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Friday, July 16, 2021

Worrisome Insecurity On Some Roads In Mexico

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Female Reporter: Driving on some of the roads or paths has become a risky situation. It is due to the reports of assaults, kidnappings, and disappearances reported by drivers and relatives who seek to travel from one place to another. Transport drivers are the ones who suffer the most from this crime.

According to this industry, five hundred and fifty-two billion tons of products are mobilized annually. But they have had economic losses of more than ninety million pesos due to the theft of units and merchandise.

Many cargo vehicles are immobilized on the roads causing the driver to believe that it is an accident.

Antonio Guzmán: They pretend to be involved in accidents or pretend to be broken down. Or suddenly they start to decrease their speed and traffic is at a standstill. And that's when you get robbed.

Female Reporter: From January to May, five thousand thirty-three robberies were registered from freight transporters, most of them in the State of Mexico and Veracruz. This crime just doesn’t involve theft of merchandise or vehicles. In recent days there were reports of assaults on several motorists in one of the Arco Norte sections. Some people recorded how various subjects assaulted them on the early morning of June 23rd.

Male Driver: It seems like there’s an individual hanging off of someone’s tractor trailer.

Female Reporter: While on the Nuevo Laredo - Monterrey highway, a route used by drug traffickers, seventy-three people have been reported missing from January to June of this year. After several months of demanding that the authorities of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas search for the victims. It was just this July that a security operation began to protect the road. Assaults as happened to a family last week are also reported.

Trucker: Hey. How are you guys doing, are you ok?

Young male: Thank God we're ok.

Trucker: Oh gosh. Thank God you're all ok.

Female Reporter: The roads are also roadblocked due to criminal groups fighting to keep the drug corridor. This type of crime is similar to what happens in Tierra Caliente, Michoacán Where the highway that connects Aguililla with Apatzingán has been destroyed in three of its sections.

This prevents the passage of merchandise to the communities. And in turn it causes the shortage of basic products.

Meanwhile in Reynosa, Tamaulipas the roads are constantly road blocked. And on occasion it’s being done to threaten the authorities. In addition to demand the release of their leaders.

ADN 40


  1. LA gang members charged for killing a security guard at a dispensary in Spring Valley Ca. The dispensary was a target for extortion.

  2. There again almo what the fuck are you doing ?? Good people ofMexico impeach this clown

    1. You sound ignorant. Mexican politics are not much different than the U.S in the sense that there is a chain of command. municipal government needs to take action and if that doesn't work then state government needs to step in but in order for that to happen the governor must get involved. If the governor isn't doing his job then the people need to recall him before you can try to impeach the president. If Mexico is to improve it has to be a collective effort. In other words, state governors need to take control of there states.

    2. I sensible agree with agree with you on the factual statement that you've made but the problem is you and I both know that's never going to happen this is going on all over Mexico the position I'm coming from and I should have made it clear what US president would tolerate this at all on his soil

    3. Amlo will do nothing

  3. Wow even the truck drivers are suffering losses in the millions. So the TVs and Microwaves they cjng, were giving away to old ladies, were not purchased, they were hijacked from truck drivers.

    1. Wow, good point...never occurred to me that's where their altruistic good deeds originated. Bingo! Is correct!

  4. Erik Estrada don't do deliveries to Mexico, also don't join the dark side and transport drugs to USA.

    1. Excellent advice Mr life coach, when is your next motivational seminar? -Spooky Oompa Loompa

  5. Has ALMO ever fired anybody? He needs good uncorrupted people working for him.

    Political Scientist Kathi

    1. AMLO is as corrupt as it gets. Why on earth would he want to have honest people working for him?

    2. ...are their any uncorrupted govt officials at that level? Nope, didn't think so.

  6. Speaking of disapperance...can sone country make Mexico disappear?

    1. No need to involve anyone else the mexicans and their elected officials are doing a fine job of that . Im just enjoying the show I used to watch animal planet and nat geo to see predarors preying on the weaker animals but now I just come here or step outside and look to the south it's like a tragic comedy if you think rape murder and impunity where the bad guy always wins and the good guys get killed by the security forces is funny . And I do . I hope it goes on forever .

    2. 5:27 you have a valid point bud. Let's enjoy watching them butcher each other up. Can we do online betting who gets killed next? Vegas sgould open a line solely Mexican cartel killings.


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