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Monday, July 19, 2021

Michoacán: CJNG Video Message For The United Cartels

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) has sent out a communique against the United Cartels. 

Juan José Álvarez Farías aka “El Abuelo” along with Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Aguilar, AKA "El Kiro", including a litany of other individuals who make up a part of the United Cartels are threatened.

Major bullet points within their directive were strong accusations of rape and murder against innocent women. 

Menacing words of impending doom were also spoken out against National Guardsmen and their counterparts. 

Video translation is as follows:

This message goes out to your bitch ass Abuelo, Kiro, and Hipólito Mora. Did you really think that by pulling that farcical shit with government help you were going to fuck over my boy El Maguey?

Well, you’ve already seen how wrong you were. Your plan of action was counterproductive in light of the fact that here within my cartel my men will fight back. And we are intelligent when it comes to these matters.

You fucking gang of scumbags, extortion collectors, kidnappers, rapists, and murderers of innocent civilians. These are the only things you faggots know how to do, El Abuelo, El Kiro, that bitch Hipólito Mora, and that faggot El Poncho. Along with the rest of the United Cartels who only serve themselves and live off of others. 

You fucking faggot El Abuelo, you killed those innocent women. I honestly don’t think you’re going to be around much longer. It’s just a matter of time before the townspeople of Tepalcatepec turn on you and your son for being cheap fucks.

We’ll see how long your bullshit theatrics last for you faggots El Abuelo, El Poncho, Hipólito Mora, El Kiro, those bitch ass Viagras, along with the rest of those fags who make up the rest of the United Cartels who claim to be Self Defense Groups. 

Everybody knows that you’re all narco traffickers. But you like to hide yourselves behind the guise of being Self Defense Groups. 

But it’s clear that the only things you know how to do best are to charge a protection fee, kidnap, rape, and kill innocent civilians. A notable example of this was the execution of 2 women by El Abuelo’s son in Tepeque (Tepalcatepec). First they raped and then killed them. 

You like to look at the government in their faces and see them as nothing more than dumb ass puppets. While making them believe that you’re all Self Defense Groups. 

And as for you National Guardsmen and military personnel who are in Michoacán. I’m going to give you some advice along with a warning. Don’t allow yourselves to be fucking deceived by those faggots El Abuelo, Los Viagras, El Kiro, Hipólito Mora, and the rest of the members who make up the filthy United Cartels. Nor should you bother going to support them to strike against my men. 

Even though my war isn’t against the government. If the National Guard along with the military personnel continue supporting them. We will end up giving you a taste of your own medicine. 



  1. Replies
    1. Haha, gotta love Sol's translations, classic

    2. Beautiful the words of LORD MENCHO

    3. El.mensho tiene que cuidar su casa primero cada ves que falta en casa le hacen Goles como el de Maradona que fue un gol que vali por 3 el que entendio entendio

  2. CU=complete scum

    1. These are tweekers not CU! The costumes are a dead give away

    2. Corey Feldman could take them out.

    3. 11:14 CU=complete scum

  3. Why does rape victim Mencho call himself daddy? And has his commanders call him that too? Anyways you can tell his forces getting bitch slapped last week got him in his feelings. You are not fighting gas thieves in Michoacán Mencho. Nobody is scarred of your drug addicts dressed up in Airsoft gear. Ha “puto, puto, puto, puto.” Is all Mencho can say. Punk. Ha ha.

    And what’s mencho do in response to his guys getting bitch slapped and massacred in Buenavista? Make another clown show video crying. Pathetic.

    1. 8:18 why dont you sign up with your secret_management name anymore?

    2. Yes , no yes yes.

    3. Why is rape always heavy in your comments? You make the same ones in every Cjng post. Are you projecting childhood trauma? You need help brother

    4. CJNG is weak. It’s full of kidnapped addicts dressed up and all they do is make videos lmao 🤣. Ain’t nobody ever taking Michoacán, the people fight back.

