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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Army Captains Working for CDS El Jaguar Exposed & Linked to His Escapes

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

A banner was hung in Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua which accuses and names at least six specific high ranking members of the Army (SEDENA) from the Fifth Military Zone who they allege work for Sinaloa Cartel’s Francisco Arvizu Marquez, alias "El Jaguar", the leader of Los Jaguars.

The Banner

On Thursday morning, August 5, 2021, unknown armed subjects hung a banner in the main square Benito Juarez in the Centro neighborhood (downtown) of Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua.  The banner  was observed by passing motorists, who immediately alerted Federal, State and Municipal authorities.

Unfortunately the only known photograph of the banner is of low resolution, leaving large swathes of the text illegible. The parts that are legible read as follows:

Message addressed to the Commander of the 35th Infantry Battalion, Infantry Colonel Adolfo Rodriguez Alzaraz, with a copy to the Commander of the 5th Military Zone. 

The names of the commandos and ranks mentioned below are those in charge at the service and command of Francisco Arvizu Márquez alias El Jaguar. 

Captain 2/ of Infantry Erasto Gallegos Medina

Captain 2/ of Infantry Javier Apolinar Bonifacio

Sergeant 2/ of Infantry German Miguel Perez

Sergeant 2/ of Infantry Daniel Suarez Cruz 

Sergeant 2/ of Infantry Julio Cesar Carrillo 

Corporal of Transmissions Rene Flores Cruz

During the time I was stationed at the Largo Maderal operational base, the aforementioned sergeants received orders from Captains Gallegos and Apolinar to go out on patrol exactly where they were ordered, where supposedly there were armed people from La Linea and the commanders knew where there were armed people from El Jaguar, the troops themselves watched them from afar [illegible] they changed the reconnaissance routes in order to run into armed people from El Jaguar.

The commanders Erasto and Apolinar are the direct contacts with El Jaguar. They have the communication to inform him of the operations that have been carried out for the capture of El Jaguar. El Jaguar is the one who is in charge of the places they have to patrol in order to catch their opponents and prevent them from entering Largo Maderal, Chihuahua and [illegible]

The Corporal of Transmissions only informs the battalion or the zone of the news from the base when required. [illegible] or if they report armed people from El Jaguar, the Captain [illegible] that the jaguar people get out or just send 2 units [illegible]. 

*My General, I know that he has a lot of confidence in Captain Erasto, but in fact, he is the [illegible] They claim to have an unblemished career, but this is not the case, these commanders have their own trusted sargeants. They claim to have an impeccable career but it is not like that, those commanders have their trusted sergeants who can review the fatigues and they are always the same sergeants, that is why they are always the same [illegible


“Sargento” and “Tropa Anónimo”

[or Sergeant and anonymous troops]

The Context

As previously detailed on Borderland Beat, Sinaloa Cartel regional boss Francisco Arvizu Márquez alias El Jaguar has made at least four incredulous escapes from capture right as military and law enforcement were closing in on him. 

This has led to rampant speculation of there being leaks in either military personnel, law enforcement personnel, or (most likely) a combination of both. The theory being that high ranking personnel who are being paid by El Jaguar’s group always slip out details of planned operations to capture him prior to the operation’s start which enables his miraculous escapes. 

Previously Chihuahua State Police have implied a distrust of Sonora State police. Sonora is considered to be the state with a heavier Sinaloa Cartel presence when compared with Chihuahua. 

However now Army (SEDENA) commanders and sergeants of the 5th Military Zone are being accused of being complicit in working with El Jaguar. The 5th Military Zone notably only encompasses areas within Chihuahua.

Of note, Sonora Informativo reports that despite being signed by a “Sergeant” and anonymous troops,  local media has attributed the banner to Los Jaguar’s cartel rivals "La Línea". They say local media seems to believe that the guise of this message coming from a Sargeant is merely a ruse.

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