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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Narco Power: The Barbarism in Zacatecas

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The fury that the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) and the Sinaloa Cartel have faced in recent weeks in Zacatecas has caused numerous deaths on both sides, but it has also left victims such as paramedics, professionals and minors outside their criminal incitement.

Elements of the Army in Zacatecas.

Given the high number of deaths in Zacatecas due to clashes between criminal organizations, the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of Zacatecas, Arturo Nahle, points out in an interview that the state has experienced attacks from organized crime during government transitions.

What in his opinion aggravates the current conflict are the failed federal and state security strategies, the weaknesses of the system of prosecution and administration of justice and the fact that the dispute is between the most powerful cartels in the country: those of Jalisco and Sinaloa.

During the last 17 years, Zacatecas has been under siege by different criminal organizations, but since the war waged against them in the administration of Felipe Calderón, the state has not experienced, as it does today, so many successive days of massacres, forced displacement and extreme terror.

The fury that the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) and the Sinaloa Cartel have faced in recent weeks has caused numerous deaths on both sides, but it has also left victims such as paramedics, professionals and minors unrelated to their criminal cause.

There is no area of ​​the state free of violence, although the homicides have occurred mainly in the capital, Guadalupe, Fresnillo, Jerez, Villanueva and Valparaíso. In the latter municipality, the cartels fought a battle at the end of June in which 18 people died, according to official figures, although there are versions that there were more than 40.

In the last 10 days, these municipalities accumulated more than 50 homicides. Just this Thursday the 15th the federal government reported 10.

The attack by these cartels exceeded all authorities and the police and military force deployed in state territory. Inhabitants of Valparaíso and Jerez had to abandon their homes and property to take shelter in the capitals municipality because, one citizen says, "it was taken by the gunmen."

The reports of the Local Security Coordination Group, headed by the PRI governor Alejandro Tello Cristerna, reflect the critical situation despite the fact that its purpose is to boast of "forceful actions that are deployed through the Comprehensive Public Security Strategy for Zacatecas." .

Last June it was recognized that the number of calls to report crimes on the 089 phone (enabled in February) increased by 1,500%. Just in that month the kidnapping of five people and nine cases of virtual kidnapping surfaced. And in Guadalupe, a municipality in the capital, a drug packaging and distribution center was located. During the operations, thousands of doses were seized, mainly methamphetamine and cocaine.

But in the face of the pandemonium that was unleashed after the elections on the 6th of the same month, the outgoing governor chose to recognize "the complex moments" that the entity is experiencing, and then publicly ask the federal government to send more elements of the National Guard , which would be added to the 2,000 that are already deployed in Zacatecas.



  1. Sinaloa are some brutal MF lets not forget They The ones who Created Mencho and thanks to Sinaloa that dude is alive he chose the right side at that moment plus Sinaloa war vs zetas did really forge the Sinaloa operatives for brutal war fare nothing CJNG those is gone surprised Sinaloa mercenaries .at the end SAPOACANAS like menchuda where ass lickers of El Chapo

    1. He did choose the right side at the moment and choose to split at the right time, before chapo would snitch on him, cds was really strong thanks to blo and the jalisco faction (nacho coronel) if you dont believe me just look at what happened when those two faction split feom cds, now one of those faction is bigger and stronger than cds, you cant always be on top, specially if you start snitching your strongest partners out of fear 😭

    2. Sadly they are all swimming in the pool of scumbaggery, regardless of flag they work under. So many innocents lost to this tidal wave.

    3. 8:48 CDS did not creat Mencho keep dreaming squid

    4. Sinaloa was never that brutal even when they were warring with the Z most of the dead Z were shot up. The Golfos and CJNG were the ones cutting up more Z than anyone else

    5. I wouldn’t say so much created Mencho,but when Mencho was with the Milenio Cartel he allied himself with the Sinaloa cartel(Nacho Coronel) and ever since his empire grew.