    5. 8:52 u getting mad at facts bruh such a sore loser don't like to hear the truth but anyways typical cjng dick sucker

    6. Damn Mencho has you all f$*ked up in the head! Why you so mad?

    7. Papi Mencho> Lloron Chapo


    8. 11:03 not mad at all i actually didnt even read his post just the beginning "rape victim mencho" thats how secret management always starts, it was just a question, i never said anything about he not been right or wrong, again i didnt read his post its always the same thing

    9. yeah you’re right mencho is going down. all 5 feet of him

    10. You can tell they’re very frustrated by the over use of the word “puto”. or maybe he’s just projecting, I heard his butt buddy Jamal gave him a good time up in NorCal!

    11. 2:24 🤣🤣🤣 you heard it from jamal cuando te estaba besando la nuca y tu mordiendo la almuada🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    12. Same Jamal giving it to all CDS nowadays in US prisons! When Vicentillo goes back i think all CDS gonna turn themselves in to hang out with Jamal!

    13. 2:24 that cannot be true, if butt buddies existed in prison all CDS would be at DEA's door trying to get prison time!

    14. 5:05 🤣🤣🤣 are you been sarcastic? Cause i mean chapo and vicentillo were at DEA trying to make a deal, i guess they got it 🤣🤣😂

    15. 2:52 5:04 5:05 LMAO so now we know the CJNG/tweeker fan boys get triggered at 1) calling mencho short 2) the term baby killer cartel and 3) talking about menchos past as a rape victim and his liking for dick 😭😆 so NOBODY mention that menchos butt buddy is named JAMAL they might start CRYING 😆

    16. 1:23 ay si ay si mi papi mencho lmao mass puuttooo

    17. 7:14 como dijiera un cds fan, making fun of the village idiot is not the same as getting triggered! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    18. Listening to or reading all these comments makes me laugh at the mindset of the people who come here when did BB become like this ? It used to be more professional more mature would be the word Im looking for . Maybe if you had to sign up and use your real name and or email to leave a comment it wouldnt get so childish in these comments its hard to read an article posted with the seriousness of what is occuring day after day some of the most appalling acts of humans being merciless to other humans and then all the sudden the comments start with the ignorance and stupidity and it totally diminishes the seriousness of the news item and its all you think about after reading the bullshit because of the mindset of these people is just blatant idiocy . Its like a weird contrast of the most serious topics that need to be addressed and some of the most important issues going on in the world and then the most pathetic thoughts and comments by a bunch of ignorant fanboys and misinformed know it alls battling to see who can make the stupidest comment like thats the goal here . Its weird and I dont think people take this place serious anymore or they only come here to read the stupidity of narco culture and totally miss the seriousness of the issues . This comment is meant for the mods of this unique web site and I dont care if you publish it or not . I just wanted to say I love the site but cant stand the pointless bs after the artickes it takes away from what BB always represented IMO .

    19. 2:52/5:04/5:05/6:57 all the same butt hurt cjng fan boy that got triggered by some dumb trolls. hey bozo the guy who’s spreading mencho rape stories that trigger you so much is a carteles unidos fan boy not cds😅get sinaloa out of your head living rent free in there for sure. And the more you reply to them the more they will troll you just saying

    20. 8:11 your humor is downright horrendous. You will have to step it up if you want to actually trigger people

    21. 1:31
      Hit the nail on the head. Thank you

  4. Their all rats,what CJNG are saying is probably true about CU,ex Templarios/FM,do we forget the shit they got up to?Taking young girls raping them and walking past their families the next day because they(CT)knew they couldnt be touched,remember Tuta saying"my boys sometimes do wrong"fuck off,who is the worst?

    1. Stop trying make it out as the CT are the only bad ones/rapers smh every cartel has scumbags that get power trips that’s why you find em and eliminate them before the rotten apple spoil the rest but with Cjng their all scumbags that why the trashy organization needs to be erase completely from the face of earth

  5. perro que ladra no muerde

  6. The idiot reading the message sounds like he is about to cry.

    And again CJNG crying no fair, no fair. Who wants to take a bet that CJNG is going to pussy out on their threats of attacking the Military? These idiots just can’t help but to shot themselves in the foot, like I said before these morons actually believe dressing up in their airsoft Halloween customs actually make them “special forces”. Keep crying Mencho, you are going to die exiled from Aguililla.

