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Friday, July 9, 2021

US$1.19 Billion in Marijuana Seized in Historic Drug Bust in California

"Anonymous" for Borderland Beat
Authorities said Wednesday that they seized $1 billion worth of illegal marijuana in the largest eradication effort in Los Angeles County history.
Authorities in Southern California have seized more than 16 tons of marijuana worth an estimated $1.19 billion, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department officials said Wednesday. The 10-day sting is the largest eradication of illegal marijuana cultivations in the history of the department.

The operation, which began on June 8, resulted in 22 felony arrests, 109 misdemeanor arrests, and 19 arrests from water theft enforcement teams, officials said. More than 200 locations were served with search warrants. Nearly 375,000 marijuana plants and 33,480 pounds of harvested marijuana were seized, along with 65 vehicles, 180 animals and $28,000.

On Tuesday, Rep. Mike Garcia, who represents the area, said he saw many illegal greenhouses by helicopter.

"I saw hundreds, if not thousands, of these illegal nurseries throughout our desert being manned by primarily illegal immigrants," Garcia said.

"Over 90% of the folks working these farms are indentured servants of some form. They’re stealing our water, in many cases they’re squatting on our land."

Officials say they believe international cartels are behind the illegal large-scale marijuana farms.

"We're talking about the cartels," Lancaster, California, Mayor Rex Parris said at a Wednesday press conference.

"We are not talking about mom and pop people selling marijuana that they grew in their backyard. This is the cartels. We are very very close to driving down the freeway and seeing bodies hanging from the overpasses. That is what's coming."

While California legalized the recreational use of marijuana in 2018, illegal grows of the crop have been on the rise in the state.

Detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Narcotic Bureau identified over 500 illegal marijuana cultivations in 2021, increasing from the 150 identified in 2020, according to a June statement. Detectives found that the average size per cultivation at farms increased to 15 greenhouses, up from eight per farm in the year prior.

"What we want to do is send a clear and loud message to the cartels and anyone doing an illegal operation in the high desert: Your days are over and we're coming for you," said Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger said the impacts of illegal marijuana cultivation by cartels include water theft, human trafficking, pollution and threats to safety and security.

Authorities say the grows in remote areas can also harm the environment by using banned pesticides and hazardous chemicals that can pollute streams and ground water supplies. Growers also steal millions of gallons of water with illegal wells or by taking it under cover of night from wells maintained by local alfalfa, potato and carrot farmers, authorities said.

"This illegal activity is impacting the quality of life for residents and businesses and if left unaddressed will have long lasting and devastating affects in the region," Barger said.

She called on the district attorney to prosecute those arrested in the operation. Villanueva said that he will share the district attorney's prosecution decision publicly once it's made available.

"This is an issue that is plaguing, and will continue to plague, if we do not make it very uncomfortable and one way to make it uncomfortable is to prosecute," Barger said.

The Californian marijuana black market is thriving, in part because hefty legal marijuana taxes send consumers looking for better deals. Tons of marijuana have been discovered in law enforcement raids this year in rural Southern California areas.


  1. It’s actually the moms and pops making these crops. The laws use the cartel excuse to raid them and keep big weed in business.

    1. It would be interesting to see the names of the arrested.

      I am inclined to agree though. Usually its US citizens who are running these camps or invest in them.

    2. Uh, this *is* big weed. Really big. And these folks are really not from ‘round here.

    3. 12:10 go back and read the says clearly it's not mom and pop run. You will see the answer.

    4. The actorities never get involved, even if the grifa gets planted in their noses,
      until it is ready to market.
      Then the price gets inflated to charge the government a bigger commission for the sharp cuicos.

    5. It’s funded by independents, small time and big time. Many people that pool their resources together not the cartel. They hire immigrants to work the crop. In case you didn’t know these people don’t get edd to sit on their asses at home they need to work any job available.

    6. Keep deluding yourself-this problem is illegal criminal alien groups and the failure of open borders.

    7. Mexicans are not ALIENS
      The European are the ALIENS

  2. Keep taking immigrants and give them citizenship... Cartel sponsored migrants will work for the cartel.. maybe this is why china keeps their own citizens in camp to check their activites.. my parents were in refugees camp before granting citizenship.. in a way its better for security reasons..


