Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Zacatecas: Grupo Flechas Burns Alive A Jalisco Operative

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A new video from the Mexican underworld has just surfaced online. For this broadcast hitmen from the Grupo Flechas burn a captured Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) operative alive.

Grupo Flechas are an anonymous army of enforcers in charge of the security of the drug kingpin and founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada.

This armed criminal cell has been tasked with clearing the way for whichever drug corridor they’re dispatched to. Currently they’re in the state of Zacatecas fighting their war of attrition against El Mencho’s henchmen. 

Warning: Graphic Video

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: Mencho can suck our dicks!

El Blog de Los Guachos

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  1. About time someone does the very same thing cjng does to other people

    1. True plus seems like knocking on the door of the devil for while anyways

    2. Gee willikers.

  2. Videos like this are going to come back and fourth

    1. I ain’t complaining. You? 🍿

    2. 10:42 Wow you are so tough, cruel and so cold blooded. Dumbass I wish it happened to you or someone close to you. Then you'd think differently.

    3. 1:17 - why so aggressive? Lol calm down tough guy.

    4. @1:17 I'm fully with you. These fuckin sissy couch cowboys all tough on the keyboard, but in real life not a bone in their bodies.

    5. @7:15
      Like your doing now ? I bet if you got a bone in your body its the next mans , spit it out and get off the keyboard and get back on the couch .

      Corey Feldman

    6. @10:42 Too bad Be$tG0re got shutdown ...But Im with you..Next video please!!

    7. @7:15 LMFAO the CJNG cheer girls are angry.

    8. @1:17 you really just called some1 cruel and cold blooded THEN wished death on them ???? Yea,he's the cruel 1.your an idiot

    9. He may even be a civilian, we don't know, but even if was a sicario he didn't deserve to die like that. PEACE PEACE!

    10. @1:17
      I don’t see either of your points nor do a see a clear relationship between this subject and “toughness”


    12. i got a bone for ya mom lol
      stop being so sissy like . dude being burned would probably rape your mom or lil sister these arent innocnet ppl cjng are trash

    13. I smell cookies.

    14. It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it. - Robert E. Lee.

  3. Great about time a Cartel steps up to the baby Killer Cartel aka CJNG. Sorry Cjng cheerleaders, Chapo Snitched. Now what does it feel getting a taste of your own medicine.
    Continue killing others and wait when yours start falling like flies.

    1. Emma snitched

    2. 10:41 stop it, emma didnt snitch, if she did her kids and family would die, she knows what is at stake. she is gonna do her time and return home

    3. 11:16 sure, do you really think she is gonna do 15 years? Thats the minimun for one of the charges she already plead guilty for and about 3 more years for money laundering, dont be naive

    4. Theyll run her sentences concurrent.

    5. Chapos whole family snitched

    6. @12:01 She will serve the time, she prolly has more huevos than you as well looool

    7. It would be better if IVAN ARCHIVALDO GUZMAN took kis tampon out and ⚰️⚰️ 🐀 ZAMBADA. WTF

    8. 2:05 pues que tuvo muchos mas guevos que tu, pero en su voca! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 pero por como hablas ahi mas o menos le estas le estas pisando los talones

  4. Mencho vale 🌶

  5. Nimodo Una dosis de su propia medicina para los lacras del Cjng les gusta quemar vivo asus contras en guerrero lo estuvieron asiéndolo ahora aguanten vara los tecatos una lacra menos

  6. Animo Sicarios!
    Pura gente del Señor del Sombrero.
    Operativo MZ .Arriba la gente pesada de de Durango.

    Grupo Flechas Special Air Service Is a highly trained Rapid Deployment Special Mission Unit.
    They carry FN MiniMi 7.62 MK3 , ,M249 SAW machine guns.Minigun multi-barrelled 7.62mm electrically-operated gatling gun mounted on level 7 bullet proof Ford F350 and Ford Raptors. M107 Barrett devastating .50 caliber long range sniper rifle used by SAS trained Tier 1 Operators . M32 Multishot 40mm grenade launcher,and FGM-148 Javelin fire-and-forget anti-tank missile system used against the enemies Monster trucks.