    1. Por lo menos son buenos para dar risa con sus mamadas sincacas drogadictos 😂😂

    2. What happened to Mencho after he downed that Blackhawk? I dont really think he's as afraid of military as you think!

    3. 11:56 He did not down no fkn Blackhawk, he lives in a cave.

    4. 1:36, ok but did he down a military helicopter? Did anything happen to him? So statement other than the model of the helicopter was correct?

    5. All capos live in caves! Whats your point? Except Chapo he tried outside the cave how did that end for him! Lol

    6. 8:25 what’s the point of even giving them a warning? there’s no benefit for themselves and just like that they have eliminated the element of surprise, the military will be on edge waiting for an attack and it gives them more reason to go after CJNG. Mencho has been described as highly intelligent and cunning, yet he’s been making a lot of bozo moves this year

    7. 4:13 the point is so that the president know why they are getting attacked

    8. 6:59 what is him knowing that going to do? all that will do is make things worse for CJNG, i bet CU are hoping they start doing that because if they do the military will destroy whatever pittance is left of CJNG in michoacan

    9. 7:58 habrasos no balasos, AMLO wont do shit and wont let the army do shit so thats the point

  7. CJNG propaganda at its finest. These towns were peaceful until they turned up and tried to take over. If you know the small towns in Mexico no was raping their neighbors or women from the next town. This filth known as CJNG came along and the fact that they’re outsiders they do what they want and then blame the locals. Then to say CU laugh in the faces of the government….lol, Mencho is a desperate man. He’s lucky no one takes CJNG serious because if they did; they’d all get slaughtered. They’re trying to fight everyone and like a little dog, they’re all bark and no bite.

    1. No one takes them serious but your bitch ass keeps commenting about them lol

    2. No they weren't Viagras stay extorting raping and killing innocents

    3. Caballeros Templarios were made up of nothing but michoacanos and were and are still known for raping women and young girls lol even la familia was known for disappearing women after raping them. CU calls themselves a cartel when they win a battle but when CJNG kicks them out of town and makes them run they start calling themselves autodefensas and begs the government for help. They even hide behind the towns people women and children. If that’s not a pussy cartel then idk what is

    4. Dude,you really think CJNG are outsiders in Michoacán???? Mencho is Michoacano, the cartel leaders are Michoacanos, they always been a Michoacán Cartel, they just changed their name to Jalisco, but all those dudes fighting in Michoacán are from there, they all know each other, they just keep changing their criminal group's names and constantly shift alliances.

  8. secret_management=🤡💯

    1. We all know your love with secret management guy it’s not secret Cjng fan girl lmao

  9. TikTok Divas. These videos are retarded. Hasta un pedo andan publicando.

    1. Y tu sigues mirando chaquetin!

  10. It is a good thing these people don't take anything serious in the comments section. They say CJNG is all bark it took them a while but they took all of Aguillila. Perfect diffusion of information they said what is true. El Abuelo's son kidnapped 2 girls and 3 guys from a bar in Tepaltpec. He raped and then killed them and left them in a jeep. Of the 3 guys one survived the others are missing.

    The whole Buenavista incident was a strategic ingenious play that was thought up. It succeeded because they managed to flip lots of Magueys people a bunch of sapos who had their own killed to save their skin. Come October 1 2021 watch and see how things play out. Maybe Carteles Unidos will still be around maybe not.

    1. Cry me a river Cjng fan girl ������

  11. Forgot to add the link El Abuelos son raped and killed these girls. This girl was raped by Hipolitos Nephew. Omar Mora La Nalgona. Eventually the story died down because the young girls parents were threatened. Hipolito Mora said his thing if I recall he said those who did this came from outside the area.

    1. This shit is made up by sargi and fake news buddies source their like leeches lmao it was Cjng who did this atrocity Every one knows in michoacan that Cjng can’t win so now their paying random news
      Source/ pages like 90 grados and other to make up bs against la mafia Michoacán’s porque alos vegrgazo no pueden

    2. Made up news my ass.This from a awhile ago,they really planned ahead with that,your clown ass didnt even look at the story?

