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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Mexico City: Lizbeth Lopez AKA 'La Negra'

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Female Newscaster: And in Mexico City they are currently looking for the leader of narco sales in Colonia Doctores and Buenos Aires. Let’s take a look at this story. She was arrested a year ago, but after several days, just a few days in prison, she was released. And she keeps doing whatever the fuck she wants. Our investigative reporter Antonio Nieto narrates the following account. 

Antonio Nieto: This is Lizbeth Lopez also known as “La Negra”. According to capital authorities, she controls drug sales in the two most conflictive neighborhoods in Mexico City, Doctors and Buenos Aires.

She was arrested on June 6 last year with 100 bags of marijuana according to a statement from the Secretary of Citizen Security. Along with the young man who allegedly bought 25 packages of drugs from her was also arrested.

However, authorities obtained this video from a previous point in time. In it you can see "La Negra" preparing bags with cocaine. She is accompanied by 3 men. One helps her wrap the drug, another watches, and a third, standing, texts on his cell phone and places money underneath a plastic pail.

“La Negra” spent just a few days in prison after being captured in 2020. According to reports from the higher court of justice, she obtained conditional release which required her to sign in every week.

All because her defense argued that the drug she was carrying wasn’t for sale, it was for her own personal consumption. Despite being on probation, "La Negra" was captured on video preparing bags of cocaine.

It is at this home in the Doctores neighborhood where the police are investigating the “La Negra” operation. It’s located on Niños Héroes and Doctor García Diego streets. Or just a stones throw from the Investigative Police building.

On a stretch of road the high flow of people entering and leaving the neighborhood can be seen. In this other video in the hands of the investigators, 2 members of the criminal group are seen. Bills of different denominations are arranged on the table where minutes before the cocaine was prepared.

According to the investigations, an average of 25 to 30 people go to the drug store daily. Drugs are sold every day of the week here, all year long.

"Le Negra" always arrives in a variety of vehicles, a Camaro, a white Mini Cooper, an Acura, or a grey Kia. These videos are the main evidence that the authorities have to find "La Negra" and capture her. This time a charge solid enough for her not to be released from prison for a few days.

Carlos Jiménez

Noticieros Televisa


  1. No problem revolving door.
    Corey Fartman

  2. The best translation for “La Negra” in English is “Blackie”. It also applies whenever a male is called El Negro. Mencho’s daughter would also be known as Blackie if you’re trying to understand her monikers translation.

    1. Not really blackie is more for like negrillo or negrilla, the black one is the best term i guess since english does not have a male or female word you just have to know before if you are speaking of a male or a female

    2. I’m an actual linguist. And as far back as a kid people have always sought me out asking for help to better understand translations. Those English lessons the Christian missionaries gave me as a child paid off in the long run. Unfortunately I couldn’t keep all their ways.

    3. If you're really (I'm being generous here) a linguist what's your take in the early 20th century linguistic turn in philosophy (both contenintal and analytic) and its relation to Wittgenstein's ideas of a formal logical language; furthermore, how that may or not relate to theoretical foundation for informal logic?

    4. Black one would be the correct translation, blackie would be used for negrito/negrita. Good article of the revolving door and how narcos/movidos/dealers get to go in and out of prison except for actual innocents, who get charge for bogus charges and hardly ever allowed a lawyer.

    5. Dr Sol, you alright... Just wanted to bust your pair with that pedantic comment.

    6. Negrito/negrita would be little black, like i said blackie would be negrillo/negrilla, to be fair spanish is such a rich language that it was way more words than english, so i guess as long as you get your point across we shouldnt be bitching about translation, good job sol, lla no la agas de pedo con los que no les gusta tu traduccion, dejalos que se enojen solos

  3. La Blanca (Whiteie) is still moving weight!

    "a Nissan Acura" must be a Mexico only model.

    1. 9:45 ustè càlleselosico,
      On the first place she gots the money to buy whatever she wants to buy.
      On the other hand that why reporters smoke their sinsemilla shit to hallucinate on the day and night 27/4 and end smoking cow dung.