    These men have one mission to search and destroy the Tangos from Nayarit and Jalisco .

    Saludos al Commandate Azteca! Saludos al Frank 38 alias El Señor Flechas! Y arriba la gente de los Cabreras. Saludos al Mudo. Pura gente del Señor del Quinto Mes !

    1. I don't think anyone reads your crap anymore

    2. Agree he’s been writing the same old boring bullshit for years yawn

    3. 006 is a closet CJNG nuthugger. He sees where the Sinaloa civil war is going and soon will pledge allegiance to Mencho.

    4. Thats koo foo

    5. 11:28 i just skip his crap. Tbh I always have, right from the start. Guy is annoying asf

    6. I do read his stuff and find it interesting.

    7. He's get all of his post posted cause the writers her find him hilarious...

    8. When he starts talking about obviously ridiculous shit like tactical diamond plated cell phones It's funny otherwise boring 😂

    9. @1:18 He is joking you fucking salty cunts.

    10. Actually 006 knows or mentions the main bosses from operativa mz just saying . He was mentioning them way before anybody online . He still amuses me I guess once in a while . Stop hating fuckers ! Jajaja!

    11. SICARIO amy me pela la verga junto con sus flechas🏹

    12. mini gun, seriously vato?

    13. 3:14 no mames guey este sicario 006 lo escucha primero en un post y luego luego empieza a exagerarle, asi como grupo flecha, he had never heard of it and once he read it in BB he went off with his exageration, y los otros nombres que saca de corridos alucines, como e del mini lic. Se hiso famoso por el corrido de Gerardo ortiz, sicario dont know shit

  7. It doesn't look like they were trying to kill the guy, just playing with him.👿

    1. Looks like they are using aerosol cans to burn him.

  8. Damn CDS doesnt play..they took over Zac from cjng very easily.

    1. 9:52 CJNG is trying to take Zac dumb dumb

    2. They don’t even have 20% of it lmfao

    3. Cjng never owned Zacatecas it was CDG and CDN & Talibanes there as well as CDs and cjng influence

    4. CJNG never “had” Zacatecas to begin with

  9. Poor guy. Didnt even belong to CJNG, his name was juan bernal and had been missing since July 24th, he was a taquero. Who wanted to move to Ohio with his family.

    1. Negative chief even CJNG Twitter mouth piece Jaliscensec1 says he was CJNG so he was not innocent

    2. Did Sargy confirm? Some people here love him blindly and see him as infallible 🤡

    3. Exactly People will believe anything that sargy says it’s crazy

    4. 6:56 secret management 🤡🤡🤡🤡

    5. Gee willikers.

    6. Did his photo apear on those missing person pages from Zacatecas?

    7. @10:03 Clown...

    8. CDS can be so cruel 😢 taqueros Licea matter

    9. @6:56 SARGY all up in 🥜🧠 wishing he was in your culo guango y cagado GILBERTON.

    10. tacos filled with meth maybe

  10. Brutal burned alive.

  11. Siempre agarran a un halcón. Se ve en las calles como va avanzando el CJNG . Pobres sinaloas nomas en sus corridos tienen huevos , nunca podrán con los Michoacános.

    Los Flechas estan en Durango y se meten a calentar las plazas de Zacatecas. Ya se les metió en cjng de lleno

    1. 10:12 ni tú te la crees pinché jaliska cara de puerco como el obeso del jardinero 🤣

    2. Los Snitchloas le faltan mucho para yegar un poco also Michoacános

    3. Pero sube este video a tu cuenta de Twitter como subes todos los videos que te mandan los caras de gorillas 🦍🤣🤣🤣

    4. Las Gilbertonas al ataque!!! 💅🏼🤣🤣🤣😂

    5. Pinches alucinados de Jalisco así les muestren a vatos con armas, empecherados con las 4 letras de todos modos van a decir que eran inocentes oh que eran simples halcones. Les arde el culo al saber que con la gente de Durango van a mamar. Pinches acomplejados culos.