    3. Why so you mad 😂retard guy that’s so obsessed with secret management guy lmao the story is true but whats fake and made up is that heir trying to blame abuelos people when in reality it was the Cjng trying to frame him (el abuelo) to heat up tepeke but that shit back fire cuz people ain’t falling for the okey doke lmao

  12. Televisa presenta,,,,,,,,,

  13. He sound like he wants to cry 😆 they are all Cum buckets

  14. Este es otro Tic Toc de las chicas Jalisco Nueva Generacióoooooooon!!

  15. He sounds like he wants to cry😭😭..😂🤣...cjng couldn't handle the response for the kidnaping of el kiro.el maguey got hit pretty good that his ass still sore,his crew in videos is getting smaller n smaller

    1. It they really kidnapped kiro he would have been chopped to pieces, no waiting around for a response. Think before you post dumb things

    2. 3:57 ok u stupid dummy ur ass still sore🤣😁😭..u still fail to see that ur favorite cartel is not that mighty n powerful as their silly videos paint them to be

    3. The kidnapping was a load of shit,that guy woulda been dead,not layin up and "happened" to be found

  16. CU gets 0 respect, needs the government to help them fight cause they know CJNG will air them out

  17. Reverse thinking propaganda by the Baby Killer Cartel aka Cjng. Lol Cjng wants us to believe Menchos cartel members are angels. They come to clean house of thier competition, nope this propaganda video won't work.
    Mess with Abuelo again...and alot of CJNG will die.

    1. No they havent ever said they are angels, they have openly said they are narcos, unlike abuelo who says he is an autodefensa

  18. el cartel de las propagandas
    a llorar al panteon

  19. jaJaja ya valieron verga las mariposas de la nueva. En Zacatecas nomas barriendo y limpiando sus nidos de ratas 🐀 que dejaron. Disque Michoacán les tumbaron la gorra y blindadas. Y en este vídeo se confirma la culiada que lea arrimaron también allá, nomas fíjense en el calibre de vato que está hablando. Casi y casi llora jaJaja.. si ya se la saben, arriba la Cabreria cabrones.

    1. Esas Jaliscas nomás para LLORAR por medio de las redes sociales son buenos.

      Clacico cuando hacen un vídeo es para llamar la atención del amlo y el cerebro de su achichincles los Monreal para mandar gobierno federal.

      Recuerden como le hicieron con los marros la misma estrategia o Veracruz no se diga en las bajas..,

      Ya no lloren y demuestren su inteligencia de contra atacar no que son los mejores con caibiles,marinos de fuerzas especiales.., asta dicen que traen las fuerzas especiales de usa que desertaron para adiestrar a los jaliscones gallos de guerra del señor mencho..


    C.U crying for help


    Bums of el MZ caught in the desert

    1. Ah jalisca cheerleader is hurt everyone is roasting his guys so he tries to talk about another unrelated incident thats not even from the same state as this article, so pathetic.

    2. 9:30 it’s funny isn’t it? You can tell so easily what bothers them meanwhile in their attempts of trolling Sinaloa no one even responds to their lame ass troll attempts 🤣🤣🤣

    3. 12:16
      Bunch of idiotic cheerleaders, they think everyone who trolls then is a sinaloa supporter but in reality majority of people have smelled the bullshit that they are full of.

  22. CJNG is a CARTEL not like cu/VIAGRAS..
    To ALL you CDS GROUPIES saying it's all a SHOW, tell me this..
    What happened EVERY TIME CJNG made a video like this to CDS?
    ANSWER-they stepped up their game AND TOOK parts of CDS PLAZAS in all of 🇲🇽..
    Why did CDS and MAYO grupo FLECHA copy cjng tactics and make videos with guys all geared up LIKE CJNG SICARIOS? 😆
    THIS is no fantasy SINALOA STYLE corrido
    This is the most powerful CARTEL in Mexico as WE speak..
    No need to HATE
    All CARTELS are BAD but CJNG is their bully
    Went after the zetas and took veracruz and also took on cdsnitches and took their PLAZAS..
    Cdsnitches will say that CJNG has not taken their PLAZAS but the thing is, years back cjng was not active in those parts and CDS wanted cjng to pay piso. Cjng NEVER paid no piso and that's the REASON CJNG took a chunk of TIJUANA from CDS and they can't do anything about it.
    CJNG is winning michoacan wether YOU like it or NOT.. Just SAYING..

