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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Drug Dispute in Aguililla Reaches Pope Francis And He Sends A Message

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The territory of Aguililla is currently disputed by the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) and by the United Cartels, which has caused their access roads to be blocked, causing a shortage of food and medicine among the population.

Pope Francis sent a letter to the inhabitants of the Michoacán town of Aguililla, besieged by the drug cartels, to whom he told that they are "not alone," because the Church supports those who "suffer."

Dated in the city of Rome, the document was received by the bishop of Apatzingán, Cristóbal Ascencio, who made it known.

The papal letter points out: "I have heard of the great suffering caused by the violent confrontations between rival gangs of drug traffickers that affect the inhabitants of the populations located in the territory of that particular Church that the Lord has entrusted to your pastoral care."

The pontiff says he understands the suffering and impotence of the inhabitants of Aguililla, to whom he asks not to give up.

"Remember that you are not alone, that the Lord is strength and mercy, that he never abandons his children, that the Church is attentive and close to all who suffer."

He pointed out that "Jesus walks vehemently beside us especially in moments of trial and tribulation, moreover, he is willing to give us 100 times more, but without forgetting that his peace is deemed on the cross."

And he added:

"My prayer to the Lord Jesus that they can go forward in life and he will help them carry their crosses and sufferings with meekness, strength and patience."

Last April, the Pope's representative in Mexico, the apostolic nuncio Franco Coppola, paid a visit to Aguililla, accompanied by Bishop Cristóbal Asencio.

There he held a religious ceremony and met with the victims of violence.

The territory of Aguililla is currently disputed by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and by United Cartels, which has caused its access roads to be blocked, causing shortages of food and medicine among the population.

El Mañana


  1. What a load of horse manure. The Catholic church is a big reason the cartels are running rampant.

    1. Nope you're blind as a bat, it's the Cartels that are running rampant, killing Innocents along the way, displacing families from thier homes, yet the government of obrador does nada.

    2. Yeah bc Fuerzas Especiales Del Papa are coming in with a convoy of 50 monstros & .50 cals ready to take over turf from Mencho & Viagras... El Abuelo is no match for El Papa...

      -Holden D. Cash

    3. Are you a Corey Feldman fan?

    4. have any reasons to share why ? or is that your judgement not needing any facts ? you are so smart, just like Obama politics, only statements, never specifics.

    5. The true reality is that nowadays, the Catholic Church does not arm folks, nor does it ask anyone to seek out any violent means (promote violence). In fact, the church does quite the opposite- it vigorously advocates for peace and stability in the region and this article provides an example of that.

      Perhaps, you should begin by taking a look at the authorities in Mexico, most of which are corrupt and enable the cartels to operate, before you spew out ignorant & baseless comments.

      Now then, go be nice to somebody today.

    6. Amen to that!

    7. @@@ 6:33
      That was A STUPID COMMENT if I ever heard one.

      the church has got not one thing to do with Cartels
      Money Greed Etc
      but the church could help a lot more then say a freaking prayer
      like put its money's to the poor etc

    8. Wtf r u talking about. “Rampant” !?! Lmao what an uneducated fool. Go somewhere else with your stupidity.

    9. The Catholic Church is corrupt as well...
      All countries predominantly Catholic are corrupt...
      Including Italian mafia
      Germán genocide
      French liberalism
      Spain who conquered Mexico for gold
      Irish drunks
      Stick with the Protestant beliefs

      The only catholic president we had in USA (jfk) got shot
      Bc his dad was an Irish bootlegger that worked with the Italian mafia...

      Biden says he is catholic but he comes across as really stupid and problably doesn’t know that John 3:16 is a Bible verse...

    10. I agree with 12:03, the Church is not what it once was, it is the opposite. What the Mexican Government is doing is also horse manure. AMLO says to hug not kill, and to be better, but when he is attacked by anyone in the media he does the exact opposite and even holds grudges. This president is doing nothing for his people except letting them die. If you want to blame someone blame the president. If you don't want to blame the president blame the cartels. If you don't want to blame the cartels blame the government. If you don't want to blame the government blame the consumers. El Nemesis-

    11. 8:47 It's the same way in the U.S. Things on the street are getting worse by the day and all the politicians do (especially in Washington and the mayors in the cities) is blame it on "racism". They helped create the problem and all they know how to do blame it on something else and do nothing about the problem as it increasingly becomes worse. The U.S. is headed toward a civil war based on race and it is being instigated by the lying crooks in D.C. If any of them were given the gang names like the ones in the MX cartels, they would be called El Pinocchio.

