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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Validity of Pegasus Program Will Be Reviewed: López Obrador

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The president informs that it will be analyzed if it still exists or if the espionage program was canceled; Questions Enrique Peña Nieto's government investment to spy on him and his family.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his conference at the National Palace

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced that it will be reviewed whether his government maintains or canceled the contract with the Israeli company that provided the Pegasus espionage program.

The Commander in Chief said that all the instances involved in the espionage case during the previous administration will review if there is still any link with the Pegasus program, and if the contracts are maintained they will be terminated, since his administration has as a principle not to spy on opponents or journalists.

"No. I don't know if the contract can exist. And I'm going to review it and today we're going to report on it. What I'm absolutely sure of is that no one is spied on," López Obrador said.

Will the contract be renewed? He was questioned.

"We would have to see who has it. An investigation will be done. If the contract exists, it must be canceled. I don't think it exists, but the review must be done anyway, and what I have no doubt about is that we don't spy on anyone," López Obrador said.

He questioned that the previous administration has invested money from the budget to hire the espionage service, and that among those who were followed were him, his wife, his children and a total of 50 people from his closest circle.

"Of course, they spied on me, for a year or two, well, many more. But now it’s been announced that they also spied on my wife, my children, well even the doctor who treats me, the cardiologist.

Fifty people close to me, but it wasn’t only in my case, there were journalists, everyone" (...) "Imagine how much it cost, how much money was destined for espionage," he said.

He stressed that there are records that he has been spied on since the seventies of the last century, when he was an official of the National Indigenous Institute and was not an opponent.

He commented that it will be investigated which instances authorized the acquisition of the Pegasus program, who paid for the licenses, and who and with what criteria authorized spying on journalists and opponents.

He added that he will not denounce to any judicial instance the espionage he suffered throughout his political career.



  1. I love ALMO but I'm not dumbie. He is spying on opponents to. Every politician wants power so he is spending pesos on espionage servicios.

    Paloma Kathi

  2. Some in government of Mexico do stupid, ignorant stuff just to create novela, for example the Ambassador has stated.
    They want to establish ties with North Korea.
    They were going to let the Wiki Leaks Allage stay in Mexico.
    They accepted Sputnik v vaccine for covid19, but yet it's in storage at a where house.

    1. Mexico can't feed themselves, how is mexico help N.K.

  3. I've always said he's Mexico's version of Trump

    1. He’s close. The main difference between the two is that AMLO actually has a basic understanding of how government works (the checks and balances, powers of each branch) and possesses a background in social work.

    2. He's just as childish and incompetent as Trump.

      Corey Feldman

    3. U think Trump would put up with the Cartels? I don't think so

    4. 11:20 amlo a life long politician who fought the political establishment all his life for the poor and marginalized is the same as a spoiled brat from NYC who never really fought for any political causes until the mid 2010s…sure buddy you’re smoking some powerful stuff. The only similarity between the 2 is how the political establishment and the media in both their respective countries went/are going at them with everything they got. PRI searched for decades for something to use against him and the best they can come up with is a video of his brother with $7,500 dollars for AMLOs campaign….pena Nieto took a 100m bribe from the Sinaloa cartel but those rats were real quite back then. And politically they are basically complete opposites so stop speaking non sense

    5. 3:54 Negative chief.

    6. Amlo is the real deal just like grump was some motherfuckers don’t like to hear the truth!!

    7. Pretty accurate

    8. @3:54 thank you. Unfortunately you're talking to a sack of rocks.

  4. I think what a lot of the people on BB don't understand is that AMLO is a constitutionalist. Very conservative. A lot of people have called him a socialist or even a Bernie Sanders but he's far from. Many of the programs he's introduced to the mexican people are based on U.S domestic policies.

    1. 11:26 yes cry me a river.
      You are very blind to letting the Cartels run rampant, you forgot to mention the highest homicides in Mexico yearly.
      They guy you love cares a rats azz about the citizens.

