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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Reynosa, Tamaulipas: Organized Crime Executes Kidnapped Lawyer

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

He had been kidnapped: his face was covered with a shirt; his body was left on a dirt road, a few meters from El Pasito avenue, near the La Paz elevated bridge

The authorities analyzed the body tied hands and feet and covered the face with a shirt and then transferred the corpse to the morgue.

A few days after being kidnapped, the body of a lawyer was found on a dirt road of the Moreno subdivision tied hands and feet. His face was covered with a shirt, in addition to showing multiple signs of torture.

The discovery was registered at 8:00 a.m. yesterday on a dirt road, a few meters from El Pasito Avenue, near the La Paz elevated bridge.

At the site, the body of a lawyer identified as Adrián (N) was found, who was allegedly reported missing since last weekend.

Elements of the National Guard, elements of the State Police and the Investigative Police went to the crime scene, they made a report of the facts.

Once confirming the corpse was officially dead, the police requested the intervention of the experts from the Expert Services Unit of the Tamaulipas Attorney General's Office (FGJT), to examine it.

The place was cordoned off for more than an hour by the authorities while they carried out the proceedings. Residents of the Las Ceibas, Punta Norte and other neighborhoods had to wait to before entering or leaving.

The body of the man who wore Guess brand jeans, a white long-sleeved shirt and black socks, was tied hands and feet with pieces of rags. His face was also covered with a soccer T-shirt.

The experts superficially examined the body and realized that it had multiple traces of violence. For this reason he was transferred to the morgue by the experts so that the coroner could carry out the legal autopsy.

According to initial reports, the relatives told the authorities that the lawyer had been missing since last Saturday when he had gone out to eat.

In addition, it was unofficially said that the family had paid a ransom to release the lawyer, but those responsible didn’t comply with the deal, killed him and dumped him in the Moderno subdivision.

The General Investigations Unit started an investigation folder for the homicide against who or those who are responsible.

The body of the lawyer was found with multiple signs of torture on a dirt road of the Moderno subdivision.

El Pasito Avenue, near the Modern subdivision, was closed by the authorities for more than an hour.

El Mañana


  1. Well too bad for the lawyer, but "live by the sword," don't you know; come on, it's a lawyer after all.

    1. That lawyer was linked to organised crime ?

    2. 11:36 I have no idea of he was linked up, but interesting to note is that it is not uncommon for a wealthy gang/ cartel to approach academic ally gifted kids in the community. They will pay for their (otherwise Unaffordable)tuition and expenses to go to university and graduate with law degree, medical etc...then the individual is essentially a life slave to work for the cartels. Computer science, work cartel computers and VPN systems, medical, you patch up sicarios, law...well, you defend the cartel, you get the gist. Interesting stuff

  2. The family complied with the ransom and they still ended up killing him.
    Thanks to the country being a lawless, where anything goes. Obrador gives more rights to it's criminals than it's citizens.
    Furthermore what's the status on the farmers that have guns and are protecting themselves against criminals. Hope the Army did not take thier weapons away, when they should be taking them away from the Cartels.

    1. Authorities don't take away arms from csrtels rather they take cash. Cartel cannot make money easily if general public possess arms. If amlo make it legal for arms possession that would be really nice for both Mexico and USA.


    2. Would be really stupid and you know it.
      So go back to sleep in your pinky bed in el norte with 80.000 ODs and a murder rate like a 3rd world country.

  3. now reynosa is getting way more attention... just as planned.

  4. AMLO & Joe Biden are like twin brothers when it comes down to protecting innocent civilians..AMLO: Hugs not bullets, Joe Biden: Criminals belong on the streets

    1. Didn't know Biden is favorable among the NRA. Usually Republicans have a favorable rating for not enforcing gun laws.
      Think your comment has been debunked.
      Such idiots on this site.

    2. Biden learn from Amlo Hug

    3. 11:36. Everyone on this site is an idiot? And you are a genius. Dinners ready.

  5. Funny NG investigates kidnapping, they probably did it , lol


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