    6. I wouldn’t say so much created Mencho,but when Mencho was with the Milenio Cartel he allied himself with the Sinaloa cartel(Nacho Coronel) and ever since his empire grew.

  2. Jaliscas getting killed all over the state by Los flechas

  3. I said it before and I’ll say it again Zacatecas is and has been for a while a more important plaza than michoacan

    1. They go hand by hand, michoacan is were the chemicals for drug production comes in and zacatecas is were you have to go thrue to get the drugs up north, and Guadalajara is were you launder the money 😉 easy math, dont talk just because you dont like one state

    2. The Michoacán plaza ain’t worth shit

    3. Interesting. As a gringo living stateside I was under impression Michocan was the goldmine of ports, resources etc. Is it because Zac's an essential route north? I'm interested in knowing. Thanks, Ms.h

    4. In overall picture, absolutely. But there is a sense of pride that keeps them from giving up their home State of Michoacan.

    5. Michoacan is only important because of its port other than that all the tweeker cartels there live off of extorting and kidnapping their own people. You don't see that bs in Sinaloa.

    6. Of course it’s the way in to the northern states Michoacán is only good because of its ports because their girls are straight India’s 😂

    7. Your smoking crack bro
      You need to look into it more deeper
      Zacatecas is Just a corridor and it will benefit cjng more than CDS because of the plazas it controls..
      CDS just don't want to lose that PLAZA because it would make cjng RICHER

    8. Why? Drug sales spots?
      I'm curious

    9. Yea its got the best lands for silver and other natural resources. All that money that can be made is more important then the lifes of people according to corrupt government officials and foreigners that let this violence happen.

    10. Someone get this guys medal and pat on the back already

    11. You are 100% correct...

      -Holden D. Cash

    12. Didn’t they just hang some tweekers off a bridge for stealing tacos? And some kids that were killed? Way more bs going on in sinacaca @10:56 Chapitos don’t let people buy beer unless it’s from their owned businesses after a certain hour and they pay their workers less than minimum wage smh. Women getting killed daily because they cheat on their bf’s and husbands all the time for not being men it’s crazy down there

    13. pues AMLO ya lo dijo hace unos meses cuando la marina tomo control de los puertos dijo que los químicos venían de china y llegaban alos puertos pero que Hiba a cambiar la llegada de Quicos más al norte que según yo sería sonora. así que busquen información de esto . muchos le tiran que no hace nada que abrazos no balazos pero en este sexenio es diferente ahora se les ataca financieramente congelando cuentas. invitando bienes. dinero y ahora control de los puertos y cambio de puntos estratégico para mermar a que lleguen los químicos.

  4. Just south of our border and not a word in our corporate and government controlled media.

    1. "Just south of our border and not a word in our corporate and government controlled media"
      Who woke you up,try keep on topic there Albert.go get your violin

  5. Poor people of Mexico 🇲🇽. When will it end.+¹ maybe next Administration????


    2. Sadly, I only see this getting worse. Perhaps in a decade or two the US will get involved, Cartels will have the SILENT but incredibly well funded backing of China first and Russia second. That's my armchair opinion for 20 yrs from now if not sooner.

    3. Won’t happen over night idiot this that your seeing is the after math of epn administration

    4. Not for the foreseeable future. Maybe this will get over when barter system is implemented and everything available for everyone equally.


    5. Mexico needs ethnic cleansing or to be conquered by a communist state. They need to start from scratch with a new ruler. Perfect example of a failed culture are the repetitive comments that inhabitants from one state are better than their neighboring states. Thankfully this cleansing will be from within without a foreign force. The pun about a bucket full of crabs is the definition of Mexicans culture.

  6. "failed federal and state decurity strategies", first of all do they have such in place ? Maybe the strategy is for the benefit of some cartel. Definitely not for public. Churchill once said "if your enemy is making mistakes, don't disturb him". When 2 groups are fighting, save innocents and let the cartels keep fighting and die.


  7. I would think only a divine intervention can bring an ending. It's just so huge and out of control.


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