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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sonora: Los Cazadores Behead 2 Members From Los Yiyos

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Narco message reads as follows:

We’re on our way to Nogales you fucking mercenary sons of bitches. You’ve now awoken the Monster. 

A new video from the Mexican underworld has just surfaced online. For this broadcast 2 members from Los Yiyos, a criminal faction under the Mayo Zambada umbrella have been captured. 

The armed wing of Los Chapos known as Los Cazadores in Sonora have taken these men into captivity for their subsequent execution. 

A standard 4 inch folding knife is the weapon of choice that is used by a right handed hitman to execute his captives. 

Warning: Graphic Video

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: Who do you work for?

Captive: I work for La Fea. 

Sicario: Who else do you work for?

Captive: I also work for El 20. 

Sicario: Who else do you work for?

Captive: Just for those 2 individuals. 

Sicario: Who else did you mention to me earlier?

Captive: El Chapulín, Junior…

Sicario: Who else?

Captive: Peralta, El Junior, El Jilto…

Sicario: Who else?

(At 19 seconds the sound of a folding knife being deployed can be heard)

Captive: El Chapulín…

Sicario #2: Take this. (At 21 seconds the knife is being handed over to the executioner off camera). 

Sicario: Who else, who else fool?

Captive: Let me see…

Sicario: El Coyote who?

Captive: El Coyote.

Sicario: Who would deliver food for you?

Captive: El Coyote sir. 

Sicario: And who else?

(The execution begins)

Sicario #2: Damn this fucking blade is sharp as fuck. Take this knife. And cut off all his head. Make sure you place his cap back on. 

El Blog De Los Guachos


  1. No que no es Chapitos Vs Zambada? Here come the CDS groupies talking about this is all part of the show lmao

    1. Stfu already with the same shot on every post

    2. Actually its different people we know it bothers the reddit groupies so we troll them

    3. Hay raza que dice que en realidad el yiyo ya es operativo de caro quintero,alguien aur lo confirme o desmienta? Aunque desconozco como operen en Nogales.

    4. 3:11 we all know it’s the same pocho with no life doing that shit. his fata$$$ moms and pops from michoacan need to take away his phone 😂

    5. 3:11 you can also mention that mencho is 5’0 that really bothers the Reddit groupies

    6. 5:44 or Chapos 4’9

    7. 7:43 have you seen the videos of el chaputo in prison? he’s taller than all the chilango men and he’s considered short in the north 😂

    8. The hat says “Cazador 58” on the side.

  2. Sic006 please provide intel.

    Why would Chapitos crews go to war with Mayos crew?
    Is there infighting in CDS ?
    Who is better trained Chapitos sicarios or Mayos sicarios?
    Who has better weapons?
    Are these Tier 1 Operators ?
    I know Azul faked his death ,on whos side is Azul?

    Be safe out there Sicario006

    1. Sicario 006 is playing with his Barbies. He need time to come up with a story.

    2. I dont think it would be wise to make jokes about a highly trained Operator with access to 6G tablets and contacts with inteligence agencies and special forces from different countries.

      He seems to know a lot about what is going on.

    3. Then you really don’t know your stuff Azul is definitely death …heart attack

    4. Sicario 006 is busy right now flipping burgers at macdonals

    5. 1:56 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i hope you are been sarcastic about sicario 006 knowing what is going on 😂😂😂😂 and if your not been sarcastic i have a pink flying elefant that i can sell to you

    6. I'm sure they are joking, I hope so. But I to would like that question answered as well

    7. 4:20 people really believe that?? Lol

  3. Its low level operators 😢😢😭


  5. There goes my breakfast.

  6. As soon as two little whiny bitches complained the negative chief guy was banned but don't let it be cheerleaders, trolls, 006, or others because they get VIP treatments by moderaters.

    1. Negative chief

    2. I know, they weren't cheerleading or anything and I thought it was funny. One reason, I think, BB tolerate cheerleaders and trolls is because they produce a chain of comments and hence views. Benign comments like "negative chief" are pushed aside lest squealing fans of trolls/cheerleaders have their reading experience slightly disturbed.