  4. Consumption problem? A true fact globally where like many consumed products are harmful yet legally obtained.
    War on drugs is a joke. Financial aid & resources should be applied elsewhere.

    1. Negative chief.

    2. 10:35 financial aid is supplied via politicos and cuicos that thenbsteal it...
      It is of course stolen from the taxpayers.
      Drug trafficking gets expensive but self-financing, problem is the wise asses that want to control shit for benefit of parnas and themselves who should be shot gunned in the ass.

  5. I'm not sure why the news calls her a leader. She is no big fish, just 1 of thousands of dealers. Leaders don't bag their own product but the news will hype this up for views/clicks.

    isn't mota legal now?

    I know we like to blame US but Mexico does have an internal consumption issue. don't touch it amigos. The cristal is a death sentence.

    1. 10:43 mota used to be kept in the military barracks before it spread around to High Schools and the streets on its way to becoming the ice breaker to speed, uppers, downers, cocaine and shit thanks to US "rogue agents" and their operatives in Mexico who turned to be nothing but drug traffickers moving shit to USA under guise of fighting Communism and Che Guevarism and the Nicaraguan Sandinistas by also supplying weapons for banned Iranians oil and kidnapping victims for ransom to Arab terroristas...
      of course, more than 100 US presidential pardons later, they got away with it and the stolen money and kept to drug trafficking to their own USA...
      Even put their parnas in prison to maintain their airs of innocence, RCQ, Don Neto, El Padrino, and other allies of the Guadalajara cartel chose to keep quiet to save their lives.
      We do not blame the entire US, the government or the american people, but their "rogue agents" are still protected by the best of the best America has to offer

  6. This site is infected with TROLLS.

    1. Negative chief.

    2. Are you doing the caps lock kid shtick?

      Calm your ass and make your comments about story.

      No crybabies

    3. 11:11 it is a work in progress, I love nothing like Trollops...
      Maybe some day.

    4. 5:24 is a TROOL.

  7. I personally loved..."And she keeps doing whatever the fuck she wants." Funny stuff!

    1. Yes Heather Herrera
      Money talks

    2. But technically that is not what the reporter said “she keeps doing her thing” is what she actually said

    3. Me hablo mucho piquito Espanol, and just went by the written text, and it made me laugh, picturing a newscaster actually dropping multiple f bombs on air.
      My favorite manta translation thus far is ' you stupid asshole gringo fucks' referring to border control. It just has a nice rhythm to it. Potty mouth, h

    4. 11:21 ...sigue haciendo lo que le da su chingada gana"
      She has to work and keep producing, it is deadly not to meet the quota, specially in the Mèxico City euled by Omar Hamid Garcia Harfuch, and carlos slim helu, the Lebanese harbanito who used to sell cloth bolts himself likes better to live off other people efforts.
      Some Mexicans like the worse version and "hacen lo que les da su rechingada gana" and pay nobody quota, piso or product.

  8. Blackie was my nickname in high school because of communal showers.

    1. Cobra was mine ya dig ?

    2. 11:24 famous for not being able to lift their "negra consentida" from looking to the floor, have to get it in with their fingers and have envy of the mexicans who hang their wet towel from their "piquito picoso"

    3. Tell me more


  9. Oh she moving weight alright, every thunderous step she takes.

  10. Drug house near police building?Must be taking a cut as always para.el.commandante. was left over for the regular beat cop or so called investigators? Even on D.F they are hooked not just in U S.

    1. 4:47 internal affairs have released to US anti-narcotics death squads a tape of El Teniente Harinas, ver in You Tube, must be of adult age to see.

  11. Hardly newsworthy , some low balling fat bitch got popped with a ounce of weed, whoopty doo

    1. Yes my aunt Josephine loves to smoke weed in the morning and at night time.

    2. 7:03 senator and professional chapulin, ricky monrial laterly of Morena, had one troque caught with almost 15 tons of mariguana in his rancho by the pepper drier plant, there is a difference between ounces, tons and kilos, senator monrial the opportunist chapulin never got processed but he confessed he got that grifa planted...


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