    2. Why follow a foreign policy that has been controversial from the beginning? American policies are biased and intended to keep inequality and public criticism from its citizens.
      Wife stated it best; with the release of taxes paid by billionaires recently. The system is rigged for the majority. Reffernce to all those working for peanuts only to pay more than these individuals. The enslavement of people to enrich those elites.
      For those who differ; minimum wage has only kept the majority poor.

    3. Wow u believe he is conservative like Castro lol

    4. 12:56 nobody mentioned Castro, what the eff are you talking about. Castro forced his way into power, AMLO won the election. SMH. La neta, mejor no digas nada. You make yourself look stupid.

      11:26 homicides in mexico have leveled out. They were increasing yearly at a rate of 10k per year. With AMLO in office they've hovered around 35k which is still a lot but atleast we're not increasing. Does he care for the citizens? I could name atleast 10 programs under his administration which proves he does. Ask me and I'll be more than happy to list them for you.

      11:52 why follow U.S foreign policy? Why not, maybe it'll be an incentive to keep people from migrating to the neighboring country up north. My aunt just came to visit, she's a senior citizen, she said she's getting roughly $200 a month from the mexican government. De eso a nada, pues mejor eso. Think of the number of military bases, government funded trade schools, government funded Healthcare and the endless amount of resources we have in the U.S. why shouldn't mexico be allowed to have the same. After all, these are the programs "inept" AMLO is pushing for. As far as taxes go, regardless of whatever, you're going to pay into the tax pool whether you want to or not, no ands ifs or buts. It's a fact of life. The politicians will ultimately decide where to direct your funds and you have no say. You can kick and pout all you want bit it won't make a difference. In the case of AMLO he's using it for the improvement of Mexico. (Ask me how, I'll be happy to list his administrations achievements so far) in the case of Americans, your tax money goes to funding foreign countries and endless wars overseas.

    5. 1154 why follow U.S domestic policy*

  5. Amlo is quite a useful idiot.

    1. He has daily conferences, but achieves nada!

    2. I believe all presidents are useless. Never working for it's citizens. Rather those who fund their campaigns and ones pockets. Many good candidates are more qualified but lack the financial aspects to actually win.

  6. The Mexican version of "Sleepy Joe" aka Joe Biden

    1. Is that you Queso hiding behind this comment lol.

    2. Your way off bud nothing close to bidan more like a trump you fuckers hate hearing the truth 😆😆

    3. 9:23 how did you know it was me,
      yes I'm a sore loser, I like Trump more than my wife.

  7. Amlo trutly loves Mexico 🇲🇽💙❤♥💖💕 , but he is no Dummy , he knows what the real reasons of why Mexico has suffered so much

  8. I’m no fan of AMLO, yet hope he leverages this injustice against EPN and other predecessors.

  9. I am Corey Fartman and love Sol.

  10. AMLO is playing everyone for chumps. According to a story in the Washington post a list of 50,000 phones targeted by the Pegasus spyware included 15,000 from Mexico.
    The BBC reports “ The phone of Mexican journalist Cecilio Pineda Birto also appeared twice on the list, including in the month before he was murdered, the investigation found.
    His phone disappeared from the scene of the murder so a forensic examination was not possible. NSO said that even if his phone was targeted, that did not mean that data collected was connected with his murder.”

    NSO is the Israeli company selling the spyware as legitimate reconnaissance software…

  11. For all you speak trash about amlo you need to live here in Mexico to see what’s truly been done it hasn’t been easy he’s just starting to scratch the surface of 50 plus years of Mexico’s corruption you can’t expect for shit to happen over night

    1. 10:19 lol I can't stop laughing.
      Barely scratching the surface!
      OMG, you got to be kidding me, he will almost be two years in office and barely scratching the surface. Well at least you're one of the few that believe in him, also don't forget the high homicides that contribute daily.

    2. @8:44 the homicides is all you're aware of because the only source of Mexican news you follow is BB. you have blinders on and you don't even know it.

  12. Just arrest EPN already. Oh wait you’re a crook just like the rest. You and your fucking brother.

    1. You got it Edgar Alvarado 👍

  13. "Will Review". Very hilarious. AMLO thinks that the Mexican citizens are very stupid or he is the worst president that Mexico ever had who doesn't know what's going on in his government.


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