Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 26, 2021

Plateros, Zacatecas: Sinaloa Cartel Hangs Cattle Rustlers

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Early this Sunday morning 4 men were found dead. They had been tortured and subsequently hanged from a tree. Just as well they were shot in the head and left with a narco message from an organized crime group. 

The men were discovered on a ranch known as Las Perlitas, just before reaching the community of San Gerónimo. 

Authorities have not yet released the names of the deceased males. 

Due to these events the three levels of government have condoned off the area to preserve the crime scene. 

The Zacatecas Institute of Forensic Sciences has initiated their investigations. 

An anonymous person has commented that these individuals were the men who were interrogated on film and reported about here at Borderland Beat.

Narco message reads as follows:

This was our fate because we were stealing cattle. 

Peligro Zacatecas

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  1. If this was the fate of cattle stealing can't imagine the terror their enemies are feeling right now.

  2. Anyone tracking what’s going on in Magdalena, Sonora? @pespsonora

    1. Nope I am not tracking.

    2. Working on it. If you have any sources you recommend, please send them my way.

    3. good source is facebook page: Sonora Violento

  3. I think we need to arrange counselling for all the Mayo vs Chapitos deniers. They are at war get over it the empire is crumbling

    1. If it was really Mayo vs chapos it would be 2008 in culiacan all over again yet it is not.

    2. Son bien culos ahi por eso le pusieron Culiacan🤣🤣🤣 dijieron somos bien culos aqui, ahi que ponerle culiacan, esos dos grupos estan en guerra pero le tienen miedo a las balas por eso no se hacen nada los culos

    3. @7:45AM

      What exactly is indicative of this? Ruso vs Nini?

      My understanding of this situation is that Ruso is warring Nini against Mayo's orders and has essentially gone rogue. Not super indicative of a broader Mayo vs Chapito situation.

    4. It was pretty evident that mayo doesn’t care for chapitos. He left them alone to fend for them selves on the terrorist Day el Culiacánazo. Also it wouldn’t be Culiacán 2008 again. ABL was a boss to be reckoned with and that’s why the city felt it so hard. If we’re being honest mayo was never a war leader, it was chapo. At this point he’s so old and probably only battles dementia. Chapitos were kidnapped and ran away to Colombia after they were released. Not exactly fighters either. Unless you count them mobilizing shooters to point their guns at innocent women and children to free ovidio. Just facts 🤷 but of course we all know cdsnitches hate the truth.

    5. 9:04 that was different because of Arturo Beltran and his empire in Culiacan against CDS this is not the same thing

    6. @3:49

      I'm not a fanboy for any cartel, lol. I don't understand why anyone would be unless they play too much GTA and think it's all a big game for them to watch from north of the border. I was just curious what made someone think that there was an internal struggle between Mayos & Chapitos as I didn't think Ruso vs Nini was indicative of something broader. Obviously what happened today with Yiyos suggests something else.

      Mayo is old yeah, his son Mayito Flaco has taken over for him afaik.

  4. Stupid logo watermarks…

    1. @7:50 Exclusive and authentic content gets watermarked. Welcome to the internet.

    2. 10:39 - I get that. But this is excessive. There's ways to put a watermark that don't disrupt the content of a photograph. This is the complete opposite. It takes away from the content.

      Also, some outlets put watermarks to pictures that aren't even exclusive to them. Like Valor por Tamaulipas and sometimes Breitbart. Everyone lies on the Internet, too.

    3. Thats koo foo

    4. @11:48 They could add transparency, yes, and some people are very real as well on the internet.

  5. Hanged for cattle rustling? wonder what the punishment is for drug trafficking and murder?

    1. Dismemberment and discarded in bags for moms to see.

    2. A handshake, a gold star, and a good old boy slap on the back

    3. They dont usually punish other criminals. It’s usually defenseless people, innocents or women

  6. What people seem to forget or not realized is that if they cattle stealing they working for another cartel,cds is getting close to that guy from San Pablo named alonso perez he's in the cattle business working for cjng

    1. 8:24 what you failed to realize is if they had any conections to another cartel they would of said it in the video, they were just some random guys stealing cattle and since cds cant get to cjng they go for this cattle rustlers

    2. Sometimes thieves are just thieves. If they were involved with a rival cartel why did they not mention this in the video or the message with the bodies? This is brutal, especially since one of them seems to have just helped load them up after they were already stolen.

    3. 9:47 n 10:28 obviously u guys not from the area,my family is from the area n knows very well how things run so stop pretending

    4. 11:56 ok bud well my causins uncles sisters entenados friend knows a friend who knows a friend who knows another friend and he said cds are snitches 🤣🤣🤣

    5. That's true 1218

      My primos tio has a friend at the esquina taqueria overheard a dude named Juan who has an abuela whos neighbor is a lesbian say that said sinaloa sicarios are in her LGBTQ+ club and don't want to fight but are forced to. Pobrecitos


    6. 12:18 people like your are annoying as hell trying to make that stupid joke. That guy said he has direct family from there not that he knows people that know people jackass

    7. Thats koo foo

    8. 2:52 dont cry little flower, my concuño is from tlaltenango zacatecas he is really close to an ex menber of cdg, they are friends since they were little kids and he says cjng is winning in zacatecas, now do you believe me or are you just gonna believe 11:56? No llore bebe nomas porque tu cartel favorito esta perdiendo😉 he also did say things were really calm but now that cjng came into town its really bad, he said he would rather cds win but the reality is they are loosing

    9. @7:41 Eso dicen por que son contras, tú y tu concuño chinguen a su madre.

