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Monday, August 2, 2021

Elota, Sinaloa: Armed Civilians Shoot At Municipal Police Officer’s

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In the attack, one civilian was killed, one more was arrested and one more was injured; so far the three remain unidentifiedArmed civilians attacked a group of municipal agents from Elota last Monday at noon in the town of La Cruz.

According to the report, the agents were able to repel the aggression and during the change of fire a civilian was killed by the uniformed men, while one more was injured and a third was arrested in the attack.

Elements of the State Preventive Police and the armed forces were also transferred to the site to protect the area.

The attack took place in front of a gas station. According to some witnesses, the suspects were traveling aboard a gray Volkswagen vehicle, which was left at the site.

Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo, head of the Ministry of Public Security, reported through his Twitter account about what happened.

“In preliminary information, there is one detained person, one injured and one more who lost his life. A long weapon and a short weapon were secured at the site, ”the official reported.

Some witnesses captured the moment of the attack on video, which began to circulate on social networks.

Warning: Graphic Pictures

El Sol de Mazatlán

Antonio Nieto

Narco Studios 701


  1. Gente del señor Speedy Mares

    1. Did Speedy really give Dona Maria Consuelo Loera the rona when they were intimate?

      That is not nice.

      Chismosa Kathi

    2. Si y que mas troll

  2. The guy in the white t shirt had the opportunity to obey the officers, instead he goes into the Volkswagen golf gets his gun gets killed. Dumb thinking.

  3. Had to be a CJNG tweaker, thought he could fight the law. Sorry cheerleaders another loss.

    1. Los marranos de las 4 letras ni en sus sueños entran a Sinaloa, no digas mamadas. Esos vatos eran unos de los chapos.

    2. Keep smoking that jale Azul. You have already killed most of your brain cells. Everyone knows Cartel Jalisco is NOT in Sinaloa you dumbass. CDS tweekers don't back down.

    3. But I thought CJNG wasn't in Sinaloa?

    4. This was in Sinaloa

    5. When they are on drugs they can't comprehend between right and wrong.

    6. So youre confirming CJNG is in Sinaloa?

    7. CDs tecatos need to get their stories straight in between hitting the foco and passing it along. Very confusing

  4. Y los sinaloas diciendo que tienen todo controlado jaja 🤣 muy pronto entra el cjng

    1. Pinche alucin, si los traen a pan y verga en Michoacán y no se diga en Zacatecas que ya no saben ni que hacer.

    2. Ya estuve el jefe del CJNG en sinaloa era limpia Cola del mayo y el chapo Guzman😬 tu ídolo la nemesia Oseguera 😂

    3. Bienvenidos el cjng a Culiacán…. Quieren jale or muerte?

    4. Muy pronto pero en tus suenos

    5. Muerte a causa de consumir su famosa coca con fentanilo? @ 5:13

    6. 10:49 you don’t know shit. no one is purposely mixing fent and coke. There is 0 benefit for anyone, it’s cross contamination from small time dealers. And cjng moves just as much fentanyl just saying

    7. Estás bien perdido por estos rumbos compa @10:49. Está bien comprobado que CLN tiene cuadros finos. Si te toca veneno es porque eres rata.

  5. Definitely not civilians. Some low level sicarios

  6. Had to be another Snitchaloa Maruchero sorry fanbitches take your loss.

    1. They’ve been taking L’s all year they’re probably numb to all the losing by now plus their sweet little hearts are broken because there is so much infighting

  7. Who runs this area Mazatlecos?? Are they still around??

    1. I think Damasos used to control this area

  8. Pretty sure some of those police officers will end up dead. The Chapitos will not accept the disrespect.

  9. That sad part is whoever is their “boss” is more sad about the guns and weapons he just lost than the lives of the idiots who died for him basically

  10. Lol, jaliskas thinking that they can do shit in Sinaloa of all states, it's always good to see them getting killed

    1. Where in the article does it mention they were cjng???? Can you read or are you tweaked out??

  11. Don't get it, seems pretty obvious
    at least two are dead? And the guy on the asphalt one also can have his doubts about. Btw, this time, cause it all was recorder from a little distance, you can actually hear how incredibly loud those weapons are. Usually microphones can't register things that are too loud.

  12. I was under the impression there was only a couple of cops in there. But after watching other videos online about this incident I realized there was more than 8 police officers there. Crazy to believe that this people were just gonna get away just like that. They got blasted.

  13. Mencho keeps killing Sinaloas like they are nothing

    1. The guy in the video was wearing a chapo hat so I guess menchos men are 701 fan boys

  14. My abuelos live here and in Mazatlan we call it Cruz de la Mota

  15. Sinaloa is losing the War Mencho is to powerful

  16. La Cruz is very well controlled. Todo siempre controlado been there dozens of times the Chapitos have that place on lock. Someone is going to have to answer to that for sure.. either they where from another ranchería and weren’t recognized or there boss going to have a field day with the estatales


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