    3. I didn't know you could get banned by BB. Wtf? I see all sorts of shitty comments on here, but whatever.

    4. Dont ban Sic006 . He is very tacticool and has great one liners.

    5. El Señor 006 earned the VIP treatment. I have never seen him break the rules of the blog. He does not interact with anyone. He makes wirites his comment and goes back to the sierra to fight the contras.

    6. The easy way to insure your comment will go through is to complain it is not going through and they will immediately let it go through so the piranhas can devour you.

    7. 2:01

      006 has broken the rules way back at his start but only on two occasions. The "negative chief" has NEVER broken any rules.

    8. Things are bad for CDS but these internal beefs are necessary.

      Everyone knows once MZ dies of old age and chapitos die from sida/aids then el Senor Sicario 006 will once again make CDS the most powerful dto in the world!!! 💪🏼

    9. Inconclusive chief

    10. Look everyone knows on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays Sicario 006 puts down his tactical vest his Ak74 and his ballistic helmet and adorns a lovely sun dress and he has his hair did and straps on a pair of bedazzled tactical sandals and hits the corner and sells kisses to all mem in la zona and then in the evenings he does a dinner theater gig with a donkey and a little monkey that he beats thr shit out of . Its got him nominated for 3 tony awards and a lifetime memership in the Film Actors Guild (FAG) . So his plate and his dance card are always full . So give hin a break he can only spread himself so thin . (pun intended) .

    11. And if you say a female narco is "hot" you can be sure your comment will not get through.

  7. There is No INFIGHTING in CDS
    (Cdsnitches groupies) 😆

    1. I mean I agree with you but 6/11 comments on here are from you spamming basically the same comment over and over. just shut up man and BB needs to do a better job at moderation, I leave comments that contribute to the conversation and never get posted yet this clown is spamming garbage and it all gets posted.

    2. No one is saying that lol

    3. 1:14 cds cheerleaders say it all the time, they believe a corrido more than true facts🤣🤣🤣

  8. Cmon Cartel De Sinaloa how you going to defeat CJNG if you are fighting each other ??

    1. I know huh fukn idiots.those chapitos fault.nobody want to bow down to those young ass foos spoiled ngz but they r doing good puting in work tryna to earn respect.MZ gots the wisdom he is more powerful..chapitos aint gonna last too much longer and see

    2. many don't see it but they have been fighting since mayo killed
      Edgar and to avoid a war of all proportions just killed all the amtrax sicarios and extradition of most mayo's children and a clone of el chapo.

  9. CDS GROUPIES remind me of my narcissist ex girlfriend 😆
    She would MAKE up stories and hated when she was WRONG
    Even if I had evidence that she did SOMETHING wrong she would deny it..
    Let's see what THESE groupies will say about this STORY.. 😆

    1. Your fault you picked a psycho girlfriend.

    2. Orale cap locks nino.

    3. 11:34 take it easy on them cheerleaders Caps Lock dude, dicen par ahi, tu niegalo asta que te agarren con las manos en la masa y si te agarran con las manos en la masa siguelo negando🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 asi los porristas del cds

    4. 12:19 she's my EX for a REASON lol

  10. The pic of the older dude at the top of the article shows him wearing a cross around his neck. Is this person that clueless as to the obvious contradiction here?

    1. Even the most cruel people still believe in spirituality. For instance the whyte peepo in America. Justice and liberty for all? Yeah ok.

    2. Thats koo foo

    3. 12:20 stop drinking the leftist Kool-Aid. Most white people aren't racist. The younger generation has been brainwashed and you guys don't even see it.

    4. @12:50 PM Damn!!!!!! That’s the realest thing I’ve read today

    5. Spirituality doesn't specifically mean God and Christ. The Cross however, symbolizes both.

    6. 1220. At least they don't live at grandma house like you & yo peeps.