    10. @7:41 a ex member LOL and he knows all the information sure budy your little friend should had told you cjng is Zacatecas are CDG

    11. 7:41 its half and half no one is winning but i know where cds controls everything is calm like you say, thats true because cjng is working with ex cdg who were robbing and extorting people in fresnillo and Zacatecas and other places they use to be in so cjng is now doing the same shit and towns people from southern Zacatecas have beem complaining about it.

  7. Why do they call them cattle RUSTLERS? Is it because they wear Wrangler jeans and eat beef jerky with their boots on ?

    1. They make a hell of a rustle when they do it🤣

    2. Its the sound cotton and denim makes when grinding against wool while these guys rape the sheep and choke the chickens .

    3. You know I get raping the sheep they are practically asking for it but what kinda animal do you have to be to abuse chickens ?
      It just dawned on me that asking a bunch of mexicans who would abuse chickens might be asking the wrong crowd , since it is a part of their culture and prbly how most men from Mexico loose their virginity .So I would like to strike that question from the record so as not to heat up the cheerleaders and fangirls and disrupt the harmony that exists in the comment area of the BB website . Good day to you all .

    4. Well I know a person who knows a person who was a fluffer for the donkey show he ended up in a neckbrace with his jaw wired shut because someone disrupted the harmony and slapped the donkey on its ass but hit his balls it made him shit in his overalls . True Story !

    5. Who shit in their overalls the man or the donkey ? And is the fluffer position still available I got a friend in here who has been dying to find a gig like this and he would be perfect for the part , he does it a lot anyway and hes very passionate about his skills working underneath such an animal because hes got many hours in the hot seat his name is Sicario 006 and he will be thrilled if you could hook him up .

  8. So now it’s not just innocent borrachos and taqueros, they’re violently forcing innocent cattle ranchers to do videos instead of capturing high ranking enemies smh I’m done with CDS

    Broken hearted former cds cheerleader Kathi

    1. I don't think it's inocent cattle ranchers.

  9. Just like the old west. They hung cattle rustlers

  10. This is very interesting Benito Leaños the first guy interviewed here mentioned he stole some cattle from Samuel Monreal but Samuel Last name isn’t Monreal I think he said Monreal because Samuel takes care of the cattle for the Monreal family in the next town over that’s called Puebla del Palamar . He seemed to be having a difficult time remembering names . For people that don’t know , Mr Cruz Moreno was picked up in Plateros , Benito was picked up in Las Mercedes better know to locals as (Gervasio) that’ comes up next north of plateros and Puebla del palmar we’re The Monreal have there Ranches is a town north from las Mercedes . I want to mention Mr Cruz Moreno is the brother of another man that was hung from a bridge in Rancho Grande and there was also a Video Made . It was posted here by bb . I don’t know the third individual here on this last video . So I’m wondering if this was a direct hit from the Monreal family or if cjng did this to heat up the plaza even more . Why I’m saying this you may ask ? Is because Cjng is known to create fake Cds Facebook pages and post things there even asking for info on cjng and when people post guess what ? They get killed because there not posting on a cds page it’s actually a cjng page .
    Att : El Zacatecas

    1. 8:55 than they are not heating the plaza, they are controlong the plaza 😉

    2. So whos the Monreal family aligned with they were z back in the day no?

    3. Billy Jean it’s hard to say right now who the Monreal will align with . If they do . Rumors back in 2020 they said Monreal was with Cjng . I can’t say that right now . But as I recall it was Amalia Garcia that let the Zetas in . They even cut her hair and left her bald in the street . They totally humiliated her . Ricardo Monreal had finished his term so when Amalia Garcia entered her term all hell broke loose in Zac . I will say that at that time David Monreal the new Governor was The presidente municipal of Fresnillo at that time . So I can’t say they were connected . Ricardo Monreal took out a book that I’m eager to read called (La infamia - the infamy )were he recalls all the bad and dirty war against his family during that time . He is running for president for Mexico in 2024 I believe . Let’s see what happens . Right now the word in the street is the police is making the limpia and is going against both cartels making arrests . I guess will see wich ones survives . David will enter into office in august or September I’m not sure . Then will truly see which side will the tide turn and on who’s favor .

      On the cattle thief’s it was confirmed that it was the Sinaloa Cartel who did this . I don’t agree with that move . Maybe they should of shoped up a hand or something as to teach a lesson but this was brutal for stealing cows .
      Att : El Zacatecas

    4. 9:54 i agree mi Zacatecas in my town in the north they caught some people stealing cattle about a year ago and killed them, they were poor people from a small village that were known by everyone who thought that they did do wrong but did not deserve that punishment, pienso que con unas tabliadas para que aprendan. Ya no avido rateros en nuestra area como ase dos años avia muchos.
      Espero que el gobierno aplace alos dos lados parejos y asi se bajar la violencia en Zacatecas

  11. We humans always rationalize why we murder. In that sense, cartels and politicians (everywhere) are the same scum.


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