    1. To gain citizenship isn't so easy for a foreign born person "Kathi"

    2. Kathi you are right should of keep your peeps in that camp.

    3. Wow why didn’t anyone else think of that you’re so smart kathi

  3. The only old skool I know is Cheech and Chong up in smoke

  4. Excellent 👍 catch, glad they siezed the mota and some suspects. While in Mexico the Mexican Marina siezes drugs, but rarely suspects. That reminds me, Marina's are behind in meeting thier quota.

  5. Sounds like Mayor Perris is one of those people that love to exaggerate, If he only knew how stupid he looks. We are not very close to start seeing bodies hanging on overpasses, The Cartels would have to take over the local and state governments while the federal government refuses to approach them head on. That is not gonna happen over some marijuana growers who grow illegally because they refuse to pay taxes. This is all homegrown, maybe there is some cartel involment here and there but i doubt it's all cartel operations, I bet it's between the growers and dispensaries, they just simply refuse to follow regulations and didn't want to pay the high fees. Cartels have plenty of space in the sierras, to grow weed if they choose to, they won't get caught as easy as in here, even tho most hardly even do it now since there isn't much financial gain anymore, even tho I'm sure some still are involved. But nothing like back then.

    On a side note, even if I believe that these politicians are exaggerating trying to scare people, and their comments of cartels leaving bodies soon are far fetched, there is no denying that there is a black market going on, And this serves as an example to those that say legalization is the answer, legalization will cut off the bad guys income and drive them out of business. This is part of a billion dollar marijuana black market thriving on a state where marijuana is legal.

    1. There is very much a scare tactic to this... the cartel isn’t going to hang bodies from bridges in the US without a full assault from the US govt based on the outrage of its citizens... What’s not being realized is that many residents in California are investing in these operations... the black marketing is thriving bc of excess taxation, permits, & fees... it will continue to as long as it remains this way...

      -Holden D. Cash

  6. " We are very very close to driving down the freeway and seeing bodies hanging from the overpasses. That is what's coming"

    Yeah, like dirty and crooked sherrifs who take bribes and thats when u.s.a will place the mexican cartels in the terr0r1s7 schedule

    1. I believe the person that said that in the article, for sure reads BB, and realizes Cartels in Mexico do, do that of hanging over Bridges.

    2. 2:24 In Mèxico, there was no bodies hanging from bridges, disappearances by the thousands, wholesale torturing, dismemberment, express kidnappings, extortions until the US started their ill advised War ON Drugs during George W Bush presidency to help US war on lords traffick their army surplus at american taxpayer expense, then the US put in charge the worst possible delegates, corrupt cuicos and military and politrickos like fox, FECAL, EPN, garcia Luna... the US did not care about their corruption back then, they knew who they were, but they wanted "the job done"...
      Cartels would have kept peace and appearances better by themselves for a lot less money at no US taxpayer expense.

    3. 224, you got that right....they can come mierta. The cops in Lauderdale down the whole strip are working for someone... Its a freeforall right now as long as your with us... Enjoy your vacation and dont be scared to as for Miguel. Holding it down as long as them five niners keep getting that VIP Es Co Rt service at 1600 hundred an hour in the W. Mr. Miguel M R4 CDs

    4. Shut up ! You Fn know it alls sound like broken records . Shut the fuck up !!!

    5. 2:28 sorry your hormones got too excited.
      bite on the pillow, relax and enjoy...
      There is a new TV offer for pillows by the Pillow Guy.

  7. Great job 👍, great bust. Wonder which Cartel is trying to take desert turf????

    1. Dispensaries that are always looking to get cheap weed and mark up the price as if theyre selling regulated quality checked weed.

    2. 2:11 it's call de USA cartel. Weed was illegal because profits went back to mexico. Now it's legal because the money stays in the USA. So what made it illegal? That the profits going somewhere else ? US government you are so corrupt no morality.

    3. Why is it a great bust?
      Isnt it legal?Ohh only the shit gov gets a cut of?Ohh thats why its a great bust,gov couldnt tax it and us,another tax,sweet

    4. I agree great bust, alot of those
      Related are going to be butt hurt. Just like many are in denial, can't phantom they raised the place.