    7. Do you think Jesus wants to see a fuckin cross when he comes back ? Everybody wearing crosses and crosses all over the earth are the primary reason he will not return . Not until people put the crosses down and stop glorifying his death . These are the same people who would go up to Jackie Onasis wearing a sniper/rifle pendant to tell her they were sorry Jfk was shot in the head . (B.Hicks) rip

  11. No breakfast for me Dr Sol.

  12. I wonder if Salazar's are gonna get in this by looks of it they're biggest of the cds groups in Sonora

    1. Isn't Los Paredes the biggest cds group in sonora?

    2. Maybe they do control AP bt Salazar's are present in more areas

    3. No sir ... Salazares are bigger ... way bigger

    4. @8:42 los tintines and los Plumas under los paredes basically. But I heard one of those leadership started having problems with El Jaguar they wanted too stop sending him resources too chihuahua. That true?

  13. CJNG cheer leader busting nuts cause they know the only way they can defeat CDS is with them infighting 😂 if CJNG was so big and bad CDS would be unified out of fear like when the Zetas and Beltranes teamed up and gave chapo and Mayo nightmares. They had those clowns living in military camps! Mencho and CJNG just don’t inspire the same fear in rival cartels that zetas and ABL once did.

    1. 12:41 PM CJNG is already in Sonora Mayozetasrat king is dead no one respects him. Les salio Caro el asuto buchonas snitchaloas.

    2. Its not cheering when you are stating facts and the fact of the matter is cds are infighting, and the cds cheer squad were in denile.
      Whats the excuse now? I want to hear it

    3. Negative chief. Chapo & Mayo used the government to defeat ABL and Zetas. They also turned a lot of their people in or to die (Alfredo beltran, arellanos, nacho Coronel, ondeado, chino antrax etc.) They no longer have the same support. Chapitos been kidnapped like biatches and mayo is older than the Bible at this point 😂 they can’t even keep order in Culiacan people are tired of them messing with the innocents. El culiacanazo woke people up

    4. 3:42. “Culiacanazo woke people up” it really didn’t and if you lived in Mexico you’d know that. unfortunately the chapitos dick riding in Sinaloa is still very popular

    5. Si 1241 i busted 3 nuts.

      Dehydrated Kathi

    6. It don't matter if you use government this is war. Chess not checkers its not like Arturo didn't have government officials. So miss me with that even at the height of the beltran zeta alliance you couldn't take out CDS

    7. 8:07 you are correct BLO had good political ties but Chapo had the President in his pocket and he couldnt take tijuana neuvo laredo Juarez the list goes on and on.

    8. 3:42. The Arellanos were not CdS people..they were mortal enemies. What a dumb comment.

    9. Since alfredos, arrest and arturos death hasn't been the same is been 12 years since the snitches became the bosses and there's vamos all over mexico that lets you all know who el jefe was, with respect every thing runs smooth and Arturo was and still respected all trough Colombia los traidores no body respect them, no control because your fist is not strong enough to be respected.

    10. 12:02 yup…I think looking back now it’s obvious the Beltranes were the ones that made CDS strong. Arturo was destined to be the true leader of Sinaloa but chapo and mayos jealousy didn’t allow it.

    11. 2:31 destined to lead so he was hiding out in Cuernaveca afraid of chapos goons...

    12. While they each may have had some level of support, CDS had the president at the time Calderon and the majority of his government taking out Zetas. When ABL joined Zetas he lost his government support. You dont see CJNG using that tactic. Why? Because the government fucks you over in the end. Look at vicentillo and chapo. What’s happened to all but one of mayos sons? Where did it get CDS? What plazas do they run? Culiacaca? @8:07

    13. They weren’t always mortal enemies. And even if you disagree, the rest is actually a good point jackass @8:16

    14. If you go down to Culiacán and no not the tourist areas I guarantee you they feel different. They may not be able to be vocal about it out of fear but people aren’t content with chapitos @5:39

    15. 5:05 hiding out? LOL Arturo was partying in his territory, he was always in the south because that was his turf. Unlike Chapo and Mayo who were in the sierra madre in military camps from January 2008 -December 2009 🤣look at what Alex Cifuentes himself said, Chapo had nightmares about ABL and would wake up in cold sweats paranoid he was going to find him

  14. So MZ fighting with chapitos ..and arent they both fighting with Isidro and Beltran too?

    1. Apparently isidro and MZ are not fighting anymore

    2. Yes lots of infighting in CDS. There is no real leader to keep order anymore. It will become the next CDG in the near future

    3. Isidro is on chapitos side made truce beigre chapo was captured reason why they got Mochis

    4. 3:37 CDS is structured completely differently than CDG. CDS horizontal structure means even if all the big factions go down the lower and mid ranked cells will be fine after a couple years of infighting for control.