    6. Jaja estan ardidos con la verdad. Cuando el cjng gane Michoaxan , mandaran todas las fuerzas a Zacatecas.
      El CDS esta dividido, no tienen el poder como antes. Los Flechas no se comparan al nivel y el numero de sicarios que tiene el CJNG

    7. Que no los michoacanos pidieron ayuda de los dl Sinaloa cuando se estaba metiendo los zetas en Michoacan?

    8. 6:44 negative chief, it was 100% FM

    9. Jalisciense ya tines rato con lo mismo de que ganando Michoacán van a ir a Zacatecas se refuerzo, pero que no los Marranos de Jalisco muy vergas que apagan la lumbre a pedos? Y no ye da vergüenza decir que los FLECHAS no estan a nivel de las 4 letras cuando les stan partiendo su madre en Zacatecas, pinches alucinados se pasan de vergas. Lo digo una y mil veces con la raza de Durango los jaliscas van a mamar asi traigan todos los marranos que andan en Michoacán.

    10. 2:01 por mas gente que tengan no valen pa nada por cada sinaloense le llegan wangos 6-8 jaliskas wangas

    11. 6:44 AM No los Michoacanos solos sacaron a los Zetas por que los que los meteron fuerron Michocanos y Carlitos Rosales.

    12. Jalisciense1cJuly 29, 2021 at 10:12 PM
      no te creas de los vídeos bien cambiaditos pecho tierra y en pose.. cualquier tacuache como el mareo y cholo los traían asoleados.

    13. @2:01 Pues se vale soñar niño.

    14. 2:01 jaliciense 1c haber donde está la avanzada del cjng en Zacatecas , ya hubieran subido un chingo de vídeos . Porque eso hacen . Más bien tu carnal que le haces la propaganda . Del lo de Valparaíso no más eh mirado un vídeo donde le mochan la cabeza a un pobre cabron que agarraron se dice que 40 bajas del jardinero y 2 de cds .

    15. @6:44 nel vatillo. Se nota que ni sabes cómo estuvo el pedo cuando llegaron de apoyo, con permiso de CARM, los Zs que mando OCG. Si te acuerdas como los sacaron cuando empezaron con sus marranadas?

  12. 100% Cabrera firmes con el MZ limpiando Zacatecas de marranos. La gente de Durango anda de casería matando marranos de Jalisco.

    1. Tus Cabreras no pudieron juntos los Salguieros y Salazares en Chihuahua

    2. Si se punieran al tiro Los michoacanos agarrarian todo Mexico es la pura neta

    3. Si se punieran al tiro Los michoacanos agarrarian todo Mexico es la pura neta

    4. 9:41 no digas mamadas si los Cabrera fueron quien sacaron a los Salgueiro de Durango. Y los michoacanos acomplejados nada mas en su tierra y entre ellos se sienten vergas.

    5. 12:09 asi fue pariente, desaparecieron a todos los Z que mando el 3 y el 42. Después le dieron piso a los Ms y su GN. A los de Chihuahua los desplazaron y nomas quedaron los números el el estado de Villa. Tuvo que caer el Flaco de chihuas y el 01 y su hermano el 02 de Durango. Lla se juntaron bien las plazas y todo conectado en Durango. Donde desde niños con el cuerno en la mano, por eso a los banqueteros de Jalisco y los jodidos de Michoacán les va a tardar para quererse emparejar. Arriba el 05 de San Dimas putos, en Durango rifa el 03 cabrones.

  13. Zeta behaviour, no need for the taliban acts. Give em a bullet to the back of the dome, doesnt matter how cruel and vicious your adversaries are

    1. You are very wrong, real zetas from Golfo never bahave like this,they just copied cds, the first to reclut animals were cds from south america and from california u.s maras, real zetas just were quick and as you said just a bullet, things changed after they neeeded to copy cds tactics.

    2. Taliban doesnt do these things.

    3. @7:00 yeah they just cut peoples limbs off, stone em to death, or bomb children

    4. You are thinking of IS. Taliban does not do stuff like this, and IS got those tactics from Narco execution videos most likely as they saw it as a great form of spreading awareness of their brand. Any delinquent group is only as strong as its brand, after all.

