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Friday, July 16, 2021

El Jaguar Evaded Capture Again, But It was an "Almost"

"Buggs" for Borderland Beat

 In January of this year, Mexican authorities captured ‘El Jaguar’ in Agua Prieta except 20 trucks of sicarios from "Los Paredes" managed to rescue him at a gas station.

Francisco Arvizu Márquez (image credit: HEARST from Borderland Beat)

The event occurred in Agua Prieta, Sonora when police elements from the states of Sonora and Chihuahua were moving "El Jaguar" to Hermosillo.

In addition to having escaped in at least four other occasions from operations of the Government of the State of Chihuahua, Francisco Arvizu Marquez, “El Jaguar”, managed to be rescued by an armed group after an arrest that took place in the municipality of Agua Prieta, Sonora. This information is based on three separate versions from unnamed sources and confirmed by authorities.

According to information, the arrest of "El Jaguar" happened on January 13, in room 118 of a hotel on Avenida Seis in Agua Prieta, where five police elements of the Secretariat of Public Service (SSPE) of the State of Chihuahua along with 15 officers of the Secretariat of Public Security of Sonora took him in custody.

David Anaya Cooley, head of the SSPE of Sonora, said that there was an operation at the request of the police agency of Chihuahua however the operation failed in the objective to secure the target. He went on to say, “Yes (the operation) was carried out, unfortunately the objective was not achieved. It reached a level where it could be carried out but there were some complications." Also questioned in this regard, Emilio García Ruiz, head of the SSPE in Chihuahua, said "that the operation failed to secure a capture of the target."

The two versions of events that were taken separately, all coincide that the rescue of El Jaguar by a criminal group did occurred during an interception of the police convoy at a gas station that was transporting him to Hermosillo.

The information also alleges that El Jaguar who is the leader of a cell for the Sinaloa Cartel, and whom the state of Chihuahua attributes to being the person responsible for the violence in the Madera region, was arrested at 9:15 p.m.

While the group of agents from the two agencies were travelling with the detainee on the highway from Agua Prieta to Cananea, on the way to Hermosillo, they had to stop to refuel for 40 minutes at which time they were intercepted by a heavy commando of armed men in several pickup trucks. Sources said the prolonged 40-minute wait was considered as "suspicious" by top level officials from the state of Sonora and should be investigated.

While waiting at the gas station, the police convoy was surrounded by about twenty trucks/SUVs with heavily armed men who demanded the surrender of El Jaguar. Police elements seen that they were outnumbered and outgunned, surrender their prisoner. "The scarios kept yelling at each truck of the police convoy, 'Where is the boss? Where is the boss?' And they took him away," said a source that had knowledge of the event.

Questioned in this regard, Anaya Cooley ruled out leaks or corruption of his agency he commands. "In the performance of their duties, I did not see any type of situation that compromised their performance from the state police," he went on to say.

With support from Agua Prieta

Since 2016 the 40-year-old and originally from the municipality of Ignacio Zaragoza, Chihuahua, Arvizu Márquez, El Jaguar, rose in the criminal structure of the Sinaloa Cartel after an internal split (fracture) in the criminal group called La Línea or Cartel de Juárez.

This fracture of La Línea led to an alliance with a cell led by Luis Vázquez Barragán, "El 20" who use to be operators in the northeast part of the state of Sonora, specifically from the municipality of Agua Prieta.

"The 'Sinaloa Cartel' currently has allied groups both in the state of Chihuahua and in the border region of the state of Sonora in the city of Agua Prieta, where there is the presence of the group called "Los Paredes." Los Paredes provide operational, strategic, and financial support to the Sinaloa group led by Francisco Arvizu Márquez, alias "El Jaguar." 

Information from the SSPE of Chihuahua adds that the alleged criminal has managed to evade operations for his arrest on at least four occasions, such as on February 16, 2020, when his brother Jorge Luis Arvizu Márquez, alias El Lobo, was arrested in the municipality of Madera.

