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Monday, August 2, 2021

CJNG Operator El Señor Cortés Arrested in Veracruz

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Image Credit: E-Veracruz

Law enforcement authorities have officially confirmed the recent arrest of a Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) financial operator named Juan Manuel Ruiz Aca, alias “El Señor Cortés” or “Juan Cortés”. 

The Operation 

According to the officially released statement, in the town of Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz, agents of the State Police carried out an operation which resulted in the arrest of Juan Cortés on August 1, 2021. It is unclear if the operation was organized with the primary goal of capturing Juan Cortés or if his capture was incidental. 

During the operation, the agents also seized a firearm for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces, ammunition, a truck, and a small quantity of drugs. 

Who is Juan Cortés?

Juan Cortés is the leader of a civil association (AC) called “Sé Cortés con tus Actions” (or Be Courteous With Your Actions, or Be Cortés With Your Actions). The organization was founded in 2017. The organization's purported purpose is to donate home appliances to those in need who are located in rural areas of Veracruz.

However Juan Cortés is also allegedly a financial operator of a CJNG group based out of southern Veracruz which is led by José Roberto Sánchez Cortés, alias “El 80”. It is note that both Juan Cortés and El 80 at one time worked for the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) at the same time. In the FGE, El 80 was in charge of the First Investigating Agency of Acayucan during the government of Javier Duarte de Ochoa. It is possible the two men met while they were both working at the FGE.

Photograph published by Juan Cortés on August 28, 2012 featuring El 80.

In photographs published by Juan Cortés on August 28, 2012, El 80 and other collaborators of his can be seen posing with “Sé Cortés con tus Actions" members.

Juan Cortés' partner in leading “Sé Cortés con tus Actions”, was Margarita Patricio, alias "La Potra". La Potra was arrested in January 2020 for stolen merchandise and vehicles that were found on one of his ranches, in Almagres, Sayula de Alemán.

On April 24, 2020, the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) conducted a search of a property owned by Juan Cortés located in Acayucan, which was being used by his civil association to store future donations. They found that appliances marked for donation were found to have been stolen.

Photo of donations from “Se Cortés con tus Actions”.

This led to Juan Cortés being officially denounced in 2020, with the authorities stating that his civil association gave away items with theft reports and is believed to be funded by resources gained from illegal activities such as kidnapping and extortion. Representatives of “Sé Cortés con tus Actions” meanwhile denounced the alleged abuse of authority behind this search of the property.

Ever since the April 2020 search, Juan Cortés has been a priority target for law enforcement. Juan Cortés is currently being investigated in regards to his possible participation in various kidnappings and robberies.

Who is this CJNG group? 

The CJNG group that is located in the southern region of Veracruz state is led by José Roberto Sánchez Cortés, alias “El 80” or "El Huevochas". This CJNG criminal cell is believed to operate in the municipalities of Acayucan, Sayula de Aleman and Playa Vicente. They are believed to be involved in drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, theft of gasoline (huachicol), and theft of cargo transports.

In May 2020, Raúl Torres Blanca, alias “El 30” or “El Cuija” was arrested by elements of the State Police. In May 2021, Daniel ‘N’, alias “El 27”, was arrested. Both “El 30” and “El 27” are considered to be lieutenants who served José Roberto Sánchez Cortés, alias “El 80”, the leader of this regional group.

The SSP has offered a reward of up to almost one million pesos to anyone who offered details about the whereabouts of José Roberto Sánchez Cortés, alias “El 80”.


  1. Great a cjng operative caught, sorry Cjng cheerleaders this one is going to the pokey.

    1. Lmaooo. Queit as a mouse from them.. The dick riders always put their pom poms and mini skirts away unless its a cjng call of duty video. 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Looks like cjng are losing Veracruz to zetas the zetas took out a few bosses and one of their sons and the authorities are hitting them hard maybe some cjng have sent some Veracruz members to michoacan or zacatecas

    1. @10:37 Que no les ves los rasgos físicos? CJNG en Veracruz son Z que se brincaron a esa madre pero ya van a chupar faros.

  3. Here come the cjng nutt huggers who listen to Sinaloa corridos

  4. Cjng are straight thiefs lol

  5. But I thought these guys say they are for the citizens. Extortionists, vehicle theft & kidnappings are not welcomed.

    1. @2:15 My heroes nooooo it can't be!!!!!

  6. El 80 is under Comdante Tanque and his brother. They are the jefes de plaza for all of Veracruz at the moment. For cjng that is

  7. More proof that hundreds of ' missing' cargo drivers with their trucks of merchandise were killed on the highway., then Mencho, from the goodness of his heart gave the appliances away for Mothers Day etc in exchange for support. Then they raffle off and donate a few cars...i bet 100% of those donated cars have been scrubbed of traces of blood, chip crumbs, hair, and any DNA residue. Wrapped up in a boy with a sign say ' CONGRATULATIONS! Here is gift, a shitty KIA RIO, that we bludgeoned a family for! Love, Mench&Co."💣


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