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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Large Seizure of CDG Weapons & 6 Specially Armored Trucks in Miguel Alemán, Tamps

"HEARST" and "MX" for Borderland Beat 

During an unspecified operation in Miguel Alemán, Tamaulipas, members of the Special Operations Group (GOPES) seized a total of 23 long barrel firearms, six armored vehicles and over 4,000 bullets. 

In the police report, the nature and goal of the GOPES operation in Miguel Alemán that resulted in this seizure was not detailed, nor were they any details in regards to if any detainees were taken. What was revealed from the police report was that a total of 23 long barrel firearms were seized.

In the photos released by officials multiple AK rifles of different variants can be seen, as well as multiple AR15/M4 style rifles. Of note, on the right side, a possible IWI Galil ACE can be seen. Along with the firearms, roughly 4,600 bullets and 81 mags were seized, as well as 16 tactical vests and 91 kilos of marijuana. 

Photos that allegedly depict some of the armored vehicles that were seized. 

And, quite possibly most valuable of all, six vehicles which were described as "specially armored" were seized in the operation. 

Miguel Alemán is located in the area known as La Frontera Chica ("the small border"), which is known for its lack of US Border Patrol surveillance. Members of organized crime have been known to take advantage of the unique opportunities the small border provides for smuggling, both for human and drugs. Control of this lucrative smuggling territory is fiercely fought over by the Gulf Cartel (Cártel del Golfo, CDG) and Northeast Cartel (Cártel del Noreste, CDN).

Miguel Aleman is especially sought after because it contains a legal port of entry into the US and despite prevailing misconceptions, according to data from the US government, most drugs that cross the border come through existing ports of entry.

As reported by MX earlier this month, the Cartel del Golfo (CDG) commanders in this area are Cesar Morfin Morfin, alias "El Primito" and his brother Alvaro, alias "R-8". They have the support of another high-ranking CDG member known as "Metro 37" and/or "Comandante Robledo". The CDG operating in the area of the border stretch along Texas has the backing of the Nuevo Leon faction headed by "Comandante Cubano".

Reports say that the CDN commanders in the area are Ricardo Chapa ("El Ricky") and another suspect simply known as "El Amarillo". These individuals report to the CDN boss Juan Gerardo Treviño Chavez ("El Huevo").

Earlier this month, the Army (SEDENA) found a CDN narcocamp and safehouse in Miguel Alemán while on a security tour. This discovery led to a shootout where five CDN members died. A week before this SEDENA shootout, nine dead members of the Gulf Cartel were left on the side of the road by alleged CDN members in Los Guerra, just west of Miguel Alemán.

Sources: ExcelsiorLopez DorigaEl MananaLa Tarde

Photo Credit: ElGuzman on Twitter


  1. That what they get for making a deal with the devil it self con el Lacra del mencho Cjng los va poner a todos tiene arreglo con la dea el quiere el territorio y lo quiere conseguir apuro poner dedo así siempre lo echo para ganar más terreno los have amigos y luego los pone para el llegar poner su lacras de gente

    1. Jajaja no todos son como el chapo

    2. El chapo nunca fue corriente como el mugroso del mencho alias el mata amigos y no le dice el Rey delos torcidos por ningúna razón. Todo un traicionero traiciono la los Señores hermanos valencias y luego al 85 y después alos del milenio y traicion al
      Nacho coronel y después traicionó ala FM tiene suerte don chango Méndez no lo mato y le perdóno la vida al mugroso

    3. @6:29 pm no todos son Como el chapo ahi unos que son peores. Como el torcido ! Los metros son conosidos por traicionar al osiel de dicen el Mata amigos. Ni a la famila respetan menos a unos socios

    4. 2:53 think it's of cdsnitches 😆

    5. 6:59 el chapo si fue corriente y traidor. lo que le hizo a los beltranes no tiene justificación. Si traiciono a don Arturo quien lo ayudo a escaparse y mantuvo su negocio intacto mientras estaba encerrado…si Arturo fuera sido igual de corriente lo hubiera mandado a matar en el bote y se queda con todo el negocio. pero esa gente si era de madera fina no como los cochinos guzman

    6. El Chapo traiciono tambien a Los Carrillo Fuentes. Ni modo que sea cuento.

    7. Boggest traitors are guzmanes and zambadas if you dont agree your blind as a bat or just a troll

    8. Biggest traitors are guzmanes and zambadas if you dont agree your blind as a bat or just a troll

  2. Payback for the embarrassment of the Metro 27 release.

    1. 2:54 PM Yup 2:53 PM better stop smoking tecato he is seeing things that aren't there.