He also managed to escape on June 23, 2020, when elements of the state that were patrolling the Agua Amarilla community - in search of former Mayor José Alfredo Vázquez Fernández - had a confrontation with the same criminal group.

Another occasion was on July 11 of the same year, through a dirt road that leads from the town of Poleo to Chuhuichupa, in the same municipality, when a group of approximately 12 vehicles of heavily armed men attacked police forces.

The fourth was between last July 2 and 4, when he managed to evade an operation with the SSPE who sought to arrest him in the Largo Maderal area, in Madera.

Source: Diario de Juarez, Mexican authorities and other unnamed sources


  1. 40 minutes to fill up ? Haha

    1. 40 minutes of being sitting ducks for an ambush, that really happened.

    2. With all due respect I was being sarcastic, it was set up, first off, you send your high profile prisoner on a long journey with just two guys? And, then you send them off with no gas? Come on, they and there coharts were bought,it doesn't take 40 minutes to do anything in the third place, it's pretty blatant.

    3. @11:26 u silly fool! 40 min waiting for those with the plata and the plomo. They choose the plata and who can blame them? Only some Mr Tough Guy who never really had to choose between honesty and a bullet.

    4. i took it they had to fill up every 40 miles.

      He trained his men good!!!!!!!!

  2. Looks the criminals are always one step ahead of the game.

  3. Kill him on sight

  4. "Luiz Vazquez Barragan El 20" was actually La Linea boss in Casa Grandes. He in jail

    1. Los 20s or Vasquez have been running that area for la linea for like 20 yrs already es el papa del cachorro o el 22

    2. @Billy Jean: Is there a way I can contact you? I'm doing a report about Ciudad Juarez and have some questions. If you want to email us, I'll respond to you directly. I can also ask here if you want. Thank you!

    3. @billy Jean ponte a jalar para BB vato

    4. Completely wrong billy Jean Los Vasquez are from Madera and were bosses of La Línea up until 2015 when el cachorro was caught after he’s capture they named el 32 jefe de plaza in Madera and Los Vásquez were pissed that La Línea name el 32 jefe de plaza and later el 32 kicked Los Vasquez outta Nicolas Bravo there home town in Madera. After they were exiled they went to Agua Prieta and they gave information to Jaguares/Paderes of La Línea in el Largo Maderal and they whole region that’s why Jaguar was able to enter so easy to the Madera area in late 2016 and your also wrong about el cachorro his name is Arturo Vasquez and his clave es 40, El 22 is another boss from La Línea in Casas Grandes his name is David or his other nickname is Cessna I’ll even send you a link

    5. @6:48 Billy Jean is not wrong actually. Los Vazquez are from Madera and some from Casa Grandes like "El 22." They always had Nuevo Casa Grandes and also San Buenaventura, Galanea, Janos, and more northern plazas. "El 32" became the plaza boss of Madera after the death of "El Nachito" in 2016. I don't think "El 32" had problems with Los Vazquez, that doesn't make sense how come "El 22" been the plaza boss this whole time then? There's been no war up north of Ignacio Zaragoza. As of "El jaguar"... what does Francisco "El Jaguar" Arvizu Marquez have anything too do with "Los Vazques"?? "El Jaguar" was with El 80. But they started having problems for whatever reason that we don't know of. Also at the same time "El 80" was having problems with "El Cabo." They started having issues in 2016 but in 2017 is when they separated from LA Linea completely. "El Jaguar" was able too make it into Madera easily because of the support they had from Agua Prieta and because La Linea was busy fighting in Cuauhtemoc, they also had their focus in Juarez with the gang wars that was breaking out. "El Jaguar" reached out to "Los Paredes" and "El Cabos" people reached out too "Los 300s de Parral." Both groups were aided with guns and foot soldiers, they gave La Linea a hard time. "El 80" replacement now is Raymundo Rascon Tena also known as "El 40" or "El Juny" He now has Namiquipa and supposedly Cuauhtemoc aswell. › ...
      Resultados de la Web
      Disputan 2 cabecillas el control del narco en ... - El Heraldo de Chihuahua › ...
      Resultados de la Web
      En la mira de FGR 25 líderes criminales - El Diario de Chihuahua