    1. 11:54 ... Ya callate Morro pendejo. Las menchas Se la estan pelando.. just saying

    2. 11:54 answer is: cjng divas got slaughtered 🤣😂 like in valparaiso tepetongo fresnillo etc but sissies like u don't wanna remember 😭, mencha n la puta jardinero are still sore from that putiza,all those videos are out of desperation frustration n ego being hurt so bad,now in tj the cjng putas are dying n their n losing ground people flipping on them😂🤣🤦 TRUTH HURTS AH.
      Another thing taking a plaza is different to ALLYING with local cartels to ENTER. mencho didn't fight for it instead he paid for it😁😄😄😮

    3. Zetas still in Veracruz kid it’s posted on BB nearly every week you can put your Pom poms away

    4. Oh brother cap locks nino is here.

    5. 1:23 there's still BELTRANES in sinaloa
      Your point is?..

      The thing is.. No cartel FULLY controls any big city or STATE..
      So STFU with that mess, CJNG controls most of veracruz but not the top north part of it.
      Just like cds doesn't control all of sinaloa, Tijuana, Sonora, baja California or zacatecas...
      But.. but.. but... Blablabla 😆

    6. This guy always talks about CJNG taking plazas from CDS but CDS still present in all those plazas and CJNG gets whooped every time they go head to head with them. Mayo started copying mencho because he had to, mencho/cjng were able to set the tone and control the narrative via their propaganda campaign, CDS was never gonna let them just keep doing that forever. When Mayo manages to outlive mencho he will probably stop those videos. Mencho just pays people to let him into their plazas than tries to back stab and SNITCH on them to install his own people. he doesn’t fight for his plazas and that’s why he easily loses them as seen in Tijuana

    7. 11:54 stop crying hahahaha your favorite cartel is trash and losing battles everywhere specially in michoacan! para que se metan con los verdaderos michoacanos michoacan pa los michoacanos la mera vena

    8. 1:55 Beltranes are a part of the og Sinaloa cartel, and there is a truce. can’t compare that to your out of state hated rival still working in your so called stronghold/base of operations. pretty embarrassing for a cartel that claims to be the biggest and strongest out there…

    9. Cjng are getting kicked out of la baja dummy

    10. 2:49 after chapo SNITCHED on BELTRANES they haven't been in good terms 😆
      Good joke though..
      2:58 you MEAN cds is trying desperately to kick them out of BAJA but CAN'T
      The same place where half of BIG bad MAYO cell switched TO work with MENCHO?
      You CDS GROUPIES are FUNNY..

    11. 5:36 hey putito those that switched to cjng already switched back to cds under los chapitos😄😂🤣.
      Cjng fans living in denial

    12. 5:36 that’s over, Arturo is dead, Mochomo and chapo locked up. Chapo Isidro is on good terms with CDS and is 100% sinaloan no foreigners in Sinaloa unlike Jalisco😆

    13. 7:09 that's a lie, beltranes is not with cds..
      Even if they are they, the ONLY REASON they would team up is to go AGAINST their bully MENCHO 😆
      CJNG made CHAPO isidro move NORTH, he ain't no match so he ran NORTH to SINALOA..
      Just LIKE CDS have no more PLAZAS in Southern 🇲🇽, s inaloas are running back to SINALOA..
      Cjng is kicking their ass in Chiapas right now..
      7:12 he pendejo, not all the CHAPULINES have switched back to CDS..
      And cds is far from taking them out of BAJA California..
      I'm done with THIS, you GROUPIES have no common SENSE and can come up with MANY EXCUSES why cdsnitches is "SUPPOSEDLY" beating CJNG but CAN'T take them out their PLAZAS.. 😆
      Lets see WHAT excuses THESE PENDEJOs WILL have when CJNG takes michoacan in a few months hahaha

    14. If you think only cds operates in culiacaca estas pendejo y retrasado. Not all of us sinaloenses respect or look up to the rats that have given us bad fame. Some are still under the old school rules of real bosses BLO not jotos chillones pone dedos maricas. Pónganse las pilas y dejen de apollar a jotos que te metieran a tu y a tu familia sin pensarlo! @7:09 chapito Isidro has a no war treaty. That doesn’t mean he trusts MZ rat ass he just likes being low key and making money