      Ironically though, the Taliban operates similarly to many of these drug cartels. The majority of their fighters are motivated by money, not religion, as the Taliban is the largest exporter of opium and heroin in the world. Worth looking into, very interesting stuff!

  14. I swear all these narcos are dirty animals lol I was just watching a video on twitter where a chapitos sicario was tied up to a chair alive by los rusos men and got his legs chopped off with a chainsaw some sick shit yo 😂

    1. @Cholo here I found it

    2. Que pensabas pochito que se peleaban a madrasos como tus homies jajajajaja

    3. 10:28 Just saw it, it was just the end, but that was enough. That was some brutal shit.

  15. "This episode has been brought to you, the voyeuristic viewing audience, by continued partnership and consent through compliance with [Drug] War Inc. - 1x a war on inatimate objects, 10,000x a war on you."

    1. Best comment so far. The drug war is a liscence to toss out your rights!

  16. Wow, they can suck their penis, what a lousy communication.

    Corey Feldman

  17. Thanks for the post and the recent ones too Dr Sol. I’m gunna skip breakfast and watch this first thing tomorrow.

  18. They sound more like cdn guys,they sure do love n enjoy doing stuff like that... just waiting for the video where they tie someone legs to one truck n hands to another n pull, z's old days

    1. That happened to a Flechas sicario not too long ago but you gotta hunt for the video

    2. Ah yeah, the old Chechen war tactics. Except when they do it in Chechnya, the Russians use tanks.

  19. I never understood the insult.

    So if CDS let’s Mencho sick their dick, wouldn’t that mean CDS is gay too?


    1. You meant *suck* I assume but yes lol it’s a dumb insult. Applies in English too. The “suck my dick/balls” is implies consent from both parties if you really think about it 🤔🤡

    2. Yep, si dijieran suck a dick it would be different, but to say suck my dick well you are just as gay as the one sucking your dick! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 les digo esos sinaloas son jotos de closet, igual que la Gilbertona, pero la Gilbertona de menos lla salio del closet🤣🤣 porque creen que vive en sinaloa? Porque ahi esta lleno de gays 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. 11:48 te equivocas. Jalisco es la tierra de jotos y todo Mexico lo sabe

    4. Guadalajara has long had a reputation as one of Latin America’s most gay-friendly cities, and is often known as the “San Francisco of Mexico.” Although there are new fashionable gay venues opening in other parts of the city, the corner of Prisciliano Sánchez and Ocampo in the city center is still the vibrant focal point of Guadalajara’s gay community. Guadalajara’s lively gay village has at least a dozen venues aimed at LGBT clientele. So whether it’s dancing or a quiet coffee that you’re looking for, this is the place for you.

    5. 11:15 tienes razon jalisco es la tierra de jotos porque ahi llegan todos los de sinaloa🤣🤣🤣

    6. 12:03 ahi guey se ve que tu si saves, porque sera?🤔

    7. 12:21 copy/pasted from google.

    8. Its about being submissive not gay ... 😐

    9. 12:03 true Guadalajara is known for been gay friendly with that been said, most of all gay are from sorrounding states who move to guadalajara like guanajuato, michoacan, zacatecas, and lets not forget gays from sinaloa, i dont know why but theres a ton of gays specially from sinaloa and im not been sarcastic, just the way it is when you are the biggest gay friendly city

    10. alguien de uds son visto el vídeo en You tube que dice algo así como si los estados de México tuvieran identidad o pelea algo así hay dos partes Jalisco sale de charro rosita y de joto. si los estados de México fueran personas así busquen lo

    11. @12:03..Dancing or a quiet cup of!?! That's hilarious

    12. 12:03
      Sounds like you found your promised land congrats on that butt is it safe to meet people in a Guadalajara red light zone these days and how are these businesses doing with all the pandemic issues as well as the insecurities occuring during these trying times also is it like Tijuana where its spread out like in zona norte or is it like a contained area like Nuevo Laredo Boystown is set up .