    12. Such statements are totally ridiculous. The church doesn't do shit for others. The church only cares about itself.
      The church is interested in exactly 3 things, money, little boys and your private thoughts from confession.
      Religion is opium for the people.

  2. Yeah that'll help the residents a lot smh

  3. This needs to make the mainstream news so the world can see how inept The Mexican government is where cartels can take over whole towns and regions!!

    1. The response by the church was equally tone deaf. They basically said don’t worry Jesús is walking beside you, everybody has a cross to bear. They could care less what’s happening, they’re just afraid they might look bad seeing as though they do nada.

  4. Pope Francis will send a commando unit from the Vatican Cartel Special Forces. You messed up CJNG

    1. Baby Killer Cartel aka CJNG is going to hell.

    2. Pope Francis has green light a "search an destroy mission" involving the members of Pontifical Swiss Guard, the Noble Guard, the Palatine Guard, and the Papal Gendarmerie Corps as well as a team of highly trained Special Forces operators unit Special Operation unit highly trained by Sic 006.
      The bullet proof Pope Mobile has been converted into a "tactical" troka.

      I apologize Sicario 006 If I stole your lines.

    3. Yes the main commando will be 006, in a priest black dress and the collar being, inside his black dress MP4 machine gun, with 20 banana clips.

    4. The Popes of long ago did have a "Papal army".

      Corey Feldman

  5. Pope Francis:.please pray for the following crisis:
    1) pray for chinese government stop sending chemicals.
    2) tell American people stop being crack and meth head.
    3) tell Mexican gocevernment being part of the cartel. Lets see if Jesus hears you.

  6. A blessing will cure everything, or is this to put Almo on the spot, so the world can see what's going on in Agullia?

    1. Holy water works greatness.

    2. Amlo going to do nothing

  7. So just relax into your death. Do not fear the torture that "they" inflict, it only makes it worse. There is nothing we can do for you.
    That is the message from Papa Big Daddy?

  8. what a crock lets see vatican city switch places...1 day tell me something doesnt change after that

  9. That pos needs to address his pedo ring that’s been going on for decades

  10. Mr z40 along with the pope will be sending in the Holy Spirit zeta commandos to end this war once and for all


    1. You and 0006 should join forces

    2. Gods special forces rope in from heaven

    3. 006 and his master MZ have already asked for our help in zacatecas! We have awnsered his call I will now piggy back el senor lazca to the battle where he will extinguish the cjng


    4. Negative chief.

    5. Cuzzz I dano if you know this but your boy z40 is locked up for life and probably going to chill in adx supermax

  11. thoughts and prayers...... wtf?

  12. The Pope should slaughter the cartels in the name of Jesus just like they did when they killed off the Indians of North and South America.

  13. The popes word means nothing to these people. They could care less

  14. The last thing we need is God to god to pick sides in this war. Menco gonna try and bribe god😆🤣

  15. So the Pope can go to michoacan so the PEOPLE can kiss his crusty feet while taking their MONEY in hopes for a miracle?

  16. Why does the Government (President) allow this, and not put a stop to it?


  18. Papa Frank wasting ur time the Cartel worship Idles.

  19. Oh no Thoughts and prayers are heading to Michoacan from the Vatican! Things are really going to get ugly now those cartels don’t stand a chance with those thoughts and prayers


  20. Cartels out of control U.S. borders flowing with drugs. Seems with Biden pass experiences with Drugs in his family, He would want to stop Drug Flow. I don't understand!!!

  21. Pope has no power in Mexico. Amlo should clean up the town. What he'll r u doing Mr. President its ur Country!!!!

    1. Amlo doesn’t care. Once your in, you’re in. Presidential Terms are too long and no re election in jeopardy.
      Although he did order another round of abrazos to curb the violence.

    2. U r so right, I just hate to see mexico go down the drain.

  22. The All Mighty Dollar is much much more Powerful then 😚 god 😙 Sorry
    but true

  23. Papa Francis had surgery and is tired.

    Maybe its time for Pope Corey Feldman🤔

    Catholic Kathi

  24. The Vatican is the most corrupt organization in the world taping children and selling organs for decades you must read and research deeper to have an understanding of what truly goes on in the place just imagine them having the real bible hiddimg inside that place what would you do?we have been indoctrinated for century’s as they erase our ancestors history


      You know nothing get a life

  25. They need to send stone cold Steve Austin down there. Hell in a cell match vs Mencho.


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