    2. Negative chief.

  3. Man metros are pretty much fucked at this point begging for help from cjng against cdn I don’t think they have enough man power to continue for much longer especially with authorities coming hard on them with all the mess in Reynosa my guess cdn vs cdg for the city of Reynosa is going to start by the end of this year and it will be a bloody one

    1. Metros aren’t begging Jalisco for help.
      One of Menchos top LTs is from Tamaulipas and yes they have an alliance.

      I wonder if their is an alliance with the other groups from Michoacan? Just like M3 had with LFM?

    2. 4:34 indeed yes they were,primito faction was getting hit hard by other metros faction n matamoros,so they're only way to survive was to allie

  4. So who killed the Reynosa inoccent civilians? Do ciclones use Gopes to fight Metros? Are metros and cdn allies?

    1. Ciclones killed the people in Reynosa. With muscle from Rio Bravo. Gopes have worked with CDN (as seen with the Camargo massacre). but are also believed to work with CDG Reynosa, Matamoros, etc. They are all over the place. Its important to keep in mind that alliances are fluid.

    2. Cdn killed 9 metros only two weeks ago in Nuevo León it was posted on BB they are not allies

    3. CDN is allies with the CDG faction from Matamoros not the CDG from Reynosa

  5. El huevo Treviño is In US soil and calling the shots via WhatsApp.

    1. 4:30 Only a idiot would use whatsapp to conduct business

    2. Negative chief.

    3. If true, they’re going to eventually find out you posted this.

    4. Ima leave it at this. Plain and simple. Eduardo Cuitlahuac Flores Morales "El Sobrino" and Hector Raul Luna Luna "El Tory" are the real Jefes of CDN.

    5. Tory is the top CDN member in MTY, maybe NL, but I think still under El Huevo.

    6. El tori is in charge of the armed wing el troopa del inferno he’s still under el huevos overall leadership of cdn tho

    7. The real boss is still Z-40 and guess who comes after him? his nephew huevo

  6. So the emerging cartel de Nuevo Leon nueva generation is an arm of the Reynosa faction or a full blown independent faction? Personajes mexico had that note today. Seems like CJNG is forming a new group in Nuevo Leon.

    1. BS. Those chumps don't have legit information

    2. Negative chief.

    3. 8:27 cjng has been in Nuevo Leon for ABOUT 2 years NOW..
      That's when CJNG did a manta calling MAYO out about his weak SICARIOS..

  7. This is an attempt for everyone cdg metros and mexican armed forces to not look so bad after letting calamardo escape. Nothing more.

  8. WTF? Boots?
    They forgot the Sox 🧦🧦

    1. Your a strange character

    2. He was kidnapped, after he came back he has not been the same, they must have done something to his brain.

    3. Yes he is also 100 percent, anti-Biden. He will never accept Biden won the election.

    4. Lol Queso has brain damage.

    5. @12:13. Yes. Biden puts on his shoes before his sox.

    6. @12:13. Yes. Biden puts on his shoes before his sox.

  9. Corey Feldman wants the good people of Mexico to know hes sending thoughts and prayers . So everyone can relax now . Hes got you.

    1. I pray also, but not working.

  10. huge victory for CDN if they can establish themselves in Metro Alfa. They've been fighring for that plaza for 10 years

  11. Gopes are more effective than Amlo 's NG

  12. Does CDG have Los Guerra?

    I think CDG/Z push more drugs through Los Guerra Tamaulipas/Fronton Tx border than Miguel aleman ?

  13. All El primito has to do is call MENCHO to get MORE toys..
    No BIG deal..

  14. El Primito finally got the boot from Reynosa. No more 4 Letras in Reynosa & most Metros click up with Matamoros.


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