    5. 2:58 you are specially wrong about profits going back to Mèxico, unless you mean those invisible profits like Chapo money nobody can find...
      El Chapo could have got a presidential pardon if he had produced 1 billion dollars, but he missed the Jan 20 2021 deadline to show "re$$peck" to the Unpresidented Disgrace.

  8. Ayer por la noche y parte de la madrugada de este jueves en el penal de Tamatán en cd Victoria #Tamaulipas varios reos golpean y vi0l@n al "Viejito" y al Hondurenio "Canelo" integrantes de medio rango del CDN/Zetas.

    1. Ayer por la tarde mire esto. Pero la neta quien sabe si sería cierto. Si es que recuerden como le fue al Muletas, allí se comprobó con video.

    2. Victoria was supposed to be Lazcas people back then,and they weren't down with Trevinos to this day?
      Cmdte Sinverguenza/Viejito has done some naughty shit in his time,maybe hes good with gettin his arse tapped for some of the shit hes done?Surprised hes still breathing but us dudes dont even like to think on that backdoor bandido shit

  9. 211 This must be CDS since they got so cal on lock. They partnered with the Hmong and Asian gangs because they're low key and do a lot of farming in Fresno.

    Papa Mencho doesn't waste time w mota but lot of money in it.

    Catfish Kathi

    1. Not cool mentioning fish if your a female

    2. Socal on lock? Try again

    3. SoCal on lock? This isn’t Mexico baby girl. Cds doesn’t even have most of its plazas on lock much less here where no one is gonna listen to a rat with a sombrero hiding in the hills in mexico

      Kathi bandz

  10. I thought Cali gave everything to illegals free of charge. I'm actually considering giving up my citizenship so I can get free stuff lol

  11. I don't understand all the "great bust" comments?? It's marijuana for crying out loud. It's legal in many states. Alcohol causes way more problems, but it's legal. And yes, cartels do grow tons of weed in the national parks in California, so it's not farfetched to believe there is cartel involvement. Whoever said there is much money is marijuana doesn't know what they're talking about. There are millions of marijuana users in's a big money maker.

    1. Exactly,political media driven shit to show everyone whos in charge.
      We are all suckaas

  12. They were stealing the water! Don't the Cartels have drug profits to buy the water.

    1. Where do you think that water comes from
      Buy water Too many questions asked
      Thats a real stupid question sorry

    2. 7:17 then those punks should not be stealing the water, should they? Now your buddies drew more attention to themselves. Stop protecting them how dumb you are.

  13. These are major league players making a fortune selling to unlicensed dispensaries. They are from all backgrounds and are cashing in big time.

    1. Exactly. You have everyone in the mix. From rappers, to Asians, Armenians,gringos,Mexicans, salvadoreans, everyone!

  14. Still blazin.Woop de fuckin doo for your HISTORIC bust,just makes all of us look like bitches.
    Legal,not legal,legal,not legal,fuck off.
    If they told us to bend over and take it up the arse or we fine you in a new law,1000s would do it

  15. Tanto pinche tiempo y azta ahorita lo encontraron, cuantas cosechas se realizaron antes de esta puto bust ??ESTOS MEXICAN CARTELS SI KE SE LES ESTAN METIENDO EN LA COCINA Y NO ES NADA, COMING SOON TO CALIFAS UN COLGADO EN UN PUENTE ,,, MARK MY WORDS PLEBES.

    1. Mijo no capitals por favor.

    2. 9:13 you always thinking of hung guys,
      You should get a picture of Long Dong Silver.

  16. Let's get something straight..a lot of asian immigrants are involved..not Mexican cartels..

    1. Re read the article your in deniel stop fabricating. The article clearly states who is doing it and who is behind it.

    2. And you believe it...look at the names of the detained all asians

    3. 1:32 you remind me of Mr T. Always spreading lies. You again are in denial, NO NAMES in this article were posted, why you saying something that is not true. That's called fake news.

  17. So tired of Mexican crime. It's like all they do other than baby making.

    1. you are very intellectual.

    2. at 8:49 PM
      Cold man cold,lmfao,hilarious shit

    3. Moctezumas Revenge pal

    4. 8:49 wins, must have a dozen mexican illegalsitos herself.


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