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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Chihuahua: Melquiades Díaz Meza AKA 'El 13' Faces Charges

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Image by "HEARST"

It was revealed that "El 13", is designated as the alleged lieutenant of the criminal group that operates in the aforementioned municipality of the mountain region

After the arrest of the alleged criminal leader Melquiades Diaz Meza, in an operation of just over 48 hours, this Tuesday in the municipality of Guachochi, the Attorney General's Office (FGR), indicated the detained today is waiting to be prosecuted .

In this sense, the federal agency reported that at the moment, this person is being charged for crimes against health, as well as for the possession of firearms. However, it will be once he is prosecuted, when the crimes he is charged with are made known in detail.

On the other hand, it transpired that "El 13" is designated as the alleged lieutenant of the criminal group that operates in the aforementioned municipality of the mountainous region, which is assigned activities related to the planting and transfer of drugs, as well as the use and carrying firearms.

It was through sources within the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), after his arrest and search of the property where he was taking refuge, that the seizure of weapons and narcotics was also achieved, although no further data was released on what was seized.

But, Who Is “El 13”? 

He is also known by the nickname "El Chapo Calín", he is originally from Ciudad Juárez and is 47 years old. His alleged incursion into organized crime began when he was recruited by the Salgueiro group, where he gradually moved up the ranks of the organization. El Chapo Calin later became in charge of the plaza in Guachochi.

Borderland Beat Archives  El Heraldo de Chihuahua


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