    5. incorrect 3:43 hes on Mayos side if the truce is valid. Isidiro would never deal with Chaputos

    6. CDG was once structured like that as well. The old bosses betrayed many in CDS, there will be many split groups once the cookie crumbles hence the infighting going on @5:31


  16. How do people think Sinaloa cartel is the most powerful when everyone knows that civil war is bad for business.

    If chapitos bend the knee to MZ then maybe peace. We know that wont happen.

    Sinaloa cartel is over.

    Constipated Kathi

    1. Full of shit Kathi😂

    2. Its just low level Sicarios 😢😢😩

    3. Civil war ?? Ha ha lmao
      Its not a Civil War

    4. 6:07 reddit groupie. Looks like you wont be sporting your black hat and ovidio button up for long. CDS gonna crumble

    5. Definitely things are shaky atm if not reigned in things will get much worse

    6. Kathi if you are walking around telling people that you are some kind of sicaria or if you are acting a foo in front of your naighbors or family pretending to be a big time connected person you will be punked

  17. Hitman sporting some fine jewelry. Like he's at the theater.

  18. Who is the guy wearing a hat?

  19. Animo Sicarios !
    These men were caught trying to betray El Mayo but our American-Israeli trained special forces operators were quick to react with their encrypted network and 6G tablets.
    Pura Gente del Señor del Sombrero. - did I do it right?

    1. You will be reported to Sicario006!!

      His tier 1 operators will run your IP address on their 6G network and locate you using face recognition software which has been modified by Mossad.

    2. All most keep trying

    3. Not bad 2:53

      We can only wish for 006 to honour us civilians by giving 1 of us his used tactical kevlar huaraches after DARPA and Nike Research make him another pair.

      Buchona Kathi

    4. Wack. There is only one Sicario006

    5. Kathi you are far from buchona more like mamona so keep your chichonas out of the enchilada and take off that mini falla before you wind up slippin like a chavala , holla back if you hear me

  20. Youngsters caps lock kid, clown kids, cheerleaders for Cjng, CDs, gohfers, negative kid, Reddit kids time for you lol to form up a baseball team and go play. An old school geezer is complaining to the site that you kids are driving him crazy, he was to give money, for when the site is on volunteer status, no money accepted from him, because he is the type that regardless he will continue to hazzle. Volunteers don't want the hazzle.

    1. Are you talking about the guy who donated $10 bucks? Hes always complaining and asking for the old forum back or some shit? If i was BB i would just give his 10 dollars back and block him, pa que lla deje de llorar 😢😢😢😢

    2. @411 Buggs brought the forum back and asked for $10 per month donations for help with forum maintenance. Many forum people kicked in to help. Know what you talking about before you talk shit. I think "old timers" just want the forum back so they don't have to read the stupid shit.

  21. FEA? As in Fuerza Especiales Avendaño???

  22. That's brutal, CDS had it easy in that region just picking on the AVERAGE guys.
    They would beat people up for any REASON.
    I was told by locals in that area of Sonora how SICARIOS would beat the he'll out of YOU if you got into a domestic violence SITUATION with your Lady. Or for the hell put of it. Now they will get a taste of their own medicine.
    If I were them I would get the he'll out of there.