    15. 9:11 pinché pocho pendejo piensa que Sinaloa no tiene presencia en el sur 🤣se nota que ni sabes de lo que hablas, si son plazas de CJNG pero la gente de CDS sigue jalando ahí. Tu que vas a saber de chiapas si vives casi casi pal otro lado del mundo 🤣vete a limpiar la cagada de los gringos mi chavalo es lo único pa lo que son buenos. Mejor ponle atención a las noticias gringas, lo qué pasa en Mexico no es negocio tuyo pinché gabacho chismoso

    16. Es lo mismo en el norte morro huevon drogadicto pendejo 😂😂😂 Cds no es dueño 100% de ninguna plaza y ya se les están metiendo en todas las que tenían presencia. Tu ponte a cuidar el ciber pampero cagado y después te sales en tu moto cagada de segunda a vender fentanilo con coca a tu gente pendeja que lo consume mientras escuchan corridos de jefes ratas 😂

  23. Culos de fuego 2..
    Now streaming on netflix

  24. No salio todo el video! Arriva el señor Mencho!!!! Puro CJNG!!!! Es lo que dicen en lo ultimo, mas aparte les reiteran a los soldados que los van a empesar a emboscar si siguen atacando al cjng, no quiero dar esa orden pero los vamos a empesar a atacar recuerden que soldado que ea advertido no muere en vatalla!

  25. So those two young women were raped and killed by El Abuelo's son? Monster.

    1. There we go again start spreading lies.

    2. 12:12 PM Yes that is what someone from Tepeke said it isn't the first time he does that. He killed and raped another girl who's dad had some nickname forgot what it was.

    3. The ones kidnapped and rape those girls where Cjng but like always try blame the opposition just heat up the plaza with the government smh dirty tactics

    4. @2:24 so they entered Tepeque to kidnap 5-7? Who were these young people, were they related to an enemy? Think before you post mentally reignorant shit babotas

    5. 6:22 shut your retarded ass up yeah ofcourse these scum bags would come in with help of people they know in the town to pull this evil shit it happens all the time specially how Cjng rolls yes of course it was them and trust me they don’t have to be related to a heavy enemy it’s just their style kill random innocent people specially woman and kids to heat up the town. That’s why no one want these scumbags in michoacan and real michoacano that lives in the mother land will tell you. Not them fake ass michoacanos that live in USA going Lame ass
      Bars and be geeked up with em lame ass mencho corridos lmao thinking their the shit 😂😂 trust michoacan es otro pedo y Cósinado aparte

    6. 7:15 bro if cjng would of done it, it would of been all over the place, but since it was done by el abuelo it didnt came up in any big news outlet, come on man if cjng farts its all over the news cause they are contaminating the ozone layer 🤣🤣🤣😂

    7. 715 yo estoy aqui en el infonavit- sercas de lapradera en Zamora Michoacan, y aqui preferimos mil veces alos de jalisco, que alas lacras lloronas de C.U, aunque ahorita el pueblo lo controlen los C.U

    8. @7:15 Im sure the real people of Micho are proud to be represented by such an intelligent sounding individual such as your self . I know you have it all figured out and are just waiting for the right time to show up and save everyone . And again you sound very intelligent and seem like a fun open minded person . You have a great day

