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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Man Charged With Murder Of NC Teacher Who Tried Robbing Mexican Cartel Member

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Popular NC teacher trying to rob Mexican drug cartel in Alamance County killed in shootout

A popular Union County teacher described by family and friends as a devoted father, teacher and coach was fatally wounded in a shootout when he and his brother-in-law tried to rob members of a Mexican drug cartel. Reported by our news partner, ABC11. By ABC11

The U.S. Marshals Service charged a man Monday with the murders of two men — including a popular Union County teacher — three months ago during a shootout involving alleged members of Mexican drug cartel.

Gar-yon-ded-weh Stepney, 41, is being charged with first-degree murder for shooting both Barney Dale Harris, 40, and Alonso Beltran Lara, 18, on April 8 in Alamance County.

Marshals found Stepney in Greensboro, where he was arrested and transported to the Alamance County Detention Center, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Stepney hasn’t received bond, and he will be taken to a district court judge on July 20 for a bond hearing.

Harris was a Spanish teacher and head boys’ basketball and track coach at Union Academy Charter School in Monroe.

An ‘old Western shootout’

The incident happened around midnight on Wyatt Road in Green Level — a town 55 miles west of Raleigh and 115 miles east of Charlotte.

Police found Harris dead in the bedroom of a mobile home and Lara wounded. Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson called the mobile home a drug “stash house.” Lara died later at a local hospital, the Observer previously reported.

Harris had several gunshot wounds from what Johnson called an “old Western shootout” between two criminal enterprises. 

Harris and his brother-in-law, Steven Alexander Stewart Jr. of Wadesboro, were allegedly part of one of the enterprises. 

The two men were attempting to rob Lara, who Johnson described as a drug runner for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, for drugs and money.

Lara was forced outside, bound by his feet and shot twice in the head “execution style,” according to Johnson.

A bag containing 1.2 kilos of cocaine (about 2.6 pounds), about $7,000 in cash and five guns were found at the scene, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Stewart was arrested and charged with first-degree burglary in relation to the Wyatt Road incident on April 11 at 1 a.m., according to WBTV, the Observer’s news partner. On April 12, Stewart was charged with first-degree murder and possession of a firearm by a felon.

Union Academy Charter School in Monroe, NC, posted tributes, like this one, to Barney Harris after the popular Spanish teacher and basketball coach died on April 8, 2021. The posts disappeared on April 14 after the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office said Harris died in a shootout with members of a Mexican drug cartel. 

Charlotte Observer


  1. Yes I remember this article.
    Harris the school teacher, was not making enough money, had put a GPS, to rob a stash house, from the baby killer cartel aka cjng. Harris was wearing a bullet proof vest and still lost his life.

  2. He must’ve been on drugs to make this kind of desperate move. The outcome was never going to be good. Even if the robbery was successful, someone would be looking for their stolen merchandise. Dicen que para pendejo no se estudia

  3. Barney Harris beloved teacher, would hurt no one says family members.
    Then what the hell was he doing at a safe house belonging to a Cartel.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 funniest comment I’ve seen cuz it’s the truth. Goddam family/teachers don’t know what the hell this guy was doin after work 😂😂

  4. Totally remember reading about this a few months back, thanks for the reminder. Fascinating shite. Here is more info/news that somebody may find interesting.-h

    1. Ms. Heather Herrera
      Send it to BB Gmail account it's on the website.

  5. Whatever good the coach brought about was overshadowed by the evil inside him. You reap what you sow. Wonder what segment of the school he was popular with? My guess are the druggies.

  6. No no ya all have it wrong those fingers killed our Barney for no reason at all, that gang from Mexico got him because of his color.

  7. Cjng killing Black people now.
    New aka Black Killer Cartel 🤣😂😂

    1. El Mencho Lives Matter ! Soy Mencho Guey !

    2. Not even the cartel likes these thugs

    3. Al Sharpton going to Jalisco to loot and shout hands up dont shoot

    4. Lol a new nickname for Cjng aka
      Black Killer Cartel
      Baby Killer Cartel
      Mechanic Killer Cartel
      Grampa Killer Cartel

    5. NOW??? dude mexican gangs and even a few blacks work for cartels..........

  8. Mexican cartels in Greensboro, North Carolina?

    Maybe Trump was right about bad hobbies coming to US.