    13. 12:04 got HIM coach!!!!! 😆

    14. Here recently this year the state of Sinaloa approved gay marriage. There’s a big gay community in Sinaloa. Hardly ever talked about. But they’re there. Majority of this crew do tend to go to the major cities to do their thing. Guadalajara is known for it.

    15. There’s gay people in every place on earth stop pointing fingers like if where you’re from is exempt from having gays. Jalisco, Sinaloa, Michoacán, Nuevo Leon, Veracruz you name it there is a growing gay community

    16. SOL hitting the GILBERTONAS with the facts.

  20. Replies
    1. No por nada les dicen culichis 🤣🤣🤣 porque son culos con chichis!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Nino don't get tired of using emojis? You think your in the tellitubbie chat room.

    3. Ya se an dado varios idiota nomas que no se reportan aqui asta que es una massacre y los am chingado alos elites por jerez y valp

  21. Esto se va a ver mas y mas, valieron verga todos los putos elite de acá y por de acá jajaja los chingamos y ahora nos toca puro alcon y ojetes como este. Ya nomas limpiar los nidos de ratas que dejaron las mariposas de Michoacán. Arriba la cabreria, arriba el 05 culos, y ya se la saben puro 03 afirmativo

    1. Tus pinchees cabreras se la en Chihuahua

  22. El 13 leader in obregon Sonora for Los Salazar got killed yesterday or today I believe; bb crickets.

    A captured CJNG halcon; bb rushing to post the news.


    1. 2:24 well maybe u should join the bb team since u well informed or unless u are just a cjng groupie ass hurting over the videos

    2. triggered tweeker

    3. @2:24 you know you could publish the story yourself right? If you soo butthurt about it

    4. "I believe"

      You just answered why it's not posted yet. BB likes to do digging on things before they post as they don't like to post rumours that could harm their credibility.

      Haven't seen Chivis in a while but she legit seemed to have a line on everything.

    5. 2:24 cry about it groupie

    6. 2:24 - It's a weekend bro. Unlike you, I'm sure BB contributors have a life and don't have time to get to every story. Email them a fucking translation and include your sources. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

  23. Elblogdelosgaushos has another videos of Flechas killing few Jaliscas, lol flechas is kicking the highly trained Grupo Elites asses in Zacatecas. Yo Mencho bruh you need to send more Elites or Deltas or you go lead your men cos atm they getting big slaughtered. 🤦‍♂️ SMH at the 🐓 lovers 😂🤣😁😁😁🤪

    1. Los vídeos son de la emboscada, pon atención y lé las palabras

    2. Siempre con lo mismo, que son videos viejos oh que es gente inocente hahaha pinches jaliscas ya suelten el foco que andan mal.

    3. 6:34 estas bien estupido

    4. @8:22, 8:55 el mismo blog de los guachos pone que son videos de la emboscada pero ustedes GILBERTONAS hambrientas a verga luego luego de chillonas. Hablando de estúpido, 8:55 a quien te diriges escribiendo 6:34? Tienes dislexia?

  24. Compared to the Italian mob these cartel guys are worse than animals, they have no code or honor they take pleasure in killing others. Not knowing that killing is only done when absolutely necessary, disgusting.

    1. Never knew there was a code when war has been enacted. History books tells us the brutality that is associated with wars. How many countries still operate on the so called assumptions that is legitimate by those in power?
      Us,Russia, China ect; have all demonstrated likewise.

    2. 3:13 Mexico is the wild west.
      Where you can kill Innocents and get away with murder, many do it everyday, they become psychopaths. Yes makes you wonder if they sleep.

    3. Yes, and, the first thing lost in any war is the truth.

    4. @7:03

      Acts of atrocity by the larger powers in conventional conflict does occur, yes. But it is not typically encouraged or made to be the norm.

      My Lei was an outlier for example, not an everyday occurance.

      It is correct to suggest the majority of organized crime groups around the world have codes of ethics of their own. Most will not murder your entire family if you wrong them, but they will certainly murder you if you fail to make things square. They are businesses after all, and if you are owed money by someone it is foolish to kill them immediately as you lose access to getting that money back.