    9. @7:15 cállate el hocico morro puñetero, "secret_management", talking about "real Michoacános" in the motherland. Your a pocho fool, a twenty something year old hipster, who thinks he knows the Raza, doing propaganda all over the internet for your mugrosa familia and their allies. Only you and those perros muertos de hambre de Culos Unidos want to control that region of Michoacán. Estás retependejo si piensas que la raza quiere darle dinero de su trabajo a unos tecatos jotos porque según tu son "Michoacános" de verdad. Yo nací allá idiota y nunca voy a querer pagar más por tal de que unos maricones, ya miraste el vídeo de tu ídolo y pariente del Boto cómo anda de travesti bailando, según andén "cuidando" la plaza pero nomás están chingando a la raza. Son unas escorias y punto retardado mental. Así andaban cagando el palo los Zetas en Michoacán y los sacaron a chingar a su puta madre, ahora el disque MataZetas del Abuelo se alió con ellos y con todos sus antiguos contras. Por pendejo y estúpido o sería por lacra? Nomas falta que digas que son "AutoDefensas". How many plaza bosses of those lacras are from Guerrero?
      "Real Michoacános"? JAJAJAJAJA.
      You can try to fool those chumps that still smell like pee and shit since they haven't learned to properly wipe their ass and the GILBERTONAS ardidas CHUMP. I'm not a broke ass, living with mommy receiving unemployment, once a week showering twenty something year old. I've lived in Michoacán and have been paying attention, seen it with my own eyes, how those those lacras want to have their foot on the citizens neck. CTM OJETE

    10. 306 LMAO secret keep doing your thing and create more butt hurt CJNG fans like this please 😆🤣hurt that mencho is 5 FEET and loves JAMAL

    11. 1:36/3:06 the same loser had to come post twice because secret got into his head 😭😭😭 talking shit about Sinaloa even when it’s another MICHOACANO talking shit 😆 Sinaloa living RENT FREE in your head FOR SURE 😆


    13. @8:58
      Your wrong dip shit I was 1:31 and stick by what i said ! I want that mother fucker to have a great day . And would like to point out that you seem very intelligent as well and I would love for nothing more then for you to have a great day as well in fact I insist on it !

    14. @8:58 órale RATAloa, ponte a tragar el chilorio si no vas andar con las tripas pegadas lacra mantenido.


  26. Maybe the person speaking looks like Mike Tyson but that's about the least intimidating pre pubescent voice to use to issue an unusually articulate laundry list of threats and fighting words...

  27. Want Mora good friend of Dr. Mireles?

  28. Cjng crying again 😀😀

  29. Para poner dedo en videos y mantas nadamas sirven las jaliscas panochonas. La escuala del panochon de la mencha que impino al 85 y al cuini para quitarselos de encima.

  30. Para poner dedo en videos y mantas nadamas sirven las jaliscas panochonas. La escuala del panochon de la mencha que empino al 85 y al cuini para quitarselos de encima.

  31. The kidnappers female rappers are calling out other rappers smh irony or just complete idiots ignorant scums

  32. No body in mexico likes this scumbags the weirdest cartel ever making some weak ass propaganda videos smh crybabies stop videos and go fight like real cartel members

  33. Con michoacan se van a sentar los cochos frescos pinches lacras del Cjng.. michoacan es la mera paipa

    1. así es en michoacan no queremos jaliskas cochinas

    2. 2:19 me dejaste bien pinche confundido, que quiere decir paipa? Pipa? Papaya? O un conjunto de los dos?

    3. 2:19 la mera verg@ / mera vaina/ mera chingon

  34. CJNG is fake snitching because they cant uproot old vaquero Abuelo and his 100 head of cattle lmao 😀😀😀

    1. Because they hide behind the government

  35. Mencho claims that CU are rats, extortionists, rapists, etc yet they used to work together???? Sargy himself said abuelos kids used to hang out with menchos. so I guess doing that stuff Is okay as long as you’re buddies with mencho?? If he was really against that he would not have associated with them to begin with

  36. All dressed up like GI Joe action figures with one literate fool reading from a script…LMAO. All we need is Vince McMahon to come down to Michocan and maybe this could be settled once and for all.

    What a bunch of putas!!

  37. "Guey" in nahuatl means "emperor".


    1. Pichi Vaca!
      I don't read comments with all capitals.

    2. 4:22 I am sorry I don't read comments with all capitals.

  39. Good video because their message against the bad boys of CU is easily distributed to the people instead of a manta on a body.

    I'm surprised at all the Sinaloa nuthuggers are so jealous that their cartel is not #1. Their papi is locked in a concrete box instead of free like El Senor Mayo and Papi Mencho.

    Buchona Kathi

  40. @419 So. Everywhere it means bull with no balls.