    On the spectrum Kathi

    1. North Carolina been a hub since before you wore braces junior

    2. Mexican Cartels are in every small and major town city in the USA
      silly Kathi

  9. Harris was an idiot, he'd been watching too many action videos,

    1. Holding his gun sideways!

    2. He watched Rambo one time too many, he wore a bullet proof vest and still gets killed.

    3. Holding sideways lol.

  10. No sympathy for this scumbag,you make your bed you lay in it simple as that


  11. Fuck that coach glad he got smoked

    1. Was it your drugs? Fuck cartels in the usa. The ppl that got the balls to rob them good for them. Why let this fucking assholes send all kinds of money to mexico better to rob them and spend the money here.

    2. 4:29
      Who makes the money owns the money, idiot !!
      Any business man can send the money wherever they want doesn’t matter where they make it, if you don’t like that then don’t buy drugs!!

    3. 4:29
      Who makes the money owns the money, idiot !!
      Any business man can send the money wherever they want doesn’t matter where they make it, if you don’t like that then don’t buy drugs!!

    4. 4:29 are you stupid? This isn’t the 50s anymore a lot of the money you spend ends up overseas if not with foreign company, in some billionaires off share bank account(s). And it seems like you have more of a problem with the money being sent to Mexico than you do with the actual drugs. I think you just don’t like Mexicans and also probably complain about immigrants sending money to family back home. it’s none of your business and what others do with their money, nosey mf

    5. Its illegal money you idiot it belongs to whomever got the balls to take it and the brain to keep it. Here in the border theres ppl that make a living robbing the cartels. 10 keys here 5 keys there lay low do it again. Shit the cartels are so compartmentalized that they rob themselves so if you get a chance why not. Plus fuck letting that money get to mexico to some child killing asshole piece of shit.

    6. 11:08 That is so true, I hear gangs in Arizona, specialized only in robbing safehouses, where they know there is money and drugs for the taking.

    7. The fucking teacher lost the money and his damn life.
      Sorry not sorry for that shit. He got what he deserved.

    8. 1108 sounds nice until you inevitably run into them again. plus nowadays all the trashy people doing that get burned on social media 😆

  12. Enterprise man it's just 2 broke Moyo's trying to get over

  13. Black Panther Cartel

    1. Lol Barney was from the Black panther Cartel.

  14. The biased American Media try to paint Barney Dale Harris as an innocent victim of cartel violence . However he was shot dead for tyring to rob a cartel member

    1. It's America. Americans are always the victims. Everyone is to blame for their consumption except them.

    2. Absolutely correct.

    3. He dadit du nuffin.

  15. Teacher by day thug by night . He earned his death

  16. He looks like he used crack
    A Spanish teacher at that, you know he was a user and AFTER buying the drugs he used, he decided to rob them
    NOT to bright trying to rob a CARTEL

  17. Too bad the good ole teacher was taken back to Mexico for some cartel justice

    1. 1:02 please re-read the article.
      Where in the hell does it say they took Harris to Mexico?

  18. Gym teachers side hustle was a legitimate hustle lol.

  19. self defense i would argue

  20. To be in the Drug business u have to be alert and ready to kill the competition.

  21. To be in the Drug business u have to be alert and ready to kill the competition. Sorry Mr. Harris,

  22. WTF CJNG Cartel hiding out on our land? I thought they only stay in Mexico. Barney Harris vs. The Cartel and he lost, this guy with not a Latino name gets convicted of murdering him. That's odd.

  23. His family is lucky they didn’t get chopped up into little pieces…. Drug cartels don’t care if it’s in America as long as the boss orders it

  24. Cartels are all over US even out in the sticks with the Hicks it's called Supply and Demand and all the Mexican immigrants in Hick town USA like Georgia and North Carolina are there because nobody wants to work and businesses don't want to pay because blacks and whites just want to hang out and smoke crack and meth which the cartels are Happy to supply

    1. I’m impressed that you type so well while your head is up your ass.

  25. Why would he try and Rob CJNG not smart.

  26. Mencho please send Grupo Elite to eliminate the terrorist group BLO

    1. Lol mencho is probably sucking the BLO leaders didks right now for them to let him into northern Sinaloa 😆 he know if he really wants to do damage to CDS he needs to do it form the inside

  27. No he was a member of the snitchaloas he was a teir 1 shadow negro trained by wizards working with the Harry Potter cartel .

