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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Cajeme, Sonora: Narco Messages Expose Organized Crime Links

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Moments of terror and anguish were lived by neighbors from various areas in Cajeme after the presence of 'narco messages' was reported in several points of the municipality. They denounced that members of the National Guard and the Navy Secretariat have links with organized crime.

The first reports began to circulate around 05:00 this Friday, August 13. Through social networks, neighbors reported that several blankets lay tied with bottles. All with the same message.

The 'narco messages' state that allegedly a Navy lieutenant and inspector of the Guardia Nacional, as well as a corporal, have links with a criminal group in Sonora.

It is detailed that they received money and a vehicle from organized crime in exchange for providing information about the anti-drug operations that are carried out.

So far, it has been reported that the 'narco messages' appeared in a church in the Casa Blanca neighborhood, in Ciudad Obregón; on the 300 bridge and the International Highway.

After these were reported, elements of the Municipal Police arrived at the place, who cordoned off the area to begin the corresponding proceedings.

Narco message reads as follows:

Marine Lieutenant Immer Garcia de La Cruz, the inspector of the National Guard, and the Marine corporal Ramon de La Rosa León are colluded with organized crime. 

They pass information on all future operations that are to be carried out in the towns of Obregón, Navojoa, Guaymas, and Empalme to the criminal group of Los Salazars. 

They gifted Lieutenant Immer a recent model grey Honda Civic. On behalf of corporal De la Rosa León aka “El Guante”. He’s the point of contact for the money that’s delivered to the Guardia Nacional inspector, currently based in the Yaqui valley located in Obregón, Sonora. 

Sonora Presente


  1. Salazar's want a port and a border

    1. Hahahaha, but what do they have? No plaza! no port! Their own mothers don't even like them.

    2. A lot of Sonora tbh i think they wanna set up a network thru guaymas up thru san luis

  2. It's impossible to know what is the truth and what is pure fiction with all of the finger pointing from every direction there is.

    1. Unfortunately there is some truth to all of it.

    2. Unfortunately most melitary brass and cuicos are for sale AFTER they got bought and paid for by another cartel or several


    1. Hey one of the 1st Reddit kids made it through the firewall.

    2. Oh no!
      A teeny bopper to bother with the silly emojis and capitals, they need to get a life.

    3. Hola nino
      So escribe

    4. 4:43 FACKLIFHORNIA SOUNDS A LOT BETTER, but what I really hate is not seeing Tejas name turned into shit like they deserve thanks to the republicans in power there.

  4. Not to mention, frequently these ' tattle-tale messages' are used as a diversion to throw off the people looking for corruption, favored public opinion.

  5. Who runs rocky point have a feeling Salazars will make n attempt at it soon


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