    1. Your upset because wife beaters got hands put on them for beating their wives... Wonder why

  23. Puro this puro that,fuck off,clown ass bitches,you need a fuckin slap

  24. Koo foo and negative chief and Kathie and the rest of the clown circus. Can have all this to themselves it's embarrassing and bye because I'm not going to read this garbage anymore

    1. You crybabies don't have to read comments. I mostly read articles and once in awhile skim the comments. Some are pretty funny and others add no value. Doesn't matter so go find a hobby if all you do is cry about moderation. The BB staff is awesome with contributions. Who are you to tell them what to do.

    2. 9:50 thank you.

  25. Cds has always infighted.

  26. Yeap them sonora goons out there have always been ruthless since 2010 and back when they left numerous chopped up bodies in a suburban. they have been fighting amongst each other out there with these types of barbaric killings its nothing new for all these groupies thinking it will effect cds in other states

  27. These fuckers have no shame. doing this tupes of shit to thier own people for a couple pesos. So some fat coward snitch motherfucker can make a few more millions to make up for his broken dick and lack of manhood. And to think people admire these vatos.Go head up like some actual men.

    1. @11:15 pm. And to think people like you can't get enough of this type of people.

  28. La fea? Como la f.e.a, esos son chapiza

  29. I would love to hear MX’s opinion on the internal issues in CDS


    1. Did you not forget there's is an old school Grampa in here, trying to pay Sol Dr. to get rid of the cheerleaders. Including you the cap locks kid.

    2. 11:03 i think he said he was gonna quit reading BB 🤣🤣😂 he is a few comments up, 8:37 pm to be exact 😂😂😂😂 he couldnt take it anymore

    3. Bring back the forum guy!!!! Right here

  31. I love the infighting on BB commentators. Interrogation video of Affirmative Chief kid coming soon, followed by his body on display (headless) with poster reading: "This happened to me because I left the repetitive nonsense comments on the greatest blog about Mexico."

  32. lots of ppl talk down on cds but the truth is and that’s they’re still not fully united and are still giving cjng big problems. if cds was united like back in the day cjng would get washed but that’s not the case. tbh cjng is a huge organization with los cuinis but too many wars on all these fronts is very bad for them. they better stay away from isidro because if they somehow pick a fight with him it’s a wrap cjng is getting destroyed, that’s why they basically bought nayarit because they knew they couldn’t take it themselves and it saved them lots of men too.

    1. 5:58 no mames, "if cds was united like back in the day cjng would get washed" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 guey ni con la ayuda de todo el perro govierno no pudieron con los Z ni el CDJ
      Lo que es hablar nomas por hablar y creerse de los corridos exagerados 😂😂😂😂

    2. @1:27 Los que terminaron con ayuda del gobierno fueron todos los contras de CDS, pero por supuesto que no lo entiendes porque eres un morrito meco.

  33. Its like a classroom of retarded adhd babies in here all crying and screaming at the same time .Some want attention some want to bully the other ones some are tryin to start fires and 1 or 2 of did their home work and came here to learn sonething and educate themselves and hopefully make changes in the world that benefit everyone . Its unfortunate that the teachers run from the trouble and act like its not my job to discipline the bad ones . Not for what we get paid . Well you knew what you were getting into when you accepted the job and that its not your normal place of learning. And how do you discipline a bunch of shitty ethnic children without looking like a racist asshole ? No Im asking you How do you do that? Cause I cant figure it out ?

    1. People that complain are starting to be more also and are getting annoying as well.
      Also about the ethnic kid education. You dont educate them you let them drop out.

    2. 6:21 first of all no BB contributer is getting paid, second of all i think you are the complaining snitch kid in the classroom, and last of all school never ends even when you dont go to school anymore, in other words we are school kids all of our lifes🤣🤣🤣😂😂

    3. 6:21 You got a real point at how
      you discribe the kaotic scene in here. Some want to absorb and reply to the article at hand, but then you have the authistic kids getting out of control.
      Then you had old school Grampa voice his concerns about the kids.
      Kid stop missing your Zoom classes, or no semame street.

    4. 9:05 i bet you are really fun at parties

  34. El doble X (20) and el del sombrero(yiyo) are brothers i thought el camello (j3,camello) leader of los 7 demonios had been killed by police but i saw that yall listed him as detained?


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