      Once these inter-group turf battles settle I am sure Mexico will return to these ways as well.

  25. Don't worry their going to get the same done to them in hell by demons for an eternity.

    1. Does hell really exist?

    2. Yes!! Whoo Hoo, I feel that same way. The Devil can dance.

    3. Re: 12.25pm...Yes, I believe it does, for those who do it's deeds like what we read and see here. It will be worse, and over and over and over...

  26. Execution aside these guys sounded like they’re having a lot of fun! I’ve decided to take my wife and seven small children to Mexico and I think they would really love this area.
    Can anyone recommend a quaint bed-and-breakfast in Zacatecas?
    We’ve all had our Covid vaccines so we will not pose any danger at all. And my children love barbecues so if you have the exact address of this party we would love to visit.

    1. We all the rampant crime and killings you want to go to Mexico. So sarcastic 😂
      Your nickname is...
      Sarcastic Man

    2. You pose the most danger to my people with your vaccine please do not come to Mexico

    3. Just go to downtown Zacatecas they have some nice places to stay at. As for the violence i cant help you on that but its out there

    4. Don’t come to Zacatecas we don’t want you here

    5. I hear the teirra calliente is utterly magical this time year.. mountain hiking..meth lab tours..the kids will definitely love the sporadic gunfights snd..if you're lucky enough u might just get to star in your own execution video..just leave someone u trust with some ransom money as a slight precaution (probably won't need it tho)

    6. Yeah they know how to party. Cervezas y carnitas to die for!

  27. Flecas Cartel is doing what other Cartels are afraid to do to CJNG. When Abuelo gets a chance many CJNG will die too.

    1. Exactly only matter of time before shoe eventually on the other foot

    2. Lol el abuelo ain’t coming out of tepacaletec. Everyone knows they got fortresses & cameras. While his men fight el abuelo is in his bullet proof house el Mencho built in the center of tepeque. If Mencho desires to túnel his way throw he can def do it and wipe out el abuelos men

    3. Ok groupie.
      U are betting your lunchable for this prediction I see.

  28. Attn....Caps lock kid. You missing a van with grafitti capitals, it's at the police station, come pick it up soon, or Obrador will be auction it off.

  29. Attn....Caps lock kid. You missing a van with grafitti capitals, it's at the police station, come pick it up soon, or Obrador will be auction it off.

  30. What goes around comes around :)

  31. I read on another forum that it was carteles unidos that did this?

    1. 9:12 I doubt it, u can hear someone saying " flechas" in the video

  32. Mayo/CDS have been in the game a long long time. Mencho was an employee, let’s not forget that. If the readers here honestly believe CJNG is bigger or stronger, they’re delusional. If CJNG was such a threat the old school would wipe them out in a heartbeat. These are just facts, no fairy tales.

    1. "The flame that burns twice as bright burns for half as long."

      Remember the Zetas? They were public enemy number one for a while too.

      Never heard of anyone even attempting to arrest Mayo or Mayito Flaco. The whole point of being a successful criminal group is to lay low so no one bothers you. That is why the Camorra's multi-billion counterfeit goods strategy is a long game, it's quiet and they ensure the goods are same quality just built cheaper. No one bothers them or even notices that way.

    2. CJNG is a formidable opponent for CDS. they may not be the “super cartel” with special forces training we initially thought, but they are strong in numbers & $$$$

    3. The KingRat has been a cooperator for a very long time, you got that right regarding him being old school🤣. His children also and his beloved compadre doing life in ADX.

  33. I know this looks bad, but it's really not. I would rather get barbequed in a few minutes rather than slowly suffocating for weeks covid style. Just saying.

  34. cds in Zacatecas is getting more ruthless with the rivals. The mz from over a year ago would just beat them up, from past videos, but they have alot of anger towards them now from so many battles and guys cds has lost also, cjng was ruthless from the start in Zacatecas. Alot of these new guys cds has are probably family members of victims cjng has killed in Zacatecas coming to get revenge for them. I bet you that.

    1. Las Jaliscas don't understand that in Zacatecas they are fighting mfs that with a lot of experience, la gente que limpio Durango from BLO/Z and M's are the ones cleaning up Zacatecas.