    1. There we go, you have so much hatred you have to use the SNITCH card.

  28. El Mencho called this mayate and he said to him
    "Mira bien hijo de tu puta madre soy Mencho Guey"

  29. No Spanish words, only English. You know what it's like, a relative, friend and easy money. It's not easy. Comes with blood and high risk. He got caught. Stupid for sure, but understandable for many of us who sought an easier way. CJNG, just over a kilo . not exactly a big stash house, but still susceptible to robbery and usage. Many prefer the second choice.

  30. Sounds like a corny Redbox midnight matinee starring Chris Rock as a good guy gone bad. A rogue gym teacher who wanted a better life cut short by his 2 brain cells inability to hold hands lol 😂🤣
    It's not Mexican, it's Mexican't!!! Don't steel from us!!!! 😂😭

    1. Oh ok emoji nino.

    2. See what happens when you hold the gun sideways lol

  31. Further proof of cartel is here in the US, and not to fuck with them. That was a critically stupid move

    1. David for David not a stupid move. Thanks to Barney Harris bravery, he has exposed that Cjng is in fact, in many places on the east side of USA, which will open the door, for law enforcement agencies to have specific units to deal with Cartels wanting to settle down on US soil. Once again not a stupid move. Let's thank beloved Barney Harris.
      Allen Corbin student of B.H
      Rest in peace.

    2. All the cartels been here for decades

    3. Along with the Gringos.

  32. I’m not sure what anyone can really say this idiot teacher got what he deserved these articles about this is good advertisement for CJNG. Try to steal their product or money and this is what happens. They handled their business.

  33. Barney was a Spanish school teacher.
    Barney was a Sports teacher.
    Barney decided to rob CJNG.
    Barney lost at the end.

  34. He likely did not know that that stash belonged to CJNG at all

  35. Someone in the comments stated where's Al Sharpton on this matter. Thats a funny thing is he only gets involved when the Police kill a colored person, weather the Police were in the right or wrong. There's money to be made there. But a Cartel killing Harris Barney, hell no he won't get involved.

  36. Barney wanted to drive a pimped out, purple car, with tiny donut tires,playing Snoop Dog songs, while cruising the boulevard. His only way to get money was to rob a safehouse, he put a GPS tracker on Cartel car him and his buddy lost, but did not mention if his buddy got killed too.

  37. I am the greatest.
    Corey Fart man😂

  38. I'm a Black American who knew a small bit about "the business." I was somewhat wary of my own people in this business, because I know us. I much preferred dealing with Mexicans. Superior product, consistent quality. Plus (no small thing), I felt safer dealing with them.
    These are my personal experiences only and are not meant as an indictment of my culture.

    1. If a white guy wrote this, he would be “raaaaycisss”. Also, not sure how this is not an indictment of your “culture”. Nonetheless, you (for once) have some honesty in your post and, let’s be clear, no one else wants to deal with those MFs either. I personally would feel safer among a pack of wolves.

    2. James Brown I regret to say, but Barney Harris, was already excelling in life, but somehow or another he became greedy and wanted more money and look what happens. He did by exposing that CJNG is practically in our backyard, which will put more resources at reducing Cartels making home.

  39. I want to see a video with CJNG decapitating these Mayates

  40. 9:03pm-

    a group of cash broke dudes with neither a plug nor intention to middle for one, can most certainly become on par with a pack of wolves should someone come looking for product with money in hand to spend...

    my guess is mr lara was a local independent, mr harris probably a part time base head who couldnt coach the money for that ball he got fronted the week prior....well you see the result...

    if it wasnt tragic enough here comes the state to pick up the scraps with charges in hand ready to put the survivor in a cage for life...

    taking no sides here, its savage all around.

    you dont do drugs? i dont do drugs? then we ought to legalize drugs all the better, less harm, less non sense....but to get there people gotta pull they heads out they nalgas first to gain a sense held common...ahem common sense

    excuse me, ive thrown my 2cents in the cup, i expect to see yours in that cup as well if its worth a dayum...

  41. Survivors participated, and someone dies, yes they deserve jail time.
    Should not be robbing safehouses.

  42. 10:41

    forgive me i misread the àrticle and thought police had arrested and charged the individual getting robbed with murder.

    mr lara was only 18 years old apparently, i say only not to imply that isnt commonly very much an adult especially in that world. someone probably assumed they could easily run a play something savage over on younger man on the account of his age and perceived inexperience and no doubt misplaced trust, sorry coach, karma saw your haste for greed and decided to blow the whistle, for dem shenanigans attempted be the deed of the most foul.

    1. We will miss Barney Harris the beloved teacher. That wanted more in life.


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