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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Cancún, Quintana Roo: An Average Of Three People Are Murdered Every Week

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Cancun is the area of Quintana Roo, where in the last month more high-impact crimes were committed, including murders, according to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System

The number of homicides in Cancun exceeds those recorded in Puerto Morelos, Isla Mujeres and Playa del Carmen, according to SESNSP.

Although during July there were fewer homicides in Cancun compared to the previous month, 15 against 29, according to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP) is the municipality where, in the last month, more murders were committed in Quintana Roo; it exceeds the figures reported in Isla Mujeres, Solidaridad, Othón P. Blanco and Puerto Morelos.

It not only the murders that make Benito Juárez an insecure "paradise." In the accumulated of the first seven months of 2021, it was also a state leader in the breach of trust, injuries, threats, family violence and robbery in three different categories.

In the breakdown of crimes, the SESNSP reported that, from January to July, 1,826 investigation folders were initiated for crimes of family violence, 941 for damage to property and 907 for breach of trust.

Fourth, in terms of the largest number of crimes, there is theft from business, pedestrians and vehicles, with 862, 728 and 543 folders, respectively.

Also, with a higher number of complaints are the crimes of intentional injuries. From January to July, 672 investigation folders were initiated, of which five were by firearm, 79 with a knife, 204 were marked as "with another element" and 385 stipulated as "unspecified."

Slow-paced complaints

The investigation folder FGE/QR/CAN/UAT/09/10552/2019 that resides in the Early Care Unit of the Attorney General's Office of Quintana Roo (FGE), for the presumption of the crime of fraud and / or abuse of trust in the grievance of 17 people of protected identity, dated September 2, 2019, is moving slowly because only one of those involved in the alleged illicit declared.

One of those affected, who asked for anonymity in the face of fear of reprisals, said that last week Humberto Lara González, alias "El Indio Blanco", linked to the sale of properties in the Continental Zone of Isla Mujeres and former candidate for local deputy of Isla Mujeres by Citizen Movement, attended.

The aggrieved indicated that the Prosecutor's Office gave an appointment for next week and "deal with the issue" that has lagging behind since 2019. Those affected suspect that Lara González "had a hand in" delaying the prosecution of justice, given her relations in the political life of the state.

Another person involved in the alleged irregular sale of these lands is Alejandro Viveros Ayala, who so far has not given his statement to the Attorney General's Office of Quintana Roo for the crimes that are brought against him.

The aggrieved maintained that more people are affected by this pair of subjects; however, most carry out individual procedures and others collectively, like her, who joined 16 people to report them.

High-impact crimes

Although the murders are not listed as the most reported in Benito Juárez; so far this year 170 intentional homicides have been recorded, of which 117 are related to firearms; 21 with a knife and 32 were marked as "unspecified."

Of these crimes, 18 murders were recorded in January; 28, in February; 24, in March, 29, in April; 27, in May; 29, in June; and 15, in July.

Although SESNSP does not contemplate the executions committed this month, August stands out for the murder of Nahúm Ojeda Hernández, head of Notary Public 36, shot to death on July 6 while driving in his car on Tikal and Chichen Itza Avenues.

At the time, the FGE Quintana Roo reported that the alleged perpetrators were captured and linked to the process.

In terms of femicides, there are eight, from January to July, of which four were committed with a knife; two, with "another element"; and two, "unspecified", in the months of January (one), April (two), May (two), June (two) and July (one). 

Por Esto


  1. What about Tulum, there are shootings everyday.

  2. Thanks for sharing a amazing post, I have not seen this informative article before.

  3. Everyday thier are murders going, as I write in 5 killed and torture going on.

  4. I remember in the early eighties my mom had a time share at vacation club int i was in my early teens and we would wander around far off the tourist path into the neighborhoods to buy switchblades for 4 dollars they were 20 dollars in the tourist areas and we load up our tackle boxes with switchblades and stuff our pockets with the weed we got from the maintenece man at the condos, he would hook us up and what we couldnt carry we would just throw in the bushes as we left the condos .
    My mom never knew and we never got caught it was a great time to be alive all the locals were super cool to us. We were metal heads wearing slayer shirts and stuck out like a sore thumb but no one ever gave us a hard time and we were treated good that was 1982 -85 ish It was some of the best times I ever had and its a damn shame those days are long gone ! To many people are suffering needlessly and never before has there been such a divide I hope things change soon because I would love to go back before I die .Just to sit on the beach and remember the good times !

  5. I'm grateful that you shared this insightful piece; I had never seen it before.


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