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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Héctor “El Güero” Palma Is Transferred To The Altiplano Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Federal sources confirmed that the transfer of the drug trafficker was carried out this morning, but so far it hasn’t been specified if the federal Public Ministry has already determined the investigation or if there is any judicial order

The drug trafficker Héctor “El Güero” Palma Salazar was transferred from the national arraigos center, located in the Doctores neighborhood, to the maximum security prison on the Altiplano, in Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico.

Federal sources confirmed that the transfer of Palma was carried out at dawn this Tuesday, but so far it hasn’t been specified whether the federal Public Ministry has already determined the investigation or if there is a court order.

Since last May 4, Palma Salazar left the Altiplano prison in compliance with a sentence in which he was acquitted of organized crime in his hypothesis of crimes against health and obtained a release order.

However, the next day a federal judge ordered him to be held in custody for 40 days while the Attorney General's Office gathered evidence against him for organized crime.

This term was extended for another 40 days, which expire next week.

El Universal


  1. Supposedly, the appeals court overturned the acquittal ruling its not double jeopardy.

    A lower court ordered Palma freed in April. But prosecutors appealed, arguing the lower court improperly applied the double jeopardy rule. The appeals court threw out the acquittal, ruling the organized crime case against Palma was not equivalent to trying him twice for the same offense.

  2. Off topic, I was in Mexico, Michoacan last week and I saw a check point which at first looked like a joke. I thought they were children but as the closer I got I noticed they were grown men holding rifles as long as there bodies, nothing but midgets. I quickly turned around because I did not want to blast them.

    1. @2:02 in your dreams, in reality if you were really there, you would be peeing your pants. Your like the other kids from Reddit, oh yeah I live a block from Chapos mother's home.

    2. Stfu up dude, you would of just been one more of the kidnapped never to be seen again tough guy lmao

    3. Oh how nice that you spared their lives. I want to go to Michoacan with you.

      Single Kathi

    4. What if they were midgets?

    5. Probably to change your pamper😂😂

    6. The FUNNY thing IS that this guy is FROM most LIKELY from SINALOA where the CHAPO is the most common nick name.
      CHAPO trini, chapo isidro, El chapo, El chapo de Sinaloa, El chapo Gordo El chapo flaco.. ext ext 😆

  3. Dont you dare talk about 006 like that.

  4. people, Hector Palma. One of the main leaders of CDS, Family members assassinated and a continuing story since 2016. Go read the old threads, major player . . focus

    1. It's always some ignorante that comments BS about Michoacán and people from southern México that derails the thread, that panochon wouldn't wolf that shit face to face.

    2. Hector Palma, there is a ton of history there.

  5. He definitely isn’t an angel but he seems to get the short end of the stick than other hefe’s, and his ex was a whore…

  6. Hope he rots in Jail. Piece of shit.

  7. Aqui Cartel del Golfo cocina mugrozoz

  8. Have to admit it, Mexico has gone to the Criminals. Just Chicago gone to Criminals, 100 shootings July 4 th. One thing about Chicago they like their Criminals.


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