    6. @6:48 Actually I think you are right on the El 32 vs Los Vazquez part. I thought El 22 was related too then by blood too but I guess not. Los Vazquez seem too have nomore power in that case then


    006 has been ordered by General Corey Feldman to activate GN catfishing unit in order to obtain nude pics of contras to sharp their lethality. Gilbertona has also given the OK.

    1. @10:36
      What’s up with your infatuation with Corey Feldman? Just curious!

    2. ...Jesus, I love the absurd humor. Brilliant

    3. Because Feldman is a walking caricature.

    4. @554

      Corey Feldman is perhaps the greatest actor of the 1990s. In 2006, he received the ‘Best Actor Award’ at the Luxemburg Film Festival for his role in ‘The Birthday’ (2004).

      Sicario 006 y yo will follow General Corey Feldman into any topon!!!

      Guerrera Kathi

  6. He was captured twice, and rescued shortly after.

  7. Off topic, was there impact of covid in cartels business ? Any leaders or high ranking died due to covid ?


    1. Yes a few, some of aids.

    2. El azul son died from COVID in Sinaloa. After he escaped from prison

    3. Yes it slowed down drug use

    4. Also Obrador accepted a large shipment of Spudick from Russia, he gave some boxes to the Cartels, but some still ended up getting covid19.

    5. Thanks for the info. I was expecting some more deaths from cartel side. I guess their usual shipments would have been suffered big loss.


    6. The shutdown of the border and travel restrictions definitely had an impact...but most of the organizations you are referring to in your questionare adaptable to change

    7. @1:08
      You’re wrong mijo
      It increased drug use. NPR this morning had a good report on how 2020 had the highest overdoses ever. Mainly due to economic impact on lower class and isolation. The drug business is thriving and yes Corey Feldman is contributing to their profits!

  8. Corruption, obviously. I wouldn't trust the spokesperson of the arresting agency. Someone got a $100k bonus with a few thousand dollars extra to spread around to the drivers, dispatchers etc.
    Poor Mexico.

  9. Que tanto creen para que caiga otra ves esta Gilbertona la jaguara gatita?

  10. Slippery like an eel, this one.

  11. Animo Sicarios!
    Pura Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators y Mis respetos para la gente pesada de Los Paredes Agua Prieta.

    #m100 #r5 #elchapo

    El Jaguar was highly trained by an ex Colonel of the British Special Air Service who once escaped from a high security KGB prison in the Gulag in Russia.

    1. Please leave BB a

    2. ya sacate con tus mamadas sicaria006 mentirosa ni tu mama te quiere!

    3. Sicario 006 is the powerhouse that keeps this site running. Mil Gracias compa.


    4. 006, sadly, is a cheerleader.

    5. 006 typing this in his parents house.

      Not Kathi

  12. Mexico is a failed state and corrupt country!!

  13. It seems not a single of you keyboard warriors have the slightest idea where Rafael Caro Quintero is. If anyone does, please let me know so I can go get him.

    1. He's on the estado de mexico mansion and the address is under a mexican senator

    2. I saw him at the new chik fil a that opened up in Salinas, California. He told me its a better pollo sammich than popeyes. He was in and out fast and rolled up in a 1995 Civic because purple camaros are for rookie narcos.

    3. Exactly my point.

    4. I have special plans for R1. I will find him eventually.

    5. He is hiding in caves of Yucatan.

    6. @5:46 this comment made my life, chef’s kiss

  14. I appreciate you 006.

    1. Myself as well. This is a heavy site and I appreciate any humor from actually anyone,006 included

    2. I don't appreciate a cheerleader. It's actually very sad.

  15. Most hilarious post and comments ever ever,ever.


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