or self-defense groups.

El Mañana


  1. Decades ago I recall a geography classmate was going to do a report on a fishing village on the northwest Pacific coast of Colombia. Looked up some travel blogs and some travelers talked about how the fishermen just went out in the afternoons and never seemed to catch much. When asked what they were fishing for they replied, " white snapper". Not sure what it tastes like but maybe it smells good?!

  2. Replies
    1. You are not snitching if you are NOT part of the drug smuggling group.
      Anyone can express info...

  3. well if they know so much about how they operate
    Then catch them dam it

    1. It's much more complicated than you think. It is known that the boats pick up the drugs out in the deep sea but that doesn't mean going out there you will run into the cartels and bust them. They have lookouts spying on the coast guard and navy and make sure they are nowhere around before they make a move. It takes a long time to get to the locations and those smuggling boats are not gonna just sit there forever while loaded with drugs and waiting on the fishermen, it's too risky. They just drop the drugs with a bouy to mark the location and then pass by those coordinates to the fishermen to fish them out. So for the government to bust them, they need to intercept the communication somehow, so that they can either get the coordinates and get the drugs first or get info on when the boats arrive to bust them. The ocean is too huge and spotting a small bouy is extremely difficult.

    2. The us coast guard knows the names of the boats their gonna bust weeks in advance from the boat even moving- its all for show

      What id love to see is the files for that chase bank owned coke ship that was busted in philly. But afaik, all of them are sealed. I saw that they somehow let the captain, who was also the captain of another big ship that was busted months prior to the one in philly, go back to columbia without facing any charges. Something interesting going on in that case

    3. 2:32 it makes sense


    4. Mosluggo, there were actually 2 CHASE owned ships busted in 2 different oceanic regions if I'm not mistaken a couple years back. I wondered the same...potty mouth, MS h

    5. @11:53 It does not. Stop impersonating me.


  4. Some of the poorest people in Mexico are fishermen. It's a very difficult life

    1. Simon porque its called fishing not catching.

    2. You're right about that!

  5. "we're going to need a bigger boat."

  6. Why does the government allow this?

    1. Lots of money being passed around to them

  7. Aqui ando Jefe. Puto mercado no esta listo por mi! Se calientan cuando llego. Saben que les trigo el mas Bueno. Pura calida Azteca, cessso de la mas kep-a.

  8. ive seen this with my own eyes on the Caribbean side, this is no huge secret. outsourcing the trafficking work to good watermen is common place. snapper and lobster boats form large perimeters around the trafficking boat and watch on radars for coast guard. sometimes the fishing boats will transport the drugs themselves packed under pounds and pounds of fish after being gone for months to outer islands and reefs that are hot routes for trafficking

  9. Oldest trick in the book. I have personally seen this for decades, long before all the bells and whistles they have today.


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