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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Tlayacapan, Morelos: Human Remains Found, Increase In Violence

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Just before 7 am this morning police received a call about the discovery of human remains in black plastic bags in the Cinco de Febrero neighborhood in the town of Tlayacapan. 

The Morelos Police arrived at the crime scene, as well as other authorities, including the personnel of the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) who carried out the removal of the body.

Authorities are currently investigating to identify the victim. 

There has been an uptick in violence following increased pressure by police for the capture of Francisco Javier Rodríguez Hernández aka “El Señorón”. The Morelos government has announced a reward of half a million Mexican pesos for his immediate apprehension.

Within the past week more than 10 executions have been recorded by authorities. 


Narco message reads as follows:

This will be the fate of everyone who sells crystal meth. 

La Crónica de Morelos



  1. Pin the mata on the Mexican, a cartel favorite!

    1. I heard wanna be Sicaros have to prove they can do the job. For $300 they have to take a premade Manta and pin it on anyone walking at night, but kill the person first.

  2. When BLO was in Morelos, it was peaceful.

    1. Was BLO pushing meth?

      China White Kathi

    2. Because there was no competition

    3. Negative chief.

  3. There goes my dinner Dr. Sol....

  4. Narcomanta on a pizza cardboard box? wtf.

  5. Not that graphic . . Understand that these killings for the most part are in the neigborhoods where most people don't go . . a loading dock, a sidewalk. Those hanging from bridges are very public . but probably in a small neighborhood as well. . No travel at night, no bars/strip cups after sunset, no ATMs, no getting buzzed . . Mexico is good to go otherwise . . . fly to those places and skip the border highways . . Costa Grande is very good to visit. .

  6. Thats what we need to do in the USA .You get caught you get your ass kicked bad ! You get caught dealing you get torn apart and thrown to the pigs . That way we can disconnect ourselves from Mexico and never have to hear the stupid argument that its our fault for Mexico being the way that it is now .Which is the biggest piece of shit lame excuse ever for the most unintelligent idiots to cry about . Do you honestly think you can resurrect evil by conjuring it up giving it life and then send it to somewhere else and it wont come back on you 10 fold ? Thats Black Magic 101 . And if you thought you could handle the chaos you create in your little labs in the forrests hiding from the world that you infect , Hows that working out for you now ? Its just a matter of time before it consumes you . Evil has no boundaries .

    1. Well, they did teach them how to cook Meth. And don’t forget that the cartels exist for the US drug market. Not for their own.

    2. So all these killings are not for their local markets ? Gtfo Mexico has created a monster and its loose on Mexican soil now and its just gonna get worse because no one knows how to deal with it .It'll be just like the Philippines to the point of just killing anyone and everyone that has anything to do with meth . Which is the only way to deal with it .


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