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Monday, August 2, 2021

'El Marro' Awaits Sentences For Homicide, Kidnapping And Organized Crime

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A year after his arrest, homicides in the state have decreased 21%

El Marro is serving a year in prison.

A year has passed since his arrest and José Antonio N., alias El Marro, former leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, is sure and aware that he will stay in prison, but what he still doesn’t know is for how long and for which of all the crimes of which he has been accused he will be sentenced.

El Marro is serving a year in prison this August 2 and has not yet received a sentence, despite being linked to proceedings for three different crimes: two of the common jurisdiction, such as aggravated kidnapping and attempted murder against public servants, as well as one from the federal jurisdiction and that is for the crime of organized crime in the form of hydrocarbon theft.

Only for the crime of aggravated kidnapping, "El Marro" could reach a maximum penalty of 90 years, in accordance with the Criminal Code in force in Guanajuato, while for the crime of aggravated homicide in a degree of attempt against public servants he would reach another sentence of another 60 years, if found guilty.

La Gallera, the farm where El Marro was detained, stopped having movement, residents of the area refer.

The apprehension of El Marro is so far the most important detention of the six-year term, both at the state and federal level. At least that is how the head of the Executive Secretariat of the State Public Security System, Sophía Huett López, has referred to it, who said that the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel has not been able to rebuild itself, as any leadership that emerges, that leadership that has been arrested.

"Guanajuato is doing its part, in the case of local organizations, you have seen it, it has been dismantled and as soon as one (of the new leaders) starts to rise, it stops again," he said, a call to the Federal Government to assist in the dismantling of the financial structure of this and all criminal group helped.

"As long as these structures are not fought, Guanajuato will continue to fill its prisons (...) what would be urgent is that in national terms we could end the large criminal structures."

For his part, the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, assured that the Timón Coup, implemented at the beginning of his six-year term and with which El Marro was arrested, not only served to capture him, but also to recover a territory, such as the community of Santa Rosa de Lima, in Villagrán, which had literally been appropriated by the criminal group that even bore the name of this area.

In addition, homicides have registered a decrease of 21.8% in the comparison from January to July 2020, when El Marro was free, with January to July 2021, with this character in prison.

And it is that according to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, in the first seven months of the current year, two thousand 106 people have been murdered, while in the same period last year there were two thousand 695, that is, 589 people less.

During the year that El Marro has been imprisoned, the criminal group he led has also been dismantled, since his successor, El Azul, was also arrested.

El Marro does not want to be isolated

It’s been one year since José Antonio N. was sent to the El Altiplano prison, a place to which he didn’t want to be transferred to for nothing in this world.

El Marro didn’t want to be imprisoned outside his state and asked his defense to do everything possible to ensure his stay in Guanajuato, but he didn’t succeed. There, secluded in Cefereso number 1, as El Altiplano is known, he has heard the three process links that he has been subjected to.

El Marro knows that he will remain in prison and for this reason he has asked that he be treated as an ordinary person and above all, that he not be kept in isolation. Isolation causes depression.

This was revealed by a source who was at the hearing on August 12, when a federal judge identified him as the leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. It is for this reason he was accused of organized crime, for the theft of hydrocarbon.

"That I be treated like a person; if I did what I did or I didn’t, it’s something else; that I am not isolated, I am not undisciplined; if possible, Your Honor, it is what I wanted to express," was the only one request made by El Marro that August 12.

This assertion was reinforced in November 2020, when a judge partially rejected an injunction filed by the defense of El Marro, with which he requested, apart from the cessation of the alleged abuse, the solitary confinement and isolation of which he was allegedly the object. He asked for the opportunity to have a black Leadstar television. As well as some Sony headphones which were denied.

The alleged criminal who lived for days in isolation and constantly on the move, now appealed not to be left in isolation.

Cartel weakened

For Álvar Cabeza de Vaca, Secretary of Public Security of the State, it is valid to think that El Marro continues to be informed of what is happening in Guanajuato, but even so he would have little capacity to operate.

And he declared: the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, although it has what has been described as its third generation of leadership, with the presence of El M1, that more than a person, would be a collective leadership, the criminal group has been weakened.

Unlike the Cartel Jalisco New Generation, which isn’t based in the state, but decisions are made outside of it, so when a leader is arrested, another is sent with the same armed force, in the case of the Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima has been limited both in strength and in territory.

For this reason, he assured, the security strategies have yielded results, considering that not only has this group that is the cause of much of the violence in the state diminished, but it hasn’t been allowed to rebuild.

Along with El Marro, the members of his first circle of trust are also imprisoned: Raúl Alberto N, alias Diente; Silvestre N; Saulo Sergio N, El Saulo, Guillermo N. and José Cruz N, who were his alleged lieutenants. Adán N., alias El Azul, José Antonio N.'s confidant, is also detained. Little remains of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, but what remains continues to provoke violence in the state.

He still asks who betrayed him

El Marro has served 365 days in prison. Just last July 23 he lived there his 41st birthday, the first behind bars. A year away, he still believes that someone betrayed him, sources close to the case reveal.

"Who betrayed me?" El Marro asked that August 2 to the agents who were holding him on the ground at the time of his arrest. He asked three times who had betrayed him, but there was no answer.

