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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Human Traffickers Heat Up The Drug Corridor

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The foreigners cartel threatens Border Patrol and Mexican authorities for fucking over human smugglers. 

A narco-blanket against authorities and Border Patrol was left this morning on the Viaduct bridge.

The white canvas with blue letters was hung on the pedestrian bridge of Segunda de Ugarte.

The text is addressed to Municipal, State, Ministerial, National Guard and Immigration governments.

They were asked to leave smugglers alone or agents will be killed on both sides of the border.

It was signed off by La Mera Verga of Ciudad Juarez.

Several stash houses where they guard undocumented people were recently busted by Municipal Police.

Message reads as follows:

Warning: This message goes out to all the Municipal ,State, Ministerial Police, National Guard, and those faggot ass gringos from Border Patrol. Stop fucking over the human traffickers. 

Otherwise, we’re going to fucking start killing you off. Our bullets can also cross the river as well as through your wall. Therefore stop fucking around. Sincerely, La Mera Verga of all Juárez. 

La Polaka


  1. Juarez is actually pretty chill right now, but messing with BP is something you dont want to do.

    1. Juarez is a fucking mess since 2017 . Its Just as Dangerous as tijuana but noone Talks about juarez

    2. 2:52 Juarez is 92 percent safe to those not involved in criminal activities.

  2. Obviously a fake threat. But please I hope they try something and they’ll find out real quick not to fuck with US law enforcement.

    1. Not a fanboy or anything, but realistically speaking battle hardened, military/police trained sicarios with military grade weaponry and manpads would eat US Border Patrol alive. They have killed them before already, and work with them regularly as it is for weapon & drug smuggling.

      Obviously if the proper US military got involved it may be a different story, but the US still seems to fight geurilla organizations via conventional means and they have lost every war they've entered doing that since Vietnam. Unfortunately bravado doesn't win conflicts and if anything was ever that simple this conflict would have been solved long ago.

    2. There you have it!

  3. Well, Uncle Sam currently needs a war to keep the machinery running. It would be fun to kill cartel sleaze.

    1. Joe Biden ain’t gonna do cualquier cosa.... tal ves Texas lo hará... this is a terrorist threat and eventually will be a dumbass move by an obviously high cartel member smoking too much of the product...

    2. Pathetic Call of duty on-line soldier.

    3. Two different countries, USA does not govern Mexico.

  4. "La Mera Verga" ok soo which group is calling themselves this?? Linea mexicles AA cds??? Every cartel calls themselves this or la barredora but They are all muertos de hambre

  5. Los vamos ah crusar. Anque lloren. La Linea nunca va ah para. Ah producto que ser. Y las manos para se lo estan y siepre no se acavara. Por cada low ah meta. Los que queren y le ponin.

  6. As I have been saying all along, it's a civil war out here since they are challenging governments; I think that is a definition of civil war. Only some ball-busting on both sides of the border is going to solve this fiasco, but it's not politically correct for either government just now.

    1. You are retarded, a civil war is when the populations rises against the goverment, not the criminals

    2. 7:10 no civil war, where have to been, if the government has done nothing about the cartels and the high homicides occurring everyday. Obrador is for the Cartels, his citizens he cares a rats azz. So in other words no civil war, but good try.

    3. A civil war is a war between citizens of the same country... Citizens!

    4. 10:44, where did you get your political science education, you give only one pedantic example of civil war? According to Encyclopedia Brittanica, "Civil war, a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state actors in the state's territory." Another prime and academic source, "A civil war, also known as an intrastate war in polemology, is a war between organized groups within the same state or country." Dear dear 8:01, one just does not know where to begin in context with your red-herring attempt toward an understandable argument.

    5. 1:16 you're partialy full of Manteca, you don't know the scale of violence that goes on in Mexico, and here you give an off handed remark lol.

    6. Please don't fight.

      Peace & Love Kathi

    7. Hola Kathi, welcome to Thunderdome. Oh poor 4:56, you assume that I'm not Mexican, wow, then you're not a functioning psychic after all. Or you're here to play with words to incite because it stimulates your sense of humor.

    8. 1:16
      I pity your thinking, you claim to know it all of civil war, in my country they call you shafio, a person that mocks the truth. The ALMO is also a shafio.

    9. @9:30 stop harassing her, she stated the truth about what you stated, accept the truth and don't get butt hurt about it Shafio.

    10. Lol at 1 16 and 9 30 he is a Shafio! Lol

    11. Learned a new word from Kathi.
      You Reddit kids are "Shafios".

    12. OMG 😂😳😳😳

    13. So none of you including Kathi is Mexican like myself. So Gringos, why are you here telling me about my country and making jokes about my poor people? You folks are scornful if an educated Mexican makes a hypothesis toward real dialogue/discussion. We wonder why you seem to insist that no Mexican can possibly be well educated and add her thoughts to the discussion; it all sounds like racists rants from a cult of personalities.

    14. BB, we are being trolled by a bunch of kids that are home bored and wanting to play uproar with the Mexicans in the room. Moreover, they are coming across as fools with their inane comments.

  7. Son unos pinches estupidos que no son ni cartel que andan con sus mamadas para jugar con la gente.
    Pinches mierdas sea lo que sea!

  8. It’s Juarez enemies obviously, la gente nueva del tigre/paredes from agua prieta.

    1. @9:53 whoever it is they want too heat up the plaza that's for sure

    2. 9:53 I'm telling you paredes have really been moving in quietly through palomas it's been a power move since Jaliscos came in

  9. Start shooting across the border- let us all know how that turns out for you…

    I dont think you can get or send out mail at adx- i already wrote multiple people in there..

  10. Start shooting across the border- let us all know how that turns out for you…

    I dont think you can get or send out mail at adx- i already wrote multiple people in there..

  11. Its one thing to terrorize your community when you and your people are the ones with arms victimizing an unarmed populace who live in total fear of you ! But its another thing to start a fight with a totally armed populace who is just salavating for any reason to shoot you and your people because of who you are and what you do and if you think poisoning the youth of america as your main source of power is not motivation enough to provoke that armed populace to react accordingly and send you running back across the border then by all means go ahead and fire that shot . Im specifically talking about cartel people smugglers trafficers and anyone else profiting from the suffering of others not the people looking for a better life only those that prey on others because they have the arms and no value for human beings and dont understand how many armed citizens there are who are just waiting ...

    1. 4:24 I understand your concern, as you can see, the enpt government is letting all this happen, that's why people in here are calling Mexico the Wild Wild West, where you can get away with murdering unarmed victims.


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