  35. Orale time to kill the cjng Hitler hoodlums, now cjng will cry they need help getting flechas out.

  36. Due to the kathi idiot I will not be reading or posting comments here what so ever anymore and a few of my homies and old skool amigos won't be either , goodbye , adios BB and good luck

    1. Good riddance. What kinda grown ass man is butthurt over comments, what are you a sensitive 13 year old transitioning?

      I enjoy the articles and aint going anywhere because the comments are not serious. Youre such a stupid fu€k

    2. 10:22 You got butthurt from him saying that so what does that make you? Hahhaha

  37. One guy getting TORTURED but is he REALLY CJNG?
    Looks like propaganda..

  38. CDS isnt bulit for war

    1. stfu man you really want to get into it they created the executiin style vids remember la barbie that should ring a bell

  39. Cheerleaders, nuthuggers, I regret to inform you, you lost a cjng operative, it's going to be ok, he killed many Innocents and it was his time to go.
    He maybe burning in hell too.

    1. If he was just a halcone as some have suggested then it's not too likely he's killed anyone. Not all cártel members are murderers.

      Like any business they have a variety of different operators from property aquisition specialists, accountants and bookkeepers to radio communications personnel and engineers.

      Some of these people who are killed have surely never shot a gun in their life.

  40. Theses lames on BorderlandB now,fuck off back to reddit please,sad twats suckin cartel dicks.
    Chivis wouldn't have posted all this shit

    1. I miss Chivis too.

    2. True. The majority of the reddit people just seem to think Mexico's tragedy is one big joke for them to meme on. They don't care about being informed or even helping, it's just enjoying the bloodsport and looking forward to the next execution video so they can root for their favourite brand of killers. 🤮

  41. Replies
    1. 🤨 This is Mexico, not India?

  42. Saludos a todos los narcoplaticantes alucines ,estudien o aprendan un oficio dejen de pelear el estado de origen de sus padres y, portensen bien .
    Rigo es amor✌️

    1. 10/03 saludos y tu tambien deverias aprender un oficio o especialisarte mas en el que estas, lla no vengas aki que es tiempo perdido que podrias usar para mejorar, toma tus propios consejos😉

  43. One CJNG burned and PEOPLE saying that CDS got the ZACATECAS PLAZA 😆
    This WAR will NEVER end UNLESS AMLO puts on his big boy PANTS..

    1. It's not likely to end even if he does. Military intervention fails against geurilla and unconventional forces every single time and civil wars never seem to end these days.

      That's essentially what this is, organized crime in any arena seeks to establish it self as an alternative to government. One of the worst things that ever happened was the fragmentation of groups but it was inevitable as the state is forced to put pressure on them to try and survive.

      It requires a more complicated approach though. Military alone will not be a solution, you need better jobs and education as well.

    2. Orale caps lock kid.

      Msg. Pick up your graffiti van.
      Obrador will auction it off and pocket the money.

  44. their done mate CJNG is going through a financial crisis but wants us to think they still got deep pockets smh shouldve just kept jalisco guanajuato nayarit and colima and left everythibg else the way it is

  45. I’ve saying this for long time that the idiots of the Cjng are being sent to slaughter machine pointless imaging leaving your home to go far to just go have for sure death smh

  46. 8:52 I doubt they are having money problems. they are having problems with replacing soldiers, they get killed off so fast that each new batch is lower quality than the last. Keep in mind CJNG/Cuinis had a good 20+ years of (mostly) sitting back, making money and stocking up on weapons and ammo while CDS was fighting CAF, BLO, CDJ, etc. that’s why they had such a good run in the mid 2010s, CDS was not strong enough to fight them in the south. Mayo and CDS seemed to almost avoid CJNG for many years but now that is changing and CDS is matching their brutality. I suspect it’s a similar case to the Soviet Union in WWII, they knew they could not fight Germany in the 30s because their military was weak, but in the background the Soviets were manufacturing weapons, tanks, planes, supplies etc by the boat load and preparing for the right time to hit the Nazis with everything they had.


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