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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Mexican and US Authorities Issue New List of Wanted Criminals in the El Paso–Juárez Border Area

"Parro" for Borderland Beat

The United States and Mexico have announced 10 new criminal targets for their “Se Busca Información” initiative during a press conference at the El Paso Texas Army National Guard Building, July 12.

The “Se Busca Información” initiative, which means to look for information in English, identifies 10 individuals associated with Transnational Criminal Organizations, wanted for crimes ranging from human smuggling to murder, by both the U.S. and Mexican Law Enforcement. 

Nine out of the top 10 individuals were proposed by the Government of Mexico and one of the individuals, (Target # 2) was proposed by the United States Border Patrol for being suspected of arranging an elaborate human smuggling network.  Seven of the wanted individuals have an active warrant for homicide (Target #’s 4-10), two of the wanted individuals are wanted for felony narcotics and firearms charges (Target #’s 1 and 3).

The “Se Busca Información” initiative promotes unity at the border and encourages the public on both sides of the border to anonymously report information about Mexican Nationals who are wanted criminals.  The phone lines are open 24 hours a day and the calls go directly to local Border Patrol Sectors Intelligence Centers. The United States and Mexico are in agreement that the “Se Busca Información” initiative is in the best interest of both countries as a way to pursue a safer and more secure border.

The 10 wanted individuals’ pictures are placed on posters, flyers, and billboards.  This signage is situated on the United States and Mexico side of the border for public viewing.  In Mexico, they are mainly displayed on bulletins and billboards along city streets and on posters in convenience stores.  In the United States, posters will be displayed at U.S. Border Patrol stations, immigration checkpoints and international ports of entry in the El Paso and New Mexico border regions.

People who have information about these criminals can confidentially report this information to law enforcement, where voice messages, texts, or messaging platform applications such as ‘WhatsApp’ can be used.

“It is crucial that we engage with our community on both sides of the border to get their assistance in getting more information on these wanted criminals.  By increasing public awareness through the 'Se Busca Informacion' initiative we increase our ability to apprehend these perpetrators which makes our border community more safe and secure,” said, Chief Gloria I. Chavez, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent for the El Paso Sector.

There are currently five U.S. Border Patrol sectors along the southwest border supporting this bi-national initiative; El Paso, Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, Del Rio and Big Bend.

No. 2, Migrant Smuggling Kingpin
The initial campaign in 2019 led to the capture of leaders in the Mexicles, Barrio Azteca and La Linea drug gangs. It also strengthened cooperation and trust between top law enforcement officials on both sides, Chavez said.

“This (program) is a true investment for both sides,” Chavez said. “The relationship is very strong because of our interest in safer communities not only in the United States but also in Mexico.”

Nine of this year’s targets are wanted by Mexican authorities for drug trafficking and murder-for-hire activities. One is wanted by the U.S. Border Patrol for running one of the largest and most ruthless migrant smuggling operations on the border.

The unnamed migrant smuggling kingpin No. 2 on the border’s Most Wanted list. (courtesy U.S. Border Patrol)
The unnamed smuggling kingpin provides ladders for migrants to scale the border wall and sends them through mountain and desert trails with “guides” who will run back to Mexico at the first sign of trouble or abandon men, women and children who fall behind during the trek. Other times, the migrants will be made to carry drugs in their backpacks.

“He (is responsible) for a lot of illegal activity with the smuggling and the transportation of migrants between the ports of entry in very high-risk regions,” Chavez said.

“Many times, the migrants take risks because they are encouraged to climb the border wall and often get stuck at the top and not able to get down.”

Depending on how tall the section of wall is or how strong the migrant happens to be, falls occur that result in broken legs, sprained ankles, and other injuries.

“We have done over 200 rescues (this fiscal year),” Chavez said. “He is a very high priority to the Border Patrol because we want to stop him from placing migrants at risk and carrying out illegal activities in this border region.”

U.S. security analysts have told Border Report that trust in Mexican law enforcement and impunity in Mexico’s judicial system are contributing factors to the growth of organized crime south of the border. American law enforcement officials, however, express confidence in and point to past successes with their law enforcement partners in the state of Chihuahua.

“We have identified between 30 and 40 of the principal generators of violence in our state and have secured arrest warrants against 25 or 26,” said Chihuahua Attorney General Cesar Augusto Peniche. He said previous administrations weren’t very good at following up leads.

“Now we identify who the generators of violence are; we have issued many arrest warrants and we are sharing information with our federal government (in Mexico City).”

Peniche said his investigators maintain communication with U.S. federal agents stationed at the American consulates and the embassy to better track organized crime leaders.

“I am convinced we have made great advances in combatting organized crime. We have opened an investigation against all members of organized crime that we have been able to identify and, in many cases, issued arrest warrants,” he said.

The attorney general added that one of the biggest successes of “Se Busca Información” was the capture of Jose Dolores Villegas Soto, a.k.a. “The Iraqi,” arrested in May 2020 after a telephone tip led authorities to the neighboring state of Coahuila.

Peniche said Villegas remains in prison despite violent attacks on police last year by members of the Aztecas gang in an effort to get him released.


  1. De lo que yo ha eschuchado unos amigos aya en la Frontera El Cartel Jalisco se jalo con los aztecas porque por error ellos mataron familiares de un Liniero en Palomas y perdieron el apoyo de Juarez

    1. La droga si se mueve, pero soldados de Jalisco en Juarez no hay, esta tranquilo ahorita en general entre Juarez y Sinaloa, solo hay muertos aislados entre aztecas, mexicles y demas cristaleros que hay en la ciudad. Los Aztecas que están Juárez aun le responden a la línea, pero los que están en el paso son los que se revelaron

    2. Como si los de la pinche Linea nunca se equivocaron en hacer desmadres.
      Mas aparte mataban mujeres y muchachas jovenes inocentes para el trafico de organos.

    3. 11:30 los Aztecas de El Paso se revelaron porke La Linea los traian como sus pendejos usandolos para matar a Federales solamente. Los Federales si se defendian y mataban a estos tamhien mientras La Liena solo se la pasaba moviendo droga.

  2. Morena party says they will concentrate 50 worse cities, on Security of those cities. Finally!!!!!

  3. What's the point of doing these announcements if the government won't release the suspects names?

    1. Which government you referring to, thier are two governments in this article?

    2. 5:59 - both. it makes absolutely no sense. I get the "N" that they use in Mexico (I don't agree with it but I get it). But not releasing the names is bizarre.

  4. Replies
    1. I thought it looked just like him too. If anything that was his prison mugshot, but I haven't seen it anywhere else.

  5. 7:13 They are still trying to catch up to Al Capone, but never got to Tony Accardo...

  6. It's like the Brady Bunch, but Mexican style!!

  7. Comandante chuyin Numero 1 ahuevo nunca lo van a atrapar otra vez la primera vez fue suerte

    1. El chuyin ya ni se esconde el villa ahumada mucho menos en juarez o en el norte del estado


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