The version of the betrayal was also reinforced, because after the arrest of El Marro, there were murders in which they left cardboard messages. Where the responsibility was attributed to the Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima. And in it they revealed that said attacks were for revenge against the "turncoats", as they call those who betrayed the criminal group.

The town of Franco Tavera, in Juventino Rosas, was until then the safest area for El Marro.

The town is just 10 minutes from Santa Rosa de Lima, the center of operations of the criminal group he led, and seven minutes from San Antonio de Los Morales. Where El Marro was born on July 23, 1980 and where his mother lived.

El Marro never really left that area, because there he wove his escape network within 15 towns in that region that today is experiencing relative calm. Since August 2020 there hasn’t been any homicides in the area.

El Sol de Salamanca


  1. Replies
    1. "No hay chapo que no sea bravo"...

    2. 8:21 With all due respect to the heart, El Culo is el mero mero, since man was created and the arms, the legs, the brain or the heart wanted to be the boss, but the Culo showed them all who was the boss before a week was over.
      In Guanajuato it is states attorney Carlos Zamarripa with ten years at the helm and a new contract on Guanajuato for 10 more years courtesy of "governor sinhue" who gets it up the ass for his performance.

  2. He gets released September 15th. Than he can go on with the killing

    1. @8:49 If CJNG tweakers die, he is doing a service for Guanajuato society.

    2. He disnt get released, he was going to but got his released canceled

    3. 8:49 el marro will have been under arrest for one year, he will not be "doing one year" sentence because he has not been tried or sentenced yet,
      If allowed to roam free in prison el marro will get raped and shanked by some guys from El Pinche Viejillo Gonorriento CJNG

  3. Poor guy is going to cry AGAIN like in that video detected to MENCHO 😢

  4. How tall is that dude ?
    Looks fkn small next to those soldiers!

    1. 9:14 at 4' 6" el Marro is some tall guy compared to other males from Guanajuato, pinches tacuaches chaparros panzas verdes

  5. Marro is a criminal killed many, yet this crybaby wants special treatment at the prison. Give me a break reminds me of the Reddit youngsters in here, they want to bite the hand, when they are corrected.

  6. Good read, good news... A lot of people criticize AMLO but have never held a position in public office. It's not easy. By the time his term is over, Mexicans will look back at AMLO's accomplishments and realize that he is the best president mexicohas had.

    1. @10:38 That's correct and actually most of the Mexicans know MORENA is the best option for Mexico, don't listen to the pocho ardidos from here.

    2. 10:38 you are clearly a PENDEJO!
      Congratulations 🎉

    3. Oh, ok hahaha!

    4. @541 right, I'm a pendejo but I bet you can't name 4 of the projects AMLO has taken on to improve mexico. All you know is "hugs not bullets" because that's a lot easier to repeat than to go out and do some actual research.

  7. Cuini snitched on Marro.

    1. @12:23 I heard he is now called "El Cuinio Snitchio".

  8. He was dismantled due to shifting political alliances. Cartel money talks!
    It's hard to believe homicides are down. Usually the the dismantling of a group is where crimes go up. All the infighting and rival threats are not harmless.

    Just saying

    1. Or they have not found the buried bodies yet

    2. Delete just saying you already stating a comment.

    3. 2:27 pos a güebo Güey, but I see you have problem, you think all the chiles are too small for you

  9. Well, if Gov't cant give him due process than he has committed no crimes and should be released per ALMO. Poor innocent Sledge all nutted up in the pen.

  10. Marro was originally a Zeta right?

    1. The facts are not clear. Marro started under el guero David Rogel Figueroa. He was running the huachicoleo game back in 2014. Some sources say Rogel was a zeta and another source said Rogel founded CSRL.

      Z broke up in 2015 into zve y cdn. 2017 Marro made the greatest mistake in his life and made a CSRL video calling out Mencho. Years later after his family gets butchered and Sombra y MZ failed to help hold his plazas he cried like biatch Chapo.

      If Marro laid low he could have run his game. Sure he would have to pay piso but he would still be at his ranch kickin it.

      Reddit nuthugger Kathi

    2. 7:20 yes he was a Zeta but not a original Zeta

  11. Good informative article that provided numbers that bore out some facts and not what somebodies Ñengo smoked out parientes been chismeando. Thanks for posting SOL

  12. Porke no lo matan y ya..

    1. @9:06 Porque primero se van a quebrar al Mencho, sorry to make you cry.

    2. 9:06 his partners would love to see him dead before he ratz on them, those rats include governors, states attorney, former presidentes, PEMEX executives, miltaryi zone commanders and even former military in charge of PEMEX security, you should get a god ass reamming for being so dumb, there is no death penalty in MEXICO, legally, so, that would depend if La Mencha gets his gonorrhienta hands on el marro.

  13. You get 90 years for Kidnapping and 60 years for homicide in Mexico? Or is it 150 years for murder and they only count the more serious sentence? The first way means killing your captive is beneficial…

  14. Come on guys, user your brain! For every one he killed or ordered killed, you get a few family members of that person who will hate you forever, who will stop anything they can to take revenge of AT LEAST take you down, who will be organised, and who are unknown and it of sight to you. There's eyes and ears pretty much everywhere.

  15. cómo le dió dolores de cabeza el tacuache ese al poderoso que se las come ardiendo menso jajajaja.


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