  41. Estan de chillones como el gobierno no los apoya en Michoacan por mierdas al igual que c.u y asta de viejas chismosas inventando cosas. Quieren el estado para la misma cosa, para cobrar alos agricultores como los carteles unidos. Los dos son la misma chingadera

  42. What’s the point of these stupid videos. It’s all bullshit to make themselves look like the lesser evil of all these idiotic cartels.

  43. What’s the point of these stupid videos. It’s all bullshit to make themselves look like the lesser evil of all these idiotic cartels.

  44. What’s the point of these stupid videos. It’s all bullshit to make themselves look like the lesser evil of all these idiotic cartels.

  45. Meanwhile, in Mexico City....

  46. The guy sound like he crying lmao 🤣 🤣😭😂 why would they put the guy with girliest voice hahahah se pasan deveras lmao

    1. 7:33 cause that’s the best they got. what happened to the zetas is happening to cjng all their best men got killed off and now they’re reaching the bottom of the barrel. fighting 7+ cartels and the government takes it toll eventually, it’s unsustainable for any cartel to keep developing quality soldiers as every batch gets quickly gets killed off

  47. El culero del masgay o mas guey dejo tirada su gente y los dejó morir como perros no pos waoh con razon la gente Buenavista reaccionó y reacapacito que bien para linda gente buena vista de no apoyar alos lacras del Cjng

    1. Jajaja que pendejo estas, que jefe del narco no a hecho eso? Para eso estan los guarda espaldas, no viste a cuantos gueyes mataron para que el chapo corriera como rata?

  48. So maguey is the man

  49. Hipólito Mora now recognizes he’s has family inside Carteles Unidos but he claims to not approve of their drug activities. He was threatened to be hung from a Bridge in Michoacan by CJNG.

    1. He said he had two nephew one is with the Cjng and other carteles unidos but he has nothing do with either organization and if dies it will be because of the idiots of Cjng, who wants to kill him because their mad their losing the war In michoacan and really bad

  50. All these broken hearted and disappointed sinalocas coming out to talk shit 😂😂 y’all be real quiet when these articles come out of your hero’s crying to DEA getting on their knees to “make sure the guards left so they can’t hear” I’d say it’s for more than that! 😂😂😂

    1. Pinchi emoji nini

    2. 11:16 damn that’s crazy. almost like when mencho was locked up with Jamal

    3. 11:16 aww looks like another mencha fan girl that let his frustrations and feelings out in a post for all to see! keep them coming! your tears taste great!

  51. History repeats itself? Jaliscos crying/snitching on the banners like the zetas when they got blown out of Michoacan and Jalisco back in the day.

  52. Cuando rompieron la carretera yo iva a buenavista y nos regresaron porque estaba la maquina destruyendo ahi...y los militares al rededor cuidando a los delincuentes...alrato no vallan a decir pobrecitos!

  53. Well he ain’t wrong esos weyes de familia michoacan and there counter parts andan cobrando so called protección fees no mas chingando la gente ai en Tuxpan cd Hidalgo y en zitacuaro ........./ i give em a month or two before those mother Fuckers die for trying to ask for money pues vete a trabajar puto

    1. Los que andan cobrando quotas en esas área son los ex templarios traicioneros que ahora se hacen llamar los grupo x del Cjng lo hacen a nombre de la familia michoacan pero solo para calentarles la plaza y hecharle la gente en encima pero muchos ya sabe como está la cosa. La FM en esas arias mueven mucho jale para los Estados Unidos no tiene la necedad de andar cobrando cuotas. Los ex templarios del ruso y polo son los que según se hacen llamar grupo x están escondido en Morelia y su gente zinapecuaro antes se escondía en los cerros de los azufres pero ya la FM los Saco a puro vergaso y corrieron y ahorita andan escondidos como ratas en las orillas con los limites de Guanajuato

  54. Ill create myvown cartel: so guapos and guapas. Only good looking people apply.

  55. It feels like a celebration of all things retarded in here like its a festival of cartel fanboys all waving their dicks at each other like spoiled rotten little brats . Its disgusting.

    1. I couldnt agree more and think the person that made the comment is a bad motherfucker and prbly a genius . I know that because I am the dude that wrote it and again stand behind everything that was said . Have a great day !

  56. Es el massgay el que deja morir asu su gente como perros y corre como todo una córrelona jajajaj


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